263 research outputs found

    Construction of 6D supersymmetric field models in N=(1,0) harmonic superspace

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    We consider the six dimensional hypermultiplet, vector and tensor multiplet models in (1,0) harmonic superspace and discuss the corresponding superfield actions. The actions for free (2,0) tensor multiplet and for interacting vector/tensor multiplet system are constructed. Using the superfield formulation of the hypermultiplet coupled to the vector/tensor system we develop an approach to calculation of the one-loop superfield effective action and find its divergent structure.Comment: 32 pages; v4: Published versio

    Leading low-energy effective action in the 6D hypermultiplet theory on a vector/tensor background

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    We consider a six dimensional (1,0) hypermultiplet model coupled to an external field of vector/tensor system and study the structure of the low-energy effective action of this model. Manifestly a (1,0) supersymmetric procedure of computing the effective action is developed in the framework of the superfield proper-time technique. The leading low-energy contribution to the effective action is calculated.Comment: 12 pages, minor correction

    Induced low-energy effective action in the 6D, N=(1,0) hypermultiplet theory on the vector multiplet background

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    We consider the six dimensional N=(1,0) hypermultiplet model coupled to an external field of the Abelian vector multiplet in harmonic superspace approach. Using the superfield proper-time technique we find the divergent part of the effective action and derive the complete finite induced low-energy superfield effective action. This effective action depends on external field and contains in bosonic sector all the powers of the constant Maxwell field strength. The obtained result can be treated as the 6D, N=(1,0) supersymmetric Heisenberg-Euler type effective action.Comment: 15 pages; v2: minor correction

    Manifestly N=2 supersymmetric regularization for N=2 supersymmetric field theories

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    We formulate the higher covariant derivative regularization for N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories in N=2 harmonic superspace. This regularization is constructed by adding the N=2 supersymmetric higher derivative term to the classical action and inserting the N=2 supersymmetric Pauli--Villars determinants into the generating functional for removing one-loop divergencies. Unlike all other regularization schemes in N=2 supersymmetric quantum field theory, this regularization preserves by construction the manifest N=2 supersymmetry at all steps of calculating loop corrections to the effective action. Together with N=2 supersymmetric background field method this regularization allows to calculate quantum corrections without breaking the manifest gauge symmetry and N=2 supersymmetry. Thus, we justify the assumption about existence of a regularization preserving N=2 supersymmetry, which is a key element of the N=2 non-renormalization theorem. As a result, we give the prove of the N=2 non-renormalization theorem which does not require any additional assumptions.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 references added, minor corrections, accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    "Induced" N=4 conformal supergravity

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    We consider an abelian N=4 super Yang-Mills theory coupled to background N=4 conformal supergravity fields. At the classical level, this coupling is invariant under global SU(1,1) transformation of the complex ("dilaton-axion") supergravity scalar combined with an on-shell vector-vector duality. We compute the divergent part of the corresponding quantum effective action found by integrating over the super Yang-Mills fields and demonstrate its SU(1,1) invariance. This divergent part related to the conformal anomaly is one-loop exact and should be given by the N=4 conformal supergravity action containing the Weyl tensor squared term. This allows us to determine the full non-linear form of the bosonic part of the N=4 conformal supergravity action which has manifest SU(1,1) invariance.Comment: 13 pages. v2: minor misprints corrected; v3: note added about missed terms in the actio