1,391 research outputs found

    Light-Cone Quantization of the Liouville Model

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    We present the quantization of the Liouville model defined in light-cone coordinates in (1,1) signature space. We take advantage of the representation of the Liouville field by the free field of the Backl\"{u}nd transformation and adapt the approch by Braaten, Curtright and Thorn. Quantum operators of the Liouville field ∂+ϕ\partial_{+}\phi, ∂−ϕ\partial_{-}\phi, egϕe^{g\phi}, e2gϕe^{2g\phi} are constructed consistently in terms of the free field. The Liouville model field theory space is found to be restricted to the sector with field momentum P+=−P−P_{+}=-P_{-}, P+>0P_{+}> 0 , which is a closed subspace for the Liouville theory operator algebra.Comment: 16 p, EFI-92-6

    Multi-Component KdV Hierarchy, V-Algebra and Non-Abelian Toda Theory

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    I prove the recently conjectured relation between the 2×22\times 2-matrix differential operator L=∂2−UL=\partial^2-U, and a certain non-linear and non-local Poisson bracket algebra (VV-algebra), containing a Virasoro subalgebra, which appeared in the study of a non-abelian Toda field theory. Here, I show that this VV-algebra is precisely given by the second Gelfand-Dikii bracket associated with LL. The Miura transformation is given which relates the second to the first Gelfand-Dikii bracket. The two Gelfand-Dikii brackets are also obtained from the associated (integro-) differential equation satisfied by fermion bilinears. The asymptotic expansion of the resolvent of (L−ξ)Ψ=0(L-\xi)\Psi=0 is studied and its coefficients RlR_l yield an infinite sequence of hamiltonians with mutually vanishing Poisson brackets. I recall how this leads to a matrix KdV hierarchy which are flow equations for the three component fields T,V+,V−T, V^+, V^- of UU. For V±=0V^\pm=0 they reduce to the ordinary KdV hierarchy. The corresponding matrix mKdV equations are also given, as well as the relation to the pseudo- differential operator approach. Most of the results continue to hold if UU is a hermitian n×nn\times n-matrix. Conjectures are made about n×nn\times n-matrix mthm^{\rm th}-order differential operators LL and associated V(n,m)V_{(n,m)}-algebras.Comment: 20 pages, revised: several references to earlier papers on multi-component KdV equations are adde

    Legal Protection in Retail Financial Markets

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    Given the importance of sound advice in retail financial markets and the fact that financial institutions outsource their advice services, what legal rules maximize social welfare in the market? We address this question by posing a theoretical model of retail markets in which a firm and a broker face a bilateral hidden action problem when they service clients in the market. All participants in the market are rational, and prices are set based on consistent beliefs about equilibrium actions of the firm and the broker. We characterize the optimal law within our modeling context, and derive how the legal system splits the blame between parties to the transaction. We also analyze how complexity in assessing clients and conflicts of interest affect the law. Since these markets are large, the implications of the analysis have great welfare import.

    Soliton quantization and internal symmetry

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    We apply the method of collective coordinate quantization to a model of solitons in two spacetime dimensions with a global U(1)U(1) symmetry. In particular we consider the dynamics of the charged states associated with rotational excitations of the soliton in the internal space and their interactions with the quanta of the background field (mesons). By solving a system of coupled saddle-point equations we effectively sum all tree-graphs contributing to the one-point Green's function of the meson field in the background of a rotating soliton. We find that the resulting one-point function evaluated between soliton states of definite U(1)U(1) charge exhibits a pole on the meson mass shell and we extract the corresponding S-matrix element for the decay of an excited state via the emission of a single meson using the standard LSZ reduction formula. This S-matrix element has a natural interpretation in terms of an effective Lagrangian for the charged soliton states with an explicit Yukawa coupling to the meson field. We calculate the leading-order semi-classical decay width of the excited soliton states discuss the consequences of these results for the hadronic decay of the Δ\Delta resonance in the Skyrme model.Comment: 23 pages, LA-UR-93-299

