752 research outputs found

    Photocathodes: the state of the art and some news

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    Abstract The present cesium telluride cathodes have the capability to provide, for months, trains of picosecond pulses carrying a charge equal/higher than 10 nanocoulomb, for a total charge higher than the microcoulomb. However, they are very delicate. A possible way to increase their robustness is by covering them with a protective film of nanostructured carbon. Ferroelectric ceramics, as possible new robust photocathodes, showed an interesting level of emission with 532 nm–25 ps laser pulses

    A 6 kV–150 A, 8 ns rise time pulse generator for excitation of ferroelectric cathodes

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    A pulse generator with the following characteristics is presented: the voltage ranges in the interval 0.1–6 kV, the maximum delivered current is 150 A, the pulse length ranges within the interval 100–300 ns, the rise time and the decay times are, respectively, 10 and 25 ns on 50 Ω resistive load and the repetition rate is higher than 1 MHz. The circuit has a source capacitor of 10 nF charged at the needed voltage, the capacitor feeds the load through a parallel of two fast and high voltage solid state switches. The nanosecond rise time and the square fashion of the pulse have been accomplished arranging all the components in cylindrical symmetry. A bipolar pulse is obtained coupling two circuits with opposite polarity

    Electron Emission from Ferroelectric/Antiferroelectric Cathodes Excited by Short High-Voltage Pulses

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    Un-prepoled Lead Zirconate Titanate Lanthanum doped-PLZT ferroelectric cathodes have emitted intense current pulses under the action of a high voltage pulse of typically 8 kV/cm for PLZT of 8/65/35 composition and 25 kV/cm for PLZT of 4/95/5 composition. In the experiments described in this paper, the exciting electric field applied to the sample is directed from the rear surface towards the emitting surface. The resulting emission is due to an initial field emission from the metal of the grid deposited over the emitting surface with the consequent plasma formation and the switching of ferroelectric domains. These electrons may be emitted directly form the crystal or from the plasma. This emission requires the material in ferroelectric phase. In fact, PLZT cathodes of the 8/65/35 type, that is with high Titanium content, showing ferroelectric-paraelectric phase sequence, emit at room temperature, while PLZT cathodes of the 4/95/5 type, that is with low Titanium content, having antiferro-ferro-paraelectric phase sequence, emit strongly at a temperature higher than 130°C

    Report 1 PHIN-CARE-JRA2-WP3 Second Task: Pulse Shaping

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    This report presents the activity developed on laser pulse shaping argument in years 2004-2005 by Milano-INFN within the framework of CARE /JRA2 \Charge production with Photoinjectors" second task \Pulse Shaping". A dedicated laser system with the relative diagnostic tools have been developed. A liquid crystal programmable spatial light modulator(LCP-SLM) shaper have been studied and set for the generation of di®erent waveforms. The shaper is integrated in the laser system for an automatic generation of the target waveforms via the insetion of a computer which drives the system through the developed software. The system can be programmed to generate any target waveform compatible with the spectral bandwidth of the laser system and some exemples are presented. The following issues are treated: (i) the operation stability as function of perturbations of the set-up parameters, (ii) the design of the shaper for the SPARC project, (iii) a new shaper concept for the generation of long target waveforms and (iiii) the rectangular pulse generation at the second harmonic

    Passive nonlinear pulse shaping in normally dispersive fiber systems

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    We propose a novel approach to characterize the parabolically-shaped pulses that can be generated from more conventional pulses via nonlinear propagation in cascaded sections of commercially available normally dispersive (ND) fibers. The impact of the initial pulse chirp on the passive pulse reshaping is examined. We furthermore demonstrate that the combination of pulse pre-chirping and propagation in a single ND fiber yields a simple, passive method for generating various temporal waveforms of practical interest

    Doubling of optical signals using triangular pulses

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    We propose a novel technique of doubling optical pulses in both frequency and time domains based on a combination of cross-phase modulation induced by a triangular pump pulse in a nonlinear Kerr medium and subsequent propagation in a dispersive medium

    Anatomical basis of erector spinae plane block: a dissection and histotopographic pilot study

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    Purpose: Erector spinae plane (ESP) block is an interfascial blockade used in different clinical scenarios. This study investigated the ventral extent of dye diffusion in ESP block. Methods: The ultrasound-guided ESP block was bilaterally performed with an injection at the T5 vertebral level (21-Gauge, 50\ua0mm needle), using diluted black tissue marking dye (20\ua0mL; 1:4 ratio with standard saline solution) instead of local anesthetic on two fresh-frozen corpses within the body donation program of the University of Padova. Subsequently, the gross anatomical dissection was performed by a combined posterior plus anterior approach, and the histotopographic examination completed. Results: Macroscopically by gross anatomical dissection, the dye spreading ranged on the dorsal side of the chest from T2/3 to T10/11 with an extension up to 10\ua0cm laterally, and on the ventral side of the chest from T2/3\u2013T9/10. Microscopically by histotopographic examination, the dye diffused ventrally to the intercostal spaces (2\u20133 and 5\u20136 spaces on the right and left, respectively) by following the blood vessels coupled to the dorsal nerve passing through the costotransverse foramen. Conclusions: The anterior pathway of dye diffusion from the site of injection within the erector spinae muscle group during an ESP block seems to follow the blood vessels and dorsal rami of spinal nerves, suggesting the passing through the costotransverse foramen to reach the anterior paravertebral space and the intercostal nerves. These findings display an anterior histotopographic diffusion of dye resembling a paravertebral block

    Displacement and emission currents from PLZT 8/65/35 and 4/95/5 excited by a negative voltage pulse at the rear electrode

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    It is shown that non-prepoled PLZT ceramics, both in ferroelectric and antiferroelectric phase, emit intense current bursts when a negative exciting voltage is applied to the rear surface of the cathode. The spontaneous polarization induced in the bulk by applying the field through the cathode disk, creates a sheet of negative charge on the diode boundary of the ferroelectric. This, in turn, induces such a high electric field at the diode dielectric surface that electrons are ejected out from the ceramic surface into the vacuum. The coherent behaviour of the displacement and emitted current shows clearly that the emission is due to a variation of spontaneous polarization. A second effect generated by the application of the high voltage pulse at the rear side is the formation of a surface plasma. Applying a positive voltage to the anode, electrons are readily transferred through the diode gap
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