197 research outputs found

    Small-Size Blockage Propagation Modeling at 28 GHz for mmWave Communications Systems

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    Detection of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamases in Escherichia Coli Isolated from the Community in Gaza Strip, Palestine

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    This study was designed in order to detect the production of extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) in the isolated Escherichia coli. The prevalence of ESBL production was determined among 300 isolates of E. coli. Eleven (3.7%) isolates proved to be ESBL. High resistance especially, to amoxycillin, cephalexin, cefuroxime, cefotaxime (100.0%) and gentamicin (81.8%) was observed. It was also observed that, all ESBL-producers displayed multiple resistance to four or more antimicrobial agents and the majority of th

    Ultrastructure of antennal sensillae of the samsum ant, Pachycondyla sennaarensis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Black ant (Samsum), Pachycodyla sennarrensis, stings and injects venom and inflicts allergy (a rare clinical problem) due to its local and systemic reaction, which is considered as a health hazard amongst Saudi society. Thus, black ant is a source of serious concern for the government and experts as well.  Ultramorphological variations, distribution, differential sensillae counts (DSC) and total sensillae counts (TSC), were identified and estimated as a complementary part of the peripheral nervous system on the antennae of worker samsum ant, P. sennarrensis in order to understand its behavioral ecology. Based on scanning electron micrographs, four types of sensillae constituted with three trichoid types, which is an abundant form with a high distribution density at the apex, but a low density at subsequent proximal flagellomere of the antenna and a placoid type of sensillae (a rare form mostly found in the middle of the flagellum, that is, on the 4th, 5th and 6th flagellomere) were categorised. It is documented that nonporous trichoid type of sensillae are mechanoreceptors and thermoreceptors, whereas, the placoid types are olfactory receptors. Present findings in an indigenous species in Saudi Arabia may help in understanding the ecological behaviour of the ant, which subsequently may form the basis in producing its effective control measure in future.Key words: Samsum ants, Pachycondyla sennarrensis, ultrastructure, antenna, sensillae

    Improvement of Phaseolus vulgaris growth by inoculation with multifunctional native rhizobacteria isolated from rhizospheric soils in Gaza strip- Palestine

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    Overuse of chemical firtilizers is a global problem that had a negative impact on soil comosition and its microbial communities. The present study was conducted to isolate, identify plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) associated with (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Gaza strip - Palestine and to determine bacterial inoculations/co-inoculations that can enhance plant growth. A total of 35 different morphological isolates were collected and examined for plant growth. Five isolates that were tentatively promising (in plant growth promoting traits i.e. IAA production, Zn solubilization, ACC deaminase activity and phytase production) , were selected and subjected to partial 16S rDNA gene sequencing. The five isolates were: Bacillus proteolyticus MK123398, Bacillus wiedmannii MK123399, Pseudomonas plecoglossicida MK123400, Pseudomonas cedrina MK123401 and Bacillus xiamenensis MK123402. Results indicated that some bacterial combinations significantly increased plant growth, but no significant increase of total nitrogen concentration was observed. Consortia of (B. proteolyticus + B. xiamenensis), (P. plecoglossicida + P. cedrina), (B. proteolyticus + B. wiedmannii + B. xiamenensis), (B. proteolyticus + P. plecoglossicida + B. xiamenensis), B. wiedmannii ), and (B. wiedmannii + P. plecoglossicida) showed significant increase in plant growth respectively. Those bacterial consortia have the potential for developing biofertilizers for integrated nutrient management strategies and decrease chemical firtilizers abuse stratiges


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh Sistem Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah Terhadap Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah Daerah Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan verifiatik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui data primer dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Teknik sampling menggunakan Teknik Probability Sampling dengan metode Simpel Random Sampling. Analisis statistic yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu uji validitas, uji reabilitas, koefisien determinasi dan Patch Analis. Populasi pada penelitian ini pada team Anggaran di BPKAD Wilayah Bandung Raya dan sampel penelitian menjadi 59 responden Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan secara parsial bahwa besarnya pengaruh Sistem Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah Terhadap Akuntabilitas Sebesar 60,1%, Pengaruh Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Keuangan Terhadap Kinerja instansi Pemerintah Daerah Sebesar 68,7% dan Penerapan SAKD Secara tidak langsung melalui Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Keuangan memberikan pengaruh sebesar 64,3% terhadap kinerja instansi pemerintah daerah KATA KUNCI : Sistem Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah, Akuntabilitas, Akuntabilitas Pnegelolaan Keuangan, Kinerja Instansi Pemerinta

