93 research outputs found

    Innovative potential in the small and medium-sized enterprises regional clusters in Russia

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    Accelerated development of small and medium-sized enterprises is necessary for dynamic regional growth. The fastest growth of small and medium-sized enterprises takes place in clusters. However, clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises are usually engaged in the simplest activities, do not implement innovations. The purpose of the article is to identify and evaluate the innovative potential of existing clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises in the regions of Russia. A research method is the comparative analysis, trend and index analysis, case-method, methods of statistical information processing. The study found a low level of innovation activity in clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises. Their impact on the qualitative development of the regional economy is severely limited. The main reason is weak internal innovation potential and lack of integration with innovation generators. Technological entrepreneurship is developing poorly. The size of the cluster of small and medium-sized enterprises is insufficient to form the infrastructure and elements of the innovation system. Innovative institutions can be formally included in the cluster, but there is no real interaction. Consequently, existing clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises solve only a limited number of specific tasks. Objective advantages of the cluster (positive effects of territorial concentration, diffusion of innovations, collective interactions) need to be complemented by elements of a regional innovation system. The development of the innovative potential of clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises requires interaction with the research and development sector, development institutions, the state, and public organizations. In addition, specific support is required for innovative activity of clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises. Under these conditions, clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises can positively affect the quality of economic growth in the territories


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    In article the possibility of creation of a contour of limiting allowable indicators by means of use of the theory of extreme usefulness and the concept of limit costs which have formed theoretical base for development of a technique of creation of the universal modular scheme of carrying out calculations of indicators of activity of the organization is considered. The argument of such construction is given, his mathematical justification is presented. Genesis of techniques of carrying out creation of a contour of limiting allowable indicators in coordination with the theoretical concepts chosen by authors which promoted emergence of the special tools allowing without difficult analytical calculations objectively to diagnose level of the established interrelations which are formed taking into account and interdependence of indicators is considered, to reveal tendencies of their change and to operate effectively this process. Authors in detail state sequence of creation of the upper and lower bounds of a contour without use of methods of mathematical statistics

    Russian Flagship Universities’ Incomes: Dynamics and Tendencies

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    В данной исследовательской статье оценивается влияние создания опорных университетов на динамику и структуру их доходов. Исследование основано на анализе темпов прироста общих доходов и доходов на 1 научно-педагогического работника в 2019–2020 годах по отношению к базисному 2015 году (с учетом инфляции), а также на анализе изменения удельного веса внебюджетных доходов, доходов от научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских работ. Использованы стандартные приемы дескриптивной статистики, парный t-критерий Стьюдента для связанных выборок, U-критерий Манна – Уитни и кластерный анализ. Общие доходы всех опорных университетов возросли, но наблюдается их глубокая дифференциация. Группа лидеров смогла увеличить доходы на 0,5–1,0 млрд руб. в ценах 2015 года, но ряд вузов столкнулся со стагнацией или снижением доходов. Пандемия COVID-19 практически не сказалась на дифференциации и динамике доходов. Расслоение по доходам на 1 научно-педагогического работника ниже, что указывает на сокращение численности персонала в ряде кластеров на фоне стабильных или уменьшающихся поступлений. Вхождение вуза в первую или вторую волну опорных университетов, а также наличие специального федерального финансирования не имеет статистически значимой связи с динамикой доходов. Одновременно в большинстве опорных университетов осталась стабильной доля доходов от научной деятельности и не снизилась зависимость от бюджетной системы. Это указывает или на отсутствие серьезных изменений, или на одновременный рост поступлений от научной деятельности и дополнительного финансирования из средств федеральных программ, проектов, грантов. Далеко не все опорные университеты смогли увеличить доходы, поэтому опыт лидеров требует дальнейшего анализа. Результаты исследования представляют интерес для менеджмента как опорных, так и других категорий университетов, а также при обосновании управленческих решений в рамках разработки новой программы «Приоритет-2030».This research article aims at identifying the impact of establishing flagship universities on the dynamics and structure of their income. The study is based on analyzing the growth rate of total income and income per 1 scientific and pedagogical worker in 2019–2020 as compared to 2015 reference year (taking inflation into account), together with finding out changes in the share of off-budget revenues, revenues from research and development work. There are used standard techniques of descriptive statistics, paired Student’s t-test for related samples, Mann-Whitney U-test, and cluster analysis. The total income of all flagship universities has grown, but, however, show deeper differentiation. The group of leaders have increased their revenues by 0,5–1,0 billion rubles in 2015 prices, but a number of universities face stagnated or declining income. The COVID-19 pandemic has had little or no impact on income differentiation and dyna mics. The by-income stratification per 1 scientific and pedagogical worker is lower, which indicates a personnel decrease in a number of clusters with stable or declining income. Neither institution’s joining the first or the second wave of flagship universities nor the availability of special federal funding has a statistically significant relationship with income dynamics. At the same time, the majority of flagship universities get the same stable share of income from research activities and did not decrease their dependence on the budget system. This indicates either the absence of major chan gesor the simultaneous growth of income from research activities and additional funding like federal programs, projects, grants. Not all flagship universities have been able to increase revenues, so the leaders’ experience requires further analysis. The results of the study may possibly be of interest for managers of both flagship and other categories of universities, as well as for those who are going to substantiate management decisions within the latest Priority-2030 program


