2,993 research outputs found

    Nonlinear preferential rewiring in fixed-size networks as a diffusion process

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    We present an evolving network model in which the total numbers of nodes and edges are conserved, but in which edges are continuously rewired according to nonlinear preferential detachment and reattachment. Assuming power-law kernels with exponents alpha and beta, the stationary states the degree distributions evolve towards exhibit a second order phase transition - from relatively homogeneous to highly heterogeneous (with the emergence of starlike structures) at alpha = beta. Temporal evolution of the distribution in this critical regime is shown to follow a nonlinear diffusion equation, arriving at either pure or mixed power-laws, of exponents -alpha and 1-alpha

    Mathematical modelling of cylindrical chimney effect in solar dryer

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    A simple mathematical model of a solar chimney is proposed for the solar dryer. The physical model was made with a cylindrical channel. Outer surface of the chimney is provided with black paint which absorbing solar radiation to heat up the air inside the chimney. Openings provided at the bottom and top of the chimney allow moist air to enter from the drying chamber and leave the channel. Steady state heat transfer equations were set determining the heat transfer coefficient and the air flow in the chimney. The thermal performance of the solar chimney as determined from the surfaces, air temperatures, and air mass flow rate are presented

    Towards Meaningful Information Processing: A unifying representation for Peirce’s sign types

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    An open problem in AI is the definition of meaningful information processing. That human interpretation and information processing by current computers can be different is well illustrated by Searle’s famous Chinese room argument thought experiment. In this paper we suggest that an answer to the above open problem of AI can be given by introducing a model of information processing which is embedded in a Peircean theory of (meaningful) signs. Peirce’s sign theory, that he systematically derived from his concept of a category, is seen by many as a theory of the knowable (the types of distinctions that can be signified by signs). We show that our model of information processing has the potential for representing three types of relation that are analogous to Peirce’s three classifications of sign, consisting of 10, 28, and 66 elements

    Statistical mechanics of scale-free networks at a critical point: Complexity without irreversibility?

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    Based on a rigorous extension of classical statistical mechanics to networks, we study a specific microscopic network Hamiltonian. The form of this Hamiltonian is derived from the assumption that individual nodes increase/decrease their utility by linking to nodes with a higher/lower degree than their own. We interpret utility as an equivalent to energy in physical systems and discuss the temperature dependence of the emerging networks. We observe the existence of a critical temperature TcT_c where total energy (utility) and network-architecture undergo radical changes. Along this topological transition we obtain scale-free networks with complex hierarchical topology. In contrast to models for scale-free networks introduced so far, the scale-free nature emerges within equilibrium, with a clearly defined microcanonical ensemble and the principle of detailed balance strictly fulfilled. This provides clear evidence that 'complex' networks may arise without irreversibility. The results presented here should find a wide variety of applications in socio-economic statistical systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Technical note: Lithium isotopes in dolostone as a palaeo-environmental proxy - an experimental approach

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    Lithium (Li) isotopes in marine carbonates have considerable potential as a proxy to constrain past changes in silicate weathering fluxes and improve our understanding of Earth\u27s climate. To date the majority of Li isotope studies on marine carbonates have focussed on calcium carbonates. The determination of the Li isotope fractionation between dolomite and a dolomitizing fluid would allow us to extend investigations to deep times (i.e. Precambrian) when dolostones were the most abundant marine carbonate archives. Dolostones often contain a significant proportion of detrital silicate material, which dominates the Li budget; thus, pretreatment needs to be designed so that only the isotope composition of the carbonate-associated Li is measured. This study aims to serve two main goals: (1) to determine the Li isotope fractionation between Ca-Mg carbonates and solution, and (2) to develop a method for leaching the carbonate-associated Li out of dolostone while not affecting the Li contained within the detrital portion of the rock. We synthesized Ca-Mg carbonates at high temperatures (150 to 220 ∘C) and measured the Li isotope composition (δ7Li) of the precipitated solids and their respective reactive solutions. The relationship of the Li isotope fractionation factor with temperature was obtained ..

    Syzygies of torsion bundles and the geometry of the level l modular variety over M_g

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    We formulate, and in some cases prove, three statements concerning the purity or, more generally the naturality of the resolution of various rings one can attach to a generic curve of genus g and a torsion point of order l in its Jacobian. These statements can be viewed an analogues of Green's Conjecture and we verify them computationally for bounded genus. We then compute the cohomology class of the corresponding non-vanishing locus in the moduli space R_{g,l} of twisted level l curves of genus g and use this to derive results about the birational geometry of R_{g, l}. For instance, we prove that R_{g,3} is a variety of general type when g>11 and the Kodaira dimension of R_{11,3} is greater than or equal to 19. In the last section we explain probabilistically the unexpected failure of the Prym-Green conjecture in genus 8 and level 2.Comment: 35 pages, appeared in Invent Math. We correct an inaccuracy in the statement of Prop 2.

    Magnetic field control of cycloidal domains and electric polarization in multiferroic BiFeO3_3

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    The magnetic field induced rearrangement of the cycloidal spin structure in ferroelectric mono-domain single crystals of the room-temperature multiferroic BiFeO3_3 is studied using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). The cycloid propagation vectors are observed to rotate when magnetic fields applied perpendicular to the rhombohedral (polar) axis exceed a pinning threshold value of ∼\sim5\,T. In light of these experimental results, a phenomenological model is proposed that captures the rearrangement of the cycloidal domains, and we revisit the microscopic origin of the magnetoelectric effect. A new coupling between the magnetic anisotropy and the polarization is proposed that explains the recently discovered magnetoelectric polarization to the rhombohedral axis

    Linking proteins to signaling pathways for experiment design and evaluation

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    Biomedical experimental work often focuses on altering the functions of selected proteins. These changes can hit signaling pathways, and can therefore unexpectedly and non-specifically affect cellular processes. We propose PathwayLinker, an online tool that can provide a first estimate of the possible signaling effects of such changes, e.g., drug or microRNA treatments. PathwayLinker minimizes the users' efforts by integrating protein-protein interaction and signaling pathway data from several sources with statistical significance tests and clear visualization. We demonstrate through three case studies that the developed tool can point out unexpected signaling bias in normal laboratory experiments and identify likely novel signaling proteins among the interactors of known drug targets. In our first case study we show that knockdown of the Caenorhabditis elegans gene cdc-25.1 (meant to avoid progeny) may globally affect the signaling system and unexpectedly bias experiments. In the second case study we evaluate the loss-of-function phenotypes of a less known C. elegans gene to predict its function. In the third case study we analyze GJA1, an anti-cancer drug target protein in human, and predict for this protein novel signaling pathway memberships, which may be sources of side effects. Compared to similar services, a major advantage of PathwayLinker is that it drastically reduces the necessary amount of manual literature searches and can be used without a computational background. PathwayLinker is available at http://PathwayLinker.org. Detailed documentation and source code are available at the website. © 2012 Farkas et al
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