2,687 research outputs found

    Coastal tourism. The economy and the environment

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    The environment is a major component in the tourist production and the tourist product. This is particularly evident in the case of coastal tourism. However, for the natural resources to be part of the tourist product, important transformations are needed in the space. That is why we say that tourist development involves the creation of a tourist territory. However, when the regional transformations define the tourist model and intensity of the natural resources, we also define the model and intensity of the environmental impact of the tourist development, with the subsequent loss in the quality of the tourist product. In front of this loss, any policies aiming at improving the quality of the tourist product must include obligatory regional planning performance, that is, a regional planning policy.

    El sonet segons Carles Riba. Anàlisi mètrica de Tres suites i Salvatge cor

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    Una cobla equívoca de Pere Torroella

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    La Cataluña de Alonso Quijano

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    Miguel de Cervantes ubicó algunos pasajes de su obra más significativa en Cataluña. Pero los trazos con que describe la realidad catalana –a caballo de los siglos XVI y XVII– constituyen, necesariamente, una aproximación mediatizada por la personalidad de Don Quijote. La economía catalana de esta época estaba abriéndose camino en todos los ámbitos susceptibles de generar ganancias. Lejos de los esplendores de la brillante etapa medieval, era necesario reorientar la agricultura, potenciar las producciones más competitivas y buscar mercados. A ello se dedicaron unas nuevas generaciones tan distantes de las viejas oligarquías patricias como de las veleidades levantiscas de la nobleza marginal. Estaban trazando, acaso sin saberlo, los caminos de la modernidad.Miguel de Cervantes placed some passages of his masterpiece in Catalonia. Nevertheless, the features he uses to approach the Catalan reality –halfway between 16th and 17th centuries– are obviously influenced by Don Quixote’s personality. At that time, the Catalan economy was making its way in every sphere of activity which could operate at a profit. Far away from that magnificent Middle Ages, agriculture had to be rearranged and it was necessary to promote the most competitive products and to try to find markets for them. New generations devoted themselves to this purpose, people who were equally distant from the old patrician oligarchies and from the fickleness of the marginal nobility. They were laying, perhaps without knowing it, the path to modernity.Publicad

    "Dolç àngel" de Màrius Torres: un assaig d'anàlisi mètrica

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    Estudi descriptiu de la mètrica i la rítmica del poema "Dolç àngel" de Màrius Torres, partint d'un element formal recurrent en la seva poesia: les petites però constants transgressions en la versificaci

    Clarobscurs en els inicis de la premsa valenciana

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    Els mestres de capella de Santa Maria de Mataró al s. XVII

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