370 research outputs found

    Методологічні підходи до організації викладання курсу «Перший на місці події» в Національному фармацевтичному університеті

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    It is of particular relevance in Ukraine to train the police to provide the first aid before an ambulance crew arrives. The police are the first to arrive at the scene of the incident, and according to statistics, the first premedical aid provided within the first 4 minutes increases the chances of survivors by 30 %.Aim. To share the experience of organizing the course “The First Responder” for officers of the National Police at the premises of the National University of Pharmacy (NUPh) and discuss the prospects for teaching this course to other categories of people who are obliged to provide the first premedical aid.Materials and methods. To execute the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 346 dated 03.29.2017, training of 40 officers of the National Police of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv Region according to the program of the course “The First Responder” was organized in the NUPh. Five groups of 8 people each were formed. The course is designed for 48 hours for 1 week.Results. 92.5 % of police officers successfully completed the course with an average test control result of 90.3 % and 78-91 % when passing practical skills.Conclusions. The high-quality organization of training on the course “The First Responder” and material and technical support allow the personnel of the National Police of Ukraine to master one of the professional competencies – the skill of providing the first premedical aid in extreme situations. It is extremely important and relevant for reducing the pre-hospital mortality rate before the ambulance crew arrives.В Украине особую актуальность приобретает обучение полицейских навыкам оказания довра­чебной помощи до приезда скорой медицинской помощи тому, что именно они первыми прибыва­ют на место происшествия, а по статистике, помощь, оказанная в течение первых 4 минут, увеличи­вает шансы пострадавших на спасение на 30%.Цель: обобщение опыта организации преподавания курса «Первый на месте происшествия» для сотрудников Национальной полиции на базе НФаУ и обсуждение перспектив преподавания курса для других категорий лиц, которые обязаны оказывать доврачебную помощь.Материалы и методы. Для выполнения приказа МЗ Украины от 29.03.2017 г. № 346 в НФаУ было организовано обучение 40 сотрудников Национальной полиции г. Харькова и Харьковской области по программе курса доврачебной помощи «Первый на месте происшествия». Было сфор­мировано 5 групп по 8 человек в каждой. Курс рассчитан на 48 часов в течение 1 недели.Результаты. 92,5 % полицейских успешно закончили курс со средним результатом тестового контроля 90,3 % и 78-91% при сдаче практических навыков.Выводы. Высококачественная организация обучения на курсе и материально-техническое обе­спечение позволяют личному составу Национальной полиции Украины овладеть одной из профес­сиональных компетенций – умением оказывать домедицинскую помощь в экстремальных ситуа­циях, что является чрезвычайно важным и актуальным для уменьшения смертности пострадавших на догоспитальном этапе до приезда бригады скорой (экстренной) медицинской помощи.В України особливої актуальності набуває навчання поліцейських навичкам надання домедичної допомоги до приїзду швидкої (екстреної) медичної допомоги, оскільки саме вони першими прибувають на місце події, а за статистикою, допомога, надана протягом перших 4 хвилин, збільшує шанси потерпілих на порятунок на 30 %.Мета: узагальнення досвіду організації викладання курсу «Перший на місці події» для співробітників Національної поліції на базі НФаУ та обговорення перспектив викладання курсу для інших категорій осіб, які зобов’язані надавати домедичну допомогу.Матеріали та методи. На виконання наказу МОЗ України від 29.03.2017 р. № 346 в НФаУ було організовано навчання за програмою курсу домедичної допомоги «Перший на місці події» для працівників Національної поліції. Для проходження курсу було направлено 40 співробітників Національної поліції м. Харкова та Харківської області, з яких сформовано 5 груп по 8 осіб у кожній. Курс розрахований на 48 годин протягом 1 тижня.Результати. 92,5 % поліцейських успішно закінчили курс із середнім результатом 90,3 % під час тестового контролю та 78-91 % під час складання практичних навичок.Висновки. Високоякісна організація навчання на курсі та матеріально-технічне забезпечення дозволяють особовому складу Національної поліції України оволодіти однією з фахових компетенцій – здатністю надавати домедичну допомогу в екстремальних ситуаціях, що надзвичайно важливо й актуально для зменшення смертності постраждалих на догоспітальному етапі до приїзду бригади швидкої (екстреної) медичної допомоги

    Toxicological parameters of the drug based on Ornidazole and Levamisole hydrochloride

