303 research outputs found

    Correlation of Oxidized-LDL, Resistin and Interleukin-1 Beta in Centrally Obese Men

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity is one of serious health problems, which increases the risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cancers. It is strongly associated with changes in the physiological function of adipose tissue, leading to altered secretion of adipokines and activation of inflammatory signaling pathways. This study was aimed to investigate the correlation of resistin, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OxLDL) in centrally obese men.METHODS: The research was conducted with a crosssectional design involving 68 centrally obese men aged 31 to 60 years old, with waist circumference (WC) >90 cm. All subjects fulfilled the exclusion criteria. Anthropometric parameters, creatinine, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) were measured. Serum concentrations of resistin, IL-1β and OxLDL were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.RESULTS: The study results showed there was a significant correlation of WC-OxLDL (r=0.235; p=0.030) and some correlation of WC-resistin (r=0.201; p=0.050). However, we observed no significant correlation of IL-1β-OxLDL (r=0.042; p=0.369), resistin-OxLDL (r=-0.072; p=0.285) and WC-IL-1β (r=-0.042; p= 0.367).CONCLUSION: Our data show a relationship between WC and OxLDL, but the mechanism does not appear to be directly related to resistin or IL-1β

    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Issues in Dental School Environments: Dental Student Leaders’ Perceptions

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    The objectives of the study reported in this article were to assess dental student leaders’ perceptions of educational efforts concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) topics and the cultural climate concerning LGBT issues in dental schools in the United States and Canada. In addition, the perceptions of student leaders who self‐identified as belonging to the LGBT community and of students with a heterosexual orientation were compared. Data were collected from 113 dental student leaders from twenty‐seven dental schools in the United States and three in Canada. Fifty student leaders were females, and sixty‐two were males. Only 13.3 percent of the respondents agreed that their dental education prepared them well to treat patients from LGBT backgrounds. The more the student leaders believed that their university has an honest interest in diversity, the better they felt prepared by their dental school program to treat patients from LGBT backgrounds (r=.327; p<.001). The better they felt prepared, the more they perceived the clinic environment as sensitive and affirming for patients with different sexual orientations (r=.464; p<.001). The more they reported that dental schools’ administrations create a positive environment for students with LGBT orientations, the more they agreed that persons can feel comfortable regardless of their sexual orientation (r=.585; p<.001). In conclusion, the findings indicate that dental school administrators play an important role in ensuring that future care providers are well prepared to treat patients from LGBT backgrounds and that staff, faculty, students, and patients from these backgrounds are not discriminated against.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153661/1/jddj002203372009731tb04643x.pd


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Modified Audit Opinion terhadap Operating Cash Flow dan Hubungannya terhadap Investment Cash Flow pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Peneliti melakukan penelitian pada perusahaan manufaktur yang tedaftar di Bursa Efek Indoneisa periode 2010-2014. Tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Modified Audit Opinion terhadap Operating Cash Flow dan Hubungannya terhadap Investment Cash Flow. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Porposive Sampling. Dimana populasi yang berjumlah 657 dan sampel 380 sampel pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2010-2014. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis verifikatif. Analisis Statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji asumsi klasik, metode estimasi regresi data panel, pemilihan metode estimasi regresi data panel, koefisien determinasi, serta pengujian hipotesis dan pengolahan datanya dibantu dengan Eviews 8. Hasil uji statistik secara parsial Modified Audit Opinion hanya memberikan pengaruh terhadap Operating Cash Flow pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebesar 15.9% dan sisanya sebesar 84.1% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain. Modified Audit Opinion berpengaruh terhadap Operating Cash Flow pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Operating Cash Flow hanya memberikan pengaruh terhadap Operating Cash Flow pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebesar 9% dan sisanya sebesar 91% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain. Operating Cash Flow berpengaruh terhadap Investment Cash Flow pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Kata kunci: Modified Audit Opinion, Operating Cash Flow dan Investment Cash Flo

