148 research outputs found

    “Analisis Yuridis terhadap Addendum dalam Akad Perjanjian pada Pembiayaan Bermasalah” (Studi pada Perusahaan Daerah Bpr Syari'ah Mustaqim Sukamakmur)

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    The Regulation of Bank Indonesia Number 10/181PBI/2008 stipulates the settlement and or restructuring of troublesome financing. In the practice of Syaria Banking, the addendum method is preferable to be applied than to make a new agreement for any changes and or additions to the content of a financing agreement. The problems in this research are what factors that constitute the making of the addendum in solving the troublesome financing at BPR (Rural Bank) Syariah Mustaqim Sukamakmur. How are the mechanisms of adding the content of the agreement carried out by BPR Syari'ah Mustaqim Sukamakmur. What are the legal consequences of the addendum related to the settlement of troublesome financing which has been approved related to the settlement of troublesome financing at BPR (Rural Bank) Syaria Mustaqim Sukamakmu

    Analysis of Musical Drama “Udin and the Magic Book”

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    Primary school students are generally happy if given the opportunity to perform on the stage. The role of teachers is crucial in building the students’ positive characters and competencies in the 21st century, to be ready to show their interests and talents. Therefore, the researchers will analyze the musical drama performance by primary school students of Mutiara Bunda Bandung. This study aims to analyze the Sundanese musical drama performance entitled “Udin and The Magic Book”. This study used descriptive qualitative method which the results of the data analysis shows that the content of the musical drama “Udin and The Magic Book” aims to invite the students to know the traditional Sundanese songs and games, persuade them to help their parents, encourage the students to diligently read books, teach them about the 21st century competence which is to love the nation and country, to have a global perspective, and be proud of their local culture. Based on the performance of the students during the show, the students looked confident, were capable of improvisation, and could control the stage area. The significance of this show is that the children were trained early to develop their 21st-century competence through artistic performances.     Keywords: musical drama, performing arts, 21st centur

    Implementation of Teaching Materials Based on Indonesian Culture in BIPA Learning As One Way to Lift Indonesian Culture in the World

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    This study aims to develop various teaching materials as well as lifting Indonesian culture through bringing the learning of the Indonesian language to the eyes of the world through BIPA learning. The method used in this research is research and development. Researchers create teaching materials using various cultural terms from various regions in Indonesia, try them out with BIPA learners and make improvements to their shortcomings. The cultural materials used by the author in the mid-level BIPA textbook are a habit, a character from the area, traditional food, traditional clothing, rituals/ traditions, traditional dance, and traditional musical instruments. The results of this study indicated that the authors created unique BIPA teaching materials at intermediate level (B2) and succeeded in making BIPA learners more interested in learning Indonesian. In this way, learners can not only learn BIPA in terms of the Indonesian language but can also simultaneously get to know the culture of Indonesia.     Keywords: instructional BIPA materials, intermediate level (B2), learning BIPA, terms in Indonesian cultur

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Deskripsi dengan Teknik Rumpang melalui Media Gambar

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    Keterampilan menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang sangat penting. Keterampilan menulis bisa dikatakan merupakan puncak dari keterampilan berbahasa, karena di dalamnya termuat tiga keterampilan yang lain, yakni menyimak, berbicara, dan membaca. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji keterampilan menulis karangan deskripsi peserta didik sebelum dan setelah belajar melalui teknik rumpang disertai gambar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan dua kali siklus serta dua tindakan dalam setiap siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri Campaka I Kecamatan Campaka Kabupaten Cianjur. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari lembar keterampilan menulis deskripsi peserta didik, lembar observasi, , pedoman penilaian keterampilan menulis deskripsi. Analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif sederhana dilakukan untuk mengukur rata keterampilan menulis karangan deskripsi peserta didik sebelum dan setelah tindakan serta perbandingan peningkatan keterampilan antar tindakan dan antar siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan teknik rumpang melalui media gambar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis karangan deskripsi peserta didik. Pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan teknik rumpang melalui media gambar dapat dijadikan metode alternatif di sekolah dasar

    Peran Green Trust Dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Green Product Perception Terhadap Green Repurchase Intention

