8 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Alel dan Kekuatan Pembeda Empat Lokus Dna Mikrosatelit Kromosom-y pada Masyarakat Klan Pande di Bali untuk Kepentingan Forensik

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    This research was conducted to know alleles variation and power of discrimination of four pair of primer: DYS19, DYS390, DYS393 and DYS395 of male Pande clan. Epithelial cell mucus was collected from 59 male of Gainer, Klungkung, Badung regencies and Denpasar city. Phenol chloroform method was used to extraction DNA from epithel cells sample. Four primer pair was used to amplify DNA samples in PCR machine on 52-55oC annealing temperature. Amplicon were running on PAGE 10% and visualized with silver nitrate staining. The DNA typing were conducted to determinate of alleles size of amplicon with plotting migration distance of amplicon on semi-log pepper. Genetic diversity and power of discrimination was calculated used Microsoft Exell program. The result of this research showed that 29 alleles were found range of 6-9 with mean 7.25 per locus. The genetic diversity is high category (0.739 ± 0.003, the highest diversity on DYS 390 locus is 0.809 ± 0,004 followed by DYS395, DYS393 are 0,793 ± 0.004 and 0,720 ± 0.005 and the small one is 0.633 ± 0.003 on DYS19 locus. The power of discrimination (PD) of all loci are high category with average value is 0.892, because of / for this reason all of loci usfulnes for forensic purpose on pande clan in Bali


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    Ethanol can damage the liver, indicated by an increase of alanin amino transaminase (ALT) activity and aspartat amino transminase (AST) activity in the blood of alcohol-treated rats. Coffee is rich in antioxidants which are hepatoprotector agent. This study aimed to determine the effect of coffee to reduce alanin amino transaminase (ALT) activity and aspartat amino transminase (AST) activity in blood serum of alcohol-treated rats. The study used 32 male wistar albino rats (200±20g  weight) which were divided into four treatment groups i.e. P0 (negative control which were treated with 1 mL of 30% ethanol/200g body weight (bw)/day), P1 (1 mL of 30% ethanol/200 g bw/day + coffee 0,1g/200g bw in 3,5 mL of water/200 g bw/day), P2 (1 mL of 30% ethanol/200g bw + coffee 0,15 g/200g bw in 3,5 mL of water/200g bw/day), dan P3 (1 mL of 30% ethanol/200g bw + coffee 0,2g/200g bw in 3,5 mL of water/200g bw/day). ALT and AST levels were measured by spectrophotometric method. Data analysis was done by ANOVA followed with LSD test and correlation analysis. The results showed that coffee reduced (P<0.01) the activities of ALT and AST of rats blood serum. ALT and AST activities were significantly different (P<0.01) among treatments and with control. Dose of coffee was negatively correlated with ALT activity with correlation coefficient (R) -0.978 and AST with correlation coefficient (R) -0.985 (P<0,01). The lowest of ALT and AST activities were found at dose of coffee 0.2 g/200g body weight. Keywords: ethanol, ALT, AST, coffe

    Kajian Struktur Histologi Hati, Insang dan Lambung Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) di Danau Batur, Bangli

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    Danau Batur saat ini sudah mulai tercemar akibat tingginya beban pencemaran yang masuk ke perairan disebabkan oleh aktivitas masyarakat di sekitar danau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kerusaka struktur histologi hati, insang, dan lambung, ikan nila serta mengetahui jenis logam berat yang terdapat di perairan Danau Batur. Penelitian ini menggunakan 5 titik lokasi pengambilan sampel ikan nila. Sampel dibuat sayatan histologi organ dengan metode embedding dan analisis logam berat dengan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Hasil skoring pada insang luar, diperoleh kejadian patologi berturut-turut hiperplasia, edema lamela sekunder, dan fusi lamela paling berat 25% pada 4 lokasi, 18,7% pada lokasi 5, dan 25,00% pada lokasi 2. Pada insang dalam menunjukkan berturut-turut hiperplasia, edema lamela sekunder dan fusi lamela paling berat dengan frekuensi masing-masing 25,00% pada 4 lokasi, 25,00% pada lokasi 5, dan 25,00% pada lokasi 4. Lambung ditemukan kerusakan berupasel kariolisis, infiltrasi sel radang, dan desquamasi epitel. Histologi hati menunjukkan adanya kariolisis, karioreksis, dan degenerasi melemak. Konsentrasi logam berat di organ hati terdeteksi Fe dengan konsentrasi paling besar 3,96 ppm pada lokasi 2 dan Cu dengan konsentrasi paling besar 0,7 ppm pada lokasi 5. Ditemukannya kerusakan organ serta adanya logam berat, menandakan bahwa perairan Danau Batur mengalami pencemaran oleh aktivitas manusia di sekitar danau. Lake Batur is currently starting to be polluted due to the high pollution load enters into waters which caused of the people activities around the lake. This study aims to observe the histological structure damage of the liver, gills, and stomach, on the tilapia fishes, as well as to determine heavy metal types found in the Batur Lake water. This study was carried out 5 points of Batur Lake. The fish samples were prepared histological section by using the embedding method. Heavy metals were determined by using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The scoring on the external gills showed there were pathological occurrences of hyperplasia, secondary lamellae edema, and lamellae fusion with most severe frequency of 25% at 4 locations, 18.7% at location 5, and 20% at location 2 respectively. Internal gills showed hyperplasia, secondary lamellae edema and most severe lamella fusion with most severe frequency of 25% at 4 sites, 25% at location 5, 25% at location 4 respectively. The stomach damaged were karyolytic cells, inflammatory cell infiltration, and epithelial desquamation. Liver histology showed karyolysis, karyorrhexis, and fatty degeneration. The heavy metals Fe and Cu were detected in the liver with Fe with the highest concentration of 3.96 ppm (Fe) at location 2 and 0.7 ppm (Cu) at location 5. The discovery of organ damages and the presence of heavy metals on the tilapia fish body indicated that Batur Lake water has been polluted by human activity around the lake.

