390 research outputs found

    RDF/S)XML Linguistic Annotation of Semantic Web Pages

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    Although with the Semantic Web initiative much research on web pages semantic annotation has already done by AI researchers, linguistic text annotation, including the semantic one, was originally developed in Corpus Linguistics and its results have been somehow neglected by AI. ..

    Estructuras de clasificación en español. Terminología y adquisición de conocimiento explícito para la web semántica.

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    El estudio de las estructuras de clasificación que aquí presentamos responde al interés que la terminología tiene en las aplicaciones informáticas relacionadas con la Web semántica. ..

    Guia d'atenció i acompanyament d'identitats LGTBIQ+, dirigida a professorat i famílies d'alumnat de cicles formatius de grau bàsic i grau mitjà

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    Aquest projecte Final de Màster té per objectiu crear una guia educativa dirigida al professorat dels centres educatius i unitats de convivència o familiars, per tal d'acompanyar de manera respectuosa un procés de trànsit social d'identitat sexual, de gènere i/o expressió de gènere en els cicles formatius de grau bàsic i grau mitjà. Amb l'elaboració de recursos documentals per a la guia educativa, es promou la reflexió i incentivació de l'esperit crític per tal d'incorporar la perspectiva LGTBIQ+ i de gènere en l'àmbit educatiu i de la formació professional. La guia inclou càpsules formatives dirigides al professorat dels centres educatius i les unitats de convivència així com a l'alumnat. Val a dir que la formació està oberta per a qualsevol persona i trànsit en l'àmbit educatiu. Tanmateix, amb aquest recurs com a element innovador, es posa el focus en la sensibilització i la formació de la comunitat educativa, i per tant té una vocació social transformadora. Un element clau per a la utilitat d'aquesta recerca anirà estretament adscrita a l'ús que se'n faci del recurs per part de l'administració i les institucions educatives ja que la meva incidència és molt minsa com a alumnat del màster de formació a professorat. Finalment, la proposta de procediment de diagnosi per al seguiment de l'ús i utilitat de la guia per a l'atenció i l'acompanyament de l'alumnat transgènere dels centres educatius, ja que crec que és fonamental per a assolir propostes de millora útils

    Manual control age and sex differences in 4 to 11 year old children

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    To what degree does being male or female influence the development of manual skills in pre-pubescent children? This question is important because of the emphasis placed on developing important new manual skills during this period of a child's education (e.g. writing, drawing, using computers). We investigated age and sex-differences in the ability of 422 children to control a handheld stylus. A task battery deployed using tablet PC technology presented interactive visual targets on a computer screen whilst simultaneously recording participant's objective kinematic responses, via their interactions with the on-screen stimuli using the handheld stylus. The battery required children use the stylus to: (i) make a series of aiming movements, (ii) trace a series of abstract shapes and (iii) track a moving object. The tasks were not familiar to the children, allowing measurement of a general ability that might be meaningfully labelled 'manual control', whilst minimising culturally determined differences in experience (as much as possible). A reliable interaction between sex and age was found on the aiming task, with girls' movement times being faster than boys in younger age groups (e.g. 4-5 years) but with this pattern reversing in older children (10-11 years). The improved performance in older boys on the aiming task is consistent with prior evidence of a male advantage for gross-motor aiming tasks, which begins to emerge during adolescence. A small but reliable sex difference was found in tracing skill, with girls showing a slightly higher level of performance than boys irrespective of age. There were no reliable sex differences between boys and girls on the tracking task. Overall, the findings suggest that prepubescent girls are more likely to have superior manual control abilities for performing novel tasks. However, these small population differences do not suggest that the sexes require different educational support whilst developing their manual skills

