790 research outputs found

    Developing Learners' Autonomy Through Language Learning Strategy Training at English Department of University of Brawijaya

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    Second language acquisition has become a big issue in recent years and it leads to the study of transfer. As there are many problems faced by the lecturers deal with the students' pronunciation, then this paper is aimed at revealing and describing the errors in pronouncing English sounds made by the English learners because of the negative transfer from their first language (L1). Mix method was used in this study, it began with the qualitative one and then to know the percentage of each data, quantitative one was applied. The data were got from the recording of speaking activities and interview and then it was transcribed into broad transcription. This study does not include the narrow transcription, therefore no suprasegmental features found in this paper. The results of this study revealed that most of the students made some errors in pronouncing English sounds which they cannot found in their first language such as the sound /æ/, /∫/, /θ/, /ð/, and /ʒ /. The result is hoped to be able to give some input to the English teacher and lecturer on the common errors made by the students in pronouncing English sounds and lead them to improve their teaching methods in order to help their students in pronouncing new sounds found in the target language. Keywords: Error, language transfe

    Rumen Fermentation, Blood Metabolites, and Performance of Sheep Fed Tropical Browse Plants

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    The in vitro study was designed to evaluate total gas production, dry matter degradability (DMD), and VFA profile; while in vivo study was designed to evaluate nutrient intakes, blood metabolites, and performance of sheep fed native grass mixed with Calliandra calothyrrus (CC), Leucaena leucochepala (LL), Moringa oleifera (MO), Gliricidea sepium (GS), and Artocarpus heterophyllus (AH). The best three from the in vitro results were used to formulate diets in in vivo study. Sixteen male growing sheep (average BW 20 kg) were fed 100% native grass (NG) as control; 70% NG + 30% GS; 70% NG + 30% MO; and 70% NG + 30% AH. Nutrient consumptions, DMD, blood metabolites, and sheep performances were analyzed by using Completely Randomized Design. The in vitro results showed that the total gas production and DMD of CC and LL were the lowest (P<0.05) while the highest was found in GS, MO, and AH treatments (P<0.05). Meanwhile, the in vivo results showed that nutrient intakes (DM, CP, and CF) of GS and AH rations were the highest. The ADG, concentration of albumin, and globulin in all treatments were similar, while total serum protein, triglycerides, and glucose concentration in MO and AH rations were higher than others. Serum cholesterol concentration in MO ration was the lowest, meanwhile the concentration of IgG was the highest (P<0.05). Supplementation of 30% MO was the best choice for optimum rumen fermentation and maintaining health status of local sheep

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dan Iklim Organisasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Guru Smk Negeri

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    In a general way, this research is based on the thought that the importance of the teacher\u27s job satisfaction to increase the quality of the teachers\u27 performance.This research is aimed at having the information, analyzing and summarizing the influence between the principal\u27s leadership style and the organizational climate partially and simultaneously towards the teacher\u27s job satisfaction. This research is descriptive (expose facto) with the quantitative approach. The observation data about the principal\u27s leadership style (X1), the organizational climate (X2) and the teachers\u27 job satisfaction (Y) are carried out by spreading the questionnaires to the teachers of the Vocational School, on 1st Sub District, Sambas Regency. The results of this research indicates that in the partial way the principals\u27 leadership style influences the teacher\u27s job satisfaction positively with the regressive coefficient for 0,302, in the organizational climate influences the teachers\u27 job satisfaction positively with the regressive coefficient for 0,232 and in the simultaneous way influences the teachers\u27 job satisfaction and the organizational climate positively to the teachers of the Vocational School, on 1st Sub District, Sambas Regency with the coefficient determination for 0,266 or 26,6% indicating that the percentage giving of the principal\u27s leadership style and the organizational climate towards the teacher\u27s job satisfaction is for 0,266 or 26,6%, while the rest of 0,734 or 73,4% is fluence by another factor out of this research. Based on this research is very essential for the principal to apply the leadership style which is suitable for the teachers\u27 levels and create the good organization climate in increasing the teacher\u27s job satisfaction

    Politik Hukum Undang-undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    Political law is very interesting to be learnt because of the political law describes how the changes to be made in the applicable law in order to meet the needs of the community, to discuss the process off ormation of is constitutumius constituendumin the face of changes in people's lives, as wellas legal changes resulting product which sets the frame work and direction of development law. As reviewed in this article include: (1) How does them history of the development of legislation to era dicate corruption in Indonesia, and (2) How is the political assessment of the law against the law to eradicate corruption in the development of legislation Indonesia. Thehistory of corruption begins with the background to the rules of military ruler on April 9, 1957. The Eradication corruption. In reformation era the subtitute of legislation of the new ordere merging Act No. 31 of 1999 which then under goes refinement by Act No. 20 of 2001. political Studies Law Law corruption eradication in terms of philosophical, pragmatic and sosiologis. To provide legal political analysis, the writer tries to give input on the final legislation that Act No. 20 of 2001 to see a few things to note is about the ruleson the subject of qualify in goffense, not minimal criminal implementation guide lines specifically, the absence of specific provisions regarding the implementation of the criminal fines are not paid by the corporation, the absence of specific provisions that define the notion of the termof agreementevil, the transition rule in Article 43 A of Law No. 20 of2001 which was conside redexcessive, Dead Criminal formulation which is only valid for one article, namely Article 2 paragraph (1) as well ason Recidive

    Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Dalam Pembelajaran Berbasis Kecerdasan Visual Spasial Materi Peluang Bagi Siswa Kelas IX B Di SMP Negeri 2 Jiken Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar matematika sedang tujuan khususnya adalah Meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar Matematika dalam Pembelajaran Berbasis Kecerdasan Visual Spasial materi peluang bagi siswa kelas IX B SMP Negeri 2 Jiken tahun pelajaran 2014 / 2015.Penelitian ini di lakukan di SMP N 2 Jiken kelas IX B dengan jumlah 30 orang siswa. Dilakukan dengan 2 siklus, siklus 1 dimulai dengan perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, pengamatan dan refeksi atau analisis yaitu membandingkan hasil tes kondisi awal dengan hasil tes pada siklus 1. Demikian pula untuk Siklus 2 dengan refleksi membandingkan hasil belajar tes siklus 1 dengan hasil tes pada siklus 2.Dari hasil belajar siswa yang tuntas di siklus 2 terlihat 83,3 Selengkapnya hasil belajar siswa yang tuntas dari kondisi awal (20%) ke siklus1 (60 %) terjadi kenaikan 40 %, sedangkan ketuntasan belajar dari kondisi awal (20 %) ke siklus 2 (83,33 %) terjadi kenaikan sebesar 63,33 %. Rata-rata nilai siswa juga meningkat dari sebelum tindakan atau kondisi awal (55) sampai siklus 1 (58,19) atau naik 3,19 sedangkan rata-rata dari siklus 1 (58,19) sampai siklus 2 (63,61) naik 5,42 sedangkan rata-rata dari kondisi awal (55) sampai siklus2 ( 63,61) juga terjadi peningkatan sebesar 8,61.Terjadi peningkatan di setiap indikator dari kondisi awal ke siklus 2. Selengkapnya untuk indikator kehadiran dari kondisi awal (63,33%) siklus 2 (83,337%) terjadi kenaikan 20%, menyimak penjelasan guru dari kondisi awal (33,33%) siklus 2 ( 73,33%) terjadi kenaikan 40%, mengerjakan latihan dari guru dari kondisi awal ( 30%) siklus 2 ( 66,67%) terjadi kenaikan 36,67%, diskusi dengan teman dalam kelompoknya dari kondisi awal (26,67%) siklus 2 (76,67%) terjadi kenaikan 50%, indikator membuat PR dari kondisi awal (23,33%) siklus 2 (60%) terjadi peningkatan 46,67%, mempresentasikan hasil diskusi dari kondisi awal (33,33%) siklus 2 (90%) terjadi kenaikan 56,67%

    Pendekatan Partisipatif Lewat Pemberdayaan Rakyat: Alternatif Bagi Pembangunan Berwawasan Otonomi Daerah

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    Indonesia dalam perjalanan sejarahnya telah mempraktikkan berba-gai model pembangunan lewat beragam pendekatan dalam mempersepsi pembangunan. Mulai dari model cetak biru sebagai wujud pendekatan model dominan yang diadopsi dari negara maju dengan asas sentralisasi sampai dengan model proses yang mencoba mengetengahkan wajah pendekatan pembangunan yang lebih manusiawi, yaitu lewat konsep bottom up dalam perencanaan pembangunan. Penerapan model-model tersebut ternyata belum memberikan hasil memuaskan. Kini pemerintah pusat menggunakan paradigma desentralisasi pem-bangunan dengan menawarkan otonomi daerah kepada pemerintah daerah, termasuk Jawa Barat.Ada banyak konsekuensi yang akan ditanggung daerah dengan pemberlakuan otonomi daerah, yang resminya sudah diberlakukan mulai Januari 2001. Namun, banyak pula keuntungan yang bisa diperoleh jika daerah mampu mengantisipasi tawaran tersebut dengan tepat. Tulisan ini menawarkan alternatif konsep pembangunan berparadigma desentralis-tik yang bertitik tolak dari pendekatan partisipatif lewat gerakan pemberda-yaan rakyat. Pada intinya, kemandirian wilayah merupakan kunci menganti-sipasi tawaran otonomi daerah, maka, yang harus diprioritaskan daerah pertama kali adalah menumbuhkan kemandirian rakyat setempat dengan melibatkan mereka sepenuhnya pada setiap tahapan pembanguna

    Peningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Dalam Pembelajaran Berbasis Kecerdasan Visual Spasial