    Keanekaragaman Lamun dan Makrozoobentos sebagai Indikator Kondisi Perairan Pantai Sindhu, Sanur, Bali

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    Sindhu Beach is part of the Sanur beach area. Sanur area is one of 11 strategic national tourism areas in Bali. Beach tourism activities have the potential to cause degradation of coastal ecosystems. Ecosystem changes can be determined using bioindicators. This study aims to determine the condition of the Sindhu Coast waters ecosystem based on seagrass diversity and macrozoobenthos as indicators. This research was conducted in November 2019 at Sindhu Beach. Seagrass observations and macrozoobenthos sampling were carried out at four stations with three replications at each station. Data and samples were collected using the quadratic transect method. Eight species of seagrass were found in Sindhu Beach with a percentage of cover between 16.33% - 63.37% and density between 1572 ind / m2 - 3314.4 ind / m2. The average value of the seagrass diversity index was 1.24, the average uniformity index was 0.78, and the average dominance index was 0.32. Types of macrozoobenthos found were 23 species with abundances ranging from 2.33 ind / m2 - 28.33 ind / m2. The average value of macrozoobenthos uniformity index is 1.50, the average diversity index is 0.68 and the average dominance index is 0.36. Based on the index value shows that the waters of Sindhu Beach are in good condition or there is no ecologically significant pressure


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    Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Republik Indonesia di Samudera Hindia dengan kode WPP-RI 572 dan 573 kaya akan potensi sumber daya ikan yang didominasi oleh ikan Tongkol Komo (Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849). Pemanfaatan ikan Tongkol Komo telah melampaui batas optimal dengan tekanan penangkapan yang tinggi. Biologi reproduksi Tongkol Komo perlu diketahui untuk memastikan keberadaannya di alam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Tahap Kematangan Gonad (TKG) dan pemijahan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari, April, Juni hingga Desember 2020. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan langsung di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Kedonganan. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive stratified sampling. Analisis histologi di Laboratorium Penelitian Perikanan Tuna, Denpasar. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa pola pertumbuhan tuna komo didominasi oleh pola alometrik positif dengan sebaran panjang 20-65cmFL. Ukuran pertama kali matang gonad (Lm) untuk betina 44,07 cmFL. Tingkat Kematangan Gonad (TKG) pada klasifikasi makroskopis dan mikroskopis perkembangan gonad didominasi oleh ikan yang belum matang gonad. Musim pemijahan pada bulan Agustus dan Desember

    Status Mutu Air Sungai Ayung Berdasarkan Data Pemantauan Kualitas Air Tahun 2014-2018

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    It is very important to know the status of river water quality, in order to determine the direction of resource management which is decreasing in quality according to its allocation. Analysis of the status of the water quality of the Ayung River in Bali Province using secondary data in the form of data on illness results from 2014 to 2018. The number of parameters applied to the fire is 16 parameters with class II water quality standards referring to attachment XII of Bali Governor Regulation No. 16 of 2016 concerning Environmental Quality Standards and Environmental Damage Standard Criteria. The analysis used the Storetic Method (Decree of the Minister of Environment Number 115 of 2003). The results of the analysis show that the status of Ayung River water is at very good, good and moderate levels. The status of the Ayung River's air quality tends to decline from year to year and from upstream to downstream. Status determining parameters are: BOD5, phosphate, phenol, detergent and sulfide. Key words: water quality status; ayung river; storet

    Mangrove biomass sequestration in Benoa Bay

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    Mangrove ecosystems are coastal ecosystems that can store carbon three times higher than all other forests on earth. Current conditions show a decrease in mangrove forests and damage to mangrove ecosystem conditions that impact reducing mangrove carbon sequestration. Data relating to the potential of sustainable mangrove biomass is currently lacking, so research is needed. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in the amount of mangrove biomass at permanent stations temporally. This research was conducted at 10 sample points in the Benoa Bay area using a stratified purposive sampling method with a quadrant transect measuring 10 meters x 10 meters. Data were collected by measuring DBH on each mangrove stand within the transect. Data analysis was conducted using the common allometric equation by including the wood-specific gravity per species. In general, there was an increase in the average biomass in each plot with an average of 1.315 tons/ha at six months different. This shows that the larger the diameter of the stand, the greater the biomass produced

    Comparison of mangrove canopy covering accuracy using landsat 8 and landsat 9 imagery based on several vegetation indices in West Bali National Park

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    The remote sensing implementation is beneficial as a means of monitoring the ecosystem. Landsat imagery is a remote sensing (open access) based data source with a long and wide monitoring period with good image quality. This study compares the accuracy of Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 satellite images in detecting mangrove canopy cover using 13 different remote sensing vegetation indices in the West Bali National Park, Indonesia. The mangrove canopy cover data was collected with the hemispherical photography method. A linear regression test was conducted to determine the relationship between the remote sensing vegetation indices and the field's percentage of mangrove canopy cover. The result indicated that Landsat 8 was more accurate in detecting mangrove canopy cover than Landsat 9. Of the 13 remote sensing indices evaluated, the Chlorophyll Vegetation Index (CVI) had the highest accuracy, with R2 values of 0.86 and 0.75 for Landsat 8 and 9, respectively.