14 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Skill Argumentasi Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    This study aims: (1) to know the effect of argumentation skill on student learning outcomes, and (2) to know the improvement of learning outcomes by using argumentation skill. This research is an experimental research with the subject of research for students of class VIIIB Junior High School 1 Labuhan Maringgai Academic Year 2015/2016 using Minimal Control research design. The research steps include the preliminary stages of pretest, the development stage, the pilot phase and the analysis, the stage of taking the value of the test for argumentation skill and posttest. The results of this study indicate that: (1) there is a positive linear influence and significant argumentation skill on student learning outcomes with the contribution of 34.6%; (2) there was a significant increase of student learning result with high N-gain category of 76.5%, medium of 23.5% and low 0%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui pengaruh skill argumentasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa, dan (2) mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar dengan menggunakan skill argumentasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan subjek siswa kelas VIIIB SMP N 1 Labuhan Maringgai Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 dan menggunakan desain penelitian Minimal Control. Langkah penelitian meliputi tahap pendahuluan, tahap pengembangan, tahap uji coba dan analisis, tahap pengambilan nilai. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat pengaruh linier yang positif dan signifikan skill argumentasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa dengan kontribusi sebesar 34,6%; (2) terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan hasil belajar siswa dengan katedori N-gain tinggi sebesar 76,5%, sedang sebesar 23,5% dan rendah 0%

    Perbandingan Nilai Transepidermal Water Loss Pada Lesi Makula Anestetika dan Nonanestetika Pada Pasien Kusta

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    Latar belakang: Kusta adalah penyakit infeksi kronis, disebabkan oleh M. leprae, penyakit ini menyerang sistem saraf perifer, kulit, dan jaringan lain. Gangguan kusta pada saraf tepi menyerang juga saraf autonomik yang akan mengganggu kelenjar keringat yang dapat menyebabkan kondisi kulit kering. Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL) adalah penilaian terhadap jumlah air yang menguap dari kulit. Semakin tinggi TEWL penguapan semakin besar, kemungkinan terdapat kerusakan pada barier kulit atau produksi keringat. Tujuan: Mengukur nilai TEWL pada lesi makula anestetika dan nonanestetika pada pasien kusta. Metode: Penelitian analitik observasional dengan populasi pasien kusta di Poli Kulit dan Kelamin RSUD. Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi, kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan TEWL pada pasien tersebut. Hasil: Dari 22 pasien kusta didapatkan perbedaan rerata yang signifikan antara TEWL makula anestetika dan nonanestetika (p= 0,0001). Distribusi nilai TEWL pada makula anestetika 0-<10 g/m2/h (59,1%), kisaran 10-<15 g/m2/h (27,3%), 15-<25 g/m2/h (13,6%). Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan rerata yang signifikan antara TEWL makula anestetika dan nonanestetika

    Variation of TTC Repeat Pattern in the Dna of Mycobacterium Leprae Isolates Obtained From Archeological Bones and Leprosy Patients From East Nusa Tenggara

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    The existence of leprosy or kusta or Morbus Hansen or Hansens disease has been known for years, including in Indonesia. Starting from the discovery of Mycobacterium leprae isolates from ancient bone (about 1.000 years B.C), the archaeological excavations results in East Nusa Tenggara, interesting questions arise about how the development of leprosy in eastern Indonesia is. Biology molecular study would become a powerful tool to investigate the presence of leprosy bacillary whether there are similarities between the genomes of M. leprae isolates in the primeval and the present. PCR examinations were performed on mandibular bone fragments from ancient human who lived 1000 years B.C. discovered in archaeological surveys on the island of Lembata and three leprosy patients from East Nusa Tenggara. The DNA extraction was performed using a kit from Qiagen products and its TTC repeating pattern was seen with the method of direct sequencing. It turned out that the TTC profile obtained from samples of archaeological was as many as 13 copies, while the repetition of TTC in three samples of leprosy patients were 15, 17 and 26 copies. The different number of TTC repetition shows the different isolates of M. leprae between in the ancient times and the present. Further studies are needed to verify the differences in the genome that occur, for example from the study of SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms)

    A simpler diagnostic method using blood collection on filter paper to determine anti-natural octyl disaccharide-leprosy infectious disease research institute diagnostic in household contacts of leprosy patients

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    The high prevalence among children shows continued transmission from adult and lack of disease control by the health system. Detection of anti-NDO-LID-1 has been known to be more effective to predict the development of leprosy in household contacts than just detecting PGL-1 or LID- 1 alone. However, serodiagnosis is not available in poorer-settings area and the procedure (venepuncture) is still inconvenient to some people. These problems can be solved by using finger-prick blood sample on filter paper. This study aims to prove the effectiveness of using capillary blood samples on filter paper to detect the positivity of Ig G antibody against NDO-LID-1 antigen in asymptomatic household contacts. Seventeen samples of capillary blood on filter paper and sera were tested for IgG anti-NDO-LID-1 using ELISA. There was no significant difference between IgG level from filter paper and serum (p=0.754) and there was also a strong positive correlation (R=0.906) between the two procedures. These findings show that the use of filter paper and NDO-LID-1 is worthy of further investigations, especially for those with lower bacillary load or contacts of leprosy patients

    The Correlation of Ig M Anti PGL-1 antibody between blood veins and dryed capillary blood on filter papers in household contact of leprosy patient