    From linguistic patterns to ontology structures

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    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the research on linguistic patterns focusing on the subclassOf relation for the semi-automatic construction of ontologies. Taking as a starting point those ontological structures corresponding to consensual modelling solutions, which are known as Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs), we identified the linguistic patterns that convey the relation captured in ODPs as Lexico-Syntactic Patterns (LSPs) and included them in an LSP-ODP pattern repository. LSPs will permit novice users the conversion of the domain field they want to model into an ontological structure. In the present contribution, the language of classification in Spanish is studied in order to collect the most common ways of verbally expressing the subclassOf relation. Then, the topology of the most common classification patterns is analysed to discover the type of ontological knowledge provided, i.e. which concept relation, and the two essential features in ontology knowledge: exhaustiveness and disjointness

    Contenido, forma y función en textos del dominio del cine: la reseña y la crítica cinematográficas

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    El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar el resultado del análisis de las características de una serie de textos procedentes de diversas fuentes, pero pertenecientes a un dominio de especialidad y con una finalidad común: presentar una película al público. El estudio de la relación entre texto y contenido informativo, y, más en concreto, entre las características textuales y la función textual y la ideología revela que la finalidad o función con la que se transmite la información sobre las obras cinematográficas determina sus características textuales: la forma del documento y el tratamiento del contenido informativo. A su vez, estos dos aspectos se ven afectados por el medio y la ideología

    Primeras aproximaciones a la anotación lingüístico-ontológica de documentos de Web Semántica: OntoTag

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    A instancias de lo que se ha dado en llamar la Web Semántica, la Inteligencia Artificial ha investigado exhaustivamente la anotación semántica de páginas web. La anotación (semántica) de textos se desarrolló primeramente en la Lingüística de Corpus; sin embargo, la Inteligencia Artificial, al centrarse en una anotación basada en ontologías, parece haber pasado por alto sus resultados. Este artículo muestra nuestras primeras experiencias en la integración de ambos campos, según las cuales una anotación híbrida (lingüística y ontológica) no sólo sería posible, sino también de gran utilidad, para hacer más comprensibles a un ordenador los documentos de la Web Semántica. Nuestro equipo de investigación está desarrollando OntoTag, un modelo de anotación multi-nivel (en principio, también multilingüe y de propósito general) basado en los estándares EAGLES y en la Semántica Ontológica, e implementado en lenguajes de marcado de última generación (RDF(S)/XML)

    Una visión interdisciplinar de la anotación semántica

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    Hoy en día Internet es la principal fuente de información. Es inmensa la cantidad de documentos accesibles en lo que se conoce como la World Wide Web (WWW) o, simplemente, la web o la red. ..

    Eating Disorder Awareness Campaigns:Thematic and Quantitative Analysis Using Twitter

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    Background: Health awareness initiatives are frequent but their efficacy is a matter of controversy. We have investigated the effect of the Eating Disorder Awareness Week and Wake Up Weight Watchers campaigns on Twitter. Objective: We aimed to examine whether the Eating Disorder Awareness Week and Wake Up Weight Watchers initiatives increased the volume and dissemination of Twitter conversations related to eating disorders and investigate what content generates the most interest on Twitter. Methods: Over a period of 12 consecutive days in 2018, we collected tweets containing the hashtag #wakeupweightwatchers and hashtags related to Eating Disorder Awareness Week (#eatingdisorderawarenessweek, #eatingdisorderawareness, or #EDAW), with the hashtag #eatingdisorder as a control. The content of each tweet was rated as medical, testimony, help offer, awareness, pro-ana, or anti-ana. We analyzed the number of retweets and favorites generated, as well as the potential reach and impact of the hashtags and the characteristics of contributors. Results: The number of #wakeupweightwatchers tweets was higher than that of Eating Disorder Awareness Week and #eatingdisorder tweets (3900, 2056, and 1057, respectively). The content of tweets was significantly different between the hashtags analyzed (P<.001). Medical content was lower in the awareness campaigns. Awareness and help offer content were lower in #wakeupweightwatchers tweets. Retweet and favorite ratios were highest in #wakeupweightwatchers tweets. Eating Disorder Awareness Week achieved the highest impact, and very influential contributors participated. Conclusions: Both awareness campaigns effectively promoted tweeting about eating disorders. The majority of tweets did not promote any specific preventive or help-seeking behaviors