31,411 research outputs found

    An Improved Approximate Consensus Algorithm in the Presence of Mobile Faults

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    This paper explores the problem of reaching approximate consensus in synchronous point-to-point networks, where each pair of nodes is able to communicate with each other directly and reliably. We consider the mobile Byzantine fault model proposed by Garay '94 -- in the model, an omniscient adversary can corrupt up to ff nodes in each round, and at the beginning of each round, faults may "move" in the system (i.e., different sets of nodes may become faulty in different rounds). Recent work by Bonomi et al. '16 proposed a simple iterative approximate consensus algorithm which requires at least 4f+14f+1 nodes. This paper proposes a novel technique of using "confession" (a mechanism to allow others to ignore past behavior) and a variant of reliable broadcast to improve the fault-tolerance level. In particular, we present an approximate consensus algorithm that requires only 7f/2+1\lceil 7f/2\rceil + 1 nodes, an f/2\lfloor f/2 \rfloor improvement over the state-of-the-art algorithms. Moreover, we also show that the proposed algorithm is optimal within a family of round-based algorithms

    Aesthetic Awareness and Spectacle: Communicated Images of Novi Sad, the Exit Festival and the Event Venue Petrovaradin Fortress

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    More research and discussion is needed to understand how destination image and awareness links to aesthetic portrayals. Representations of image, awareness, and aesthetics are embedded in textual content, and the narratives portrayed offer valuable meaning that is open to interpretation. Newspaper articles and websites play a crucial role in creating and presenting new images of places to international audiences. While image is certain, what is often overlooked in textual sources are discussions addressing the importance of aesthetics, which also link to destination image and awareness. The city of Novi Sad, Serbia represents a unique case given the location of the city's popular music event, the Exit Festival, which attracts youths from across the former Yugoslavia, Europe and the world and has contributed to a new image of Serbia. Moreover, the event's unique setting, held in the Petrovaradin Fortress on the banks of the Danube River overlooking Novi Sad, is described in relation to historical/cultural ambiance, and aesthetic attributes. Sources analyzed stressed the beauty of Novi Sad and the festival venue, but mere notions of spectacle could not be ignored. Discussions of image, awareness, and aesthetic dimensions presented in newspaper content and websites are analyzed in this article to understand how the festival textual content challenges us to re-create place meanings of Serbia. Copyright © 2015 Cognizant, LLC

    Systematic Analysis of Gene Expression Differences between Left and Right Atria in Different Mouse Strains and in Human Atrial Tissue

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    Background: Normal development of the atria requires left-right differentiation during embryonic development. Reduced expression of Pitx2c (paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2, isoform c), a key regulator of left-right asymmetry, has recently been linked to atrial fibrillation. We therefore systematically studied the molecular composition of left and right atrial tissue in adult murine and human atria. Methods: We compared left and right atrial gene expression in healthy, adult mice of different strains and ages by employing whole genome array analyses on freshly frozen atrial tissue. Selected genes with enriched expression in either atrium were validated by RT-qPCR and Western blot in further animals and in shock-frozen left and right atrial appendages of patients undergoing open heart surgery. Results: We identified 77 genes with preferential expression in one atrium that were common in all strains and age groups analysed. Independent of strain and age, Pitx2c was the gene with the highest enrichment in left atrium, while Bmp10, a member of the TGFb family, showed highest enrichment in right atrium. These differences were validated by RT-qPCR in murine and human tissue. Western blot showed a 2-fold left-right concentration gradient in PITX2 protein in adult human atria. Several of the genes and gene groups enriched in left atria have a known biological role for maintenance of healthy physiology, specifically the prevention of atrial pathologies involved in atrial fibrillation, including membrane electrophysiology, metabolic cellular function, and regulation of inflammatory processes. Comparison of the array datasets with published array analyses in heterozygous Pitx2c+/2 atria suggested that approximately half of the genes with left-sided enrichment are regulated by Pitx2c. Conclusions: Our study reveals systematic differences between left and right atrial gene expression and supports the hypothesis that Pitx2c has a functional role in maintaining ‘‘leftness’’ in the atrium in adult murine and human hearts

    Sistem Pakar Mendeteksi Kerusakan Sepeda Motor Menggunakan Metode Naïve Bayes di Bengkel Motor SMK Islam Tanjung

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    Expert systems are systems or programs that behave as experts. Expert systems are knowledge-based systems that can be used to help solve problems that exist in the real world. Naive Bayes is a simple probabilistic classification that calculates a set of probabilities by adding up frequencies and combinations of values from a dataset, so Naïve bayes can be used as a method in expert system applications to determine the probability of a damage that may occur on a motorcycle. in this study, an expert system application was created that could detect motorcycle damage and was able to provide solutions such as an expert at Islamic Vocational High School  Tanjung motorcycle repair shop that built  by using the php programming language

    Particle Emission-dependent Timing Noise of Pulsars?

