269 research outputs found

    H-Dibaryon from Lattice QCD with Improved Anisotropic Actions

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    The six quark state(uuddss) called H dibaryon(JP=0+J^P=0^+,S=−2S=-2) has been calculated to study its existence and stability. The simulations are performed in quenched QCD on 83×248^3 \times 24 and 163×4816^3 \times 48 anisotropic lattices with Symanzik improved gauge action and Clover fermion action. The gauge coupling is ÎČ=2.0\beta=2.0 and aspect ratio Ο=as/at=3.0\xi=a_s/a_t=3.0. Preliminary results indicate that mass of H dibaryon is 2134(100)Mev on 83×248^3 \times 24 lattice and 2167(59)Mev on 163×4816^3 \times 48 respectively. It seems that the radius of H dibaryon is very large and the finite size effect is very obvious

    Separable approximation to two-body matrix elements

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    Two-body matrix elements of arbitrary local interactions are written as the sum of separable terms in a way that is well suited for the exchange and pairing channels present in mean-field calculations. The expansion relies on the transformation to center of mass and relative coordinate (in the spirit of Talmi's method) and therefore it is only useful (finite number of expansion terms) for harmonic oscillator single particle states. The converge of the expansion with the number of terms retained is studied for a Gaussian two body interaction. The limit of a contact (delta) force is also considered. Ways to handle the general case are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures (for high resolution versions of some of the figures contact the author

    Those wonderful elastic waves

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    We consider in a simple and general way elastic waves in isotropic and anisotropic media, their polarization, speeds, reflection from interfaces with mode conversion, and surface waves. Reflection of quasi transverse waves in anisotropic media from a free surface is shown to be characterized by three critical angles.Comment: 11 Figures 26 page

    The symmetric-Toeplitz linear system problem in parallel

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    [EN] Many algorithms exist that exploit the special structure of Toeplitz matrices for solving linear systems. Nevertheless, these algorithms are difficult to parallelize due to its lower computational cost and the great dependency of the operations involved that produces a great communication cost. The foundation of the parallel algorithm presented in this paper consists of transforming the Toeplitz matrix into a another structured matrix called Cauchy¿like. The particular properties of Cauchy¿like matrices are exploited in order to obtain two levels of parallelism that makes possible to highly reduce the execution time. The experimental results were obtained in a cluster of PC¿s.Supported by Spanish MCYT and FEDER under Grant TIC 2003-08238-C02-02Alonso-Jordá, P.; Vidal Maciá, AM. (2005). The symmetric-Toeplitz linear system problem in parallel. Computational Science -- ICCS 2005,Pt 1, Proceedings. 3514:220-228. https://doi.org/10.1007/11428831_28S2202283514Sweet, D.R.: The use of linear-time systolic algorithms for the solution of toeplitz problems. k Technical Report JCU-CS-91/1, Department of Computer Science, James Cook University, Tue, 23 April 1996 15, 17, 55 GMT (1991)Evans, D.J., Oka, G.: Parallel solution of symmetric positive definite Toeplitz systems. Parallel Algorithms and Applications 12, 297–303 (1998)Gohberg, I., Koltracht, I., Averbuch, A., Shoham, B.: Timing analysis of a parallel algorithm for Toeplitz matrices on a MIMD parallel machine. Parallel Computing 17, 563–577 (1991)Gallivan, K., Thirumalai, S., Dooren, P.V.: On solving block toeplitz systems using a block schur algorithm. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Parallel Processing, Boca Raton, FL, USA, vol. 3, pp. 274–281. CRC Press, Boca Raton (1994)Thirumalai, S.: High performance algorithms to solve Toeplitz and block Toeplitz systems. Ph.d. th., Grad. College of the U. of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (1996)Alonso, P., Badía, J.M., Vidal, A.M.: Parallel algorithms for the solution of toeplitz systems of linear equations. In: Wyrzykowski, R., Dongarra, J., Paprzycki, M., Waƛniewski, J. (eds.) PPAM 2004. LNCS, vol. 3019, pp. 969–976. Springer, Heidelberg (2004)Anderson, E., et al.: LAPACK Users’ Guide. SIAM, Philadelphia (1995)Blackford, L., et al.: ScaLAPACK Users’ Guide. SIAM, Philadelphia (1997)Alonso, P., Badía, J.M., González, A., Vidal, A.M.: Parallel design of multichannel inverse filters for audio reproduction. In: Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, IASTED, Marina del Rey, CA, USA, vol. II, pp. 719–724 (2003)Loan, C.V.: Computational Frameworks for the Fast Fourier Transform. SIAM Press, Philadelphia (1992)Heinig, G.: Inversion of generalized Cauchy matrices and other classes of structured matrices. Linear Algebra and Signal Proc., IMA, Math. Appl. 69, 95–114 (1994)Gohberg, I., Kailath, T., Olshevsky, V.: Fast Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting for matrices with displacement structure. Mathematics of Computation 64, 1557–1576 (1995)Alonso, P., Vidal, A.M.: An efficient and stable parallel solution for symmetric toeplitz linear systems. TR DSIC-II/2005, DSIC–Univ. Polit. Valencia (2005)Kailath, T., Sayed, A.H.: Displacement structure: Theory and applications. SIAM Review 37, 297–386 (1995

