2,331 research outputs found

    Letter from I. Rennie to John Muir, 1907 Sep 22.

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    Welloroft.Kelensburhg.22nd.Sept.1907.Dear Mr. Muir. The reading of the enclosed slip, out from a local paper [brought] you to my mind. It will show you Low Dunbar stands at the pre ent day.The only news that I have is that Willie Doug las is going to take unto himself a wife. and that on the 21st Jany. next. I do not know the lady. and all I know so faris her name, Phyllis Proctor, that she lives in New castle, and that I have agreed to act as best [illegible]an at the wedding.Excuse my first attempts on a typewriter, and with kindest regards to you and Miss Muiryrs. truly.[illegible] 0392

    Letter from I . Rennie to John Muir, 1895 Mar 30.

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    St. Helena,Napa Co.30th Mar. 1895Dear Sir,I enclose an introduction I got from Mr. Wm. Douglas of Edinburgh, Scotland to you. I have been a week in the State, right out from Scotland. I hope to stay here with my brothers till end of May.Before then I should like to call & make your acquaintance.Kindly let me know if you live for from the railway station & if the road can be ridden over01926 on a safety bicycle. I could take the train to Vallejo, ferry over, & ride the rest of the way.If you will let me know about what time would suit you I would send you notice a day or so before my coming.Yours truly[J.?] RennieJohn Muir EsqMartinez [letterhead]Jan 21 1895Dear Mr MuirAllow me to introduce to you a very good friend of mine--Mr Rennie--who tells me he will be in your neighbourhood sometime this spring.He is a keen mountaineer and you and he will doubtless have lots in common.With very kind regards & hoping to see you again soon in Auld ReekieI amYours sincerelyWilliam Dougla

    Utilizing ERTS imagery to detect plant diseases and nutrient deficiencies, soil types and soil moisture levels

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    The author has identified the following significant results. ERTS-1 imagery may be used to delineate soil associations. It does have the capacity to divide soils into groups such that their land use and management would be similar. It offers definite potential for making grass flood-plain, wetland, river shoreline, and land use change surveys. Production of volume strata and forest type from the two usable bands of ERTS-1 imagery were of questionable value. No imagery was received for evaluation during the time of year when maine dwarf mosaic virus and southern corn leaf blight were active

    An exploration into the client at the heart of therapy : a qualitative perspective

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    Over 50 years ago Eysenck challenged the existing base of research into psychotherapy. Since that time, a large number of investigations have been conducted to verify the efficacy of therapy. Recently however, an increasing number of studies have cast new doubts on this research base. Instead of therapy being a function of the therapist, it is now becoming ever more apparent that the client plays a prime role in the therapeutic process. The qualitative studies presented in this paper provide some examples of research that demonstrates that clients are actively involved in their therapy, even making counselling work despite their counsellor. These studies suggest that clients may not experience therapy as beneficially as traditional outcome studies indicate. This raises a new challenge to researchers to more fully explore the client's experience of therapy, a challenge to which qualitative methods of inquiry would appear well suited

    Research Notes : Canada : Preliminary information on the Rps allele in the cultivar Harosoy

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    The \u27Harosoy\u27 soybean cultivar was considered to be the universal suscept for Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea when it was included in the differential host series for this pathogen (Haas and Buzzell, 1976). However, Moots (1982) reported that an Rps allele pair was present in Harosoy that conferred resistance to races 12 and 16. Harosoy is also resistant to races 18 and 19 but is susceptible to all other races 1-25 (unpublished results)

    Families of type III KMS states on a class of C-algebras containing On and QN

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    We construct a family of purely infinite C¤-algebras, Q¸ for ¸ 2 (0, 1) that are classified by their K-groups. There is an action of the circle T with a unique KMS state à on each Q¸. For ¸ = 1/n, Q1/n »= On, with its usual T action and KMS state. For ¸ = p/q, rational in lowest terms, Q¸ »= On (n = q − p + 1) with UHF fixed point algebra of type (pq)1. For any n \u3e 1, Q¸ »= On for infinitely many ¸ with distinct KMS states and UHF fixed-point algebras. For any ¸ 2 (0, 1), Q¸ 6= O1. For ¸ irrational the fixed point algebras, are NOT AF and the Q¸ are usually NOT Cuntz algebras. For ¸ transcendental, K1(Q¸) »= K0(Q¸) »= Z1, so that Q¸ is Cuntz\u27 QN, [Cu1]. If ¸ and ¸−1 are both algebraic integers, the only On which appear are those for which n ´ 3(mod 4). For each ¸, the representation of Q¸ defined by the KMS state à generates a type III¸ factor. These algebras fit into the framework of modular index theory / twisted cyclic theory of [CPR2, CRT] and [CNNR]

    Tamoxifen, 17beta-oestradiol and the calmodulin antagonist J8 inhibit human melanoma cell invasion through fibronectin.

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    Invasion through stromal extracellular matrix (ECM) is part of the complex, multistep process of tumour cell invasion and metastasis. Our group has previously demonstrated that calcium and calmodulin are important in another step in the metastatic cascade - that of attachment of cells to ECM. Interestingly, the non-steroidal anti-oestrogen tamoxifen (which also has calmodulin antagonist activity), used in the treatment of breast cancer and now in metastatic cutaneous melanoma, can inhibit the attachment of normal and neoplastic cells to ECM. In this study, we investigated whether such drugs, known to inhibit cell attachment, could also subsequently reduce their invasion through a layer of human fibronectin. We examined the ability of the specific calmodulin antagonist J8, tamoxifen and its two major metabolites, N-desmethyltamoxifen (N-des) and 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OH), as well as the pure anti-oestrogen ICI 182,780 and 17beta-oestradiol to inhibit invasion of the human cutaneous melanoma cell line, A375-SM, uveal melanoma cells and uveal melanocytes. A375-SM cells and uveal melanoma cells showed a high level of invasion (15.2% and 33.7% respectively) compared with melanocytes (around 5%) under the experimental conditions used. Submicromolar concentrations of N-des, tamoxifen, J8 and 17beta-oestradiol significantly reduced the invasiveness of the A375-SM cell line. The uveal melanoma cells also showed similar inhibition, although at higher concentrations of these agents. 4-OH and ICI 182, 780 had little or no effect on invasion of A375-SM cells (these were not tested on uveal melanoma cells). All cells used in this study were found to be negative for type I nuclear oestrogen receptors, reinforcing the possibility that tamoxifen and 17beta-oestradiol can act via mechanisms unrelated to binding to classical oestrogen receptors to inhibit tumour cell invasion
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