235 research outputs found

    Resistance of a delta wing in a supersonic flow

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    The resistance of a delta wing at small angle of attack in supersonic conical flow with its leading edges within the Mach cone is calculated by a method that separates out the suction force

    Structural-chemical features and morphology of glauconites in sedimentary iron ore of Bakchar prospect (Western Siberia)

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    The research embraces the investigation results of glauconites in Bakchar iron ore occurrences to evaluate the potential diversified commercial application of this mineral. The following lab methods were used to analyze the morphology, chemical composition and structure of glauconites: granulometric analysis, optical microscopy, electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence analysis, atomic arc-emission analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Glauconite was classified according to morphology and grain color and chemical composition and some specific characteristics were also determined (relative content of absorbed water, random distribution of smectite flakes within the grain structures). The research results showed that pistacho-green glauconite grains are less subjected to alteration than greenish-yellow grains due to the content of potassium, iron, absorbed water and organic impurities


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    In the literature there is a gap of publications about patella fractures management which is due to the absence of serious attention to the injuries of this largest sesamoid bone. In addition, in the world literature there is a lack of monographs and toolkits for the treatment of patients with these injuries, furthermore, in textbooks and traumatology manuals there are only a few template recommendations to the tactics of treating patients with this trauma. Meanwhile, patella fractures represent approximately 0.5-1.5% of all fractures, delayed union, formation of a false joint, and the emergence of patellofemoral arthrosis after these fractures is not uncommon. In the scientific literature on traumatology there is no unified, all-recognized classification of these fractures, which hinders the development of a single algorithm for the treatment of patients with patellar fractures. There are no contradictory views to the treatment of patella fractures without displacement; however, in relation to the treatment of patients with complex patella fractures, there are divergent views between the fracture fragments preservation to partial or even total patellectomy. In connection with the foregoing, We considered the issue of treating patients with patella fractures topical. Based on a thorough analysis of treatment results of 113 patients we provided a working classification based on the number of patellar fracture fragments (two-fragmentary, three-fragmentary, four-fragmentary, multi-fragmentary, upper and lower pole fractures). Based on this classification, traditional, modified and new methods of treating patients with patellar fractures were used. This is described in more detail in the forthcoming article

    Россия и Грузия: время взаимодействовать

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    The development of Russian-Georgian relations is determined by both long-term factors and situational circumstances. The former include disagreements between the two countries over security in Transcaucasia: the status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and the attitude toward NATO activity in the region. Another persistent factor concerns the debate over interaction with Russia in Georgia’s domestic politics. These factors limit the possibilities for expanding bilateral ties. Situational constraints include such phenomena as the COVID-19 pandemic or the domestic political crisis in Georgia after the 2020 parliamentary elections. Taken together, the longterm and situational factors set the general tone for bilateral relations, which are characterized by predictability and low dynamics. Despite the existing limitations, Russian-Georgian cooperation holds promise in areas of trade and societal contacts.Развитие российско-грузинских отношений определяется как долгосрочными факторами, так и конъюнктурными обстоятельствами. К первым относятся разногласия двух стран по безопасности в Закавказье: статусу Абхазии и Южной Осетии и отношению к активности НАТО в регионе. Устойчивый характер имеет и дискуссия по поводу взаимодействия с Россией в грузинской внутренней политикой. Эти факторы ограничивают возможности расширения двусторонних связей. К ограничителям ситуативного характера можно отнести такие явления, как пандемия COVID-19 или внутриполитический кризис в Грузии после парламентских выборов 2020 г. В совокупности долгосрочные и конъюнктурные факторы задают общий тон двусторонних отношений, которым свойственна предсказуемость и невысокая динамика. Несмотря на существующие ограничения перспективным представляется российско-грузинское сотрудничество в торгово-экономической и общественной сферах

