98 research outputs found

    Biophysical and socioeconomic state and links of deltaic areas vulnerable to climate change: Volta (Ghana), Mahanadi (India) and Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (India and Bangladesh)

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    We examine the similarities and differences of specific deltaic areas in parallel, under the project DEltas, vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration and Adaptation (DECCMA). The main reason for studying Deltas is their potential vulnerability to climate change and sea level rise, which generates important challenges for livelihoods. We provide insights into the current socioeconomic and biophysical states of the Volta Delta (Ghana), Mahanadi Delta (India) and Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (India and Bangladesh). Hybrid methods of input-output (IO) construction are used to develop environmentally extended IO models for comparing the economic characteristics of these delta regions with the rest of the country. The main sources of data for regionalization were country level census data, statistics and economic surveys and data on consumption, trade, agricultural production and fishing harvests. The Leontief demand-driven model is used to analyze land use in the agricultural sector of the Delta and to track the links with final demand. In addition, the Hypothetical Extraction Method is used to evaluate the importance of the hypothetical disappearance of a sector (e.g., agriculture). The results show that, in the case of the Indian deltas, more than 60% of the cropland and pasture land is devoted to satisfying demands from regions outside the delta. While in the case of the Bangladeshi and Ghanaian deltas, close to 70% of the area harvested is linked to internal demand. The results also indicate that the services, trade and transportation sectors represent 50% of the GDP in the deltas. Still, agriculture, an activity directly exposed to climate change, plays a relevant role in the deltas'' economies-we have estimated that the complete disappearance of this activity would entail GDP losses ranging from 18 to 32%

    African Review of Economics and Finance

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    This paper provides insights into the current socioeconomic and biophysical state of the Volta Delta, Ghana. We employed non-survey methods, notably the Flegg Location Quotient (FLQ) method of regionalization and construction of tables to develop environmentally extended input-output (IO) model for comparing the economic characteristics of the Volta Delta and the rest of the country. The main sources of data for doing the regionalization were District Analytical Reports. Results from the study indicate that the agricultural sector, trade and transport activities are much predominant in the delta than in the non-delta region. However, employment in services of public administration, financial and insurance, construction and crop production is higher in the non-delta than in the delta region. From a gendered perspective, the embodied work of women in the delta is high in services and manufacturing sectors, but less predominant in agriculture and fishing (compared to the males’ participation). Overall, the delta is found to be a net importer (embodied in goods and services from other regions, higher than in exports) of all the economic metrics used in the study, including agricultural land use, employment, energy and CO2 emissions

    Impact of heat stress on ruminant livestock production and meat quality, and strategies for amelioration

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    Climate change will continue to accentuate the negative impact of heat stress (HS) on ruminant livestock production, compromising animal welfare and meat quality. Mitigation strategies, including providing shade on farms, modifications of animal housing (heat extractors, fans, water sprinklers, and cool drinking water), and nutritional interventions, are important short-Term measures to reduce the negative effects of HS. Climate-smart breeding for thermotolerance and matching of adapted ruminant breeds to appropriate production systems should be considered for more sustainable livestock production systems

    The politics of petroleum pricing in Ghana: Institutions, power dynamics, and social networks

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    The study, drawing on the political settlement approach, examines how powers, institutions, networks, and interests influence the pricing of petroleum products in Ghana. Qualitative research approach was for the study, and purposive sampling was used to interview 24 respondents. The findings suggest the existence of power struggles among the key actors in the pricing of fuel. The findings revealed that the National Petroleum Authority, bulk distribution oil companies, oil marketing companies, International Monetary Fund, and energy policy think tanks influence result into policy. Actors influence fuel prices through taxes, policy guidelines, exchange rate, and legal actions. The study recommends that capacity of the key players should be built by the Government of Ghana so as to ensure healthy competition and stability in the pricing of petroleum products in Ghana. Political interference in the pricing of fuel should be limited so that the key players can operate successfully in the petroleum downstream

    Effects of Trade Cost on the Textile and Apparel Market: Evidence from Asian Countries

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    Global textile and apparel industry has since the 1950s been subjected to various forms of trade policy measures. Well noted among these are tariffs and non-tariff barriers (NTB)/policy indicators. Understanding the dynamics in such relevant policy indicators and the implications they yield for trade is a vital step toward informing relevant policy formulation and agribusiness investment decisions. With the textile and apparel industry being the primary grounds on which development in most Asian countries is founded, we for the first time in literature assess effects of various trade cost indicators on global textile and apparel imports from 37 Asian countries using a ‘cost-incorporated’ gravity model for the period 1988–2004. Estimates from this study affirm theory-based associations between trade, distance, cultural linkage, tariffs, and non-tariffs barriers. We however discovered quite interesting associations regarding effects of tariff increments and existence of NTB. Although both are primarily imposed/instilled to restrict trade flow, effect of tariff increments was consistently negative across all models, but that for NTB was consistently positive, although significant only in the case of apparel imports. Plausible reasons behind the implications for tariffs and NTB are elaborated on in this article. A keen discovery from this study, however, is that imports of apparels are more responsive than textile imports to dynamics in various trade-related cost, geographic and economic indicators

    Challenges and perspectives on tackling illegal or unsustainable wildlife trade

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    Illegal or unsustainable wildlife trade (IUWT) currently presents one of the most high-profile conservation challenges. There is no “one-size-fits-all” strategy, and a variety of disciplines and actors are needed for any counteractive approach to work effectively. Here, we detail common challenges faced when tackling IUWT, and we describe some available tools and technologies to curb and track IUWT (e.g. bans, quotas, protected areas, certification, captive-breeding and propagation, education and awareness). We discuss gaps to be filled in regulation, enforcement, engagement and knowledge about wildlife trade, and propose practical solutions to regulate and curb IUWT, paving the road for immediate action