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    The purpose of the research is the study of pharmaco-toxicological properties of the Ornidazole- and Levamisole hydrochloride-based drug.Materials and methods. The pharmaco-toxicological properties of the Ornidazole- and Levamisole hydrochloride-based drug were studied in the premises of the Laboratory of Preclinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Stavropol State Agrarian University. Acute and chronic toxicity, and irritant effect of the drug was studied under the Guidelines for Preclinical Studies of Drugs (2012). Hematological studies of laboratory animals were performed with an automatic hematological analyzer, and biochemical studies of the blood serum were done with an automatic biochemical analyzer.Results and discussion. It has been found that the Ornidazole- and Levamisole hydrochloride-based drug belongs to the Hazard Class 3 for the median lethal oral dose in accordance with GOST 12.1.007–76 as moderately hazardous substances; it does not have a pronounced subchronic toxicity or irritant effect. Multiple use of the active substance for 14 days does not cause significant changes in the clinical condition, or in hematological and biochemical profile of laboratory animals

    Highly Pertinent Algorithm for the Market of Business Intelligence, Context and Native Advertising

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    This article presents the study results of the business intelligence markets, the promote products on social media, and a new method for increasing the information pertinence in the scientific recommender systems, scientific information systems, analysis of the recommender systems that contain information about scientific publications, is represented. The prospects of using this method in the Business Intelligence systems, content management systems for native advertising systems to find content on the Internet and assessed the current state of the market such systems. Keywords: context and native advertising market, Business Intelligence market, highly pertinent algorithms, recommender systems JEL Classifications: A11, M30, M3

    Research Leadership of the “Priority 2030” Program: Success Factors

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    The article presents the results of comparative analysis of universities’ activities over the past five years, which won the special grant in the “Research Leadership” track of the “Priority 2030” program. The comparison is carried out between the following groups of universities: 1) all universities of the “Research Leadership” track, 2) the first, second and third groups, selected according to the results of the competition, and 3) group of Project 5-100 participants. The state strategic initiatives in the field of the higher education system over the past 15 years were considered to determine their impact on the development of the considered groups of universities; the indicators that make significant contribution to the results of educational, research, international and financial activities of universities were selected. The aggregation of indicators for university groups has been carried out using the Displaced Ideal method and the comparative analysis for 2016 – 2020. The significant indicators of scientific and research activities of analyzed groups of universities for 2018 – 2020 were considered. Based on the analysis, the most significant factors of success have been identified that ensured the victory of the considered universities in the Priority 2030 competition on the “Research Leadership” track

    The First Year of the Priority 2030 Program Implementation: Positive Results and Problem Areas of Research Track Universities

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    The article considers the results of the main activities of universities – participants’ groups of the Priority 2030 program of the «Leadership in Research» track (hereinafter referred to as the research track) at the initial stage of its implementation. An analysis of performance indicators’ dynamics for groups of universities in the period preceding the implementation of the program (2017–2020) and the first year of its implementation (2021) was carried out. Special attention is given to the analysis of the activities of universities that are leaders in the research track. As part of the comprehensive analysis, positive results were identified, as well as some problem areas in the activities of universities. An analysis of the basic indicators shows that the researched groups of universities in a number of indicators have a relatively small difference in the achieved values, while the indicators of the special part revealed an unconditional group of leaders

    Are There Common Mechanisms Between the Hutchinson–Gilford Progeria Syndrome and Natural Aging?

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    The Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) is a premature aging disease caused by mutations of the LMNA gene leading to increased production of a partially processed form of the nuclear fibrillar protein lamin A – progerin. Progerin acts as a dominant factor that leads to multiple morphological anomalies of cell nuclei and disturbances in heterochromatin organization, mitosis, DNA replication and repair, and gene transcription. Progerin-positive cells are present in primary fibroblast cultures obtained from the skin of normal donors at advanced ages. These cells display HGPS-like defects in nuclear morphology, decreased H3K9me3 and HP1, and increased histone H2AX phosphorylation marks of the DNA damage loci. Inhibition of progerin production in cells of aged non-HGPS donors in vivo increases the proliferative activity, H3K9me3, and HP1, and decreases the senescence markers p21, IGFBP3, and GADD45B to the levels of young donor cells. Thus, progerin-dependent mechanisms act in natural aging. Excessive activity of the same mechanisms may well be the cause of premature aging in HGPS. Telomere attrition is widely regarded to be one of the primary hallmarks of aging. Progerin expression in normal human fibroblasts accelerates the loss of telomeres. Changes in lamina organization may directly affect telomere attrition resulting in accelerated replicative senescence and progeroid phenotypes. The chronological aging in normal individuals and the premature aging in HGPS patients are mediated by similar changes in the activity of signaling pathways, including downregulation of DNA repair and chromatin organization, and upregulation of ERK, mTOR, GH-IGF1, MAPK, TGFβ, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Multiple epigenetic changes are common to premature aging in HGPS and natural aging. Recent studies showed that epigenetic systems could play an active role as drivers of both forms of aging. It may be suggested that these systems translate the effects of various internal and external factors into universal molecular hallmarks, largely common between natural and accelerated forms of aging. Drugs acting at both natural aging and HGPS are likely to exist. For example, vitamin D3 reduces the progerin production and alleviates most HGPS features, and also slows down epigenetic aging in overweight and obese non-HGPS individuals with suboptimal vitamin D status

