861 research outputs found


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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is one of the national priorities for controlling infectious diseases in Indonesia, therefore preventing the development of the Aedes aegypti mosquito as a dengue transmitter is absolutely necessary. One of the programs to increase the larva free rate and reduce DHF cases promoted by the government is one house one larva watcher movement program. This study aimed to determine the effect of the one house one larva watcher movement program on the larva free rate and the number of DHF cases in the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (RTIU) of Public Health Centre North Kuta Badung. This type of research was pre-experimental with Intact-Group Comparison design, the sample in this study was the head of the family who lived in Banjar Celuk and Gaji of the RTIU working area. Public Health Centre North Kuta Badung in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria was selected by purposive sampling of 76 families consisted of 38 control group and 38 intervention group families. The research was conducted for 1 month. Data were analyzed with the nonparametric Mann Whitney test at a significance level of α 0.05, then p value was 0.000 <0.05 on the larva free rate variable and 0.007 <0.05 on the variable number of DHF cases, therefore it can be concluded there was an effect of the one house one larva watcher movement program on the larva free rate and the number of DHF cases in the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (RTIU) Public Health Centre North Kuta Badung It is expected that the community can play a more active role in preventing and handling DHF cases in their region by participating and being able to carry out the one house one larva watcher movement program.   Keywords: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), Larva Free Rate, One House One Larva Watcher Movemen

    Pumilio binds para mRNA and requires nanos and brat to regulate sodium current in drosophila motoneurons

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    Homeostatic regulation of ionic currents is of paramount importance during periods of synaptic growth or remodeling. Our previous work has identified the translational repressor Pumilio (Pum) as a regulator of sodium current (INa) and excitability in Drosophila motoneurons. In this current study, we show that Pum is able to bind directly the mRNA encoding the Drosophila voltage-gated sodium channel paralytic (para). We identify a putative binding site for Pum in the 3' end of the para open reading frame (ORF). Characterization of the mechanism of action of Pum, using whole-cell patch clamp and real-time reverse transcription-PCR, reveals that the full-length protein is required for translational repression of para mRNA. Additionally, the cofactor Nanos is essential for Pum-dependent para repression, whereas the requirement for Brain Tumor (Brat) is cell type specific. Thus, Pum-dependent regulation of INa in motoneurons requires both Nanos and Brat, whereas regulation in other neuronal types seemingly requires only Nanos but not Brat. We also show that Pum is able to reduce the level of nanos mRNA and as such identify a potential negative-feedback mechanism to protect neurons from overactivity of Pum. Finally, we show coupling between INa (para) and IK (Shal) such that Pum-mediated change in para results in a compensatory change in Shal. The identification of para as a direct target of Pum represents the first ion channel to be translationally regulated by this repressor and the location of the binding motif is the first example in an ORF rather than in the canonical 3'-untranslated region of target transcripts

    Analysis of the Role of the Covid Officer Unit in Company Organizations

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    This study aims to analyze the role of the Covid-19 task force in corporate organizations. This research is qualitative. The Data collection tools used were direct observation and documentation study. Result: research related to COVID-19 officer unit Appointment Decree No. 142/SII/HO/ADM/IX/2020 which appointed 21 employees with 1 chairman, 1 deputy chairman, 1 public relation and legal officer, 2 regional coordinators, 3 secretaries, and 16 sub-coordinators. Furthermore, the review results of Circular 065/SIT-HO/ADM/II/2020, each Department at PT Sankyu Indonesia International are advised to take all actions such as (1) Preparing thermometer gun at entrance to the building and worksite. (2) To prevent as much as possible, the entry of visitors to the office/workplace. (3) Meetings are conducted via video conference. (4) Avoiding unnecessary official travel; (5) Carryout important correspondence via official email (6) Serve delivery and reception by couriers at the entrance of office buildings (7) Ensure proper cleaning (8) Ensure supplies of hand sanitizer, soap, and water run in the bathroom. (9) Employees are advised to maintain their health (10) People who have the authority to give leave are advised to give leave whenever there is a request for self-quarantine as a precaution; and (11) Advise employees who are at higher risk, namely older employees, pregnant women and employees with underlying medical conditions, to take extra precaution

    Ujaran Kebencian dalam Twitter #Sebelum2024JokowiLengser: Kajian Cyberpragmatics

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    Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah ujaran kebencian dan kajian cyberpragmatics. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan bentuk, jenis, serta makna pragmatik ujaran kebencian dalam Twitter #Sebelum2024JokowiLengser. Terdapat 36 data yang digolongkan ke dalam ujaran kebencian. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan teknik simak dengan teknik lanjutan bebas libat cakap. Hasil penelitian terdapat bentuk ujaran frasa dan kalimat. Jenis ujaran kebencian yang ditemukan adalah penghinaan, pencemaran nama baik, penistaan, perbuatan tidak menyenangkan, data penyebaran bohong, dan menghasut/ memprovokasi. Terdapat 9 makna pragmatik ujaran kebencian, yaitu makna menyindir, menggambarkan sosok pemimpin, makna mempertanyakan, makna memberikan anjuran, makna membandingkan, makna memerintah, makna membual, makna mengajak, dan makna mengeluh. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan pembaca mampu mengetahui ujaran kebencian di media sosial serta makna di balik ujaran.The problems discussed in this research is hate speech and cyberpragmatics studies. This study aims to describe the forms, types, and pragmatics meanings of hate speech on Twitter #Sebelum2024JokowiLengser. There are 36 data that are classified into hate speech. This research approach is descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique using the advanced technique of free involvement proficient. The results of the study are in the forms of phrases and sentences. The types of hate speech found were insults, defamation, blasphemy, unpleasant acts, spreading false data, and inciting/provoking. There are 9 pragmatic meanings of hate speech, namely the meaning of satirizing, describing a leader, the meaning of questioning, the meaning of giving advice, the meaning of comparing, the meaning of commanding, the meaning of boasting, the meaning of inviting, and the meaning of complaining. With this research, it is hoped that readers will be able to find out hate speech on social media and the meaning behind the utterance


