256 research outputs found

    Complete solution of a constrained tropical optimization problem with application to location analysis

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    We present a multidimensional optimization problem that is formulated and solved in the tropical mathematics setting. The problem consists of minimizing a nonlinear objective function defined on vectors over an idempotent semifield by means of a conjugate transposition operator, subject to constraints in the form of linear vector inequalities. A complete direct solution to the problem under fairly general assumptions is given in a compact vector form suitable for both further analysis and practical implementation. We apply the result to solve a multidimensional minimax single facility location problem with Chebyshev distance and with inequality constraints imposed on the feasible location area.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic spectra analysis of dielectrics

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    Method of magnetic spectroscopy is used to analyze and to interpret the experimental data obtained by magnetic measurement of the complex permeability spectra of Mg ferrite and NiZn ferritepolymers. Ferritepolymers were prepared from various concentration of NiZn ferrite particles as a soft magnetic fillers dispersed in PVC polymer matrix. Effect of the filler content on the permeability spectra of NiZn ferritepolymers was examined and compared with presented sintered ferrite samples. The variations of permeability and relaxation frequency due to ferrite filler concentration in composite are presented and discussed from point of view the magnetization processes in samples

    Observation of GRB 030131 with the INTEGRAL satellite

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    A long Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) was detected with the instruments on board the INTEGRAL satellite on January 31 2003. Although most of the GRB, which lasted \sim150 seconds, occurred during a satellite slew, the automatic software of the INTEGRAL Burst Alert System was able to detect it in near-real time. Here we report the results obtained with the IBIS instrument, which detected GRB 030131 in the 15 keV - 200 keV energy range, and ESO/VLT observations of its optical transient. The burst displays a complex time profile with numerous peaks. The peak spectrum can be described by a single power law with photon index Γ\Gamma\simeq1.7 and has a flux of \sim2 photons cm2^{-2} s1^{-1} in the 20-200 keV energy band. The high sensitivity of IBIS has made it possible for the first time to perform detailed time-resolved spectroscopy of a GRB with a fluence of 7×106\times10^{-6} erg cm2^{-2} (20-200 keV).Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 5 pages, 4 figures, late


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    Polyester cord threads, which are used as a reinforcing materials of rubber blend, have been treated in atmospheric-pressure H2O plasma in order to enhance their adhesion to rubber. The atmospheric-pressure H2O plasma was generated in an underwater diaphragm discharge. The plasma treatment resulted in approximately 100% improvement in the adhesion. Scanning electron microscopy investigation indicates that not only introduced surface polar groups but also increased surface area of the fibres due to a fibre surface roughening are responsible for the improved adhesive strength

    The Host Galaxy and Optical Light Curve of the Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 980703

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    We present deep HST/STIS and ground-based photometry of the host galaxy of the gamma-ray burst GRB 980703 taken 17, 551, 710, and 716 days after the burst. We find that the host is a blue, slightly over-luminous galaxy with V_gal = 23.00 +/- 0.10, (V-R)_gal = 0.43 +/- 0.13, and a centre that is approximately 0.2 mag bluer than the outer regions of the galaxy. The galaxy has a star-formation rate of 8-13 M_sun/yr, assuming no extinction in the host. We find that the galaxy is best fit by a Sersic R^(1/n) profile with n ~= 1.0 and a half-light radius of 0.13 arcsec (= 0.72/h_100 proper kpc). This corresponds to an exponential disk with a scale radius of 0.22 arcsec (= 1.21/h_100 proper kpc). Subtracting a fit with elliptical isophotes leaves large residuals, which suggests that the host galaxy has a somewhat irregular morphology, but we are unable to connect the location of GRB 980703 with any special features in the host. The host galaxy appears to be a typical example of a compact star forming galaxy similar to those found in the Hubble Deep Field North. The R-band light curve of the optical afterglow associated with this gamma-ray burst is consistent with a single power-law decay having a slope of alpha = -1.37 +/- 0.14. Due to the bright underlying host galaxy the late time properties of the light-curve are very poorly constrained. The decay of the optical light curve is consistent with a contribution from an underlying Type Ic supernova like SN1998bw, or a dust echo, but such contributions cannot be securely established.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX using A&A Document Class v4.05, to appear in A&

