19,497 research outputs found

    Correlated bursts and the role of memory range

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    Inhomogeneous temporal processes in natural and social phenomena have been described by bursts that are rapidly occurring events within short time periods alternating with long periods of low activity. In addition to the analysis of heavy-tailed inter-event time distributions, higher-order correlations between inter-event times, called correlated bursts, have been studied only recently. As the possible mechanisms underlying such correlated bursts are far from being fully understood, we devise a simple model for correlated bursts by using a self-exciting point process with variable memory range. Here the probability that a new event occurs is determined by a memory function that is the sum of decaying memories of the past events. In order to incorporate the noise and/or limited memory capacity of systems, we apply two memory loss mechanisms, namely either fixed number or variable number of memories. By using theoretical analysis and numerical simulations we find that excessive amount of memory effect may lead to a Poissonian process, which implies that for memory effect there exists an intermediate range that will generate correlated bursts of magnitude comparable to empirical findings. Hence our results provide deeper understanding of how long-range memory affects correlated bursts.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Measuring the Hidden Aspects of Solar Magnetism

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    2008 marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery of astrophysical magnetic fields, when George Ellery Hale recorded the Zeeman splitting of spectral lines in sunspots. With the introduction of Babcock's photoelectric magnetograph it soon became clear that the Sun's magnetic field outside sunspots is extremely structured. The field strengths that were measured were found to get larger when the spatial resolution was improved. It was therefore necessary to come up with methods to go beyond the spatial resolution limit and diagnose the intrinsic magnetic-field properties without dependence on the quality of the telescope used. The line-ratio technique that was developed in the early 1970s revealed a picture where most flux that we see in magnetograms originates in highly bundled, kG fields with a tiny volume filling factor. This led to interpretations in terms of discrete, strong-field magnetic flux tubes embedded in a rather field-free medium, and a whole industry of flux tube models at increasing levels of sophistication. This magnetic-field paradigm has now been shattered with the advent of high-precision imaging polarimeters that allow us to apply the so-called "Second Solar Spectrum" to diagnose aspects of solar magnetism that have been hidden to Zeeman diagnostics. It is found that the bulk of the photospheric volume is seething with intermediately strong, tangled fields. In the new paradigm the field behaves like a fractal with a high degree of self-similarity, spanning about 8 orders of magnitude in scale size, down to scales of order 10 m.Comment: To appear in "Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and the Atmosphere of the Sun", eds. S.S. Hasan and R.J. Rutten, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, 200

    Direct Separation of Short Range Order in Intermixed Nanocrystalline and Amorphous Phases

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    Diffraction anomalous fine-structure (DAFS) and extended x-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) measurements were combined to determine short range order (SRO) about a single atomic type in a sample of mixed amorphous and nanocrystalline phases of germanium. EXAFS yields information about the SRO of all Ge atoms in the sample, while DAFS determines the SRO of only the ordered fraction. We determine that the first-shell distance distribution is bimodal; the nanocrystalline distance is the same as the bulk crystal, to within 0.01(2)   Å, but the mean amorphous Ge-Ge bond length is expanded by 0.076(19)   Å. This approach can be applied to many systems of mixed amorphous and nanocrystalline phases

    Innovation and Nested Preferential Growth in Chess Playing Behavior

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    Complexity develops via the incorporation of innovative properties. Chess is one of the most complex strategy games, where expert contenders exercise decision making by imitating old games or introducing innovations. In this work, we study innovation in chess by analyzing how different move sequences are played at the population level. It is found that the probability of exploring a new or innovative move decreases as a power law with the frequency of the preceding move sequence. Chess players also exploit already known move sequences according to their frequencies, following a preferential growth mechanism. Furthermore, innovation in chess exhibits Heaps' law suggesting similarities with the process of vocabulary growth. We propose a robust generative mechanism based on nested Yule-Simon preferential growth processes that reproduces the empirical observations. These results, supporting the self-similar nature of innovations in chess are important in the context of decision making in a competitive scenario, and extend the scope of relevant findings recently discovered regarding the emergence of Zipf's law in chess.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letters (EPL