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    Delays of leprosy detection and treatment can lead to disability and potential transmission. Serologic examination has the advantage in detecting Subclinical Leprosy. The procedure of serologic test, which is one of its main limitation, could be simplified by the use filter paper. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the use of capillary blood dropped on filter paper as a substitute for venous blood in household contact of leprosy patients. Seventeen samples of capillary blood dried on filter paper and venous blood samples from the same individual were examined by ELISA method to determine the levels of IgM anti-Phenolic glycolipid-1 (PGL-1). The mean of anti- PGL-1 IgM levels of filter paper samples 163.31±126.16; whereas the mean of levels from venous samples was 473.16±411.26. There was significant difference and correlation between these two groups. Samples on filter paper in household contact can be used to determine the level of anti-PGL-1 IgM in serum by converting on the regression basis. Further study is required to evaluate the potency of filter paper methods to conduct large-scale serological screening

    Immunoglobulin AMG Anti Natural Disaccharide Octyl - Leprosy IDRI Diagnostic (NDO-LID) Serologic Test for Leprosy Diagnosis: a Pilot Study

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    Leprosy remains a public health problem in Indonesia. Diagnostic tools have been developed in order to aid early diagnosis and prompt treatment. Phenolic glycolipid (PGL)-1 has been considered as a good candidate for leprosy diagnosis but has been found to have several limitations. More recently, the conjugation between natural disaccharide octyl (NDO) and leprosy IDRI diagnostic (LID)-1, known as NDO-LID, shows great promise because of its high specificity and sensitivity and its ability to detect leprosy before any clinical signs are present. The test incorporates the detection of IgM antibodies towards NDO and IgG antibodies towards LID-1. This study aimed to show the profile of IgM, IgG, and IgAMG antibody titers against NDO-LID to further discover its diagnostic potential. Sera from eight new leprosy patients from Surabaya, Indonesia were evaluated using ELISA detecting levels of IgG, IgM and IgAMG antibodies against NDO-LID antigen. Skin slit biopsy was also taken for smear and histopathology test. This study shows that the titer levels IgAMG anti NDO-LID were consistent with the results from smear and were consistently higher compared to IgM or IgG titer alone. IgAMG might have the potential to improve the sensitivity of NDO-LID serologic tests but further investigation is needed

    Diversity of Mycobacterium leprae On The Basis of Repetitive Sequences of TTC From Ancient Bones Found in Bali and East Nusa Tenggara, East Indonesia

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    Introduction : Excavalions of the genetic material of pathogenic organisms in the ancient bones provide important informations for the study of certain infevtious diseases in ancient populations. In addition, the identification of bacterial DNA provides direct evidence and the frequency of occurrence of infectious disease in ancient populations and may provide information about the evolution of microorganisms and related disease. Several recent reports have succeeded in isolating several Mycobacterium by using PCR technique, because the PCR technique, although very small amount of DNA in ancient biomaterials such as bone or soft tissue but can be identified. This new approach not only of knowledge related to the evolution of different strains of Mycobacterium, but may also provide correlative data on the influence of environment on the development of Mycobacterium and biodiversity. However until now has never reported any Mycobacterium especially Mycobacterium leprae was found in a ancient bones from Indonesia, so too has not been widely report throughout the world of M. leprae from ancient bones found on the old 2990 + / - 160 BP. The purpose of this study was performed diversity analysis of M. leprae on the basis of repetitive sequences of TTC from ancient bones in Bali and East Nusa Tenggara, East Tenggara

    Understanding leprosy reactions and the impact on the lives of people affected: An exploration in two leprosy endemic countries.

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    BACKGROUND: Leprosy reactions, Type-1 and erythema nodosum leprosum, are immune-mediated complications of leprosy, which play a significant role in the morbidity associated with the disease. A considerable amount of literature has been published on the impact of leprosy in general but few studies focus specifically on leprosy reactions. This study aimed to investigate the impact of leprosy reactions on physical, psychological, and social aspects of the lives of people affected by analysing their life experiences and perspectives about leprosy reactions. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This qualitative study involved people affected by leprosy reactions and their family members in two leprosy endemic countries. The data were collected through 66 interviews and 9 focus group discussions (4-6 participants each) in Surabaya, Indonesia, and Purulia, India. Content analysis and conversational analysis were performed. This study found that both types of leprosy reactions were perceived as an unpredictable and painful condition. Leprosy reactions restricted physical activities of the participants, such as going to bathroom, sleeping, eating, and cooking. In the interviews, the respondents expressed a range of emotions and feelings including confusion, sadness, anxiety, and anger. Some recounted that they felt stigmatized and lost opportunities to socialise and earn money. Differences between the two settings were identified. The majority of Indonesian participants preferred to stay at home, and some concealed the diagnosis of leprosy, while most of the Indian respondents continued working up to the time of hospitalization. CONCLUSION: Leprosy reactions are a distressing complication of leprosy and adversely affect the lives of those affected. Individuals reported physical discomfort, distress, anxiety, stigma, and financial hardship and these negative impacts in the physical, psychological, and social spheres reinforced each other. These findings provide important information about a need for early detection and sustained commitment to follow-up care for people with a history of leprosy reactions. More research on new drugs for reactional episodes, tools to measure knowledge, attitude, and practice, and costing study on leprosy reactions treatment are needed. We recommend the development and testing of holistic strategies to improve the management of leprosy reactions

    Understanding leprosy reactions and the impact on the lives of people affected: An exploration in two leprosy endemic countries. Interview Guide for People with Leprosy Reactions.

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    Interview Guide for People with Leprosy Reactions. S2 Appendix for the paper, "Understanding leprosy reactions and the impact on the lives of people affected: An exploration in two leprosy endemic countries"

    Understanding leprosy reactions and the impact on the lives of people affected: An exploration in two leprosy endemic countries. Socio-demographic data.

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    Questionnaire produced to collect socio-demographic data. S1 Appendix for the paper, "Understanding leprosy reactions and the impact on the lives of people affected: An exploration in two leprosy endemic countries"