349 research outputs found

    Sustainable smart cities: the European case

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    Smart cities are emerging all over the world and are a promise to combat various problems currently faced by cities. This context makes smart cities a relevant topic for research. This study aims to identify which factors influence the development of sustainable smart cities. The empirical study uses a sample with 73 European cities and applies a multiple linear regression. The results suggest differences between smart cities in Europe, such as smarter cities are located geographically in the western region and are governed by women. This study provides an academic and empirical study on smart cities and contributes to a better explanation of a still under explored theme.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Al final de la escapada : sobre Suicidios ejemplares de Enrique Vila-Matas

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    Este trabajo de investigación pretende ser una guía de lectura e interpretación del volumen de cuentos Suicidios ejemplares (1991), de Enrique Vila-Matas, delimitando en su contexto histórico y literario la trayectoria del género, para extraer la calidad y significación de la obra y del autor. El análisis se enlaza a la producción total de sus escritos, dotados de una visión lúdica de la vida y la literatura, que acaban confluyendo en un mismo plano. Algunos de los conceptos vertebradores son las vanguardias, el posmodernismo, el absurdo o la ironía. Y sobre todo la ficción como elemento liberador por excelenciaAquest treball de recerca pretén ser una guia de lectura i interpretació del volum de contes Suicidios ejemplares (1991), de Enrique Vila-Matas, delimitant en el seu context històric i literari la trajectòria del gènere, per així extreure'n la qualitat i la significació de l'obra de l'autor. L'anàlisi s'enllaça a la producció total dels seus escrits, dotats d'una visió lúdica de la vida i la literatura, elements que acaben confluint en un mateix plànol. Alguns dels conceptes vertebradors són les vanguàrdies, el postmodernisme, l'absurd i la ironia. I sobretot, la ficció com a element alliberador per excel·lènci

    Intravenous ibandronate in men with osteoporosis: An open pilot study over 2 years

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    In the treatment of osteoporosis, the tolerance of oral bisphosphonates is often low. The high potency of ibandronate allows iv bolus injections that can be repeated every 2 to 3 months. However, the best dose and time interval of the treatment with iv ibandronate is still debated. Efficacy of 2-mg ibandronate injected every 3 months was tested in men with osteoporosis over 2 yr, in a prospective, open study. Fourteen men with primary osteoporosis, mean age 57±12 yr (range: 40-73), received 2-mg ibandronate iv every 3 months over 2 yr. All got 1 g/day calcium and 880 UI/day vitamin D for 2 yr. Bone mineral density (BMD) increased after 2 yr by 6.7±1.5% (mean change±SEM) at lumbar spine (p<0.001), by 3.2±08% at trochanter (p<0.001) and by 1.4±1.1% at femoral neck (ns). Serum ß-crosslaps and osteocalcin decreased significantly by 30-45 and 30%, respectively, during the 2 yr of treatment. Serum calcium increased from the lower to the middle tertile of the normal range during the 2 yr of the study. The observed decrease of bone remodelling and the increase of BMD are of the same magnitude as those described with oral bisphosphonates. The increase of plasma calcium confirms the positive effect of the supplementation with calcium and vitamin D. These results suggest that 3 months are a good interval between two doses of iv ibandronate, when 2 mg are give

    Methodological assessment of HCC literature

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    Despite the fact that the hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents a major health problem, very few interventions are available for this disease, and only sorafenib is approved for the treatment of advanced disease. Of note, only very few interventions have been thoroughly evaluated over time for HCC patients compared with several hundreds in other, equally highly lethal, tumours. Additionally, clinical trials in HCC have often been questioned for poor design and methodological issues. As a consequence, a gap between what is measured in clinical trials and what clinicians have to face in daily practice often occurs. As a result of this scenario, even the most recent guidelines for treatment of HCC patients use low strength evidence to make recommendations. In this review, we will discuss some of the potential methodological issues hindering a rational development of new treatments for HCC patient

