317 research outputs found

    Vibration multistability and quantum switching for dispersive coupling

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    We investigate a resonantly modulated harmonic mode, dispersively coupled to a nonequilibrium few-level quantum system. We focus on the regime where the relaxation rate of the system greatly exceeds that of the mode, and develop a quantum adiabatic approach for analyzing the dynamics. Semiclassically, the dispersive coupling leads to a mutual tuning of the mode and system into and out of resonance with their modulating fields, leading to multistability. In the important case where the system has two energy levels and is excited near resonance, the compound system can have up to three metastable states. Nonadiabatic quantum fluctuations associated with spontaneous transitions in the few-level system lead to switching between the metastable states. We provide parameter estimates for currently available systems

    The theory of coherent dynamic nuclear polarization in quantum dots

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    We consider the dynamic nuclear spin polarization (DNP) using two electrons in a double quantum dot in presence of external magnetic field and spin-orbit interaction, in various schemes of periodically repeated sweeps through the S-T+ avoided crossing. By treating the problem semi-classically, we find that generally the DNP have two distinct contributions - a geometrical polarization and a dynamic polarization, which have different dependence on the control parameters such as the sweep rates and waiting times in each period. Both terms show non-trivial dependence on those control parameter. We find that even for small spin-orbit term, the dynamical polarization dominates the DNP in presence of a long waiting period near the S-T+ avoided crossing, of the order of the nuclear Larmor precession periods. A detailed numerical analysis of a specific control regime can explain the oscillations observed by Foletti et.~al.~in arXiv:0801.3613.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Detection of spin injection into a double quantum dot: Violation of magnetic-field-inversion symmetry of nuclear polarization instabilities

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    In mesoscopic systems with spin-orbit coupling, spin-injection into quantum dots at zero magnetic field is expected under a wide range of conditions. However, up to now, a viable approach for experimentally identifying such injection has been lacking. We show that electron spin injection into a spin-blockaded double quantum dot is dramatically manifested in the breaking of magnetic- field-inversion symmetry of nuclear polarization instabilities. Over a wide range of parameters, the asymmetry between positive and negative instability fields is extremely sensitive to the injected electron spin polarization and allows for the detection of even very weak spin injection. This phenomenon may be used to investigate the mechanisms of spin transport, and may hold implications for spin-based information processing

    Controlled Population of Floquet-Bloch States via Coupling to Bose and Fermi Baths

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    External driving is emerging as a promising tool for exploring new phases in quantum systems. The intrinsically non-equilibrium states that result, however, are challenging to describe and control. We study the steady states of a periodically driven one-dimensional electronic system, including the effects of radiative recombination, electron-phonon interactions, and the coupling to an external fermionic reservoir. Using a kinetic equation for the populations of the Floquet eigenstates, we show that the steady-state distribution can be controlled using the momentum and energy relaxation pathways provided by the coupling to phonon and Fermi reservoirs. In order to utilize the latter, we propose to couple the system and reservoir via an energy filter which suppresses photon-assisted tunneling. Importantly, coupling to these reservoirs yields a steady state resembling a band insulator in the Floquet basis. The system exhibits incompressible behavior, while hosting a small density of excitations. We discuss transport signatures, and describe the regimes where insulating behavior is obtained. Our results give promise for realizing Floquet topological insulators.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures; with appendice

    Spin relaxation due to deflection coupling in nanotube quantum dots

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    We consider relaxation of an electron spin in a nanotube quantum dot due to its coupling to flexural phonon modes, and identify a new spin-orbit mediated coupling between the nanotube deflection and the electron spin. This mechanism dominates other spin relaxation mechanisms in the limit of small energy transfers. Due to the quadratic dispersion law of long wavelength flexons, ωq2\omega \propto q^2, the density of states dq/dωω1/2dq/d\omega \propto \omega^{-1/2} diverges as ω0\omega \to 0. Furthermore, because here the spin couples directly to the nanotube deflection, there is an additional enhancement by a factor of 1/q1/q compared to the deformation potential coupling mechanism. We show that the deflection coupling robustly gives rise to a minimum in the magnetic field dependence of the spin lifetime T1T_1 near an avoided crossing between spin-orbit split levels in both the high and low-temperature limits. This provides a mechanism that supports the identification of the observed T1T_1 minimum with an avoided crossing in the single particle spectrum by Churchill et al.[Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 102}, 166802 (2009)].Comment: Final version accepted for publication. References added