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    This research is a class act who has a goal to increase the activity and mathematics learning outcomes was the specific goal is Improving Mathematics activity and learning outcomes in Visual Spatial Intelligence Based Learning material opportunities for students of class IX B SMP Negeri 2 Jiken the school year 2014/2015. The research was done in SMP N 2 Jiken class IX and the number of 30 students. Done with 2 cycles, 1 cycle starts with planning, action, observation and refeksi or analyzes that compare the test results with the initial condition of the test results in cycle 1. Similarly for Cycle 2 with reflection study comparing the results with the results of the test cycle 1 to cycle test 2. From the learning outcomes of students who completed at cycle 2 looks 83,3 More learning outcomes of students who pass the initial conditions (20%) to siklus1 (60%) an increase of 40%, while learning completeness of the initial conditions (20%) to cycle 2 (83.33%) an increase of 63.33%. The average value of students also increased from the prior actions or initial conditions (55) to Cycle 1 (58.19) or up to 3.19 while the average of cycle 1 (58.19) to cycle 2 (63.61) rises 5.42 while the average of the initial conditions (55) to siklus2 (63.61) is also an increase of 8.61. There was an increase in all indicators of initial conditions to cycle 2. Learn to indicators of the presence of initial conditions (63.33%) 2 cycles (83.337%) an increase of 20%, listening to the teacher's explanation of the initial conditions (33.33%) cycle 2 (73.33%) an increase of 40%, do the exercise of the teacher of initial conditions (30%) 2 cycles (66.67%) an increase of 36.67%, a discussion with a friend in the group of initial conditions (26.67%) cycle 2 (76.67%) an increase of 50%, an indicator makes the homework of the initial conditions (23.33%) 2 cycles (60%) increased 46.67%, presented the results of the discussion of the initial conditions (33.33%) 2 cycles (90%) an increase of 56.67%

    Kasus Gempa Bumi Di Yogya Dan Jawa Tengah: Perspektif “Supply Chain Management”, Komunikasi, Dan Kultural

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    May 27th, 2006, a-5.9-Richter scale-of-earthquake is collapsing Jogja and its surrounding. More than 5.800 inhabitants dead, hundreds of thousands other were injured. The city collapsed, along with its economy which suffered at least 8-billion-rupiahs-loss. Days after the earthquake, there were complaints everywhere concerning the system of logistic supply for the victims. The lack of food, unreachable locations, the slow treatment of injured victims were seen everywhere. From communication perspective, these complaints marked the lack of quality in communication system as main part of post-disaster-management. To overcome such problems, the local government in disaster area must build SCM—supply chain management—as the approach to communication-management system in order to distribute logistics for the victims. SCM consisted of three elements: supply chain network, supply chain process, and supply chain management. Although based on management approach, SCM covered comprehensive issues such as the importance of data, research, goals identification, transportation facilities, along with moral, attitude, and cultural sensitivity

    Sinetron Remaja dan Penonton Belia: Riset Audiens terhadap Penonton Sinetron Remaja

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    Teen viewers were one of strategic segment targeted by private televisions in Indonesia. No wonder if there are countless teens TV drama eappeared on TV. This paper aimed to reveal what was the perception of teenager\u27s in watching TV drama which specially dedicated for them. The research questions were identified around teen\u27s media habit, teen\u27s media use, teen\u27s perception toward moral values found on the drama, and what\u27s the real or unreal for them. 16 participants were selected to attend four focus group discussion. They were consisted of male and female students from local senior and junior high school. Research has found that media habit and media use were intensified around students who didn\u27t have any extra activities afterschool. For students who belongs to member of any extra group focusing on certain activities (such as mountain-climbing, language-practicing club, hobby-circles, etc.), watching television became less important. Research also found that the latter group of students (who actively participate in extra-activities out of school) were more critical in perceiving teen\u27s TV drama

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Pembangunan Pertanian Berkelanjutan (Studi Pada Desa Asmorobangun Kecamatan Puncu Kabupaten Kediri)

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    : Community Empowerment in Sustainable Agricultural Development (Study at Desa Asmorobangun, Kecamatan Puncu, Kabupaten Kediri). One of the duties of the nation is to provide the prosperity for the citizen through a development. The development is conducted by the government in order to reach the economic growth by utilizing all agriculture potentials and by organizing community development. In this study has yhe purpose is to know, describe and analyze the empowerment of the community in the village of Asmorobangun in sustainable agricultural development. Type of research is descriptive with qualitative approach data analysis uses Creswell\u27s model. Asmorobangun Village has a resource potential that is needed can apply sustainable agriculture development for community welfare. Through empowerment which involves several stages such as enlightenment, capacity building, and enforcement, hereby, the awareness, capacity, skill and strength of the community can be improved to exploit all potentials. The support given to the community in sustainable agriculture development is already not maximum. Despite this support, there are factors constraining community empowerment in sustainable agriculture development. These constraints may come from community, very few numbers of agriculture counselor, natural resource inadequacy, and also weather factor at Asmorobangun Village such that the empowerment process cannot be made maximum