774 research outputs found

    Representaciones, lenguaje, conversión, símbolos, semiótica, narrativas simbólicas... ¿qué tienen que ver con la comprensión en matemáticas?

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    ¿Es la matemática un lenguaje?, ¿El simbolismo matemático es necesario e imprescindible para aprender matemáticas?, Cuando se modela un enunciado del lenguaje verbal en símbolos, ¿se puede decir que se está “traduciendo” de un lenguaje a otro? ¿aprender matemáticas es ser capaz de entender el lenguaje matemático y saberlo traducir, ó es más que eso?, ¿el problema de simbolizar o modelar es una traducción? ¿qué relación es posible plantear entre el estudio de la traducción al lenguaje simbólico y los obstáculos didácticos en la enseñanza de un área especifica de la matemática, por ejemplo, el álgebra o el cálculo? Parafraseando a Kline, “el símbolo expresa una idea, oculta una idea, u oculta la ausencia de una idea?

    Un analisis econometrico del turismo hotelero y extra-hotelero en las regiones y provincias españolas

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    Se presentan algunos modelos econometricos de las regiones españolas para analizar la distribucion del turismo, hotelero y extrahotelero a nivel regional y provincial de España en 1991-95. El enfoque resulta novedoso al incluir el estudio del turismo extra-hotelero que tiene en muchos casos gran importancia. Los modelos ponen de manifiesto la importancia de varios factores como el clima, en todos los casos, y de otros relacionados con la oferta en el caso del turismo hotelero y con la demanda en el caso del turismo extra-hotelero. La proximidad a grandes centros de poblacion se manifiesta muy significativa en el caso del turismo extra-hotelero, mientras que en el caso del turismo hotelero destacan como variables explicativas el incremento de la oferta de plazas y la relacion calidad/precio.

    ‘I feel like we’re really behind the game’: perspectives of the United Kingdom’s intimate partner violence support sector on the rise of technology-facilitated abuse

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    Technology-facilitated abuse or ‘tech abuse’ in intimate partner violence (IPV) contexts describes the breadth of harms that can be enacted using digital systems and online tools. While the misappropriation of technologies in the context of IPV has been subject to prior research, a dedicated study on the United Kingdom’s IPV support sector has so far been missing. The present analysis summarises insights derived from semi-structured interviews with 34 UK voluntary and statutory sector representatives that were conducted over the course of two years (2018–2020). The analysis identifies four overarching themes that point out support services’ practices, concerns and challenges in relation to tech abuse, and specifically the Internet of Things (IoT). These themes include (a) technology-facilitated abuse, where interviewees outline their experiences and understanding of the concept of tech abuse; (b) IoT-enabled tech abuse, focusing on the changing dynamics of tech abuse due to the continuing rise of smart consumer products; (c) data, documentation and assessment, that directs our attention to the shortcomings of existing risk assessment and recording practices; and (d) training, support and assistance, in which participants point to the need for specialist support capabilities to be developed within and beyond existing services.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Key messages&lt;br /&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;UK statutory and voluntary support services do not feel well equipped to respond to tech abuse.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;li&gt;Shortcomings in documentation and assessment practices make it difficult to estimate the full scale and nature of tech abuse.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;li&gt;Tech abuse training and other support mechanisms are needed to amplify the UK sector’s ability to assist IPV victims/survivors.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt; </jats:p

    A discrete bit loading algorithm for FBMC/OQAM

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    In this letter the discrete rate maximization problem is investigated for FBMC/OQAM. The analysis reveals that if there is crosstalk certain bit allocations violate the power constraints. Aiming at ensuring the feasibility along with alleviating the complexity we have devised a novel iterative algorithm, which always converges. Simulation-based results show that the proposed algorithm performs close to the upper bound for high-coherence bandwidth channels. Under highly frequency selective channels the existing algorithms are not able to guarantee the target SER whereas our approach guarantees the QoS.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Projects TEC2011-29006-C03-02 (GRE3N-LINK-MAC), TEC2011-29006-C03-03 (GRE3N-SYST), and TEC2008-06327-C03-01, and by the Catalan Government (2009SGR0891).Publicad