1,972 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of heavy fermions in an SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R symmetric Yukawa model

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    An exploratory numerical study of the influence of heavy fermion doublets on the mass of the Higgs boson is performed in the decoupling limit of a chiral SU(2)L⊗SU(2)R\rm SU(2)_L \otimes SU(2)_R symmetric Yukawa model with mirror fermions. The behaviour of fermion and boson masses is investigated at infinite bare quartic coupling on 43⋅84^3 \cdot 8, 63⋅126^3 \cdot 12 and 83⋅168^3 \cdot 16 lattices. A first estimate of the upper bound on the renormalized quartic coupling as a function of the renormalized Yukawa-coupling is given.Comment: 15 pp + 11 Figures appended as Postscript file

    Mass Spectrum and Bounds on the Couplings in Yukawa Models With Mirror-Fermions

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    The SU(2)L⊗SU(2)R\rm SU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R symmetric Yukawa model with mirror-fermions in the limit where the mirror-fermion is decoupled is studied both analytically and numerically. The bare scalar self-coupling λ\lambda is fixed at zero and infinity. The phase structure is explored and the relevant phase transition is found to be consistent with a second order one. The fermionic mass spectrum close to that transition is discussed and a first non-perturbative estimate of the influence of fermions on the upper and lower bounds on the renormalized scalar self-coupling is given. Numerical results are confronted with perturbative predictions.Comment: 7 (Latex) page

    Scaling and correlation analysis of galactic images

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    Different scaling and autocorrelation characteristics and their application to astronomical images are discussed: the structure function, the autocorrelation function, Fourier spectra and wavelet spectra. We recommend as the optimal mathematical tool the wavelet spectrum with a suitable choice of the analysing wavelet. We introduce the wavelet cross-correlation function which enables to study the correlation between images as a function of scale. The wavelet cross-correlation coefficient strongly depends on the scale. The classical cross-correlation coefficient can be misleading if a bright, extended central region or an extended disk exists in the galactic images. An analysis of the scaling and cross-correlation characteristics of 9 optical and radio maps of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is presented. The wavelet spectra allow to separate structures on different scales like spiral arms and diffuse extended emission. Only the images of thermal radio emission and Halpha emission give indications of 3-dimensional Kolmogorov-type turbulence on the smallest resolved scales (160-800 pc). The cross-correlations between the images of NGC 6946 show strong similarities between the images of total radio emission, red light and mid-infrared dust emission on all scales. The best correlation is found between total radio emission and dust emission. Thermal radio continuum and Halpha emission are best correlated on a scale of about 1' \simeq 1.6 kpc, the typical width of a spiral arm. On a similar scale, the images of polarised radio and Halpha emission are anticorrelated, which remains undetected with classical ross-correlation analysis.Comment: 15 pages with 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Strongly coupled U(1) lattice gauge theory as a microscopic model of Yukawa theory

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    Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in a strongly coupled U(1) lattice gauge model with charged fermions and scalar is investigated by numerical simulation. Several composite neutral states are observed, in particular a massive fermion. In the vicinity of the tricritical point of this model we study the effective Yukawa coupling between this fermion and the Goldstone boson. The perturbative triviality bound of Yukawa models is nearly saturated. The theory is quite similar to strongly coupled Yukawa models for sufficiently large coupling except the occurrence of an additional state -- a gauge ball of mass about half the mass of the fermion.Comment: 4 page

    Accounting for Imputed and Capital Income Flows in Income Inequality Analyses

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    Using representative and consistent microdata from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) from 1985-2007, we illustrate that capital income (CI = return on financial investments) and imputed rent (IR = return on investments in owner-occupied housing) have become increasingly important sources of economic inequality in Germany over the last two decades. Whereas the operationalization of CI in this paper is based on monetary returns on financial investments only, our definition of IR follows a regulation by the European Commission, (EC) which is currently being used to harmonize income measurement for the European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) in Europe. While both of these components represent some kind of return on alternative private investments, our results indicate that they do not coincide in their impacts on income inequality and poverty. In line with the literature, net IR as defined according to the EC regulation tends to exert a dampening effect on inequality and relative poverty, very much driven by the increasing share of outright ownership among the elderly. On the other hand, inequality is boosted by CI especially when looking at the upper tail of the income distribution. As the German public pension scheme gradually loses its ability to maintain people's living standards into retirement, we find these effects to increase over time. The analyses presented here, exemplified for Germany, make a clear case for the joint consideration of all components of private investment income for the purpose of welfare analysis, be they of a monetary or non-monetary nature. This appears to be relevant in at least three dimensions of comparative research: (1) across time; (2) across space, regions, welfare regimes; (3) across the individual life course, thus analyzing the impact of investment income on intrapersonal mobility patterns

    Analysis of spiral arms using anisotropic wavelets: gas, dust and magnetic fields in M51

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    We have developed a technique of isolating elongated structures in galactic images, such as spiral arms, using anisotropic wavelets and apply this to maps of the CO, infrared and radio continuum emission of the grand-design spiral galaxy M51. Systematic shifts between the ridges of CO, infrared and radio continuum emission that are several \kpc long are identified, as well as large variations in pitch angle along spiral arms, of a few tens of degrees. We find two types of arms of polarized radio emission: one has a ridge close to the ridge of CO, with similar pitch angles for the CO and polarization spirals and the regular magnetic field; the other does not always coincide with the CO arm and its pitch angle differs from the orientation of its regular magnetic field. The offsets between ridges of regular magnetic field, dense gas and warm dust are compatible with the sequence expected from spiral density wave triggered star formation, with a delay of a few tens of millions of years between gas entering the shock and the formation of giant molecular clouds and a similar interval between the formation of the clouds and the emergence of young star clusters. At the position of the CO arms the orientation of the regular magnetic field is the same as the pitch angle of the spiral arm, but away from the gaseous arms the orientation of the regular field varies significantly. Spiral shock compression can explain the generation of one type of arm of strong polarized radio emission but a different mechanism is probably responsible for a second type of polarization arm. (Shortened abstract.
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