114 research outputs found

    Content and Distribution of Biogenic and Toxic Elements in Soils and Vegetation of the Chulyshman River in the System of High-altitude Zone (Mountain Altai)

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    The content and distribution of nutrients (manganese, copper) and toxic elements (lead) in the soils and vegetation of the potentially recreational area of the Gorny Altai – the r. Chulyshman. It was established that the level of total lead content in soils is characterized as “low”, copper – “medium”. The content of mobile forms of copper and lead refer to the “average” gradation, which indicates the absence of contamination of the studied soils. Concentrations of the studied elements in the soils do not exceed the values of the APC and MPC adopted in Russia and abroad. Despite the obvious differences in the distribution of chemical elements in the soil profile, general patterns are also observed, due to the composition and properties of the soil. The biogenic accumulation of all elements, but especially of manganese and copper, is noted in mountain-brown podzolized soils. In mountainous chestnut-shaped soils containing little organic matter, having an alkaline reaction of the medium, an adsorption carbonate barrier is created, on which the precipitation of elements occurs. According to the content of elements, separate parts of plant associations on the studied soil types, except for the soils of the high-mountain belt, can be arranged in the following descending series: litter> roots> above-ground mass. The obtained data can be considered as a reference point for possible anthropogenic pollution

    The role of anti-inflammatory cytokine components in the adaptive behavior development during early postoperative period in patients after aortocoronary

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    The article covers the analysis of anti-inflammatory cytokine components role in the adaptive behavior development in coronary heart disease patients, survived aortocoronary. This study included 40 coronary heart disease patients, III functional class stenocardia, undergoing myocardial revasculization. According to the results of the study, the intact early postoperative period was associated with anti-inflammatory cytokine reduction (IL-1 p and TNF-a) against anti-inflammatory cytokine development (receptor antagonist interleukin-1 and IL-10) at the moment of aorta clamps release. Along with it, adaptive role of anti-inflammatory cytokines resolves lipid peroxidation product damaging action — malonic dealdehyde (MDA), that led to negative reliable correlation between receptor antagonist interleukin-1 and MDA (correlation is -0,58 with confidence level 0,006) and between IL-10 and MDA (correlation is — 0,48 with confidence level 0,01)Статья посвящена анализу участия противовоспалительного звена цитокинов в формировании адаптивных реакций у больных ишемической болезнью сердца (ИБС), перенесших операцию аортокоронарного шунтирования (АКШ). В исследование включено 40 пациентов с диагнозом ИБС, стенокардия III функциональный класс, которым была выполнена операция реваскуляризации миокарда. Результаты проведенного исследования показали, что неосложненное течение раннего послеоперационного периода было обусловлено снижением провоспалительных цитокинов (ИЛ-1β и ФНО-α) на фоне активации противовоспалительных цитокинов (РАИЛ и ИЛ-10) в момент снятия зажима с аорты. Наряду с этим проявилась адаптивная роль противовоспалительных цитокинов в подавлении повреждающего действия продукта перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) — малонового альдегида (МДА), что нашло отражение в появлении отрицательных достоверных корреляционных связей между РАИЛ и МДА (коэффициент корреляции -0,58 при уровне значимости 0,006) и ИЛ-10 и МДА (коэффициент корреляции -0,48 при уровне значимости 0,01)

    Assessment of line differentiation in the Thoroughbred horse breed using DNA microsatellite loci

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    The Thoroughbred (TB) horse is the best racehorse breed used in the racing industry. This breed has had a closed studbook for about 300 years. In Russia TB horses have been bred since the second half of the XVIII century. The modern Russian Stud Book register of TB horses is partially presented by stallions and broodmares imported from different countries. The genealogical structure of the breed is represented by 17 lines, among which the Northern Dancer line dominates (30.9 %). The study of features of different lines of TB was carried out on 17 loci of DNA microsatellites (VHL20, HTG4, AHT4, HMS7, HTG6, AHT5, HMS6, ASB23, ASB2, HTG10, HTG7, HMS3, HMS2, ASB17, LEX3, HMS1 and CA425) to assess genetic differentiation of the genealogical structure. The results of the DNA typing of 8091 Thoroughbred horses across microsatellite loci show that the gene pool of the domestic population is represented by 100 alleles typical of the breed. A comparative analysis of the genotypes of horses representing different lines indicates that they differ in the number of alleles (85–99), allele frequencies, the level of polymorphism Ae (2.93–3.48) and the degree of the observed heterozygosity Ho (0.653–0.739). The genetic distances between the lines varied in a wide range from 0.014 (Nasrullah – Northern Dancer) to 0.125 (Massine – Teddy). The correspondence to HWE was maintained in most lines, which is confirmed by the negative values of Fis. Cluster analysis demonstrated the correspondence of the obtained dendrogram of Nei’s genetic distances to its genealogical scheme of lines. Genetic differentiation of lines by index Fst varied in a range 0.005–0.073 at the mean value Fst = 0.024. The data indicate genetic differentiation of lines of TB at the STR markers and confirm the effectiveness of the system of linear breeding for the maintenance of interbreed biodiversity


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    The paper defines the main requirements to the quality of raw milk and outlines the necessity of conforming to the requirements for raw milk producers, milk processing enterprises, catering enterprises and enterprises involved in importing the dairy production for selling in Russia. The publication analyzes qualitative indexes of milk production in agricultural enterprises of Tomsk region and reveals that growth of the indexes studied allows increasing the milk yield annually. The authors study the content of the milk sold and point out that a lot of first-rate milk is received by milk processing enterprises. The share of first-rate milk included more than third part of the total milk sold until 2013. The government introduced the technical regulations in 2013 and the requirements to the first-rate milk became stronger; so the share of the first-rate milk in total milk sold was reduced and was equal just 1.6 %. It is evident, that following the requirements for milk and dairy production in technical regulations is possible only by means of applying the modern technologies in production and selling, from feeds preparation to supplying the processing enterprise with the milk. The authors explain the necessity for agricultural enterprises to apply the modern technologies of keeping and yielding the dairy cattle, which contributes to increase the production quality and competitiveness of dairy production.Определены основные требования к качеству сырого молока, необходимость обязательного подтверждения соответствия продуктов требованиям, которые распространяются на изготовителей сырого молока, молокоперерабатывающие предприятия, предприятия торговли и  общественного питания, фирмы и  предприятия, импортирующие продукцию для реализации на территории Российской Федерации, устанавливаемые техническим регламентом на молоко и  молочную продукцию. Проанализирована динамика качественных показателей производства молока в сельскохозяйственных организациях Томской области, выявлено, что рост данных показателей позволяет ежегодно увеличивать объем молока в зачетной массе. Изучен сортовой состав реализуемого молока и показано, что большая доля молока поступает на перерабатывающие предприятия первым сортом. До 2013 г. на долю молока высшего сорта приходилось более трети всего объема реализованного молока. В 2013 г. в связи с вводом в действие технического регламента и повышением требований к молоку высшего сорта его удельный вес в общем объеме реализации значительно сократился и составил всего 1,6%. Таким образом, понятно, что достижение показателей, обозначенных в техническом регламенте на молоко и молочную продукцию, возможно только с применением современных технологий на протяжении всего цикла производства и реализации молока – от заготовки кормов до отгрузки молока на перерабатывающее предприятие. Обоснована необходимость внедрения в сельскохозяйственных организациях современных технологий содержания и доения молочного стада, позволяющих повысить качество и конкурентоспособность производимой продукции