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    Though pulsars spin regularly, the differences between the observed and predicted ToA (time of arrival), known as "timing noise", can still reach a few milliseconds or more. We try to understand the noise in this paper. As proposed by Xu & Qiao in 2001, both dipole radiation and particle emission would result in pulsar braking. Accordingly, possible fluctuation of particle current flow is suggested here to contribute significant ToA variation of pulsars. We find that the particle emission fluctuation could lead to timing noise which can't be eliminated in timing process, and that a longer period fluctuation would arouse a stronger noise. The simulated timing noise profile and amplitude are in accord with the observed timing behaviors on the timescale of years.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. (Accepted by Chin. Phys. Lett.

    Towards a new local tourism economy: Understanding sense of community, social impacts and potential enterprise opportunities in Podgrađe Bač, Vojvodina, Serbia

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    Serbia’s Vojvodina Region has been discussed in recent research as a region with much tourism potential. Numerous studies have assessed different tourism opportunities in Vojvodina, but there is a need to understand how local residents perceive tourism to address how they see their destination developing. This paper focuses on the rural community of Podgrađe Bač. The reason for focusing on this micro-community is directly adjacent is the Bač Fortress, which is currently under review with UNESCO to be recognised (and protected) as a World Heritage Site. There is a need to consider how social impacts and social change are about altering peoples’ outlook and attitude, as well as gaining support to encourage cohesive involvement among members of the community. Data were collected for this study through a Likert Scale survey with associated open-ended questions. Given the micro-locale case study focus, 29 surveys were collected from one participant in each household. The results and analysis are based on understanding sense of community in Podgrađe Bač, assessing the attractiveness of Bač Fortress and subsequent local tourism developments, and assessing resident perceptions of tourism, by considering social impacts, enterprise opportunities and overall potential

    Effect plant density and poultry manure on rapid multiplication of a cassava propagule

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    This study appraised the effect of plant density and poultry manure rates on rapid multiplication of a cassava propagule during the late cropping season of 2007. Nine (9) treatments consisting of three cassava densities (1.0 x 1.0, 1.0 x 0.5, 1.0m x 0.25m) amended with three rates of poultry manure (0, 2 and 4 tons/ha) were laid out in 3 x 3 factorial arrangement in a randomized complete design with three replications. The research work was carried out at the Teaching and Research Farm, Federal University of Technology, Owerri in the humid rainforest of Southeastern Nigeria. Growth and yield data were collected and statistically analyzed. The soil fertility at planting was low. Poultry manure rates significantly improved the growth and yield of cassava. Cassavas spaced 1.0m x 0.25m and amended with 4 tons/ha of poultry manure were significantly tall with moderate girth and highest stem bundles and root tuber yield. Regenerative stem cuttings had good field establishment vigour. Post-harvest soil chemical analysis showed improvement in nutrient status of the soil. Cassava spaced 1.0m x 0.25m and amended with 4 tons/ha of poultry manure had highest benefit cost ratio

    Etude de quelques caractéristiques physico chimiques du filtrat toxique de Phoma sabdariffae Sacc., agent pathogène de la roselle

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    La roselle est une plante maraîchère de la famille des Malvaceae, principalement exploitée au Gabon pour des raisons alimentaires ou thérapeutiques. Cette plante est victime d’une sévère pourriture provoquée par un champignon Deutéromycète, Phoma sabdariffae Sacc., dont l’action repose sur l’excrétion de substances toxiques. Le présent travail a été conçu pour étudier quelques caractéristiques physico chimiques de ces productions toxiques. Les paramètres évalués étaient la thermosensibilité, la photosensibilité, la composition biochimique et le fractionnement chromatographique. Les résultats obtenus ont révélé que le filtrat toxique de Ph. sabdariffae se conservait relativement bien à 0°C, mais perdait sa toxicité aux températures élevées, devenant totalement inactif au delà de 50°C. Il est photosensible, riche en composés  glucidiques, protéiques et phénoliques. Sa toxicité paraît uniquement liée aux composés phénoliques qui laissent découvrir après fractionnement chromatographique, 4 fractions, dont 2 actives, F1 et F4, avec des caractéristiques respectivement proches de celles de la brefeldine A et de la cytochalasine B.Jamaican sorrel is a Malvaceae plant, mainly cultivated in Gabon for diet or therapeutic reasons. This crop is attacked by Phoma sabdariffae Sacc., an imperfect pathogenic fungi who acts by producing toxic compounds. Objective of this work is studying the physico chemical characteristics of these toxic compounds. Measured parameters were temperature and luminosity sensibility, biochemical and chromatogrphy content. The resultsshow that Phoma sabdariffae Sacc. culture filtrate stays stable at 0 °C ; it is both thermosensible and photosensible, and contains glucidic, proteic and phenolic compounds. Its toxicity is due to the phenolic compounds that possess 2 actives fractions F1 and F4, with physico chemical characteristics close to those of brefeldine A and cytochalasine B.Mots clés : Phoma sabdariffae Sacc., roselle, filtrat, polyphénols, fractions actives, Gabon