1,342 research outputs found

    Phase transition between d-wave and anisotropic s-wave gaps in high temperature oxides superconductors

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    We study models for superconductivity with two interactions: V>V^> due to antiferromagnetic(AF) fluctuations and V<V^< due to phonons, in a weak coupling approach to the high temperature superconductivity. The nature of the two interactions are considerably different; V>V^> is positive and sharply peaked at (±π\pm\pi,±π \pm\pi) while V<V^< is negative and peaked at (0,00,0) due to weak phonon screening. We numerically find (a) weak BCS attraction is enough to have high critical temperature if a van Hove anomaly is at work, (b) V>V^> (AF) is important to give d-wave superconductivity, (c) the gap order parameter Δ(k)\Delta({\bf k}) is constant(s-wave) at extremely overdope region and it changes to anisotropic s-wave as doping is reduced, (d) there exists a first order phase transition between d-wave and anisotropic s-wave gaps. These results are qualitatively in agreement with preceding works; they should be modified in the strongly underdope region by the presence of antiferromagnetic fluctuations and ensuing AF pseudogap.Comment: 4 pages in RevTex (double column), 4 figure

    A new neutron study of the short range order inversion in Fe1−x_{1-x}Crx_x

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    We have performed new neutron diffuse scattering measurements in Fe1−x_{1-x}Crx_x solid solutions, in a concentration range 0<<x<<0.15, where the atomic distribution shows an inversion of the short range order. By optimizing the signal-background ratio, we obtain an accurate determination of the concentration of inversion x0_0 =0.110(5). We determine the near neighbor atomic short range order parameters and pair potentials, which change sign at x0_0. The experimental results are compared with previous first principle calculations and atomistic simulations.Comment: 6 pages; 6 figure

    Spatial Correlation of Conduction Electrons in Metal with Complicated Geometry Of The Fermi Surface

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    The "density-density" correlation function of conduction electrons in metal is investigated. It is shown, that the asymptotic behaviour of the CF depends on the shape and the local geometry of the Fermi surface. In particular, the exponent of power law which describes the damping of Friedel oscillations at large r (-4 for an isotropic Fermi gas) is determined by local geometry of the FS. The applications of the obtained results to calculations of the CF in a metal near the electron topological transition and of the RKKY exchange integral are considered as well.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures upon request (to appear in J.Phys.:CM, 1993

    Vacuum Polarization and Screening of Supercritical Impurities in Graphene

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    Screening of charge impurities in graphene is analyzed using the exact solution for vacuum polarization obtained from the massless Dirac-Kepler problem. For the impurity charge below certain critical value no density perturbation is found away from the impurity, in agreement with the linear response theory result. For supercritical charge, however, the polarization distribution is shown to have a power law profile, leading to screening of the excess charge at large distances. The Dirac-Kepler scattering states give rise to standing wave oscillations in the local density of states which appear and become prominent in the supercritical regime.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Friedel Oscillations and Charge-density Waves Pinning in Quasi-one-dimensional Conductors: An X-ray Access

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    We present an x-ray diffraction study of the Vanadium-doped blue bronze K0.3(Mo0.972V0.028)O3. At low temperature, we have observed both an intensity asymmetry of the +-2kF satellite reflections relative to the pure compound, and a profile asymmetry of each satellite reflections. We show that the profile asymmetry is due to Friedel oscillation around the V substituant and that the intensity asymmetry is related to the charge density wave (CDW) pinning. These two effects, intensity and profile asymmetries, gives for the first time access to the local properties of CDW in disordered systems, including the pinning and even the phase shift of FOs.Comment: 4 pages REVTEX, 5 figure

    Disclinations, dislocations and continuous defects: a reappraisal

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    Disclinations, first observed in mesomorphic phases, are relevant to a number of ill-ordered condensed matter media, with continuous symmetries or frustrated order. They also appear in polycrystals at the edges of grain boundaries. They are of limited interest in solid single crystals, where, owing to their large elastic stresses, they mostly appear in close pairs of opposite signs. The relaxation mechanisms associated with a disclination in its creation, motion, change of shape, involve an interplay with continuous or quantized dislocations and/or continuous disclinations. These are attached to the disclinations or are akin to Nye's dislocation densities, well suited here. The notion of 'extended Volterra process' takes these relaxation processes into account and covers different situations where this interplay takes place. These concepts are illustrated by applications in amorphous solids, mesomorphic phases and frustrated media in their curved habit space. The powerful topological theory of line defects only considers defects stable against relaxation processes compatible with the structure considered. It can be seen as a simplified case of the approach considered here, well suited for media of high plasticity or/and complex structures. Topological stability cannot guarantee energetic stability and sometimes cannot distinguish finer details of structure of defects.Comment: 72 pages, 36 figure