    The need for international planetary cartography planning and cooperation

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    Cartography is fundamental to planetary science and as such, a lack of appropriate consideration of this foundation can have and has had serious and expensive consequences to both the scientific return from planetary missions and the safety of future lander missions. In this abstract we highlight the need for, and recommend cooperative planning of, such cartographic work at the national and international level. In an effort to support the planetary exploration initiatives of the various spacefaring nations, we detail specific negative consequences of not properly accounting for cartographic constraints during mission planning and execution. We will also pose several unanswered questions that must be addressed before new exploration efforts should commence. To assure the best possible return on space exploration investments, we recommend that the following planetary cartographic issues be considered: 1. Adequate resources for mapping at all stages from mission design through calibration, operations, development of processing algorithms and software, and processing to archiving; 2. Easy access to data sets and metadata from all nations; consistent (or at least well-documented) data formats; consistent cartographic standards; 3. Cooperation and support leading to the joint analysis of data sets from many nations, in turn leading to integration in a single cartographic coordinate framework at known accuracy levels, and the ability to leverage the powerful synergistic value of multiple data sets. Possible actions that could be taken to achieve these goals will also be presented

    Dampak Psikologis Pada Perkawinan Remaja Di Jawa Timur

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    Remaja adalah individu yang berusia 13-18 tahun. Menurut PBB, perkawinan pada remaja secara umum didefinisikan sebagai pernikahan yang dilakukan di bawah umur 18 tahun. Definisi ini tidak terbatas pada masalah perbedaan budaya, benua ataupun area. Terlepas dari faktor apapun yang menyebabkan individu terjebak dalam perkawinan, praktik perkawinan remaja ini memiliki dampaknya tersendiri bagi yang bersangkutan. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran dampak psikologis dari perkawinan remaja di Jawa Timur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Pada penelitian ini, variabel yang akan diteliti dampak psikologis pada perkawinan remaja yang akan digali secara mendalam. Untuk memungkinkan analisis data antar subjek, maka subjek penelitian akan berjumlah dua subjek dari masing-masing daerah. Total jumlah subjek adalah enam orang yang tersebar di Kota Surabaya, Kabupaten Jombang dan Kabupaten Gresik. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah pengambilan sampel bola salju. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperkaya referensi dan pengetahuan mengenai perkawinan remaja di Jawa Timur. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah dapat menjadi acuan untuk intervensi dalam penurunan angka perkawinan remaja di Jawa Timur. Sehingga dalam tujuan jangka panjang diharapkan penelitian ini mampu memberikan kesadaran bagi setiap orang, terutama peran pemerintah dalam pencegahan praktik pernikahan di usia muda

    Does the availability of snack foods in supermarkets vary internationally?

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    BackgroundCross-country differences in dietary behaviours and obesity rates have been previously reported. Consumption of energy-dense snack foods and soft drinks are implicated as contributing to weight gain, however little is known about how the availability of these items within supermarkets varies internationally. This study assessed variations in the display of snack foods and soft drinks within a sample of supermarkets across eight countries.MethodsWithin-store audits were used to evaluate and compare the availability of potato chips (crisps), chocolate, confectionery and soft drinks. Displays measured included shelf length and the proportion of checkouts and end-of-aisle displays containing these products. Audits were conducted in a convenience sample of 170 supermarkets across eight developed nations (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom (UK), and United States of America (US)).ResultsThe mean total aisle length of snack foods (adjusted for store size) was greatest in supermarkets from the UK (56.4 m) and lowest in New Zealand (21.7 m). When assessed by individual item, the greatest aisle length devoted to chips, chocolate and confectionery was found in UK supermarkets while the greatest aisle length dedicated to soft drinks was in Australian supermarkets. Only stores from the Netherlands (41%) had less than 70% of checkouts featuring displays of snack foods or soft drinks.ConclusionWhilst between-country variations were observed, overall results indicate high levels of snack food and soft drinks displays within supermarkets across the eight countries. Exposure to snack foods is largely unavoidable within supermarkets, increasing the likelihood of purchases and particularly those made impulsively.<br /


