436 research outputs found

    Fem realitat l'escola del segle XXI

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    Si educar és fer homes i dones per a demà, avui caldrà transformar profundament l?escola. A Jesuïtes Educació, mitjançant el projecte Horitzó 2020, actualitzem l?escola i la posem en sintonia amb el món global i canviant del segle XXI. Per a nosaltres, la clau del nou paradigma és centrar-se en l?aprenentatge de l?alumnat i acompanyar-lo en el desenvolupament del seu propi projecte vital.If educating means shaping the men and women of tomorrow, it is necessary to achieve a far-reaching transformation of schools today. Through the Horizon 2020 project, at Jesuits for Education we are updating schools and attuning them to the changing global world of the 21st century. For us, the key to the new paradigm lies in focusing ourselves on our students? learning process and in accompanying them in the development of their own life projects

    A Study of Psychoactive Medicines and Risk of Falls Among Indonesian Elderly Patients

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    One of the causes of injury to the elderly is due to falls. Falling can be prevented by identifying and controlling risk factors. One risk factor that can be controlled is the use of fall risk medicines including psychoactive. This study aims to identify the association between the use of psychoactive medicine and its characteristic with the risk of falls among the elderly in Indonesia.  The study utilized a case-control study design for a total number of 414 elderly patients, during October until December 2018. Cases were elderly aged 60 years or above with a high risk of falling assessed using the Morse Fall Scale (MFS≥45). Each case was matched with up to two randomly selected controls of the same age who are classified as low to moderate risk of falling (MFS<45). The use of psychoactive medicines was screened from a history of drug use for the past six months. Psychoactive medicine-fall risk associations were estimated via logistic regression. There were 138 cases and 276 controls. The median age of subjects was 66 years old and 54.83% was a woman. Elderly with a high risk of falling had higher psychoactive medicines use when compare with controls (31.16 % vs 21.38 %, p< 0.05). After adjusting for potential confounders, the use of psychoactive medicines was significantly associated with higher fall risk in elderly patients (OR 1.79 95% CI 1.10-2.90). Only the duration of psychoactive medication use over 90 days was significantly associated with a high risk of falling (AOR 3.65 95% CI 1.46-9.14). In elderly patients, the continued use of psychoactive medicines increased the risk of fall. Prescribers need to weigh risk and benefit from the use of psychoactive medicines in the elderly to prevent future fall

    The effect of avocado butter to characteristics of emullient W/O cream

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    Avocado butter is an unsafonifiable fraction of avocado oil that contains of 25-30  %  fitosterol  as  anti-aging  agent.  In  this  research,  the  influence  of  6 variation    avocado  butter  between  1–11 %  to  o/w  cream  characteristics  has been researched. O/W cream has been made by meltingand mixing methods at  700C,  and  than  cream  product  was  evaluated.  The  result showed  that  o/w cream  characteristics  were  progressively  influenced by  amount  of  avocado butter. In  using  avocado  butter  between  1–7  %  in  creams,  the  value  of    pH, viscosity,  and  particle  size  in  product  creams  progressively  go  down,  but  theirs spread-abilities progressively go  up. On the contrary cream characteristics that usage 9% of avocado butter, the value of viscosity and particle size began to go up while pH, but spread-abilities go down.Key words :avocado butter, O/W cream, cream characteristic, stabilit


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    Tujuan utama dari penelitian dan penciptaan seni ini adalah mencipta dan menyajikan karya “Dinamika Bentuk Dan Warna Segehan Panca Warna Sebagai Lukis Kontemporer” sebagai representasi pendidikan seni dan budaya. Model penciptaan seni lukis menjadi ekspresi budaya yang mampu memainkan peran kritis sebagai media peningkatan apresiasi masyarakat. Penciptaan ini berbasis riset dengan demikian metodenya terdiri dari dua bagian yang tidak terpisah yakni metode penelitian dan metode penciptaan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan. Dengan pengamatan akan mendapat gambaran nyata mengenai segehan. Sedangkan metode penciptaan melewati tiga tahap yakni: eksplorasi/penjajagan, percobaan/penuangan, pembentukan/penyusunan yang didahului dengan telaah karya seni sejenis dan kajian literatur. Ruang lingkup penelitian dan penciptaan karya seni ini berangkat dari upacara yadnya agama Hindu yang ada di Bali begitu banyak dengan berbagai bentuk upakara maka ruang lingkup dari upakara yang berbentuk segehan dibatasi pada segehan panca warna yang menurut penulis segehan panca warna ini menghadirkan warna-warna yang kontras. Adapun bentuk karya yang dihasilkan merupakan karya abstraksi dari segehan panca warna. Hasil cipta karya seni ini untuk memenuhi keindahan yang diambil dari bentuk, warna serta nilai filosofis yang terkandung dalam segehan panca warna. Kata Kunci: Segehan Panca Warna Dalam Harmoni

    A multiply substituted G-H loop from foot-and-mouth disease virus in complex with a neutralizing antibody: A role for water molecules

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    The crystal structure of a 15 amino acid synthetic peptide, corresponding to the sequence of the major antigenic site A (G-H loop of VP1) from a multiple variant of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), has been determined at 2·3 resolution. The variant peptide includes four amino acid substitutions in the loop relative to the previously studied peptide representing FMDV C-S8c1 and corresponds to the loop of a natural FMDV isolate of subtype C1. The peptide was complexed with the Fab fragment of the neutralizing monoclonal antibody 4C4. The peptide adopts a compact fold with a nearly cyclic conformation and a disposition of the receptor-recognition motif Arg-Gly-Asp that is closely related to the previously determined structure for the viral loop, as part of the virion, and for unsubstituted synthetic peptide antigen bound to neutralizing antibodies. New structural findings include the observation that well-defined solvent molecules appear to play a major role in stabilizing the conformation of the peptide and its interactions with the antibody. Structural results are supported by molecular-dynamic simulations. The multiply substituted peptide developed compensatory mechanisms to bind the antibody with a conformation very similar to that of its unsubstituted counterpart. One water molecule, which for steric reasons could not occupy the same position in the unsubstituted antigen, establishes hydrogen bonds with three peptide amino acids. The constancy of the structure of an antigenic domain despite multiple amino acid substitutions has implications for vaccine design