    Trehalose induced drought tolerance in plants: physiological and molecular responses

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    Drought stress is significant abiotic stress that limits crop growth and productivity across the globe. The intensity of drought stress continuously rises due to rapid climate change. Drought-induced alterations in physiological and bio-chemical processes by generating membrane dis-stability, oxidative stress, nutritional imbalance and leading to substantial reduction in growth and productivity. Plants accumulate various osmolytes that protect themselves from abiotic stresses' harmful effects. Trehalose (Tre) is a non-reducing sugar found in multiple microbes ranging from bacteria to yeast and in plants and it possesses an excellent ability to improve drought tolerance. Trehalose appreciably enhanced the plant growth, and counter the drought induced damages by maintaining cellular membranes, plant water relations, stomatal regulation, photosynthetic activities, nutrient uptake, osmolyte accumulation, activating stress proteins and detoxifying the reactive oxygen species (ROS) by strengthening the anti-oxidant system. Therefore, it is essential to understand the mechanism of exogenous and endogenous Tre in mitigating the drought-induced damages and to identify the potential research questions that must be answered in the future. Therefore, to better appraise the potential benefits of Tre in drought tolerance in this review, we discussed the diverse physiological and molecular mechanisms regulated by Tre under drought stress. We have a complete and updated picture on this topic to orientate future research directions on this topic

    Antibiotic resistance and mecA gene characterization of Staphylococcus epidermidis isolated from some hospitals in Gaza strip

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    Antibiotic resistance of S. epidermidis isolated from biological specimens is a global problem to public health. In this study a total of 256 S. epidermidis isolates (128 clinical isolates and 128 nasal isolates) from Gaza strip, Palestine were investigated. All isolates were tested for its antimicrobial susceptibilities and carriage of the mecA gene. Out of the 256 isolates, 184 (71.9%) were resistant to multiple antibiotics with all displaying increased susceptibility toward rifampicin (100%), doxycycline (98.4%) and vancomycin (98%). Ninety-six isolates (37.5%) were multidrug resistant (MDR) while, 99 isolates (38.7%) were mecA positive. A significant difference was demonstrated between clinical and nasal isolates. Clinical isolates were significantly more resistant for 8/12 tested antibiotics including resistance to cefoxitin (30μg) (p=0.000) and significantly (p=0.000) represents the MDR isolates while nasal isolates were significantly (p=0.000) sensitive for all tested antibiotics. No significant difference between the two groups in carrying mecA. We find that clinical isolates gain an extra-feature that qualify it to cause a disease and methicillin resistance (MR) was not mecA dependent in all MR isolates

    A Predictive Model for Steady State Ozone Concentration at an Urban-Coastal Site

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    Ground level ozone (O3) plays an important role in controlling the oxidation budget in the boundary layer and thus affects the environment and causes severe health disorders. Ozone gas, being one of the well-known greenhouse gases, although present in small quantities, contributes to global warming. In this study, we present a predictive model for the steady-state ozone concentrations during daytime (13:00–17:00) and nighttime (01:00–05:00) at an urban coastal site. The model is based on a modified approach of the null cycle of O3 and NOx and was evaluated against a one-year data-base of O3 and nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) measured at an urban coastal site in Jeddah, on the west coast of Saudi Arabia. The model for daytime concentrations was found to be linearly dependent on the concentration ratio of NO2 to NO whereas that for the nighttime period was suggested to be inversely proportional to NO2 concentrations. Knowing that reactions involved in tropospheric O3 formation are very complex, this proposed model provides reasonable predictions for the daytime and nighttime concentrations. Since the current description of the model is solely based on the null cycle of O3 and NOx, other precursors could be considered in future development of this model. This study will serve as basis for future studies that might introduce informing strategies to control ground level O3 concentrations, as well as its precursors’ emissions
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