20 research outputs found

    Perancangan Bidai Infus Untuk Anak Usia Sekolah

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    This research designed a hand infusion splint for school-age children with an age range of 7-12 years according to the anthropometry and contours of the child's hand so that children who underwent infusion on the hand did not experience medical complications during treatment or post-hospital trauma.  The method used in the design of infusion splint for school-age children is Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and House of Quality (HOQ) to get design criteria according to consumer needs, while the software used, namely SPSS and Autodesk Professional Inventor to build models. The size of the infusion splint was determined based on the hand anthropometry of school-age children. The specifications of the hand infusion splint of school-age children according to the needs of pediatric patients have a length of 189 mm, a thickness of 9 mm, and a width of 46.3 mm for arm supports, and 37.1 mm for hand supports obtained from the highest priority value in the House of Quality, namely the design of the dimensions of the splint

    Online Classrooms During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey of Industrial Engineering Instructors in Indonesia

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    Objectives: The purpose of this descriptive study was to understand the instructional methods, quality, and challenges in online instruction as industrial engineering instructors in Indonesia transitioned from face-to-face to fully online instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Instructors were invited to complete a survey that requested perceptions on methods, perceived quality, and challenges regarding course delivery and assessment in their online classrooms. Results: Despite the fact that more than half of the participants (59%) had some training, the majority (63%) reported that they had no experience in conducting online classrooms. Furthermore, more than 50% of the participants described the quality of the course delivery and assessment as the same or inferior to traditional classrooms. Most participants reported having an issue with measuring student involvement or gaining class interaction. Regarding the course assessment, the vast majority of the participants reported concerns about integrity issues associated with assignments and exams. Implications for Practice and Conclusion: Since instructors reported intention to continue online instruction post-pandemic, industrial engineering programs can begin strengthening the online learning infrastructure and providing some training to the instructors to minimize the discrepancies between face-to-face and online instruction

    Kajian Awal Implementasi dan Evaluasi Lean Manajemen Informasi Terhadap Kinerja Pelayanan pada Proses Administrasi Akademik

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    Sistem administrasi akademik sangat terkait pada proses pengelolaan informasi. Namun seringkali, tidak optimalnya penggunaan teknologi yang tersedia menyebabkan terjadinya proses yang tidak efisien sehingga berpengaruh pada penurunan kinerja pelayanan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan kajian awal penerapan konsep lean pada bidang manajemen informasi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan. Tiga langkah utama pada penerapan lean manajemen informasi disusun berdasarkan pendekatan Lean Evaluation and Future Improvement (LEFI). Langkah pertama adalah analisis sistem saat ini dengan menggunakan Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 0 dan identifikasi waste dengan Value Stream Mapping dengan Kaizen burst. Langkah kedua adalah memperkenalkan perubahan yang diperlukan. Langkah ketiga adalah evaluasi dan perbaikan berkelanjutan. Kemudian dilakukan verifikasi modifikasi efisiensi melalui perhitungan Overall Equipments Efektiveness (OEE) yang terdiri dari tiga indikator yaitu availability, performance dan quality. Hasil penelitian ini merupakan langkah dari metode LEFI yang tidak spesifik untuk sektor pelayanan administrasi akademik, namun dapat pula diperluas ke banyak sektor pelayanan administrasi lainnya

    Perancangan Tata Letak Rak Display pada Toko Ritel (Studi Literatur)

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    Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen akan suatu produk tertentu, pilihan produk yang dijual pada toko ritel juga semakin meningkat. Namun demikian, semakin banyak produk yang dijual, luas rak display yang dibutuhkan untuk memajang seluruh produk tersebut semakin terbatas. Selain itu, jika produk tersebut memiliki permintaan yang tinggi, produk yang terpajang pada rak display akan lebih cepat habis, sehingga toko perlu lebih sering melakukan pengisian ulang rak display. Dengan demikian, manajemen toko ritel menjadi sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Selain dapat meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen dalam berbelanja, visibility dan paparan produk yang tinggi akan meningkatkan transaksi belanja impulsif. Manajemen tata letak rak display pada toko ritel secara umum terbagi menjadi dua tingkat, tingkat makro dan mikro. Manajemen tingkat makro atau level strategis fokus pada penentuan lokasi tata letak rak display. Sedangkan tingkat mikro atau level taktis spesifik pada alokasi produk untuk setiap kategori produk yang ada. Akan tetapi, kedua pendekatan ini sangat bergantung pada data permintaan dan/atau transaksi sebelumnya. Sementara permasalahan yang ada pada usaha kecil dan menengah saat ini ialah masih belum memiliki data permintaan dan/atau data transaksi yang lengkap, sehingga masih ada peluang penelitian tata letak rak display. Studi literatur ini menemukan bahwa permasalahan tata letak toko ritel juga bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan perancangan tata letak fasilitas dengan berbagai penyesuaian dan modifikasi


