807 research outputs found

    Heavy metals phytoremediation using Typha domingensis Flourishing in an industrial effluent drainage in Kano, Nigeria

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    Phytoremediation as a tool employs aquatic macrophytes as a principal and inexpensive strategy for controlling environmental pollution. It is achieved through various mechanisms such as phytoextraction, phytostabilization, and phytovolatilization. In this study, heavy metal content of a contaminated drainage that empties into the Kano River was investigated by assessing the uptake of heavy metal contaminants by a notorious aquatic weed, “Typha domingensis”. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) was used to determine the concentration of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr and Fe in the effluent, sediment and T. domingensis in the months of January, April and July 2013, covering the seasonal weather pattern in the area. In addition, the Bioconcentration factor (BCF) of these metal pollutants in T. domingensis, were calculated as the ratio of their concentration in Typha domingensis to the effluent while the Transfer factor (TF), as the ratio of these substances in T. domingensis to the sediment. From the results, Cu, Fe and Zn concentrations were statistically different (p<0.05) in the effluent as well as in the sediment across the sampling months, while Pb and Cr were significant only in the sediment. The BCF values obtained for these metals in the test plant were >1 except for Fe in April, which indicates the plant capacity for phytoextraction. Similarly, TF values obtained were >1 except for Pb, Fe and Cu in the months of January, April and July respectively. This also indicates the potentiality of T. domingensis as a nutrient and metalaccumulating plant through the process of sequestration. The findings of this work have demonstrated the capacity of T. domingensis in the effluent drainage, not only playing an ecological role in the environment, but also to remove heavy metal pollutants. Therefore, the plant species could be used for phytoremediation of industrial effluent contaminating ecosystems.Keywords; T. domingensis, phytoremediation, Heavy metals, industrial effluen

    Automatic code generation from UML diagrams: the state-of-the-art

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    The emergence of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as the de-facto standard for modeling software systems has encouraged the development of automated software tools that facilitate automatic code generation. UML diagrams are used to diagrammatically model and specify the static structure as well as the dynamic behavior of object-oriented systems and the software tools then go ahead and automatically produce code from the given diagrams. In the last two decades substantial work has been done in this area of automatic code generation. This paper is aimed at identifying and classifying this work pertaining to automatic code generation from UML diagrams, restricting the search neither to a specific context nor to a particular programming language. A Systematic literature review (SLR) using the keywords “automatic code generation”, “MDE”, “code generation” and “UML” is used to identify 40 research papers published during the years 2000–2016 which are broadly classified into three groups: Approaches, Frameworks and Tools. For each paper, an analysis is made of the achievements and the gaps, the UML diagrams used the programming languages and the platform. This analysis helps to answer the main questions that the paper addresses including what techniques or implementation methods have been used for automatic code generation from UML Diagrams, what are the achievements and gaps in the field of automatic code generation from UML diagrams, which UML diagram is most used for automatic code generation from UML diagrams, which programming language source code is mostly automatically generated from the design models and which is the most used target platform? The answers provided in this paper will assist researchers, practitioners and developers to know the current state-of-the-art in automatic code generation from UML diagrams.Keywords: Automatic Code Generation (ACG); Unified Modeling Language (UML); Model Driven Engineering (MDE

    Uji Efektivitas Jamur Antagonis Trichoderma SP. Dan Gliocladium SP. Untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Lanas (Phytophthora Nicotianae) Pada Tanaman Tembakau Deli (Nicotiana Tabaccum L.)

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    The test of the effectiviveness of Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp. antagonism fungi is aimed tocontrol lanas disease (Phytophthora nicotianae) in Deli tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabaccum L.). Theaim of the research was to know the effectiveness of Trichoderma sp. andGliocladium sp.antagonism fungi in controlling lanas disease in Deli tobacco plants. The research wasconducted at Tembakau Deli Research Center of PTPN II Sampali, Medan, from May untilSeptember, 2012. The research used non-factorial RAK (cluster random design) with ten treantmentsand three repetitions: control, P.nicotianae, 5 grams of Trichoderma sp., 10 grams of Trichoderma sp.,15 grams of Trichoderma sp., 20 grams of Trichoderma sp., 5 grams of Gliocladium sp.,10 grams of Gliocladium sp., 15 grams of Gliocladium sp., and 20 grams of Gliocladium sp. The resultof the research showed that the percentage of the highest attack was found in the treatment ofP.nicotianae (25.00%), but there was no symptom (0,00%) in the treatments of control,15 grams of Trichoderma sp., 20 grams of Trichoderma sp., 10 grams of Gliocladium sp.,15 grams of Gliocladium sp., and 20 grams of Gliocladium sp. The highest plant was found in thetreatment of 20 grams of Gliocladium sp. (50,92 centimeters) and the lowest plant was found in thetreatment of P.nicotianae (31,14 centimeters). The largest number of leaves was found in treatment of20 grams of Gliocladium sp. (20,18 leaves), and the smallest number of leaves was found in thetreatment of P.nicotianae (9,25 leaves). The result of the test of Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp.antagonism fungi on P.nicotianae indicated that the growth of both fungi had rapidly developed so thatP.nicotianae tended to get away from antagonism at the media in the laboratory

    Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa dan Kesulitan Belajar Termokimia dan Kesetimbangan Kimia Sebelum dan Sesudah Pembelajaran Kooperatif NHT

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia pada pelajaran termokimia dan kesetimbangan kimia melalui pembelajaran kooperatif NHT. Kemampuan berpikir kritis tersebut meliputi kemampuan mengidentifikasi, kemampuan mengevaluasi, kemampuan menyimpulkan, dan kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat. Data penelitian yang diperoleh dianalisis tingkat kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa dan kesulitan belajarnya. Kemudian dibandingkan sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran kooperatif NHT. Hasil penelitian setelah pembelajaran kooperatif NHT adalah sebagian besar mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan meningkat yaitu kemampuan mengidentifikasi dari sangat rendah dan cukup menjadi tinggi dan sangat tinggi, kemampuan mengevaluasi dari tidak ada menjadi sangat rendah, kemampuan menyimpulkan dari tidak ada dan rendah menjadi cukup dan sempurna, serta kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat dari rendah dan sangat rendah menjadi tinggi dan sangat tinggi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah rata-rata mahasiswa sebelum pembelajaran kooperatif NHT memiliki kemampuan yang sangat rendah pada kemampuan mengevaluasi, dan rendah pada kemampuan mengidentifikasi, menyimpulkan, dan mengemukakan pendapat. Setelah pembelajaran kooperatif NHT terjadi peningkatan yaitu kemampuan mengidentifikasi dan mengemukakan pendapat menjadi tinggi, kemampuan mengevaluasi menjadi rendah, dan kemampuan menyimpulkan menjadi cuku

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Terpadu NHT dan TSTS Dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar Struktur Atom dan Sistem Periodik Unsur

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    Pada tahun 2013 peneliti telah mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran kimia dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif terpadu Numbered Head Together (NHT) dan Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS). Hasil penelitian pada tahun 2013 di SMAN 7 Mataram dan  SMAN 3 Mataram menunjukkan bahwa: a) guru kimia belum pernah melakukan pembelajaran kooperatif dan hanya beberapa siswa yang aktif saat pembelajaran berlangsung, b)  lebih dari 50% siswa mengalami kesulitan belajar pada materi struktur atom, sistem periodik unsur, dan ikatan kimia. Pada tahun 2014, perangkat pembelajaran kimia tersebut diimplementasikan di kelas X guna mengetahui efektifitasnya. Hasil penelitian pada materi struktur atom dan sistem periodik unsur adalah: a) pembelajaran pada kelas eksperimen belum menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda secara signifikan dengan kelas kontrol dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa kelas X memahami konsep-konsep kimia. Rata-rata kesulitan belajarnya hampir sama yaitu sebesar 53,53% dan 55,15%, b)  kelas eksperimen memiliki kesulitan belajar lebih rendah daripada kelas kontrol pada 8 indikator dari 12 indikator pemahaman materi struktur atom dan sistem periodik unsu

    Effect of Soil Amendments, Variety and Irrigation Interval on Soil Properties and Yield of Sugarcane of a Salt-Affected Soil At Assalaya Sugar Scheme, Sudan

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    An experiment was conducted during February 1993 at Assalaya Sugar Scheme (Sudan), to study the effects of soil amendments, irrigation intervals and cane varieties on some physical and chemical properties of a salt-affected soil as well as yield of sugarcane. The experimental design was a split-split plot with three replications. Application of four tonnes/ha of a combination of filtermud and bagasse significantly increased soil moisture content compared to that of other amendments. Soil amendments decreased ESP and increased saturation percentage which in turn decreased ECe and SAR especially under 10 day irrigation interval. The highest cane yield       ( 158.8 t ha-1 ( was obtained by the addition of filtermud and bagasse. Variety C06806 with a mean cane yield of 146.6 t ha-l outyielded C0527 by about 27%, and the 10 day irrigation interval produced about 25% more cane than that of the 15 day irrigation interval. C06806 is suggested to be grown under the amendment of four tonnes/ha of filtermud and bagasse and irrigation interval of 10 days to give the highest cane yield in the salt-affected soil at Assalaya Sugar Scheme
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