21 research outputs found

    Principles of forming a modern accounting and analytical model of commercial organization in digital economy

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    Purpose: The article presents basic methodological approaches to the creation of a new model of forming and functioning of the accounting and analytical system to meet the information needs of internal and external stakeholders of organizations. Design/Approach/Methodology: Substantiation of the principles of building a system for accounting and analytical information management that meets current conditions for the business functioning using modern hardware and software. Findings: The developed model of cascade functioning of organization’s information support system optimizes the structure and content of accounting and analytical modules, contributes to the effective implementation of management functions, timely control and rapid response to the impact of negative factors. Practical implications: The principles of information flow management system constructing formulated in the article contribute to optimization of expenses for organization of accounting and analytical functions, improvement of quality of financial and non-financial reporting, realistic assessment and forecasting of business efficiency. Originality/Value: The proposed new model for constructing an accounting and analytical information base allows to improve the procedures of collection, processing, storage and disclosure of financial and non-financial information, to create a balanced structure of the database on the basis of cascade digitization of primary and derived data.peer-reviewe

    Alterations in venous blood flow of lower uterus segment and cervix of uterus at physiological course of preliminary period

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    Research objective. The objective of this research is the study of venous blood flow parameters of lower uterus segment and cervix of uterus at the physiological course of preliminary period. Material and methods. The study was based on the investigation of the course of preliminary period of 90 patients with physiological delivery at term. Results. There is a growing rate of venous blood flow of lower uterus segment and cervix of uterus at rest as well as at peak of contractions. Conclusion. Veins are transformed into structures similar to lacunae at the physiological course of preliminary period. There is a growing rate of venous blood flow of lower uterus segment and cervix of uterus which results in blood storage and seems to be one of the mechanisms leading to cervical dilatation

    Sustainable development of territories based on the integrated use of industry, resource and environmental potential

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    Purpose: Attention to the problems of social and economic development of rural areas by Government authorities, economists and the scientific community was mainly theoretical or sometimes targeted practical in nature. Design/Methodology/Approach: At the same time, rural poverty and high unemployment rate, worsening demographic situation, reducing network of institutions of social infrastructure in rural areas, which together have a negative impact on the reproduction of labor resources, lower production volumes and high migration rates have always been the problems of rural development in the country. Findings: Overall, sustainable development of rural areas characterizes, on the one hand, external major natural resource constraints that form a distant prospect, and on the other hand, determine the possibilities of social and economic development of rural communities, economic entities, diversification of the territory's economy, the formation of new activities and environmental engineering. This is a very wide range of problems, which are currently considered from different perspectives in Russia and in several countries of the world. Practical implications: The article discusses the problems of economic development of rural areas as the main factor in ensuring the sustainable development of rural areas of the agrarian regions of Russia. Originality/Value: The authors define the core resources for development of the rural areas in the region, provide an overview of agribusiness and tourism industry clusters, reveling their points of growth, cluster sales channels, tourism and recreation development.peer-reviewe

    Current issues of corporate integrated reporting development in Russia

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    The subject of the author's research is the genesis of integrated corporate reporting as an innovative model of business reporting. The article discusses the problems of theoretical and methodological nature associated with the process of forming integrated corporate reporting at the present stage. The authors studied the composition of integrated reporting for the main industry sectors, and it is concluded that it is practically no different from reporting in the field of sustainable development. As a research tool for processing and systematizing information, the methods of classification, grouping, comparative analysis, synthesis, aggregation, comparison of alternatives are used. One of the reasons for the current situation, according to the authors, is the lack of appropriate methodological and accounting and analytical support for the preparation of corporate integrated reporting that meets modern requirements and high quality standards of the generated reports, which, according to the authors, should be based on the idea of disclosing the use of capital and conditions of added value creation.peer-reviewe


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    The article discusses the features of banking activities, objectives and functions of banks, they are fundamentally different from the activity of the company any other independent of the economic sphere, the role of credit institutions in society and the need for their existence in order to maintain the country’s economy as a whole. The author stresses that banks should not only be multi-functional and operational, but also to meet all the requirements of reliability and stability. The article provides a method for analyzing the nancial condition of banks.В статье рассматриваются особен-ности банковской деятельности, цели и функции банков, принципиально отличающих их деятельность от де-ятельности компании любой другой не-зависимой экономической сферы, роль кредитных организаций в обществе и необходимость их существования для поддержания экономики страны в целом. Авторами подчеркивается, что банки должны быть не только много-функциональными и оперативными, но также отвечать всем требованиям надежности и стабильности. В статье приводится методика анализа финан-сового состояния банков