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    In article the possibility of creation of a contour of limiting allowable indicators by means of use of the theory of extreme usefulness and the concept of limit costs which have formed theoretical base for development of a technique of creation of the universal modular scheme of carrying out calculations of indicators of activity of the organization is considered. The argument of such construction is given, his mathematical justification is presented. Genesis of techniques of carrying out creation of a contour of limiting allowable indicators in coordination with the theoretical concepts chosen by authors which promoted emergence of the special tools allowing without difficult analytical calculations objectively to diagnose level of the established interrelations which are formed taking into account and interdependence of indicators is considered, to reveal tendencies of their change and to operate effectively this process. Authors in detail state sequence of creation of the upper and lower bounds of a contour without use of methods of mathematical statistics

    Presentations: from Kac-Moody groups to profinite and back

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    We go back and forth between, on the one hand, presentations of arithmetic and Kac-Moody groups and, on the other hand, presentations of profinite groups, deducing along the way new results on both


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    During global economic crisis, conflict situations at Russian enterprises should be overcome by improving the corporate culture. Corporate culture helps companies to adapt to changing external and internal business environment.Преодоление кризисных и конфликтных ситуаций на предприятиях России в условиях мирового экономического кризиса следует вести путем совершенствования корпоративной культуры. Корпоративная культура позволяет компании адаптироваться к изменениям внешней и внутренней среды

    Neoglycolipids Micelle-like Structures as a Basis for Drug Delivery Systems

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    Targeted drug delivery is one of the most promising tasks of nanomedicine, as this is a real way to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic effects against many diseases. In this regard, the development of new inexpensive highly effective stimulating and non-immunogenic drug delivery systems (DDS) is of great importance. In this work new molecular candidates were proposed and studied for the creation of such systems based on the use of new compounds, neoglycolipids. It is shown that these compounds are capable of self-association in aqueous solutions and can serve as potential carriers of drug compounds with targeted delivery determined by their terminal groups (in particular, glycans). The processes of their associates formation and features of their structure are investigated. The results show that these selforganizing nanoscale systems can be used as a basis for developing new drug delivery systems. Keywords: neoglycolipids, micelle-like structures, small-angle X-ray scattering, molecular dynamics simulatio

    Стандартные образцы температуры плавления органических веществ: перспективы разработки