    БРИКС в контексте современных международных информационных процессов

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    Current Global Agenda is inextricably linked with political campaigns, lobbyists, and official and opposition media that are constantly improving the ways to influence social processes. In the context of the intensifying competition, actors have to pay more and more attention to their own image in the international arena. The article considers the BRICS organization as a platform for interaction within the framework of the idea of moderate conservatism.BRICS is an important grouping bringing together the major emerging economies from the world. BRICS opens a space for dialogue, the identification of convergences and consultation regarding various topics, and expands contacts and cooperation in specific sectors. Events seeking the approximation between academics, activities for interested groups are increasingly organized as a pre-census practice. Such an media platform project would logically bring significant enhancements to confidence-building in the international sphere and serve the purpose of safeguarding the common information environment.Текущая мировая повестка неразрывно связана с политическими кампаниями, лоббистами, официальными и оппозиционными СМИ, которые постоянно совершенствуют инструменты для оказания влияния на общественные процессы. В условиях обостряющейся конкуренции акторам приходится уделять все большее внимание собственному имиджу на международной арене. В статье рассмотрена организация БРИКС в качестве площадки для взаимодействия в рамках идеи умеренного консерватизма.В данное сообщество входят крупнейшие развивающиеся экономики мира. БРИКС представляет собой пространство для диалога, выявления точек соприкосновения, консультаций по различным темам, расширения контактов и сотрудничества в конкретных секторах. В комплекс практического взаимодействия все чаще вводятся научные обмены, организуются мероприятия для заинтересованных групп. Проект медийной платформы БРИКС имеет потенциал к повышению уровня доверия в международной сфере и способствует целям защиты общей информационной среды

    Features of laboratory parameters in children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with SARS-CoV-2

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    Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) is a new childhood disease associated with coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that manifests itself 3–4 weeks after infection. The development of MIS-C is possible, despite the asymptomatic course of coronavirus infection. The pathogenetic features of MIS-C remain unclear. The aim of the study was to investigate the state of peripheral blood parameters in children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with SARS-CoV-2 upon admission to a hospital. Material and methods. We examined 52 children with MIS-C from 1 to 14 years old, hospitalized in Children`s Clinical Hospital No. 3 in Novosibirsk in October–December 2020. Testing for the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in scrapings from the nasopharynx and oropharynx was carried out using real time PCR (test systems of DNA-Technology, Russia). The presence of specific IgM and IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in blood serum was determined by ELISA using Vector-Best kits (Russia). Results and discussion. It was noted that SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA was found only in 12.8 % of cases, while specific IgG antibodies in blood serum were detected in 100 % of children. IgM to SARS-CoV-2 antigens were detected in the blood serum only in 53.85 % of children with MIS-C. It has been established that unexpressed leukocytosis was found both in children under the age of 7 and in children of 8–14 years old. However, the leukocytes content in children of the older age group was significantly lower than in children aged 1–7 years. At the same time, in both age groups, some children had extremely low values of the indicator. The causes of severe leukopenia against the background of excessive inflammation remain unclear. Age groups (1–7 and 8–14 years) do not differ statistically significantly in the relative content of lymphocytes and neutrophils. In the study of individual values of the relative content of lymphocytes within the age groups, it was noted that only some children had lymphopenia of varying severity. Conclusions. Against the background of minor leukocytosis in children with MIS-C, upon admission to the hospital, there is a tendency to develop both relative and absolute lymphopenia, regardless of age. The study noted an extremely pronounced variability of individual values of the evaluated peripheral blood parameters, regardless of age, which, with similar clinical symptoms, characterized as MIS-C, requires further study in dynamics, taking into account the initial values of the indicators.There is no pronounced relationship between the leukocytes content and specific IgM antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 antigens in the blood


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    The basic scientific results of scientific research in the field of «Mechatronics and Microsystems»were briefly presented. The module concept of building of electromechanical converters for precision coordinate motion systems was described. The structure of adaptive control system was presented; it provides the possibility of trajectory control and dynamic programming of motion parameters, velocity and acceleration of drives. Mathematical models of analysis and synthesis of structural and topological, kinematic and dynamic characteristics of reconfigurable multicoordinate motion systems were shown; they may be also based on the parallel kinematic mechanisms.Кратко изложены основные результаты, полученные по направлению «Мехатроника и микросистемы» НИЧ БГУИР. Описана модульная концепция построения электромеханических преобразователей для прецизионных координатных систем перемещения. Приведена структура адаптивной системы управления, обеспечивающей возможность траекторного управления и динамического программирования параметров перемещения, скорости и ускорения приводов. Показаны математические модели анализа и синтеза структурно-топологических, кинематических и динамических характеристик реконфигурируемых многокоординатных систем перемещений, в том числе и на механизмах параллельной кинематики


