391 research outputs found

    Influence of Josephson current second harmonic on stability of magnetic flux in long junctions

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    We study the long Josephson junction (LJJ) model which takes into account the second harmonic of the Fourier expansion of Josephson current. The dependence of the static magnetic flux distributions on parameters of the model are investigated numerically. Stability of the static solutions is checked by the sign of the smallest eigenvalue of the associated Sturm-Liouville problem. New solutions which do not exist in the traditional model, have been found. Investigation of the influence of second harmonic on the stability of magnetic flux distributions for main solutions is performed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Proc. of Dubna-Nano2010, July 5-10, 2010, Russi

    Effects of the CDK-inhibitor CYC202 on p38 MAPK, ERK1/2 and c-Myc activities in papillomavirus type 16 E6- and E7-transformed human keratinocytes

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    In the present study, we have investigated the effect of the chemical CDK-inhibitor CYC202 on E6 and E7-transformed keratinocytes, in which the function of the cellular cell cycle inhibitor p21Cip1 is abrogated by the viral genes. The cyto-toxicity and the inhibition of the cell growth were analysed by MTT assay and analysis of DNA synthesis respectively. The effect on some signalling molecules was tested by Western blot analysis. CYC202 effectively inhibited the proliferation of E6 and E7 keratinocytes in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment with CYC202 strongly increased the activity of p38 MAP kinase. Furthermore, it inhibited ERK1/2 at the highest concentration used and had no effect on the activity of JNK1/2. CYC202 also increased the phosphorylation of HSP27 and decreased the phosphorylation and DNA-binding activity of the transcriptional regulator c-Myc, in correlation with the corresponding upstream kinases p38 MAPK and ERK1/2. Our results provide additional data for the anti-proliferative actions and potency of the chemical CDK-inhibitor CYC202


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    Faithfulness Tests for Natural Language Explanations

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    Explanations of neural models aim to reveal a model’s decision-making process for its predictions. However, recent work shows that current methods giving explanations such as saliency maps or counterfactuals can be misleading, as they are prone to present reasons that are unfaithful to the model’s inner workings. This work explores the challenging question of evaluating the faithfulness of natural language explanations (NLEs). To this end, we present two tests. First, we propose a counterfactual input editor for inserting reasons that lead to counterfactual predictions but are not reflected by the NLEs. Second, we reconstruct inputs from the reasons stated in the generated NLEs and check how often they lead to the same predictions. Our tests can evaluate emerging NLE models, proving a fundamental tool in the development of faithful NLEs


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    The research includes 84 patients with leptospirosis treated in Clinic at Infectious Diseases – Pleven. Mild course in 52,38%, moderate in 19,05%, and severe in 28,57% are established. Serum amylase level has been investigated in 37 cases. Increased rates are measured in 41,67% of mild cases (av. 279 U/L), in 25% of moderate cases (av. 290 U/L), and in 88,24% of severe cases(av. 937 U/L). Significant difference between serum amylase levels of mild and severe cases is established (p < 0,02). Presumably immunological mechanisms of damage by participation of interleukins (IL1, IL6, IL8) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-β) are in the base of increased serum amylase level in leptospirosis. The functional changes of pancreas in leptospirosis are not fully clear and further research is needed