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    The intersection of Kentungan is one of the intersections that connects North Ringroad Road and Kaliurang Street which looks increasingly stuck in Yogyakarta. This is due to an uneven increase in vehicle vehicles to road infrastructure. The peak of traffic jam at Intersection of Junction often occurs at 16.00-17.30 WIB. The problem at this junction is the amount of time delay and the length of the queue. One way to reduce congestion problems at the Intersection is to construct road infrastructure, one underpass. Based on these problems, research on the effect of underpass application on congestion parameters at several other intersections adjacent to the intersection of Kentungan. This research is a Multi Channel Multi Phase model configuration, by creating an underpass model of the Autodesk Infraworks 360 software. Before modeling underpass conditions, it is done in advance of the existing model of Intersection of Kentungan. The data inputted to this existing model is the total data of vehicles crossing the intersection of Kentungan for one hour. Verification model in this research is done by visual testing and check the duration of green light at the time of simulation done. Validation in this research is done by using hypothesis test, paired t-test. Then the parameters for validation are data ie the average waiting time of the vehicle, the maximum queue length and the number of vehicles passing through the green light in one cycle.In this study using two scenarios, in scenario 1 is the underpass model with the condition of the intersection and the scenario 2 is the underpass model with the roundabout condition. The results obtained from both scenarios are compared with the existing model results. The compared parameters are the average vehicle delay time and maximum queue length on each approach. It is expected from the comparison analysis to show that the Kentungan Intersection after the built underpass has decreased significantly on the average delay time and maximum queue length

    Analisis Model Pengukuran Readiness Industry 4.0 pada Industri Manufaktur

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    Industri Manufaktur berkontribusi besar pada pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu Negara. Implementasi Industri 4.0 pada sektor Industri Manufaktur diperlukan dalam meningkatkan efisiensi usaha melalui pemanfaatan teknologi digital. Penelitian ini menampilkan model-model pengukuran Readinesss Industry 4.0 yang terdiri atas IMPULS – Industrie 4.0 Readiness, The Singapore Smart Industry Readiness Index , INDI 4.0 – Indonesia Industry 4.0 Readiness Index. Penelitian ini membuat analisis perbandingan ketiga model pengukuran Readiness Level Industry 4.0 berdasarkan pada Identifikasi struktur dimensi dan metode pengukurannya. Hasil identifikasi dimensi menunjukkan bahwa struktur dimensi pada masing-masing model Readiness Industri 4.0 hampir sama. Keunikan muncul pada dimensi Budaya pada INDI 4.0. Sementara itu, Hasil identifikasi metode pengukuran menunjukkan perbedaan rentang level dimasing-masing model. Namun demikian, Keunikan muncul pada The Singapore Smart Industry Readiness Index yang memiliki rentang level yang beragam pada masing-masing dimensi pengukurannya

    Wettability of low silver content lead-free solder alloy

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    Wettability of low silver (Ag) content Sn-xAg-0.7Cu-0.5In lead-free solder (x = 0.1,0.3,0.5) on copper substrate was investigated. Wetting balance test results indicated that varying small Ag content in the alloy affects the wettability of solders with higher Ag content showing better wettability. The contact angles of the solder alloy showed dependence on Ag content in solder and temperature. Solder alloy with no Ag content and 0.5 mass Ag content displayed similar contact angle and qualitatively similar surface tension; however, the maximum wetting force is significantly difference, which indicates difference in the density of solder alloy. Effects of different fluxes on wettability were also studied. doi: 10.2320/matertrans.M200902