    Theoretical analysis of the transmission phase shift of a quantum dot in the presence of Kondo correlations

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    We study the effects of Kondo correlations on the transmission phase shift of a quantum dot coupled to two leads in comparison with the experimental determinations made by Aharonov-Bohm (AB) quantum interferometry. We propose here a theoretical interpretation of these results based on scattering theory combined with Bethe ansatz calculations. We show that there is a factor of 2 difference between the phase of the S-matrix responsible for the shift in the AB oscillations, and the one controlling the conductance. Quantitative agreement is obtained with experimental results for two different values of the coupling to the leads.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Sum Rules and Ward Identities in the Kondo Lattice

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    We derive a generalized Luttinger-Ward expression for the Free energy of a many body system involving a constrained Hilbert space. In the large NN limit, we are able to explicity write the entropy as a functional of the Green's functions. Using this method we obtain a Luttinger sum rule for the Kondo lattice. One of the fascinating aspects of the sum rule, is that it contains two components, one describing the heavy electron Fermi surface, the other, a sea of oppositely charged, spinless fermions. In the heavy electron state, this sea of spinless fermions is completely filled and the electron Fermi surface expands by one electron per unit cell to compensate the positively charged background, forming a ``large'' Fermi surface. Arbitrarily weak magnetism causes the spinless Fermi sea to annihilate with part of the Fermi sea of the conduction electrons, leading to a small Fermi surface. Our results thus enable us to show that the Fermi surface volume contracts from a large, to a small volume at a quantum critical point. However, the sum rules also permit the possible formation of a new phase, sandwiched between the antiferromagnet and the heavy electron phase, where the charged spinless fermions develop a true Fermi surface.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures. Version two contains a proof of the "Entropy formula" which connects the entropy directly to the Green's functions. Version three contains corrections to typos and a more extensive discussion of the physics at finite

    Techniques to improve technological and sanitary quality

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    Agronomical ways for better quality and safety Choice of cultivar is an efficient way to obtain higher grain quality. Intercropping legumes (grain or forage) improves weed competition and N availability for wheat crop or succeeding crop. Green manure can be an effective alternative to farmyard manure. Fertilization with readily available nitrogen improves yield and quality when water is available. Reduced tillage affects soil fertility and wheat yield but has little effects on grain quality. Technological ways for better quality and safety Milling process strongly influences flour characteristics. Stone milling improves nutritive value; characteristics remain very stable independent of the milling yield. Flour characteristics from roller milling appear very susceptible to the milling yield. Increasing the milling yield in the aim of enriching nutritional quality has a detrimental effect either on safety (DON) or on bread-making quality (bread volume)

    Lattice Distortion and Magnetism of 3d-t2gt_{2g} Perovskite Oxides

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    Several puzzling aspects of interplay of the experimental lattice distortion and the the magnetic properties of four narrow t2gt_{2g}-band perovskite oxides (YTiO3_3, LaTiO3_3, YVO3_3, and LaVO3_3) are clarified using results of first-principles electronic structure calculations. First, we derive parameters of the effective Hubbard-type Hamiltonian for the isolated t2gt_{2g} bands using newly developed downfolding method for the kinetic-energy part and a hybrid approach, based on the combination of the random-phase approximation and the constraint local-density approximation, for the screened Coulomb interaction part. Then, we solve the obtained Hamiltonian using a number of techniques, including the mean-field Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation, the second-order perturbation theory for the correlation energy, and a variational superexchange theory. Even though the crystal-field splitting is not particularly large to quench the orbital degrees of freedom, the crystal distortion imposes a severe constraint on the form of the possible orbital states, which favor the formation of the experimentally observed magnetic structures in YTiO3_3, YVO_, and LaVO3_3 even at the HF level. Beyond the HF approximation, the correlations effects systematically improve the agreement with the experimental data. Using the same type of approximations we could not reproduce the correct magnetic ground state of LaTiO3_3. However, we expect that the situation may change by systematically improving the level of approximations for dealing with the correlation effects.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figures, 8 tables, high-quality figures are available via e-mai
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