203 research outputs found

    Changes in government policies for regulating irrigation water in order to maintain food productivity

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    Abstract. Global Warming has had an impact on climate change, which has caused disturbance to the availability of surface water and the change in the allocation of irrigation water for agriculture. The agricultural sector is a sector that is vulnerable to climate change. Therefore, the provision of irrigation water must be adapted to climate change so that the supply of irrigation water for agricultural land is well maintained to increase food production. The method used in completing this research is the descriptive method, involving observations during the rainy season, first dry season, and second dry season, soil tests at the research site, and disseminating improvements to the provision of irrigation water, so that irrigation water is more efficient in usage and distributed at the right time at the start of the rainy season, first dry season, and second dry season. In distributing questionnaires and providing understanding of the occurrences of climate change, almost all stakeholders have understood that the provision of irrigation water must be refined and adapted to climate change. Dissemination has been carried out to all stakeholders including the government and relevant agencies. The government promises to change the irrigation water regulation policy in order to maintain food productivity

    Analisis Penyebab Terjadinya Kecelakaan Kerja Di Atas Kapal Mv. Cs Brave

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    Peranan dalam penggunaan alat-alat keselamatan kerja merupakan salah satu USAha untuk mencegah atau mengurangi adanya kecelakaan pada saat kerja. Oleh karena itu diharapkan seluruh awak kapal atau ABK yang bekerja di kapal agar selalu menggunakan alat-alat keselamatan pada saat kerja di dek maupun di kamar mesin guna menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan terjadi seperti kecelakaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan kerja di atas kapal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di MV. CS Brave Perusahaan Chang Myung Shipping. Sumber data yang diperoleh adalah data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari tempat penelitian dengan cara melakukan pengamatan dan tanya jawab langsung dengan perwira dan anak buah kapal khususnya bagian dek, dan tinjauan pustaka serta literatur-literatur yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif, penulis mencoba mengamati kasus yang sering terjadi di atas kapal sehubungan dengan kurangnya kedisiplinan Anak Buah Kapal, kemudian membuat catatan penting tentang penyebab dan solusi yang akan digunakan untuk meningkatkan kedisiplinan Anak Buah Kapal pada saat melakukan pekerjaan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya kecelakaan kerja di kapal karena diakibatkan oleh kurangnya kedisiplinan awak kapal tentang pentingnya penggunaan alat-alat keselamatan saat melakukan suatu pekerjaan

    Perilaku Politik Tidak Memilih Masyarakat Kecamatan Tampan dalam Pilkada Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2011

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    This study carried out to analyze the political behaviour being not vote of tampan district community in Pekanbaru city election on 2011. Tampan district community in pekanbaru city election on 2011only had a participation rate of 45,2%, so the author is interested in analyzing the political behaviour of the society. As for the problem in this study is why many voters who are not using their right in pekanbaru city election on 2011 in tampan district and what factors that influence.This study is qualitative study, the data collection techniques is descriptive analysis. This research uses documentation (observation) and interviews with key informants as an information object that aims to achieve the goal to get the information in this study. The type of data used in this study are primary and secondary data obtained from direct observation and interviews with key informants in this study.Based on the analiysis of the political behaviour being not vote of Tampan district community in Pekanbaru city election on 2011. It can be concluded that the public has a low rate of only 45,2% participations. It is caused by the political behaviour of the people who are not looking to sympathetic to political process that occurs (Pekanbaru City election 2011) as for some of the thing that cause political behaviour that tends to be negative are the factor of busyness community and publict distrust of promises of political appointment are common in the elections, as well as lack of political education about the essence of the elections to the Tampan district community.Key note : Political behaviour being not vote

    Institutional Model of Decentralization in Action

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    Applying the Institutional Model of Decentralization, the paper argues that the presumption that local democracy will impose accountability pressure on elected officials does not always hold. Even in a democratic system like in Indonesia, decentralization policy is welfare-enhancing only for the developed regions, not for all, exacerbating interregional welfare disparity. This "captured democracy" is largely due to the presence of "negative local capture". Where welfare has not improved, limited participation, low initial welfare combined with poor quality of local leaders are found to be the most critical determinants