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    The field of the melting point measurements of high-purity organic substances today includes a large number of measuring instruments used in the field of medicine, biology, and the production of perfumery and cosmetic products.The purpose of the research is to identify the features and justify approaches to the development of melting point certified reference materials of organic substances provided with metrological traceability to the SI base measurement units «temperature» (°C).The objectives of the research included justification of the choice of substances-candidates for CRMs; determination of the certification procedure for RMs; establishment of restrictions affecting the certification procedure; estimation of uncertainty for certified values of the melting point CRMs.In the course of the research, a state analysis of metrological assurance in the field of melting point measurements was performed. An overview of the reference complex designed to measure the melting point and purity of organic substances in the range from +40 °C to +250 °C is presented, its functional diagram is given. The basic requirements for substancescandidates for CRMs are identified. The study presents the results of determining the melting point of benzophenone, benzoic acid, succinic acid, anthracene, and caffeine obtained by direct measurements of the phase transition temperature and by indirect measurements based on recording the moment of optical transparency of the substances under study. The results of interlaboratory comparisons on samples of the studied substances are presented, which made it possible to obtain reliable data on the temperature of the emergence of optical transparency at different heating rates. A method for reconciling the results is proposed; it consists in presenting the certified value of the melting point determined by the method of direct measurements of the phase transition temperature in the thermodynamic mode, as well as the certified values of the optical transparency temperature at various heating rates as additional characteristics of the substance in the passports of the developed CRMs. Research objectives for further work are formulated.The theoretical significance of the results obtained lies in the development of theoretical and methodological approaches to the certification of melting point CRMs based on pure organic substances, which make it possible to improve the measurement accuracy in the field of thermal analysis at a higher quality level.Область измерений температуры плавления высокочистых органических веществ на сегодняшний день включает большое количество средств измерений, используемых в сфере медицины, биологии, производства парфюмерно-косметической продукции.Цель данного исследования – выявление особенностей и обоснование подходов к разработке стандартных образцов температуры плавления органических веществ, обеспеченных метрологической прослеживаемостью к основным единицам SI величины «температура» (°C).В задачи исследования входило обоснование выбора веществ-кандидатов на роль СО; определение процедуры аттестации СО; установление ограничений, влияющих на процедуру аттестации; оценка неопределенности для аттестованных значений температуры плавления СО.В ходе исследования выполнен анализ состояния метрологического обеспечения в области измерений температуры плавления. Представлено краткое описание эталонного комплекса, предназначенного для измерений температуры плавления и степени чистоты органических веществ в диапазоне от +40 °C до +250 °C, приведена его функциональная схема. Сформулированы основные требования к веществам –  кандидатам на роль СО. Рассмотрены результаты определения температуры плавления бензофенона, бензойной кислоты, янтарной кислоты, антрацена и кофеина, полученные методом прямых измерений температуры фазового перехода и методом косвенных измерений, основанным на регистрации момента оптической прозрачности исследуемых веществ. Представлены результаты межлабораторных сличительных испытаний на образцах исследуемых веществ, позволившие получить достоверные данные по температуре возникновения оптической прозрачности при различной скорости нагрева. Предложен способ согласования результатов, заключающийся в представлении в паспортах разрабатываемыхСО аттестованного значения температуры плавления, определяемой методом прямых измерений температуры фазового перехода в термодинамическом режиме, а также аттестованных значений температуры оптической прозрачности при различных скоростях нагрева, как дополнительных характеристик вещества. Сформулированы исследовательские задачи для дальнейшей работы.Теоретическая значимость полученных результатов заключается в разработке теоретико-методологических подходов к процедуре аттестации СО температуры плавления на основе чистых органических веществ, позволяющих на более качественном уровне повысить точность проводимых измерений в области термического анализа

    Drug-Induced Atrial Fibrillation / Atrial Flutter

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    Drug-induced atrial fibrillation / flutter (DIAF) is a serious and potentially life-threatening complication of pharmacotherapy. Purpose of the work: systematization and analysis of scientific literature data on drugs, the use of which can cause the development of DIAF, as well as on epidemiology, pathophysiological mechanisms, risk factors, clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of DIAF. Analysis of the literature has shown that many groups of drugs can cause the development of DIAF, with a greater frequency while taking anticancer drugs, drugs for the treatment of the cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary and central nervous systems. The mechanisms and main risk factors for the development of DIAF have not been finally established and are known only for certain drugs, therefore, this section requires further study. The main symptoms of DIAF are due to the severity of tachycardia and their influence on the parameters of central hemodynamics. For diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an electrocardiogram (ECG) and Holter monitoring of an ECG and echocardiography. Differential diagnosis should be made with AF, which may be caused by other causes, as well as other rhythm and conduction disturbances. Successful treatment of DIAF is based on the principle of rapid recognition and immediate discontinuation of drugs (if possible), the use of which potentially caused the development of adverse drug reactions (ADR). The choice of management strategy: heart rate control or rhythm control, as well as the method of achievement (medication or non-medication), depends on the specific clinical situation. For the prevention of DIAF, it is necessary to instruct patients about possible symptoms and recommend self-monitoring of the pulse. It is important for practitioners to be wary of the risk of DIAF due to the variety of drugs that can potentially cause this ADR