    Современные подходы к оценке стоимости коммерческого банка

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    Financial analysis and assessment of the company’s activity in the market economy plays an important role as an indicator of the organization reliability and its competitiveness. For a commercial bank, a positive opinion on its financial position becomes even more important as not only the effectiveness of the bank’s operation, but also its clients interest depend on the degree of the bank’s reliability.A comprehensive activity assessment of a commercial bank in addition to financial analysis is the analysis of risks, strengths and weaknesses of the bank and the business valuation of a commercial bank. Business valuation – topical areas of financial management, and eventually its importance will only increase.Financial institution should be regarded not only from the view of financial statements as an entity, but also from the view of the investment attractiveness as a business unit for a comprehensive idea of its activity.The economic activity of the banking sector is considered by the authors as an operating business unit – bank. The article considers the modern approaches to the valuation of a commercial bank, the necessity of taking into account the specifics of banking activities in the evaluation, the difficulties of assessment, typical for the financial services’ sector.The authors note that the business valuation of a commercial bank shall apply a single method: estimate the cost of equity capital (and not the company, as it is customary in order to apply standard accounting rules), and use only cash flows that could be traced – dividends.For the purposes of evaluating the absolute value of the bank it can be applied the model of discounted dividends, provided that only equity will play the role of capital, and cash flows, except for the dividend, can be omitted (due to the complexity of the calculation).In comparison with non-financial enterprises, some of multipliers for comparative approach to evaluation cannot be adequately applied to banks. To assess financial institutions using the comparative method, it can be mainly used the multipliers based on the value of own capital – the ratio «price/earnings» (PE), and the ratio of «price/book value» (PBV).The authors emphasize that the evaluation of the market value of the business or assets is needed today not only in the framework of transactions of sale and purchase or in determining of the collateral value of the object, but also to make competent strategic and management decisions.A comprehensive analysis determines the competitiveness, reliability and attractiveness of the bank for the customer and for the investor.Thus, after analyzing the financial situation of any bank, with a considerable degree of confidence among banks-counterparts we can choose the most attractive and ensure its reliability, a further operation and for the bank’s customers, feeling more safe in cash transferring for the management and effectiveness of services.Анализ финансового состояния и оценка деятельности компании в условиях рыночной экономики играет важнейшую роль, как индикатор надежности организации и показатель его конкурентоспособности.Для коммерческого банка положительное заключение о его финансовом положении приобретает ещё большую важность, так как от степени надежности банка зависит не только эффективность его функционирования, но и прямой интерес его клиентов.Комплексную оценку деятельности коммерческого банка, в дополнении к финансовому анализу, представляет анализ рисков, сильных и слабых сторон банка, и оценка стоимости бизнеса коммерческого банка.Оценка стоимости бизнеса – актуальнейшее направление финансового менеджмента, и со временем ее значимость будет только возрастать.Для комплексного понимания картины деятельности финансового института следует рассматривать его не только со стороны финансовой отчетности как хозяйствующий субъект, но и со стороны инвестиционной привлекательности как бизнес единицу.Авторами экономическая деятельность банковского сектора рассматривается в разрезе функционирующей бизнес единицы – Банка. В статье рассматриваются современные подходы к оценке стоимости коммерческого банка, говорится о необходимости учета специфики банковской деятельности при проведении оценки, о характерных для сферы финансовых услуг трудностях оценки.Авторы отмечают, что в оценке стоимости бизнеса коммерческого банка применяют единую методику: оценивают стоимость собственного капитала, (а не фирмы, как это принято в отраслях, к которым применимы стандартные правила бухгалтерского учета), а для расчетов используют единственную форму денежных потоков, которую можно отследить – дивиденды.Для целей абсолютной оценки стоимости банка можно применить модель дисконтированных дивидендов при условии, что в роли капитала будет выступать только акционерный, а денежные потоки, кроме дивидендных, можно опустить (в силу сложности их расчета).В отличие от нефинансовых предприятий, к банкам невозможно адекватно применить некоторые из мультипликаторов для сравнительного подхода к оценке. Оценивая финансовые институты сравнительным методом, в основном используют мультипликаторы, основанные на величине собственного капитала — коэффициент «цена/прибыль» (РЕ) и коэффициент «цена/балансовая стоимость» (PBV).Авторами подчеркивается, что оценка рыночной стоимости бизнеса или активов сегодня необходима не только в рамках сделок купли-продажи или при определении залоговой стоимости объекта, но и для принятия грамотных стратегических и управленческих решений. Комплексный анализ определяет конкурентоспособность, надежность и привлекательность Банка как для клиента, так и для инвестора. Таким образом, проведя анализ финансового положения любого банка, можно со значительной долей уверенности среди банков-аналогов выбрать наиболее привлекательный и убедиться в его надежности, дальнейшем функционировании, а для клиентов банка ещё и в сохранности переданных на управление денежных средств и эффективности оказываемых услуг

    Studies on the regularities of the steelmaking zinc-bearing dusts leaching in ammonium chloride solutions

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    Dust from steelmaking production, in particular electric arc furnace dust (EAFD), is a rich secondary source of zinc. Different approaches to the EAFDs processing with the production of zinc oxide and metal phases as a final product have been studied. Ammonium chloride leaching is selective for zinc, does not require special acid-resistant equipment, and is relatively cheap. The advantages of this method are the possibility of obtaining metallic zinc as a commercial product and the absence of the need for additional solution purification from iron and chlorine ions. Chemical and mineral characterization of Waelz-oxide after the first stage of calcination are presented, the main identified phase is zinc oxide (ZnO), a small amount of Zn associated with iron (Zn2Fe2O4) in the ferrites form and lead in the oxide phase (PbO) are also determined. The thermodynamic analysis of the Zn(II) – NH4Cl – NH3 – H2O system in the HYDRA software medium was carried out, the main zinc compounds were determined under leaching conditions. A matrix of changing conditions is compiled with using the full three-factor experiment method. Based on the obtained results, in the Statistica-10 program, three-dimensional dependences of zinc extraction on varied parameters were constructed and equations describing these dependencies were obtained. The optimal leaching parameters were determined: the concentration of ammonium chloride 4 mol/dm3, the concentration of ammonia 4 mol/dm3, the ratio L:S = 15. © 2019, "Ore and Metals" Publishing house. All rights reserved

    The problem of identification of upper respiratory tract infectious diseases

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    Основными возбудителями воспалительного процесса верхних дыхательных путей являются S. pyogenes и S. aureus, на долю которых приходится от 25 до 60 % выделенных возбудителей. Сравнение пейзажа выделенных культур показало их количественную и качественную идентичность у взрослого и детского населения.The main causative agents of inflammation of upper respiratory tract are the S. pyogenes and S. aureus, which accounted for 25 to 60 % of the isolated pathogens. Comparing of isolated culture pictures showed their qualitative and quantitative identity in the adult and child population