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    Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang potensi dan pengembangan Taman Rekreasi di Kota Denpasar dalam pencapaiannya menjadi salah satu tempat tujuan rekreasi dan sebagai salah satu tempat pendidikan yang berbasis wisata di Denpasar. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjawab permasalahan, yaitu bagaimana konsep taman rekreasi yang sesuai dengan keadaan di Kota Denpasar dan menjadikan konsep serta potensi tersebut sebagai objek serta daya tarik wisata, melalui perancangan taman rekreasi yang bercirikan budaya lokal, diusahakan pengembangan taman rekreasi kota ini menjadi atraksi rekreasi dan edukasi yang menarik. Tulisan ini dimulai dari menyusun data dan menganalisa potensi lingkungan untuk dijadikan landasan konseptual dan program dasar perancangan Taman Rekreasi di Kota Denpasar. Selanjutnya mewujudkan  rancangan bangunan Rekreasi yang sesuai dengan konsep Tradisional Bali. Taman rekreasi yang sudah ada di Denpasar seperti Art Centre , Desa Budaya Kesiman Kertalangu sebagai acuan dalam pembuatan  tulisan ini. Dari taman rekreasi yang sudah ada didapat potensi, masalah, sasaran, fungsi, study kelayakan dan aktivitas serta kapasitas. Pendekatan konsep dasar dilandasi oleh aspek hakekat dari taman rekreasi di kota denpasar, dan konsep dasar yang digunakan adalah rekreatif, edukatif, fleksible, dan tema yang digunakan adalah arsitektur Neo Vernakular yang Kontemporer. Dalam penentuan luas tapak untuk bangunan bersifat komersil KDB yang diijinkan maksimum 50% dan area terbuka 50% dengan ketinggian bangunan maksimum 15 m atau setinggi pohon kelapa dan tempat parkir minimum 30% dari luas lahan. Luas kebutuhan ruang dibagi tiga yaitu ruang pengunjung, pengelola dan servis. Luas ruang pengunjung adalah 25732.00 m2, luas ruang pengelola adalah 825.00 m2, luas ruang servis adalah 216.00 m2, ditambah dengan ruang terbuka hijau sebesar 50%, maka luas total site adalah 62000.00 m2. Pemilihan lokasi permukiman yang terdapat di wilayah Kota Denpasar dengan melalui kriteria yang ada. Lokasi yang terpilih ada di Jl. Cargo Permai, Denpasar dengan luas total site adalah 62000.00 m2


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    The incidence of phlebitis in Tk.II Udayana hospital was 4.88% higher than the 2013 standard of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, which was <1.5%, even though the hospital had prepared a Phlebitis Bundle Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). This study aims to determine the correlation between bundle phlebitis and the incidence of phlebitis in the inpatient room of Tk. II Udayana. This study was a quantitative observational study with a correlational method and a cross-sectional design. The study involved 81 samples, namely patients who were treated in five inpatient rooms. Data collection nurses' compliance with SOP and the incidence of phlebitis in patients using observation sheets. Data were analyzed using Rank Spearman correlation. It was found that 45 nurses (55.6%) were obedient in carrying out the phlebitis bundle and there were 54 people (66.7%) patients who did not experience phlebitis. There was a positive correlation between bundle phlebitis and the incidence of phlebitis (p0.001 <0.05). It is recommended that the hospital provide assistance to the nurse in charge when providing intravenous infusion therapy by applying the standard operating procedure (SOP) of the phlebitis bundle

    Pseudorapidity dependence of parton energy loss in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    We analyze the recent data from the BRAHMS Collaboration on the pseudorapidity dependence of nuclear modification factors in Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV by using the full three dimensional hydrodynamic simulations for the density effects on parton energy loss. We first compute the transverse spectra at η=0\eta=0 and 2.2, and next take a ratio Rη=RAA(η=2.2)/RAA(η=0)R_{\eta}=R_{AA}(\eta=2.2)/R_{AA}(\eta=0), where RAAR_{AA} is a nuclear modification factor. It is shown that hydrodynamic components account for Rη≃1R_{\eta}\simeq 1 at low pTp_\mathrm{T} and that quenched pQCD components lead Rη<1R_{\eta} < 1 at high pTp_\mathrm{T} which are consistent with the data. Strong suppression at η=2.2\eta=2.2 is compatible with the parton energy loss in the final state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; one figure adde

    Interplay between soft and hard hadronic components for identified hadrons in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    We investigate the transverse dynamics in Au+Au collisions at \sqrt{s_NN}=200 GeV by emphasis upon the interplay between soft and hard components through p_T dependences of particle spectra, ratios of yields, suppression factors, and elliptic flow for identified hadrons. From hydrodynamics combined with traversing minijets which go through jet quenching in the hot medium, we calculate interactions of hard jets with the soft hydrodynamic components. It is shown by the explicit dynamical calculations that the hydrodynamic radial flow and the jet quenching of hard jets are the keys to understand the differences among the hadron spectra for pions, kaons, and protons. This leads to the natural interpretation for N_p/N_\pi ~ 1, R_{AA} >~ 1 for protons, and v_2^p > v_2^\pi recently observed in the intermediate transverse momentum region at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC).Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures; some references added; title changed, some data points included in figure
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