    A two-step learning approach for solving full and almost full cold start problems in dyadic prediction

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    Dyadic prediction methods operate on pairs of objects (dyads), aiming to infer labels for out-of-sample dyads. We consider the full and almost full cold start problem in dyadic prediction, a setting that occurs when both objects in an out-of-sample dyad have not been observed during training, or if one of them has been observed, but very few times. A popular approach for addressing this problem is to train a model that makes predictions based on a pairwise feature representation of the dyads, or, in case of kernel methods, based on a tensor product pairwise kernel. As an alternative to such a kernel approach, we introduce a novel two-step learning algorithm that borrows ideas from the fields of pairwise learning and spectral filtering. We show theoretically that the two-step method is very closely related to the tensor product kernel approach, and experimentally that it yields a slightly better predictive performance. Moreover, unlike existing tensor product kernel methods, the two-step method allows closed-form solutions for training and parameter selection via cross-validation estimates both in the full and almost full cold start settings, making the approach much more efficient and straightforward to implement

    Cross-correlation of the 2-10 keV XRB with radio sources: constraining the large-scale structure of the x-ray background

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    We present cross-correlation analyses of the HEAO 2-10 keV diffuse X-ray map with both the combined GB6/Parkes-MIT-NRAO (GB6-PMN) 5 GHz and the FIRST 1.4 GHz radio surveys. The cross-correlation functions (CCFs) of both radio surveys with the unresolved X-ray background were detected at the 5 sigma level. While the large angular resolution (3 degrees) of the X-ray map makes it difficult to separate the contributions of clustering from those of Poisson fluctuations, the amplitude of the CCF provides important constraints on the X-ray emissivity of the radio sources as well as on the clustering properties of radio and X-ray sources. These constraints are subject to a number of modeling parameters, e.g. the X-ray luminosity evolution, clustering evolution, the radio luminosity function, cosmological model, etc. For reasonable choices of paramters the X-ray/FIRST CCF is consistent with a correlation scale length of 6/h Mpc. This is somewhat smaller than the scale length inferred from the autocorrelation function of the FIRST survey and implies that X-ray sources are less strongly clustered than strong radio sources, a result which is consistent with previous constraints on X-ray clustering. The X-ray/GB6-PMN CCF is several times larger and is likely to be dominated by Poisson fluctuations. This implies that 2 percent of the diffuse X-ray background arises from the GB6-PMN sources.Comment: 25 pages, with 8 figures included. Submitted to ApJ. [email protected]

    Elastic Scattering Phenomenology

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    We argue that, in many situations, fits to elastic scattering data that were historically, and frequently still are, considered “good”, are not justifiably so describable. Information about the dynamics of nucleon-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus scattering is lost when elastic scattering phenomenology is insufficiently ambitious. It is argued that in many situations, an alternative approach is appropriate for the phenomenology of nuclear elastic scattering of nucleons and other light nuclei. The approach affords an appropriate means of evaluating folding models, one that fully exploits available empirical data. It is particularly applicable for nucleons and other light ions

    The Development of Practice Recommendations for Drug-Disease Interactions by Literature Review and Expert Opinion

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    Background: Drug-disease interactions negatively affect the benefit/risk ratio of drugs for specific populations. In these conditions drugs should be avoided, adjusted, or accompanied by extra monitoring. The motivation for many drug-disease interactions in the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) is sometimes insufficiently supported by (accessible) evidence. As a consequence the translation of SmPC to clinical practice may lead to non-specific recommendations. For the translation of this information to the real world, it is necessary to evaluate the available knowledge about drug-disease interactions, and to formulate specific recommendations for prescribers and pharmacists. The aim of this paper is to describe a standardized method how to develop practice recommendations for drug-disease interactions by literature review and expert opinion. Methods: The development of recommendations for drug-disease interactions will follow a six-step plan involving a multidisciplinary expert panel (1). The scope of the drug-disease interaction will be specified by defining the disease and by describing relevant effects of this drug-disease interaction. Drugs possibly involved in this drug-disease interaction are selected by checking the official product information, literature, and expert opinion (2). Evidence will be collected from the official product information, guidelines, handbooks, and primary literature (3). Study characteristics and outcomes will be evaluated and presented in standardized reports, including preliminary conclusions on the clinical relevance and practice recommendations (4). The multidisciplinary expert panel will discuss the reports and will either adopt or adjust the conclusions (5). Practice recommendations will be integrated in clinical decision support systems and published (6). The results of the evaluated drug-disease interactions will remain up-to-date by screening new risk information, periodic literature review, and (re)assessments initiated by health care providers. Actionable Recommendations: The practice recommendations will result in advices for specific DDSI. The content and considerations of these DDSIs will be published and implemented in all Clinical Decision Support Systems in the Netherlands. Discussion: The recommendations result in professional guidance in the context of individual patient care. The professional will be supported in the decision making in concerning pharmacotherapy for the treatment of a medical problem, and the clinical risks of the proposed medication in combination with specific diseases

    Energy and macronutrient intakes in preschool children in urban areas of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    Background: An increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity has been documented in preschool children in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. However, little is known about what preschool children in HCMC eat or how well their nutrient intake meets nutrient recommendations. This study aims to describe the energy and macronutrient intake and compare these nutrient intakes with the recommendations for Vietnamese children aged four to five years. Methods: The data comes from the baseline measurement of a one year follow-up study on obesity in 670 children attending kindergartens in HCMC. Dietary information for each child at the school and home settings was collected using Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQs), by interviewing teachers and parents or main caregivers. The average energy and nutrient intake in a day was calculated. The proportion of children with energy intake from macronutrients meeting or exceeding the recommendations was estimated based on the 2006 recommended daily allowance (RDA) for Vietnamese children in this age group. Results: The dietary intake of the participants contained more energy from protein and fat, particularly animal protein and fat, and less energy from carbohydrates, than the RDA. Most children (98.1%) had mean energy intake from protein greater than the recommended level of 15%, and no child obtained energy from animal fat that was in accordance with the recommendation of less than 30% of the total fat intake. Nearly one half of children (46.5%) consumed less than the advised range of mean energy intake from carbohydrate (60%–70%). Conclusion: In this preschool child population in HCMC, in which obesity is emerging as major public health problem, there is an imbalance in dietary intake. Healthy eating programs need to be developed as a part of an obesity prevention program for young children in HCMC

    Generalized Regularization Techniques With Constraints For The Analysis Of Solar Bremsstrahlung X-Ray Spectra

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    Hard X-ray spectra in solar flares provide knowledge of the electron spectrum that results from acceleration and propagation in the solar atmosphere. However, the inference of the electron spectra from solar X-ray spectra is an ill-posed inverse problem. Here we develop and apply an enhanced regularization algorithm for this process making use of physical constraints on the form of the electron spectrum. The algorithm incorporates various features not heretofore employed in the solar flare context: Generalized Singular Value Decomposition (GSVD) to deal with different orders of constraints; rectangular form of the cross-section matrix to extend the solution energy range; regularization with various forms of the smoothing operator; and "preconditioning" of the problem. We show by simulations that this technique yields electron spectra with considerably more information and higher quality than previous algorithms.Comment: 21 pages, 8 fugures, accepted to Solar Physic