    Divulgación de información responsable en el deporte a través de las páginas web

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    In recent years, there is a growing consensus on the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility for organisations with the aim of achieving sustainable development. This study aims to analyse the dissemination of information on Corporate Social Responsibility through the websites of Portuguese Liga NOS clubs in the 2017/2018 sport season. The study is descriptive in nature and is based on a qualitative methodology using the content analysis technique. The results show that the degree of information disclosed is low, as revealed by the total disclosure index (26.63%), and that the most disclosed information is social, followed by economic information. However, very little information is disclosed on employee recruitment and environment. _____ En los últimos años, está siendo consensuada cada vez más la importancia en lo que respecta a la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa para las organizaciones con el objetivo de alcanzar un desarrollo sostenible. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la divulgación de información sobre Responsabilidad Social Corporativa a través de las páginas web de los clubes portugueses de la Liga NOS en la temporada deportiva 2017/2018. El estudio es de carácter descriptivo y se basa en una metodología de tipo cualitativo utilizando la técnica de análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran que el grado de información divulgado es bajo, como lo revela el índice de divulgación total (26,63%), y que la información más divulgada es la social, seguida de la información económica. Sin embargo, la información propagada sobre la contratación de los colaboradores y la medioambiental es muy escasa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Divulgação de informação sobre responsabilidade social no desporto através das páginas web

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    Objetivos – O objetivo deste estudo é analizar a divulgação de informação sobre Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) através dos websites dos clubes portugueses da Liga NOS na época desportiva de 2017/2018, na qual participavam 18 equipas. Referencial Teórico – Para proceder à concretização do estudo foi necessário a criação de um modelo que estivesse de acordo com a realidade desportiva, mais concretamente em conformidade com os Clubes da Liga NOS. Desta forma foi necessário adaptar para este fim um modelo já existente para medir o nível de divulgação de informação sobre RSC nos Municípios apresentado por um conjunto de autores que desenvolveram diversos estudos como: Gandía e Archidona (2008), Jorge et al (2011), Navarro et al (2010), Joseph e Taplin (2011), Moneva e Martín (2012) e Nevado et al (2013). Metodologia – O estudo é de carácter exploratório e baseado numa metodologia do tipo qualitativo, onde a recolha e análise bibliográfica e documental recaem sobre os estudos já existentes sobre a temática da RS associada ao contexto desportivo e na recolha de informação através das páginas web. Conclusões/Resultados – Os resultados mostram que foi possível verificar que na grande maioria dos clubes são muito escassas as informações divulgadas sobre RSC. Implicações da investigação – A adaptação a partir de um modelo existente de divulgação de Informação sobre RSC nas páginas web dos Municípios pode ser entendido como uma limitação, uma vez que este pode não incluir em todos os itens que o compõem toda a informação adjacente à RSC dos clubes estudados. Originalidade - Considerando a importância atual do acesso à informação através de ferramentas digitais este trabalho, aplicado pela primeira vez a organizações desportivas contribui para uma melhor compreensão e diagnóstico sobre a divulgação de informação sobre RSC através das websites.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Las voces del Ni e' : representación de "lo dominicano" en levente no. Yolayorkladominicanyork (2008) de Josefina Báez

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    El presente trabajo analiza la construcción de la identidad dominicana en el espacio ficticio del NI E', en la "novela" "Levente no. Yolayorkladominicanyork" (2008) de la escritora dominicana Josefina Báez. Se aprecian los problemas tras la concepción de la identidad nacional y cómo esta se reformula en el país receptor. A su vez, se observa la problematización y empoderamiento femenino en el proceso migratorio.El present treball analitza la construcció de la identitat dominicana en l'espai fictici del NI E' a la "novel·la" "Levente no. Yolayorkladominicanyork" (2008) de l'escriptora dominicana Josefina Báez. S'aprecien els problemes de la concepció de la identitat nacional i com aquesta es reformula al país receptor. També s'observa la problematització i empoderament femení en el procés migratori

    Inflammatory Response and Toxicity After Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy.