    Endovenous laser ablation: the role of intraluminal blood

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    AbstractObjectiveIn this histological study, the role of the intraluminal blood during endovenous laser ablation was assessed.MethodsIn 12 goats, 24 lateral saphenous veins were treated with a 1500-nm diode laser. Four goats were treated in an anti-Trendelenburg position (group 1). The next four goats were treated in a Trendelenburg position (group 2) and the remaining four goats in the Trendelenburg position with additional injection of tumescent liquid (group 3). Postoperatively, the veins were removed after 1 week and sent for histological examination. We measured the number of perforations. Vein wall necrosis and the perivenous tissue destruction were quantified using a graded scale.ResultsThe ‘calculated total vein wall destruction’ was significantly higher in the third group (81.83%), as compared with groups one (61.25%) (p < 0.001) and two (65.92%) (p < 0.001). All three groups showed a significant difference in the perivenous tissue destruction scale (p < 0.001) with the lowest score occurring in the third group. Vein wall perforations were significantly more frequent in groups one and two as compared with the third group (T-test respectively p < 0.001, p = 0.02).ConclusionA higher intraluminal blood volume results in reduced total vein wall destruction. Injection of tumescent liquid prevents the perivenous tissue destruction and minimises the number of perforations

    Drug Prescription Pattern in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital

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    Purpose: To evaluate the prescribing pattern of clinicians in the general outpatient unit of the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano (AKTH),.Methods: This was a descriptive retrospective study conducted using 500 prescriptions made at the general outpatient unit of AKTH between April and July 2009.Results: A total of 497 prescriptions were successfully analyzed. The average number of drugs per encounter in the facility was 3.04. Generic prescribing was low at 42.7 % while antibiotic prescription was high at 34.4 %. Injections were prescribed in 4 % of encounters while 36.2, 19.1, 25.8 and 1 % of encounters had analgesics, antimalarials, antihypertensives and anxiolytics prescribed, respectively. Vitamins were prescribed in 9.7 % of encounters. Conclusion: Polypharmacy, low rate of generic prescriptions and overuse of antibiotics still remain a problem in health care facilities in Nigeria.. This calls for sustained interventional strategies and periodic audit at all levels of health care to avoid the negative consequences of inappropriate prescriptions.Keywords: Prescribing pattern, Generic drugs, Tertiary hospital, Essential drugs, Nigeri

    Three-loop HTL gluon thermodynamics at intermediate coupling

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    We calculate the thermodynamic functions of pure-glue QCD to three-loop order using the hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory (HTLpt) reorganization of finite temperature quantum field theory. We show that at three-loop order hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory is compatible with lattice results for the pressure, energy density, and entropy down to temperatures T3  TcT\simeq3\;T_c. Our results suggest that HTLpt provides a systematic framework that can used to calculate static and dynamic quantities for temperatures relevant at LHC.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figs. 2nd version: improved discussion and fixing typos. Published in JHE

    Root Fracture in Immature Tooth: Report of a Case

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    Root fracture injuries affect 0.5–7% of permanent teeth. Although this type of injury is rarely seen in teeth with immature root formation, the prognosis is generally good depending on the site of the fracture. A case report of horizontal root fracture in maxillary central incisor of an 8-year and 3-month-old girl and its treatment was presented

    K. Sridhar Moorthy’s Theoretical Modelling in Marketing - A Review

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    Modelling has become a visible tool in many disciplines including marketing and several marketing models have been constructed. These models serve their pedagogical and practical purposes in some cases. However, among the marketing models so often cited is Moorthy‟s Theoretical Modelling in Marketing. This model is important, and hence this review once more, in that it offers a starting point, and in some cases the finishing line, for those who want to tread the pedestrian of modelling in marketing. But this is not the end; it also provides an explanation for those who want to know more about modelling in general by providing answers to some basic questions about the use of models. Our discussion here will certainly bring in many people who have been peeping into marketing modelling from behind the wall.Key words: Marketing, Modelling, Moorthy, Pedagogy, Theoretica

    Profiles of dissolved organic matter and haloacetic acid formation potential in drinking water treatment by a comprehensive fractionation technique

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    A comprehensive fractionation technique was applied to a set of water samples obtained along a real drinking water treatment plant with ozonation and granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment to obtain detailed profiles of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and to evaluate the haloacetic acid (HAA) formation potentials of these DOM fractions. The results indicated that ozonation and GAC treatment showed limited ability to remove hydrophilic fractions (23%), while removal of hydrophobic fractions was 72%. The contribution of hydrophilic fractions to HAA formation increased from 30 to 61% along the treatment train because of better removal for hydrophobic fractions both in concentration and reactivity. Similar trends were also found for trihalomethanes