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    The perception obtained by the administrative staff of the Faculty of Psychology, regarding quality management, with respect to the profile of the position they perform, was consistent with their academic training, years of service and work experience. Which made it possible to evaluate the quality of the product that it generates in its administrative functions and that has an impact on internal and external interest groups.&nbsp;It is important to highlight that the study was ex post facto, with a non-experimental, transactional,correlational type: through the variable’s quality management and personnel evaluation and a working hypothesis that related them. The population and selection of the sample consisted of the unit of analysis, which is the administrative staff of the faculty. The sample was made up of the 24 administrative staff of the faculty, 5 men and 19 women. A survey was applied to administrative staff in 2019, 2020 and 2021. The result for the year 2019 was that the perception that administrative staff have regarding being satisfied with their current jobs, their functions and tasks was of an 83.33% and for the year 2020, there was an increase of 10.67%. In relation to whether the training and training they receive respond to the needs of the position they perform in 2019, 66.67% indicated yes and for the year 2020, an increase of 13.33% was observed. For the year 2021, 87% expressed their perception of their job as very satisfactory.La percepción obtenida por el personal administrativo de la Facultad de Psicología, sobre la gestión de calidad, con respecto al perfil del cargo que desempeña, guardó concordancia con su formación académica, los años de servicio y su experiencia laboral. Lo que permitió evaluar la calidad del producto que genera en sus funciones administrativas y que repercuten en los grupos de interés, internos y externos. Es importante resaltar que el estudio fue ex post facto, con un diseño no experimental de tipo transeccional, correlacional; a través de las variables gestión de la calidad y evaluación del personal y una hipótesis de trabajo que las relacionó. La población y selección de la muestra estuvo constituida por la unidad de análisis que es el personal administrativo de la facultad. &nbsp;La muestra quedó conformada por los 24 administrativos de la facultad, 5 hombres y 19 mujeres. Se aplicó una encueta a los administrativos en 2019, 2020 y 2021.&nbsp; Se obtuvo como resultado para el año 2019, que la percepción que tiene el personal administrativo en cuanto a estar satisfecho con sus actuales puestos de trabajo, sus funciones y tareas fue de un 83.33% y para el año 2020, se dio un aumento de 10.67%. Con relación a si la formación y capacitación que reciben responden a las necesidades del cargo que desempeñan en el año 2019, el 66.67% señaló que sí y para el año 2020, se observó un aumento de 13.33%. para el año 2021, el 87% manifestó como muy satisfactoria su percepción con relación a su puesto de trabajo

    PENGARUH LABA BERSIH DAN LABA NILAI WAJAR TERHADAP RELEVANSI RISIKO (SuatuStudiPada Perusahaan Propertidan Real Estate Yang terdaftar di Bursa EfekIndonesia Periode 2013-2017)

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    ABSTRAK Laporan keuangan merupakan salah satu informasi yang digunakan oleh investor untuk menentukan seberapa besar risiko yang ada pada suatu investasi. Sebelum mengambil keputusan untuk menginvestasikan dananya pada suatu investasi, investor akan mempertimbangkan risiko dan return investasi terlebih dahulu. Relevansi risiko digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara informasi akuntansi dan hubungan risiko pasar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh laba bersih dan laba nilai wajar terhadap relevansi risiko di perusahaan properti dan real estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2013 – 2017. Dalam penelitian ini, teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik non-probability sampling dan dalam pengambilan sampelnya menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria : perusahaan properti dan real estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2017, perusahaan yang tidak IPO pada tahun 2014 – 2017, perusahaan yang tidak pernah delisting pada tahun 2014 – 2017 dan perusahaan yang tidak memiliki laba nilai wajar = 0 pada tahun 2013 – 2017. Jenis metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dan verifikatif. Metode deskriptif adalah metode penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui keberadaan nilai variabel mandiri (independen), baik satu variabel atau lebih tanpa membuat perbandingan atau hubungan dengan variabel lain. Sedangkan metode verifikatif adalah metode yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kausalitas (hubungan sebab-akibat) antarvariabel melalui suatu pengujian hipotesis menggunakan suatu perhitungan statistic sehingga didapat hasil pembuktian yang membuktikan hipotesis ditolak atau diterima. Pengujian yang digunakan antara lain pengujian asumsi klasik, analisis linear regresi sederhana, analisis linear berganda, analisis korelasi, analisis determinasi, uji t dan uji f. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa laba bersih tidak berpengaruh terhadap relevansi risiko, laba nilai wajar berpengaruh terhapada relevansi risiko. Secara simultan laba bersih dan laba nilai wajar berpengaruh terhadap relevansi risiko. Kata Kunci: Laba Bersih, Laba Nilai Wajar, Relevansi Risiko, dan Volatilitas Harga Saham