10,825 research outputs found

    Perspetiva dos pais quanto à sua participação na creche

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    Relatório apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré Escolar

    Influence of Au on antibacterial activity of Ag-TiCN coatings

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    The increasing demand for sustainable products requires the development of new knowledge-based materials with advanced properties. These products are then expected to: last longer, have a better performance, be safe, and be more efficient. These requirements, gain particular importance when dealing with applications involving the human body: the so-called biomaterials. Thus, the main aim of these investigations is to contribute to the development of new biomaterials that are able to prevent biofilm formation, since those complex microbial communities are responsible for the undesired reactions such as inflammation and infection, and consequently medical devices rejection. This work reports the development of Ag-TiCN coatings doped with gold. One series of samples was prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering using two targets, Ti and Ti+Ag, in an Ar + C2H2 + N2 atmosphere. Silver pellets were placed in the erosion area of Ti target in order to obtain a silver content up to 10 at. %. A second series of samples was deposited with the same conditions but with the Ti target doped with one Au piece. Extended physical, chemical and structural characterization such as the study of composition, grain size and texture phase evolution, phase composition, film surface topography and morphology, will be achieved resorting to surface analysis techniques, such as, Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS). The galvanic couple formed between gold and silver, accelerates silver ion release and should provide more pronounced antibacterial activity. Staphylococcus epidermidis was selected to study coatings' antibacterial activity, and fibroblasts were used to test the cytotoxicity. Bacteria adhesion and biofilm formation on coatings were assessed by crystal violet staining, which quantifies total amount of biomass. Animal cell (fibroblasts) death was determined by MTS assay

    Consorciação de repolho com espécies aromáticas.

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    Influence of albumin on the tribological behavior of Ag-Ti (C, N) thin films for orthopedic implants

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    With the increase of elderly population and the health problems arising nowadays, such as cancer, knee and hip joint prostheses are widely used worldwide. It is estimated that 20% of hip replacement surgeries simply fail after 5 years, due to wear loosening, instability and infection. In this paper it is reported the study of advanced materials with the ability to overcome some of these drawbacks. The development of ceramic coatings, based on carbonitrides of transition metals, such as TiCN, doped with silver, Ag, may represent an effective solution. Thin films of Ag-TiCN were produced by dc reactive magnetron sputtering with silver contents ranging from 4 to 8 at. %. The physical, chemical, structural, morphological/topographical, mechanical and tribological properties were evaluated. The tribological tests were performed in a unidirectional wear simulator, pin on disc, being the antagonists of a ceramic Al2O3 ball, and using simulate body fluids as lubricant. Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) in HBSS were chosen, in order to evaluate the lubrication ability of the solution containing the protein, albumin. The results revealed that the coatings with Ag content ranging from 4 to 8 at. %, were the most promising, as the tribological properties were superior to the results reported by other authors, which also developed Ag-TiCN coatings containing similar Ag contents and using similar test conditions. The presence of albumin lead to a lower wear in all the test conditions, and this enhancement was higher in the hydrophobic surfaces.This research is sponsored by FEDER funds through the program COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade and by National funds through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, in the framework of the Strategic Projects PEST-C/FIS/UI607/2011, and PEst-C/EME/UI0285/2011 and under the project, PTDC/CTM/102853/2008

    Retenção foliar e produtividade da mandioca em Sergipe.

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    Perda de folhas e a consequente redução na produtividade de raízes de mandioca são sintomas comuns da severa deficiência hídrica e podridão radicular. Com base nisso, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as cultivares de mandioca que têm maior retenção foliar e produtividade nas condições edafoclimáticas dos Tabuleiros Costeiros e do Agreste de Sergipe. Com esse fim foram instalados três ensaios, em condição de sequeiro, no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com 11 cultivares. O número de folhas, a altura total (m), área da copa (m²), teor relativo de clorofila, taxa de assimilação de CO2, massa fresca da parte aérea (t ha-1), comprimento radicular (cm), massa seca radicular (%), produtividade de raízes (t·ha-1), teor de amido (%) e produtividade de amido foram as variáveis determinadas. Na condição de déficit hídrico severo e prolongado, verificada no verão de 2012, maior número de folhas e área de copa foram determinados nas plantas da cultivar BRS Jarina, e menor número na cultivar Lagoão. O clone 9783-13, que à semelhança das cultivares Lagoão e Irará, teve perda precoce de folhas e de plantas devido à podridão radicular em 2012, no ano agrícola 2013-2014, na ausência de podridão, apresentou altaretenção foliar. Esses dados sugerem o impacto da podridão radicular nessas plantas. Por outro lado, em condição de déficit hídrico menos severo, no ano agrícola 2013-2014, verificou-se, com o início do período úmido, aumento na produção de folhas nas plantas da maioria das cultivares, à excessão de BRS Jarina, BRS Tapioqueira, BRS Caipira e Preta do Sul, o que sugere efeito indutor do estresse hídrico ameno anterior sobre o crescimento. Conclui-se que as plantas das cultivares BRS Jarina e Irará e o clone 9783-13 destacam-se pela retenção foliar em condições de deficiência hídrica prolongada; as plantas da cultivar BRS Kiriris, seguidas pelas plantas de BRS Jarina, são aquelas com maior retenção foliar nas áreas infestadas com podridão radicular; as cultivares BRS Kiriris, Irará, Tianguá, Lagoão, BRS Verdinha, BRS Caipira, BRS Poti branca, BRS Jarina, BRS Tapioqueira, Preta do sul e o clone 9783-13 têm produtividade acima de 40 t·ha-1 nas condições de Umbaúba-SE, na ausência de podridão radicular; as plantas das cultivares BRS Jarina e BRS Caipira destacam-se pela rapidez de recuperação no número de folhas e no teor relativo de clorofila após início das chuvas e aumento da disponibilidade de umidade no solo.bitstream/item/142456/1/BP93.pd

    Developing a site-conditions map for seismic hazard Assessment in Portugal

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    The evaluation of site effects on a broad scale is a critical issue for seismic hazard and risk assessment, land use planning and emergency planning. As characterization of site conditions based on the shear-wave velocity has become increasingly important, several methods have been proposed in the literature to estimate its average over the first thirty meters (Vs30) from more extensively available data. These methods include correlations with geologic-geographic defined units and topographic slope. In this paper we present the first steps towards the development of a site–conditions map for Portugal, based on a regional database of shear-wave velocity data, together with geological, geographic, and lithological information. We computed Vs30 for each database site and classified it according to the corresponding geological-lithological information using maps at the smallest scale available (usually 1:50000). We evaluated the consistency of Vs30 values within generalized-geological classes, and assessed the performance of expedient methodologies proposed in the literature

    Trends in adjuvant development for vaccines: DAMPs and PAMPs as potential new adjuvants

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    Aluminum salts have been widely used in vaccine formulations and, after their introduction more than 80 years ago, only few vaccine formulations using new adjuvants were developed in the last two decades. Recent advances in the understanding of how innate mechanisms influence the adaptive immunity opened up the possibility for the development of new adjuvants in a more rational design. The purpose of this review is to discuss the recent advances in this field regarding the attempts to determine the molecular basis and the general mechanisms underlying the development of new adjuvants, with particular emphasis on the activation of receptors of innate immune recognition. One can anticipate that the use of these novel adjuvants will also provide a window of opportunities for the development of new vaccines

    Qualidade sanitária de sementes de soja de diferentes cultivares introduzidos para cultivo em Sergipe.

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    Cultivo de milho-verde consorciado com plantas aromáticas no agreste de Sergipe, sob manejo orgânico.

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    Cultivo de plantas medicinais.

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