    F-Wave in the Upper Extremities of Patients with Primary Torsion Dystonia

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    We investigated characteristics of the F-waves in the upper limbs of patients suffering from primary torsion dystonia (PTD) by means of surface-electrode electromyography. Single electric stimulation was used to obtain optimum M-responses from the m. abductor pollicis brevis (median nerve) and m. abductor digiti minimi (ulnar nerve). Ten consecutive supramaximum electrical stimuli were applied to each nerve to obtain F-waves from the wrist. In general, the registered M-response latencies and amplitudes, as well as conduction velocities via all inspected nerves, demonstrated no significant deviations from the normal ranges. Nearly all investigated patients, except one, had normal F-wave minimal latencies. The mean amplitudes of F-waves from both median and ulnar nerves were higher than the average F-wave amplitudes described in the literature. The frequency of occurrence of F-waves in both median and ulnar nerves was greater than in the norm. According to our results, it can be concluded that the amplitude and, to some extent, frequency rather than the latency of F-waves are important in the studies of patients with PTD. Increased amplitudes and frequencies reveal changes in the excitability of alpha motoneurons, which could be accepted as a measure of a disturbed interneuronal balance probably caused by alterations in the suprasegmental control mechanisms related to PTD.Ми досліджували характеристики F-хвилі в нервах верхніх кінцівок пацієнтів, що страждали на первинну торсіонну дистонію (ПТД); використовували стандартну техніку електроміографії з відведенням поверхневими електродами. Застосовували поодинокі супрамаксимальні електричні стимули для отримання оптимальних М-відповідей m. abductor policis brevis (подразнення n. medianus) та m. abductor digiti minimi (подразнення n. ulnaris); F-хвилі відводили на рівні зап’ястка. В цілому зареєстровані латентні періоди та амплітуди М-відповідей, як і швидкості проведення по досліджених нервах, не демонстрували драматичних відхилень від нормальних діапазонів значень. Середні амплітуди F-хвиль y n. medianus та n. ulnaris були вищими, ніж описані в літературі. Частота реєстрації F-хвиль в обох нервах була вищою, ніж у нормі. Згідно з нашими результатами, амплітуда та (до деякої міри) частота реєстрації F-хвиль є параметрами, що заслуговують на увагу при обстеженні пацієнтів із ПТД. Вищі значення амплітуд та частоти виникнення F-хвиль вказують на зміни збудливості альфа-мотонейронів. Такі значення можуть розглядатись як показники дисбалансу в інтернейронних системах, вірогідно, пов’язані зі зрушеннями в механізмах супрасегментарного контролю при ПТД

    Vulvar sarcomas: Short guideline for histopathological recognition and clinical management. Part 1

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    Malignant tumors of the female reproductive system are a serious health and social problem, as they are the second most common cause of death among women, after breast cancer. Their incidence has increased dramatically during recent years, probably due to the different sexual habits and changes in the prevalence of HIV/ AIDS and HPV virus carriers, among other factors. Vulvar tumors represent only 4% of all gynecological neoplasms, and they are fourth in frequency after tumors of the cervix, uterus, and ovary. Ninety eight percent of all vulvar tumors are benign and only 2% are malignant. The overall incidence of tumors with vulvar location is between two and seven cases per 100,000 women, and it increases with age, while the death rate is estimated at 0.7 per 100,000 women. Sarcomas of the vulva comprise approximately 1–3% of all vulvar cancers, with leiomyosarcomas, epithelioid sarcomas, and rhabdomyosarcomas being the most common among them. They are characterized by rapid growth, high metastatic potential, frequent recurrences, aggressive behavior, and high mortality rate. In this paper, we present the most common forms of sarcomas of the vulva (leiomyosarcoma, epithelioid sarcoma, malignant rhabdoid tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma) in order to emphasize the broad differential diagnosis, rare appearance, non-specific clinical picture, aggressive course, and high mortality

    Corrosion stability of stainless steel, modified electrochemically with Ce 2 O 3 -CeO 2 films, in 3.5% NaCl media

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    This work is focused on the study of corrosion-protection ability of the thin ceria film, formed electrochemically on OC404 stainless steel (SS) in non-aqueous electrolytes. The influence of changes in the surface concentration of Ce 2 O 3 -CeO 2 on the corrosion behaviour of OC404 stainless steel in 3.5% NaCl was investigated prior to the thermal treatment as well as after it. A shift of corrosion potential in positive direction was found via polarization curve recording, as well as via decrease in the corrosion current, respectively decrease in the corrosion rate (enhancement of the corrosion protection) in the presence of ceria oxide films. The data, acquired by AFM and XPS, are in a good agreement with these results. On the basis of the obtained results we can conclude that the presence of Ce 2 O 3 -CeO 2 film results in passivation and re-passivation of the steel surface and a slowdown in the pitting corrosion in an aggressive media. These conclusions are explained by the strong polarization influence of the Ce 2 O 3 -CeO 2 layers on the conjugated depolarization cathodic reaction of reduction of the dissolved oxygen