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    Of the research aims to determine the effect of green trust and green product perception towards green repurchase intention on Ultrajaya products in Denpasar. Total of 100 respondents were included in the study using purposive sampling method as the method of data collection. Selected samples have fulfilled all the criteria that have been determined. The data collection is done by distributing questionnaires using 5 point scale to measure likert 12 indicators where the indicators lowered to the questionnaire in the study. This study use confirmatory factor analysis techniques and path analysis. The results showed that the variables green trust, capable of mediating green product perception influence of the green repurchase intention. These results prove that the trust can reinforce positive perceptions of consumers towards a product which raises the intention to repurchase

    Analisis Perbedaan Dividen Pada Perusahaan Keluarga Dan Non Keluarga Berdasarkan Kepemilikan Ultimat

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    This study aims to to analyze whether there is a diference of the dividend shared on family company and non family based on the ultimate ownerships. Sampling method that used in this research was 400 manufacturing companies which are listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), with research periods 2009-2012. The sample collected by purposive sampling method. Secondary data obtained from a IDX database and the ownership structure obtained through Sanjaya’s (2010) previous research. The result of data analysis shows there are signifcant and diferences of the dividend shared between family company and non family. Family company pay dividends lower than non family company

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Fisik, Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Insentif Finansial terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Non Medis pada Rumah Sakit Balimed Denpasar

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    Suatu organisasi perlu memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja agar pegawai memiliki kinerja yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan kerja fisik, gaya kepemimpinan dan insentif finansial terhadap kinerja pegawai. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Rumah Sakit BaliMed Denpasar. Sampel penelitian ini 35 responden, dengan teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh signifikan secara simultan maupun parsial lingkungan kerja fisik, gaya kepemimpinan dan insentif finansial terhadap kinerja pegawai non medis di Rumah Sakit BaliMed Denpasar. Gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh dominan terhadap kinerja

    Potensi Senyawa Betalain pada Ekstrak Biji Binahong Berbatang Merah (Anredera cordifolia) sebagai Fotosensitizer Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)

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    Abstract: This study aims to examine the extract of red trunk binahong seed as a dye in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC). (Anredera cordifolia) characterization was carried out by UV-Visible spectrophotometry and resulted in absorption at a wavelength of 537 nm, purification the extract of red trunk binahong seed was carried out by column chromatography using methanol: ethyl acetate as  solvent with ratio of 3: 2 and 10 fractions color were produced. The identification of compounds and functional groups were analyzed by FTIR which showed the presence of betalain derivatives, namely betanidine, betanine, and neobetanin. Molecular weight analysis was carried out by LC-MS and the molecular weight of betanidine was 386.3171. The voltage and current from the DSSC results were measured using  multimeter, the efficiency of the extract of red trunk binahong seed was 0.64% and the one that experienced a change in color to orange was 0.55%.Keywords:, betalain, betanidine, betanine, DSSC, red trunk binahon

    Penerapan Algoritma Kruskal dalam Mencari Lokasi Anjungan Tunai Mandiri Bank Rakyat Indonesia Cabang Bengkulu Berbasis Android

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    Seiring dengan USAha peningkatan kinerja dan pelayanan, penggunaan dan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi semakin diperlukan untuk menggantikan peran teknologi manual. Hal ini dikarenakan kemudahan yang dapat diperoleh dari penggunaan teknologi informasi untuk pengolahan data maupun penyajian informasi yang cepat dan akurat sangat membantu untuk meningkatkan kinerja organisasi agar lebih efisien dan efektif. Namun, seringkali banyak organisasi yang mengabaikan atau kurang memaksimalkan pemakaian teknologi informasi di dalam kegiatan operasionalnya. Hal ini dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan suatu sistem informasi geografis (SIG). Dimana pengguna bisa memasukkan nama ATM bank melalui input pencarian, kemudian sistem akan memberikan informasi yang diinginkan oleh pengguna. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) merupakan bank swasta terbesar di Indonesia saat ini yang memiliki banyak jaringan kantor cabang dan ATM (Anjungan Tunai Mandiri). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sistem informasi geografis lokasi ATM BRI Bengkulu dengan algoritma kruskal Menggunakan Android, sehingga dapat memberikan informasi letak lokasi ATM BRI pada Provinsi Bengkulu menggunakan algoritma kruskal berdasarkan latitude dan longitude sehingga menghasilkan informasi jarak yang akurat
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