    GRB 040403: a faint X-ray rich Gamma-ray Burst discovered by INTEGRAL

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    GRB 040403 is one of the faintest gamma-ray bursts for which a rapid and accurate localization has been obtained. Here we report on the gamma-ray properties of this burst, based on observations with the IBIS instrument aboard INTEGRAL, and the results of searches for its optical afterglow. The steep spectrum (power law photon index =1.9 in the 20–200 keV range) implies that GRB 040403 is most likely an X-ray rich burst. Our optical limit of R \u3e24.2 at 16.5 h after the burst, indicates a rather faint afterglow, similar to those seen in other relatively soft and faint bursts

    Real-Time Optical Flux Limits From Gamma-Ray Bursts Measured By The GROCSE Experiment

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    The Gamma-Ray Optical Counterpart Search Experiment (GROCSE) presents new experimental upper limits on the optical flux from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Our experiment consisted of a fully-automated very wide-field opto-electronic detection system that imaged locations of GRBs within a few seconds of receiving trigger signals provided by BATSE's real-time burst coordinate distribution network (BACODINE). The experiment acquired ~3800 observing hours, recording 22 gamma-ray burst triggers within \sim30 s of the start of the burst event. Some of these bursts were imaged while gamma-ray radiation was being detected by BATSE. We identified no optical counterparts associated with gamma-ray bursts amongst these events at the mV_V \sim 7.0 to 8.5 sensitivity level. We find the ratio of the upper limit to the V-band optical flux, Fν_\nu, to the gamma-ray fluence, Φγ\Phi_\gamma, from these data to be 2×1018<Fν/Φγ<2×10162 \times 10^{-18} < F_\nu/\Phi_\gamma < 2 \times 10^{-16}.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, requires aasms4.sty and apjpt4.sty, 5 EPS figures; submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    The WEBT Campaign on the Blazar 3C279 in 2006

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    The quasar 3C279 was the target of an extensive multiwavelength monitoring campaign from January through April 2006, including an optical-IR-radio monitoring campaign by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) collaboration. In this paper we focus on the results of the WEBT campaign. The source exhibited substantial variability of optical flux and spectral shape, with a characteristic time scale of a few days. The variability patterns throughout the optical BVRI bands were very closely correlated with each other. In intriguing contrast to other (in particular, BL Lac type) blazars, we find a lag of shorter- behind longer-wavelength variability throughout the RVB ranges, with a time delay increasing with increasing frequency. Spectral hardening during flares appears delayed with respect to a rising optical flux. This, in combination with the very steep IR-optical continuum spectral index of ~ 1.5 - 2.0, may indicate a highly oblique magnetic field configuration near the base of the jet. An alternative explanation through a slow (time scale of several days) acceleration mechanism would require an unusually low magnetic field of < 0.2 G, about an order of magnitude lower than inferred from previous analyses of simultaneous SEDs of 3C279 and other FSRQs with similar properties.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    The unprecedented optical outburst of the quasar 3C 454.3. The WEBT campaign of 2004-2005

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    The radio quasar 3C 454.3 underwent an exceptional optical outburst lasting more than 1 year and culminating in spring 2005. The maximum brightness detected was R = 12.0, which represents the most luminous quasar state thus far observed (M_B ~ -31.4). In order to follow the emission behaviour of the source in detail, a large multiwavelength campaign was organized by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT). Continuous optical, near-IR and radio monitoring was performed in several bands. ToO pointings by the Chandra and INTEGRAL satellites provided additional information at high energies in May 2005. The historical radio and optical light curves show different behaviours. Until about 2001.0 only moderate variability was present in the optical regime, while prominent and long-lasting radio outbursts were visible at the various radio frequencies, with higher-frequency variations preceding the lower-frequency ones. After that date, the optical activity increased and the radio flux is less variable. This suggests that the optical and radio emissions come from two separate and misaligned jet regions, with the inner optical one acquiring a smaller viewing angle during the 2004-2005 outburst. Moreover, the colour-index behaviour (generally redder-when-brighter) during the outburst suggests the presence of a luminous accretion disc. A huge mm outburst followed the optical one, peaking in June-July 2005. The high-frequency (37-43 GHz) radio flux started to increase in early 2005 and reached a maximum at the end of our observing period (end of September 2005). VLBA observations at 43 GHz during the summer confirm theComment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to be published in A&