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    The paper proposes a structure of precision motion system built on the basis of a circular multi-coordinate synchronous segment motor and reconfigurable parallel kinematic mechanism. The multi-coordinate synchronous segment motor may have from two to six movable segments depending on the design, and number of the segments generally defines an internal mobility of the motor. A specific feature of the parallel kinematic mechanism consists in the possibility of its structure reconfiguration by serial connection of two neighboring rods with the help of free elements of their spherical joints into triangular circuits with one spherical hinge at the common vertex. As result of this, the controlled motion of motor movable segments is transformed into the complex spatial displacement of circular platform with number of degrees of freedom up to six inclusively.A mathematical model for solution of the kinematic problem in the investigated parallel mechanism has been offered in the paper. The model allows to calculate a position of movable segments of multi-coordinate synchronous motor depending on the desired position and orientation of the executive circular platform. The parametric definition of base point positions in the motor segments in time allows eventually to form algorithms of programmable motions.The paper substantiates ability to embed the developed motion system into projection unit of opto-mechanical equipment while preserving traditional configuration scheme. This provides the possibility of adaptive adjustment of optical elements during operation; it allows to adjust the optical elements when the geometry of projection system is changed due to deterioration. As result, main characteristics of projection system: resolution, depth of field and image contrast and distortion are maintained at the required level. The developed motion system can be used as a coordinate system of positioning, alignment and scanning in the assembly and other precision equipment. Предложена структура прецизионной системы перемещений на базе кольцевого многокоординатного сегментного синхронного двигателя и реконфигурируемого механизма параллельной кинематики. Многокоординатный синхронный двигатель в зависимости от конструктивного исполнения может иметь от двух до шести подвижных сегментов, число которых в целом определяет внутреннюю подвижность двигателя. Особенность механизма параллельной кинематики состоит в возможности его реконфигурирования за счет последовательного соединения двух соседних шатунов свободными элементами их сферических шарниров в треугольные контуры с одним сферическим шарниром в общей вершине. В результате управляемое движение подвижных сегментов двигателя трансформируется в сложное пространственное движение кольцевой платформы механизма с числом степеней свободы до шести включительно.Предложена математическая модель решения задачи кинематики для рассматриваемого параллельного механизма, позволяющая вычислять положения подвижных сегментов синхронного многокоординатного двигателя в зависимости от заданного положения и ориентации исполнительной кольцевой платформы. Параметрические представления положения базовых точек сегментов двигателя во времени позволяют, в конечном итоге, формировать алгоритмы программируемых движений.Обоснована возможность встраивания разработанной системы перемещений в проекционные системы оптикомеханического оборудования с сохранением традиционной схемы компоновки. При этом обеспечивается возможность адаптивной юстировки оптических элементов в процессе эксплуатации, позволяющая подстраивать оптические элементы при изменении геометрии проекционной системы вследствие старения. В результате поддерживаются на требуемом уровне показатели назначения проекционной системы: разрешающая способность, глубина резкости и контрастности изображения, дисторсия. Разработанная система перемещений может быть использована как координатная система позиционирования, совмещения и сканирования в сборочном и другом прецизионном оборудовании.

    Анализ методов электронной компенсации опорного сигнала в целевом канале полуактивного когерентного бистатического DVB-T2 радара

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    This paper provides an overview of different electronic compensation methods of a reference signal. An algorithm for electronic compensation of the DVB-T2 direct signal in a semi-active coherent radar has been proposed. A filter that provides direct signal suppression of at least 50 dB has been developed. The results of experimental studies on the detection of low-speed target with low effective scattering surface in the presence of a powerful reference signal have been presented.В статье проанализированы различные методы электронной компенсации опорного сигнала в целевом канале. Предложен алгоритм электронной компенсации прямого сигнала DVB-T2 в полуактивном когерентном радаре. Разработан фильтр, обеспечивающий подавление прямого сигнала не менее 50 дБ. Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований по обнаружению низкоскоростной цели с малой эффективной поверхностью рассеяния при наличии мощного опорного сигнала