    Semi-classical model for the dephasing of a two-electron spin qubit coupled to a coherently evolving nuclear spin bath

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    We study electron spin decoherence in a two-electron double quantum dot due to the hyperfine interaction, under spin-echo conditions as studied in recent experiments. We develop a semi-classical model for the interaction between the electron and nuclear spins, in which the time-dependent Overhauser fields induced by the nuclear spins are treated as classical vector variables. Comparison of the model with experimentally-obtained echo signals allows us to quantify the contributions of various processes such as coherent Larmor precession and spin diffusion to the nuclear spin evolution.Comment: 14 Pages, some equations were corrected; Published July 27, 201

    Modulated Floquet parametric driving and non-equilibrium crystalline electron states

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    We propose a method to parametrically excite low frequency collective modes in an interacting many body system using an amplitude modulated Floquet drive at optical frequencies. We illustrate this method on the example of terahertz plasmons in a two dimensional electronic system. In the presence of a sufficiently strong drive, plasmons resonant with the modulation frequency become unstable and arrange themselves in a crystal-like structure stabilized by interactions and nonlinearities. The new state breaks the discrete time translational symmetry of the drive as well as the translational and rotational spatial symmetries of the system and exhibits soft, Goldstone-like phononic excitations

    Self-Polarization and Dynamical Cooling of Nuclear Spins in Double Quantum Dots

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    Spontaneous nuclear polarization is predicted in double quantum dots in the spin-blocked electron transport regime. The polarization results from an instability of the zero-polarization state when singlet and triplet electron energy levels are brought into resonance by the effective hyperfine field of the nuclei on the electrons. The nuclear spins, once polarized, serve as a cold bath for cooling electrons below the lattice (phonon) temperature. We estimate the relevant time scales and discuss the conditions necessary to observe these phenomena.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, updated journal versio

    Steady state of interacting Floquet insulators

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    Floquet engineering offers tantalizing opportunities for controlling the dynamics of quantum many-body systems and realizing new nonequilibrium phases of matter. However, this approach faces a major challenge: generic interacting Floquet systems absorb energy from the drive, leading to uncontrolled heating which washes away the sought-after behavior. How to achieve and control a nontrivial nonequilibrium steady state is therefore of crucial importance. In this work, we study the dynamics of an interacting one-dimensional periodically driven electronic system coupled to a phonon heat bath. Using the Floquet-Boltzmann equation (FBE) we show that the electronic populations of the Floquet eigenstates can be controlled by the dissipation. We find the regime in which the steady state features an insulator-like filling of the Floquet bands, with a low density of additional excitations. Furthermore, we develop a simple rate equation model for the steady state excitation density that captures the behavior obtained from the numerical solution of the FBE over a wide range of parameters

    Large-amplitude driving of a superconducting artificial atom: Interferometry, cooling, and amplitude spectroscopy

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    Superconducting persistent-current qubits are quantum-coherent artificial atoms with multiple, tunable energy levels. In the presence of large-amplitude harmonic excitation, the qubit state can be driven through one or more of the constituent energy-level avoided crossings. The resulting Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg (LZS) transitions mediate a rich array of quantum-coherent phenomena. We review here three experimental works based on LZS transitions: Mach-Zehnder-type interferometry between repeated LZS transitions, microwave-induced cooling, and amplitude spectroscopy. These experiments exhibit a remarkable agreement with theory, and are extensible to other solid-state and atomic qubit modalities. We anticipate they will find application to qubit state-preparation and control methods for quantum information science and technology.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure