765 research outputs found

    Ternary and quaternary oxides of Bi, Sr, and Cu

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    Before the discovery of superconductivity in an oxide of Bi, Sr, and Cu, the system Bi-Sr-Cu-O had not been studied, although several solid phases had been identified in the two-component regions of the ternary system Bi2O3-SrO-CuO. The oxides Sr2CuO3, SrCu2O2, SrCuO2, and Bi2CuO4 were then well known and characterized, and the phase diagram of the binary system Bi2O3 -SrO had been established in the temperature range 620 to 1000 C. Besides nine solutions of compositions Bi(2-2x) Sr(x) O(3-2x) and different symmetries, this diagram includes three definite compounds of stoichiometries Bi(2)SrO4, Bi2Sr2O5, and Bi2Sr3O6 (x = 0.50, 0.67 and 0.75 respectively), only the second of which with known unit-cell of orthorhombic symmetry, dimensions (A) a = 14.293(2), b = 7.651(2), c = 6.172(1), and z = 4. The first superconducting oxide in the system Bi-Sr-Cu-O was initially formulated as Bi2Sr2Cu2O(7+x), with an orthorhombic unit-cell of parameters (A) a = 5.32, b = 26.6, c = 48.8. In a preliminary study the same oxide was formulated with half the copper content, Bi(2)Sr(2)CuO(6+x), and indexed its reflections assuming an orthorhombic unit-cell of dimensions (A) a = 5.390(2), b = 26.973(8), c = 24.69(4). Subsequent studies by diffraction techniques have confirmed the composition 2:2:1. A new family of oxygen-deficient perovskites, was characterized, after identifying by x ray diffraction the phases present in the products of thermal treatments of about 150 mixtures of analytical grade Bi2O3, Sr(OH)2-8H2O and CuO at different molar ratios. X ray diffraction data are presented for some other oxides of Bi and Sr, as well as for various quaternary oxides, among them an oxide of Bi, Sr, and Cu

    Sound-propagation gap in fluid mixtures

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    We discuss the behavior of the extended sound modes of a dense binary hard-sphere mixture. In a dense simple hard-sphere fluid the Enskog theory predicts a gap in the sound propagation at large wave vectors. In a binary mixture the gap is only present for low concentrations of one of the two species. At intermediate concentrations sound modes are always propagating. This behavior is not affected by the mass difference of the two species, but it only depends on the packing fractions. The gap is absent when the packing fractions are comparable and the mixture structurally resembles a metallic glass.Comment: Published; withdrawn since ordering in archive gives misleading impression of new publicatio

    Dynamical stability criterion for inhomogeneous quasi-stationary states in long-range systems

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    We derive a necessary and sufficient condition of linear dynamical stability for inhomogeneous Vlasov stationary states of the Hamiltonian Mean Field (HMF) model. The condition is expressed by an explicit disequality that has to be satisfied by the stationary state, and it generalizes the known disequality for homogeneous stationary states. In addition, we derive analogous disequalities that express necessary and sufficient conditions of formal stability for the stationary states. Their usefulness, from the point of view of linear dynamical stability, is that they are simpler, although they provide only sufficient criteria of linear stability. We show that for homogeneous stationary states the relations become equal, and therefore linear dynamical stability and formal stability become equivalent.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experimen

    High-fidelity simulations of CdTe vapor deposition from a new bond-order potential-based molecular dynamics method

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    CdTe has been a special semiconductor for constructing the lowest-cost solar cells and the CdTe-based Cd1-xZnxTe alloy has been the leading semiconductor for radiation detection applications. The performance currently achieved for the materials, however, is still far below the theoretical expectations. This is because the property-limiting nanoscale defects that are easily formed during the growth of CdTe crystals are difficult to explore in experiments. Here we demonstrate the capability of a bond order potential-based molecular dynamics method for predicting the crystalline growth of CdTe films during vapor deposition simulations. Such a method may begin to enable defects generated during vapor deposition of CdTe crystals to be accurately explored

    Ensemble Inequivalence in Mean-field Models of Magnetism

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    Mean-field models, while they can be cast into an {\it extensive} thermodynamic formalism, are inherently {\it non additive}. This is the basic feature which leads to {\it ensemble inequivalence} in these models. In this paper we study the global phase diagram of the infinite range Blume-Emery-Griffiths model both in the {\it canonical} and in the {\it microcanonical} ensembles. The microcanonical solution is obtained both by direct state counting and by the application of large deviation theory. The canonical phase diagram has first order and continuous transition lines separated by a tricritical point. We find that below the tricritical point, when the canonical transition is first order, the phase diagrams of the two ensembles disagree. In this region the microcanonical ensemble exhibits energy ranges with negative specific heat and temperature jumps at transition energies. These two features are discussed in a general context and the appropriate Maxwell constructions are introduced. Some preliminary extensions of these results to weakly decaying nonintegrable interactions are presented.Comment: Chapter of the forthcoming "Lecture Notes in Physics" volume: ``Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long Range Interactions'', T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, E. Arimondo, M. Wilkens Eds., Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 602, Springer (2002). (see http://link.springer.de/series/lnpp/

    Influence of hydrodynamics on many-particle diffusion in 2D colloidal suspensions

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    We study many-particle diffusion in 2D colloidal suspensions with full hydrodynamic interactions through a novel mesoscopic simulation technique. We focus on the behaviour of the effective scaled tracer and collective diffusion coefficients DT(ρ)/D0D_T(\rho) / D_0 and DC(ρ)/D0D_C(\rho) / D_0, where D0D_0 is the single-particle diffusion coefficient, as a function of the density of the colloids ρ\rho. At low Schmidt numbers Sc=O(1)Sc={\cal O}(1), we find that hydrodynamics has essentially no effect on the behaviour of DT(ρ)/D0D_T(\rho)/D_0. At larger ScSc, DT(ρ)/D0D_T(\rho)/D_0 is enhanced at all densities, although the differences compared to the case without hydrodynamics are minor. The collective diffusion coefficient, on the other hand, is much more strongly coupled to hydrodynamical conservation laws and is distinctly different from the purely dissipative case

    Statistical Mechanics of Torque Induced Denaturation of DNA

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    A unifying theory of the denaturation transition of DNA, driven by temperature T or induced by an external mechanical torque Gamma is presented. Our model couples the hydrogen-bond opening and the untwisting of the helicoidal molecular structure. We show that denaturation corresponds to a first-order phase transition from B-DNA to d-DNA phases and that the coexistence region is naturally parametrized by the degree of supercoiling sigma. The denaturation free energy, the temperature dependence of the twist angle, the phase diagram in the T,Gamma plane and isotherms in the sigma, Gamma plane are calculated and show a good agreement with experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, model improve

    Short-wavelength collective modes in a binary hard-sphere mixture

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    We use hard-sphere generalized hydrodynamic equations to discuss the extended hydrodynamic modes of a binary mixture. The theory presented here is analytic and it provides us with a simple description of the collective excitations of a dense binary mixture at molecular length scales. The behavior we predict is in qualitative agreement with molecular-dynamics results for soft-sphere mixtures. This study provides some insight into the role of compositional disorder in forming glassy configurations.Comment: Published; withdrawn since already published. Ordering in the archive gives misleading impression of new publicatio

    Equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of systems with long-range interactions

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    We briefly review some equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of systems with long-range interactions. Such systems, which are characterized by a potential that weakly decays at large distances, have striking properties at equilibrium, like negative specific heat in the microcanonical ensemble, temperature jumps at first order phase transitions, broken ergodicity. Here, we mainly restrict our analysis to mean-field models, where particles globally interact with the same strength. We show that relaxation to equilibrium proceeds through quasi-stationary states whose duration increases with system size. We propose a theoretical explanation, based on Lynden-Bell's entropy, of this intriguing relaxation process. This allows to address problems related to nonequilibrium using an extension of standard equilibrium statistical mechanics. We discuss in some detail the example of the dynamics of the free electron laser, where the existence and features of quasi-stationary states is likely to be tested experimentally in the future. We conclude with some perspectives to study open problems and to find applications of these ideas to dipolar media.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figures, Procs. of STATPHYS23, to be published on EPJ

    Discrete Multiscale Analysis: A Biatomic Lattice System

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    We discuss a discrete approach to the multiscale reductive perturbative method and apply it to a biatomic chain with a nonlinear interaction between the atoms. This system is important to describe the time evolution of localized solitonic excitations. We require that also the reduced equation be discrete. To do so coherently we need to discretize the time variable to be able to get asymptotic discrete waves and carry out a discrete multiscale expansion around them. Our resulting nonlinear equation will be a kind of discrete Nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. If we make its continuum limit, we obtain the standard Nonlinear Schr\"odinger differential equation