    Origin of Logarithmic Operators in Conformal Field Theories

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    We study logarithmic operators in Coulomb gas models, and show that they occur when the ``puncture'' operator of the Liouville theory is included in the model. We also consider WZNW models for SL(2,R)SL(2,R), and for SU(2) at level 0, in which we find logarithmic operators which form Jordan blocks for the current as well as the Virasoro algebra.Comment: 22 pages Latex. Some references adde

    Domain Walls in a FRW Universe

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    We solve the equations of motion for a scalar field with domain wall boundary conditions in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) spacetime. We find (in agreement with Basu and Vilenkin) that no domain wall solutions exist in de Sitter spacetime for h = H/m >= 1/2, where H is the Hubble parameter and m is the scalar mass. In the general FRW case we develop a systematic perturbative expansion in h to arrive at an approximate solution to the field equations. We calculate the energy momentum tensor of the domain wall configuration, and show that the energy density can become negative at the core of the defect for some values of the non-minimal coupling parameter xi. We develop a translationally invariant theory for fluctuations of the wall, obtain the effective Lagrangian for these fluctuations, and quantize them using the Bunch-Davies vacuum in the de Sitter case. Unlike previous analyses, we find that the fluctuations act as zero-mass (as opposed to tachyonic) modes. This allows us to calculate the distortion and the normal-normal correlators for the surface. The normal-normal correlator decreases logarithmically with the distance between points for large times and distances, indicating that the interface becomes rougher than in Minkowski spacetime.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures using epsf.tex. Now auto-generates P

    Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering under Spin-Isospin Reversal in Large-N_c QCD

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    The spin-flavor structure of certain nucleon-nucleon scattering observables derived from the large N_c limit of QCD in the kinematical regime where time-dependent mean-field theory is valid is discussed. In previous work, this regime was taken to be where the external momentum was of order N_c which precluded the study of differential cross sections in elastic scattering. Here it is shown that the regime extends down to order N_c^{1/2} which includes the higher end of the elastic regime. The prediction is that in the large N_c limit, observables describable via mean-field theory are unchanged when the spin and isospin of either nucleon are both flipped. This prediction is tested for proton-proton and neutron-proton elastic scattering data and found to fail badly. We argue that this failure can be traced to a lack of a clear separation of scales between momentum of order N_c^{1/2} and N_c^1 when N_c is as small as three. The situation is compounded by an anomalously low particle production threshold due to approximate chiral symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Classical Scattering in 1+11+1 Dimensional String Theory

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    We find the general solution to Polchinski's classical scattering equations for 1+11+1 dimensional string theory. This allows efficient computation of scattering amplitudes in the standard Liouville ×\times c=1c=1 background. Moreover, the solution leads to a mapping from a large class of time-dependent collective field theory backgrounds to corresponding nonlinear sigma models. Finally, we derive recursion relations between tachyon amplitudes. These may be summarized by an infinite set of nonlinear PDE's for the partition function in an arbitrary time-dependent background.Comment: 15 p

    On the Classical W4(2)W_{4}^{(2)} Algebra

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    We consider the classical \w42 algebra from the integrable system viewpoint. The integrable evolution equations associated with the \w42 algebra are constructed and the Miura maps , consequently modifications, are presented. Modifying the Miura maps, we give a free field realization the classical \w42 algebra. We also construct the Toda type integrable systems for it.Comment: 14 pages, latex, no figure

    Physical States of the Quantum Conformal Factor

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    The conformal factor of the spacetime metric becomes dynamical due to the trace anomaly of matter fields. Its dynamics is described by an effective action which we quantize by canonical methods on the Einstein universe R×S3R\times S^3. We find an infinite tower of discrete states which satisfy the constraints of quantum diffeomorphism invariance. These physical states are in one-to-one correspondence with operators constructed by integrating integer powers of the Ricci scalar.Comment: PlainTeX File, 34 page
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