2,323 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Multi-Distance Phase and Broadband Spatially Resolved Spectrometer and Algorithm for Resolving Absolute Concentrations of Chromophores in the Near-Infrared Light Spectrum

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    For resolving absolute concentration of tissue chromophores in the human adult brain with near-infrared spectroscopy it is necessary to calculate the light scattering and absorption, at multiple wavelengths with some depth resolution. To achieve this we propose an instrumentation configuration that combines multi-distance frequency and broadband spectrometers to quantify chromophores in turbid media by using a hybrid spatially resolved algorithm. Preliminary results in solid phantoms as well as liquid dynamic homogeneous and inhomogeneous phantoms and in-vivo muscle measurements showed encouraging results

    Cerebral Venous Engorgement in Hydrops Fetalis

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    A 34-year-old gravida was diagnosed with hydrops fetalis, hydrothorax with cardiac compression, hygroma, ascites, and subcutaneous edema at 20 weeks of gestation..

    Ontoverse: Collaborative Knowledge Management in the Life Sciences Network

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    This paper regards the two aspects of knowledge networking: data networks for information integration and social networks for information sharing in communities. The importance of ontologies as a means for effective information integration is discussed and related to the current Web 2.0 trends. The Ontoverse ontology wiki is introduced as a tool for collaborative ontology engineering and knowledge management with particular focus on interlinking the research community within the life sciences

    Ternary transition-metal fluoride precursors for the fluorolytic sol-gel route: new insights into speciation and decomposition

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    The nanoscaled ternary transition-metal fluorides Li3MF6 (M = V, Fe, Mn) and Li2NiF4 are promising candidates for cathode materials in high-voltage lithium-ion batteries. The fluorolytic route to these compounds relies on thermal decomposition of a hitherto uncharacterised precursor mixture produced from acetylacetonates and hydrofluoric acid. By addition of pyridine, different cationic, electroneutral and anionic complexes containing the motifs [MFn]((3-n)+) (n = 0-4) have been trapped and characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy. Based on the results, a model of successive and incomplete fluorination is proposed for the speciation and formation of the precursor. The decomposition of the latter has been monitored via thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

    Measurement and modeling of dispersive pulse propagation in draw wire waveguides

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    An analytical model of dispersive pulse propagation in semi-infinite cylinders due to transient axially symmetric end conditions has been experimentally investigated. Specifically, the dispersive propagation of the first axially symmetric longitudinal mode in thin wire waveguides, which have ends in butt contact with longitudinal piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers, is examined. The method allows for prediction of a propagated waveform given a measured source waveform, together with the material properties of the cylinder. Alternatively, the source waveform can be extracted from measurement of the propagated waveform. The material properties required for implementation of the pulse propagation model are determined using guided wave phase velocity measurements. Hard tempered aluminum 1100 and 304 stainless steel wires, with 127, 305, and 406 micron diam., were examined. In general, the drawn wires were found to behave as transversely isotropic media

    Measurement and Modeling of Dispersive Pulse Propagation in Drawn Wire Waveguides

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    An analytical model of dispersive pulse propagation in semi-infinite cylinders due to transient axially symmetric end conditions has been experimentally investigated. Specifically, the dispersive propagation of the first axially symmetric longitudinal mode in thin wire waveguides, which have ends in butt contact with longitudinal piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers, is examined. The method allows for prediction of a propagated waveform given a measured source waveform, together with the material properties of the cylinder. Alternatively, the source waveform can be extracted from measurement of the propagated waveform. The material properties required for implementation of the pulse propagation model are determined using guided wave phase velocity measurements. Hard tempered aluminum 1100 and 304 stainless steel wires, with 127, 305, and 406 micron diam., were examined. In general, the drawn wires were found to behave as transversely isotropic media

    Amorphous ice: Stepwise formation of very-high-density amorphous ice from low-density amorphous ice at 125 K

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    On compressing low-density amorphous ice (LDA) at 125 K up to 1.6 GPa, two distinct density steps accompanied by heat evolution are observable in pressure-density curves. Samples recovered to 77 K and 1 bar after the first and second steps show the x-ray diffraction pattern of high-density amorphous ice (HDA) and very HDA (VHDA), respectively. The compression of the once formed HDA takes place linearly in density up to 0.95 GPa, where nonlinear densification and HDA -> VHDA conversion is initiated. This implies a stepwise formation process LDA -> HDA -> VHDA at 125 K, which is to the best of our knowledge the first observation of a stepwise amorphous-amorphous-amorphous transformation sequence. We infer that the relation of HDA and VHDA is very similar to the relation between LDA and HDA except for a higher activation barrier between the former. We discuss the two options of thermodynamic versus kinetic origin of the phenomenon

    Culex tarsalis is a competent vector species for Cache Valley virus

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    Background: Cache Valley virus (CVV) is a mosquito-borne orthobunyavirus endemic in North America. The virus is an important agricultural pathogen leading to abortion and embryonic lethality in ruminant species, especially sheep. The importance of CVV in human public health has recently increased because of the report of severe neurotropic diseases. However, mosquito species responsible for transmission of the virus to humans remain to be determined. In this study, vector competence of three Culex species mosquitoes of public health importance, Culex pipiens, Cx. tarsalis and Cx. quinquefasciatus, was determined in order to identify potential bridge vector species responsible for the transmission of CVV from viremic vertebrate hosts to humans. Results: Variation of susceptibility to CVV was observed among selected Culex species mosquitoes tested in this study. Per os infection resulted in the establishment of infection and dissemination in Culex tarsalis, whereas Cx. pipiens and Cx. quinquefasciatus were highly refractory to CVV. Detection of viral RNA in saliva collected from infected Cx. tarsalis provided evidence supporting its role as a competent vector. Conclusions: Our study provided further understanding of the transmission cycles of CVV and identifies Cx. tarsalis as a competent vector