21 research outputs found
Adipocyte extracellular matrix composition, dynamics and role in obesity
The central role of the adipose tissue in lipid metabolism places specific demands on the cell structure of adipocytes. The protein composition and dynamics of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is of crucial importance for the functioning of those cells. Adipogenesis is a bi-phasic process in which the ECM develops from a fibrillar to a laminar structure as cells move from the commitment phase to the growth phase characterized by storage of vast amounts of triglycerides. Mature adipocytes appear to spend a lot of energy on the maintenance of the ECM. ECM remodeling is mediated by a balanced complement of constructive and destructive enzymes together with their enhancers and inhibitors. ECM remodeling is an energy costing process regulated by insulin, by the energy metabolism, and by mechanical forces. In the obese, overgrowth of adipocytes may lead to instability of the ECM, possibly mediated by hypoxia
Fenugreek sprouts
Fenugreek seeds were processes using NTP in different configurations. Here are the results of biometric measurements and biochemical analyses performed on the sprouts grown 8 days from the NTP processing.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV
Газовая плазма для стерилизации поверхностей
University Grigore T. Popa, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Iasi, Romania, University Ion Ionescu dela Brad, Biophysics Department,
Iasi, Romania, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Faculty of Physics,
Iasi, Romania, Conferința științifico-practică cu participare internațională Centrul de Sănătate Publică din municipiul Chișinău – 70 de ani la straja sănătăţii 23 octombrie 2014Interacţiunea plasmei gazoase cu culturi bacteriene a fost studiată ca aplicaţie practică a plasmei reci la sterilizarea obiectelor mici pentru utilizare medicală. Zonele de inhibiţie a creşterii microbiene au fost măsurate în jurul spotului de impact cu jetul de plasmă pentru un jet de 3.5 cm lungime şi pentru unul de 2.5 cm, pentru acelaşi timp de expunere de 50 secunde. Efectul evident de distrugere a bacteriilor recomandă această metodă pentru sterilizarea unor ustensile medicale ce sunt sensibile la temperatură sau la reactivi chimici, ea fi ind de asemenea susţinută de relativa accesibilitate şi costurile mici.Взаимодействие газообразной плазмы с культурами бактерий было исследовано с точки зрения практического применения холодной плазмы для стерилизации малых предметов медицинского пользования. Зоны подавления микробного роста были измерены вокруг места воздействия струй плазмы для струи с длиной 3,5 см, а также с длиной 2,5 см при одинаковом времени воздействия равной 35 сек. Благодаря очевидному эффекту уничтожения бактерий, этот метод рекомендуется использовать для стерилизации некоторых медицинских принадлежностей, чувствительных к температуре или химическим реактивам, метод будучи удобным также благодаря относительной доступности и малой стоимости
Matrix metalloproteinase-11/stromelysin-3 exhibits collagenolytic function against collagen VI under normal and malignant conditions.
International audienceThe substrate of matrix metalloproteinase 11 (MMP11) remains unknown. We have recently shown that MMP11 is a negative regulator of adipogenesis, able to reduce and even to revert mature adipocyte differentiation. Here, we have used mouse 3T3L1 cells and human U87MG and SaOS cells to show that MMP11 cleaves the native alpha3 chain of collagen VI, which is an adipocyte-related extracellular matrix component. It is known that extracellular proteolytic processing of this chain is required for correct collagen VI folding. Interestingly, MMP11-deficient fat tissue is less cohesive and exhibits collagen VI alteration, dramatic adipocyte plasma and basement membrane abnormalities and lipid leakage. MMP11 is thus required for correct collagen VI folding and therefore for fat tissue cohesion and adipocyte function. Both MMP11 and collagen VI favor tumor progression. Similar spatio-temporal overexpression at the adipocyte-cancer cell interface has been reported for the two proteins. MMP11-dependent collagen VI processing might therefore be expected to occur during malignancy. Accordingly, collagen VI no longer delineates adipocytes located at the invasive front of breast carcinomas. In conclusion, the native alpha3 chain of collagen VI constitutes a specific MMP11 substrate. This MMP11 collagenolytic activity is functional in fat tissue ontogenesis as well as during cancer invasive steps
Investigation of low temperature plasma capabilities to modify the structure and function of bio-polymers
The possibility to modify biopolymers using low temperature plasma is investigated. Two types of plasma are employed in this study: an atmospheric pressure plasma and a low pressure microwave plasma. In both cases changes of the structure and function of the exposed molecules are reported, the effects being stronger for the low-pressure plasma irradiation