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    Background: Pressurized Intraperitoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) is a novel mode of intraperitoneal (IP) drug delivery claiming high IP tissue concentrations with low systemic uptake. The aim was to study inflammatory response and systemic toxicity after PIPAC. Methods: Retrospective monocentric analysis of a consecutive cohort of PIPAC patients between January 2015 and April 2016. Detailed hematological and biochemical analysis was performed the day before surgery and once daily until discharge. Comparative statistics were performed using Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon signed ranked test. Results: Fourty-two consecutive patients underwent a total of 91 PIPAC procedures. Twenty patients received oxaliplatin and 22 cisplatin+doxorubicin (37 vs. 54 procedures). Creatinine, AST and ALT were not significantly altered after PIPAC (p=0.095, p= p=0.153 and p=0.351) and not different between oxaliplatin and cisplatin+doxorubicin regimens (p=0.371, p=0.251 and p=0.288). C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT) increased on post-operative day (POD) 2: ∆max 29±5 mg/L (p&lt;0.001) and ∆max 0.05±0.01 μg/L (p=0.005), respectively. Leucocytes increased at POD 1: ∆max 2.2±0.3 G/L (p&lt;0.001). Albumin decreased at POD 2: ∆max -6.0±0.5 g/L (p&lt;0.001). CRP increase correlated positively with Peritoneal Cancer Index (tumor load) (ρ =0.521, p&lt;0.001). Conclusion: PIPAC was followed by a modest and transitory inflammatory response that was commensurate to the disease extent. No hematological, renal or hepatic toxicity was observed even after repetitive administration

    Información digital responsable: Un estúdio de las organizaciones deportivas Portuguesas

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    En los últimos años está siendo consensuada cada vez más la importancia en lo que respecta a la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa para las organizaciones con el objetivo de alcanzar un desarrollo sostenible. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la divulgación de información sobre Responsabilidad Social Corporativa a través de las páginas web de los clubes portugueses de la Liga NOS en la temporada deportiva 2017/2018. El estudio es de carácter descriptivo y se basa en una metodología de tipo cualitativo utilizando la técnica de análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran que el grado de información divulgado es bajo, como lo revela el índice de divulgación total (26,63%), y que la información que más se divulga es la social, seguida de la información económica. Sin embargo, la información divulgada sobre la contratación de los colaboradores y la medioambiental es muy escasa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Serum peptide reactivities may distinguish neuromyelitis optica subgroups and multiple sclerosis

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    Objective: To assess in an observational study whether serum peptide antibody reactivities may distinguish aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibody (Ab)–positive and -negative neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) and relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Methods: We screened 8,700 peptides that included human and viral antigens of potential relevance for inflammatory demyelinating diseases and random peptides with pooled sera from different patient groups and healthy controls to set up a customized microarray with 700 peptides. With this microarray, we tested sera from 66 patients with AQP4-Ab-positive (n = 16) and AQP4-Ab-negative (n = 19) NMOSD, RRMS (n = 11), and healthy controls (n = 20). Results: Differential peptide reactivities distinguished NMOSD subgroups from RRMS in 80% of patients. However, the 2 NMOSD subgroups were not well-discriminated, although those patients are clearly separated by their antibody reactivities against AQP4 in cell-based assays. Elevated reactivities to myelin and Epstein-Barr virus peptides were present in RRMS and to AQP4 and AQP1 peptides in AQP4-Ab-positive NMOSD. Conclusions: While AQP4-Ab-positive and -negative NMOSD subgroups are not well-discriminated by peptide antibody reactivities, our findings suggest that peptide antibody reactivities may have the potential to distinguish between both NMOSD subgroups and MS. Future studies should thus concentrate on evaluating peptide antibody reactivities for the differentiation of AQP4-Ab-negative NMOSD and MS