    Path Analysis of Consumer Loyalty Factors to Viar Products

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    This study aims to know (1) how loyal consumers are to Viar products, (2) what are the factors of consumer loyalty to Viar products, and (3) which factors have the most dominant loyalty to the purchase of Viar motor. The object of this research is the consumer dealer ViarArtomoro Bandung; using 33 people in the study sample, the method used is descriptive and uses the verification method where the researcher conducted direct observation through interviews and questionnaires to find out company activities and customer responses toward the ViarArtomoro dealer Bandung. The result of research shows that (1) overall, consumer loyalty to Viar products is still classified as normal, and it can be seen from the quality of the product, which is still considered less than good by the consumer as well as the service and promotion that is still considered good enough, while the price needs to be maintained; (2) consumer loyalty factors that significantly affect the purchase of Viar product are price, product quality, and promotion factors, while the service factor does not have any significant impact; (3) loyalty factors that give the most dominant contribution to purchasing Viar Motor is predominantly the price factor with contribution of 33.1%, followed by promotion factor at 26.5% and product quality factor at 19.1%.     Keywords: loyalty factor, path analysis, Viar produc

    Potential Effects on Large Mara Construction Projects Due To Construction Delay

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    The construction industry continues to be the driving force in the growth of the nation’s socio economic development. One of the major issues in large construction industry is its frequent delay where this delay decelerates the multiplier effects to the economy. This paper presents the study of a survey on significant cause of delay and its effects in large MARA (Majlis Amanah Rakyat) construction project in the views of project management consultants (PMC). Respondents of this survey were personnel that work as PMC ranging from the executives, managerial and supporting groups. The result revealed that the five most significant delay causes as seen by PMC were cash flow and financial difficulties faced by contractors, contractor’s poor site management, inadequate contractor experience, shortage of site workers and ineffective planning and scheduling by contractors and its three most significant effects were time overrun, cost overrun and arbitration. Hopefully, the findings of this study will at least shade some lights to the problems faced by Malaysia construction industry particularly MARA large construction project and effort can be taken to improve it


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    Terbatasnya ketersediaan air permukaan dan curah hujan yang rendah, menyebabkan Pulau Lombok khususnya daerah Lombok Tengah sebagai salah wlayah yang rawan terhadap bencana kekeringan. Kekeringan menjadi penyebab kemiskinan karena biasanya terkait dengan siklus dan penyebaran penyakit serta ancaman ketahanan pangan. Oleh karena itu perlu upaya mengenali karakteristik kekeringan di wilayah ini guna antisipasi dini dan adpatasi guna mengurangi dampak kekeringan akibat variabilitas iklim saat ini dan mendatang. Dalam penelitian ini akan dihitung indeks kekeringan hidrologi dengan menggunakan metode IWAY, dalam metode ini menggunakan prinsip perbandingan antara debit defisit atau surplus yang terjadi pada kurun waktu tertentu terhadap debit normal (Q50), metode ini sangat sederhana digunakan dibandingkan dengan metode lain. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data debit yang tercatat pas Pos Duga Air yang berada di Kawasan administrasi Lombok Tengah dari tahun 1995-2018. Hasil analisis kekeringan tersebut kemudian dipetakan menggunakan software Arc GIS. Hasil studi menunjukkan pada periode defisit kekeringan tahunan, kejadian terparah terjadi dengan periode defisit 9 bulanan pada tahun 2018 di Ponggong dengan nilai indeks kekeringan hidrologi (IKH) -1.000 dan masuk klasifikasi amat sangat kering. Periode defisit 12 bulanan pada tahun 2018 di Perampuan dengan IKH -1.000 dan masuk klasifikasi amat sangat kering. Periode defisit 6 bulanan pada tahun 2018 di Lantan Daya dengan IKH -1.000 dan masuk klasifikasi amat sangat kering

    Analisis Profil Protein Pada Tahap Perkembangan Buah Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea (L.)

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    Perkembangan buah kacang tanah hanya terjadi di dalam tanah. Organ yang membawa buah masuk ke dalam tanah adalah ginofor yang terbentuk setelah fertilisasi terjadi. Apabila buah tidak masuk ke dalam tanah maka, embrio, biji dan buah kacang tanah tidak dapat berkembang. Setiap tahap dari perkembangan tumbuhan dipengaruhi oleh protein spesifik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil protein pada setiap tahap perkembangan buah kacang tanah. Analisis profil protein dilakukan pada beberapa tahap perkembangan buah yaitu pada umur 0, 4, 6, 15, 18 dan 23 hari setelah anthesis (hsa), baik pada buah yang berkembang (masuk ke dalam tanah) maupun tidak berkembang (tidak masuk ke dalam tanah), serta akar, batang dan daun menggunakan metode SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). Profil protein pada buah berbeda dengan profil protein pada akar, batang dan daun. Protein dengan berat molekul 124 kDa kemungkinan berperan dalam mengontrol perkembangan buah kacang tanah
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