    Analysis of Performance of University Groups Belonging to “Leadership in the Region and/or Industry” Track of “Priority 2030” Program

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    This article presents the comprehensive study results of the performance of universities which are the winners of the “Leadership in the region and/or industry” track of the “Priority 2030” program. The research included a comparison of the results of 3 groups of universities of this track, determined by the results of the competition. The participation of these groups of universities in the main strategic initiatives in the field of the higher education system development in 2006–2020 is considered; indicators for the main areas of university activities were selected and grouped, namely, educational, scientific and innovation, international and financial. The comparative analysis of aggregate indicators of recent years is based on the Displaced Ideal Method. This made it possible not only to determine the current positions of universities belonging to the examined track, but also to identify a number of problems in their activities that need to be solved in the coming years to strengthen their contribution to the socio-economic development of the regions. The results of the comprehensive analysis can be used not only by the current participants of the “Leadership in the region and/or industry” track of the “Priority 2030” program, but also by universities that only plan to take part in this program in the near future and the expert community engaged in research in the field of higher education development in Russia

    First Successes and Failures of Universities Participating in “Leadership in the Region and/or Industry” Track of the “Priority 2030” Program

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    The article presents the results of quantitative indicators analysis of the main activities of three groups of universities participating in the “Priority 2030” program of the “Leadership in the region and/or industry” track (hereinafter referred to as the territorial and industrial track) during the first year of their development programs implementation. The Displaced Ideal Method was used in the research. Dynamics of indicators series of special and basic parts has being analyzed for universities groups in 2017-2021. The strengths and weaknesses of the universities groups of the territorial and industrial track are revealed. It was established that the special indicators values achieved by universities during the first year had a significant impact on the assessment of the Council for universities development programs support in frame of Priority-2030 Project, which taking into account the performances of the universities teams led to significant changes in the groups composition of the studied track – more than half of universities changed their positions. A number of reasons were considered that led to a change in universities’ positions in the groups of the researched track

    Pedagogical bases of formation of key information technology competencies polytechnic institute graduates

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The article based on the analysis of the literature and experience in the field of economic education is considered a system of key concepts on the topic, as well as features of the introduction of competence approach in teaching practice polytechnic institute, the problem of realization competence approach in higher education, the formation of key information technology competencies, ensuring high availability polytechnic institute graduates to solve problems in the practice of the specialty, modern requirements to the society and the state system of vocational education at all levels, the task of creating these pedagogical conditions, which would help improve the quality of training of future specialists. This article lists didactic, psycho-pedagogical, organizational and pedagogical conditions that are necessary to improve the level of information technology training of future specialists. Their implementation will create the necessary information technology economist competence

    Direct laser writing of μ-chips based on hybrid C–Au–Ag nanoparticles for express analysis of hazardous and biological substances

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    Micro-chips based on organic–inorganic hybrid nanoparticles (NPs) composed of nanoalloys of gold (Au) and silver (Ag) embedded in an amorphous carbonaceous matrix (C–Au–Ag NPs) were prepared directly on a substrate by the laser- induced deposition (for short: LID) method. The C–Au–Ag NPs show a unique plasmon resonance which enhances Raman scattering of analytes, making the μ-chips suitable to detect ultra-low-volumes (10−12 liter) and concentrations (10−9 M) of bio-agents and a hazardous compound. These micro-chips constitute a novel, flexible solid-state device that can be used for applications in point-of-care diagnostics, consumer electronics, homeland security and environmental monitoring