165 research outputs found

    Non-Point Source Pollution Modelling: An Overview

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    The objective of this paper is to provide a critical evaluation of the data available from existing studies concerning non-point source pollution (NPS). NPS pollution is complex and difficult to detect and manage when compared with point source pollution. To tackle its risk, it is vital to have precise simulations and estimations of NPS pollutants. Different modelling techniques applied to NPS pollution were reviewed and classified as either physically-based models or empirical. The physically-based models (White box models) can be used both for long-term and daily time steps. They require initial model data as well as watershed morphological and physiographic, which makes them complex and not easy to use. Empirical models on the other hand are called black-box models or metric models and can be used for both long-term, daily time steps with minimal data requirement and requires less skill to operate. Although their results are easy to interpret, these types of models are only suitable within the boundary of a certain domain. The findings of this review will serve as a guide to water resource planners in identifying the type of NPS model they need to apply to a particular catchment for a particular problem

    Toxicological Implication of Zinc Oxide Nano-Particles on Nutritional Composition and Depuration Potential of Heterobranchus longifilislis

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    Zinc Oxide nano-particles (ZnO-NPs) are more useful in the production of commercial goods than other nano-particles because of their unique properties. The effluents of ZnO-NPs get into the aquatic ecosystems and accumulate in fish tissues causing serious health consequences. This study was therefore designed to investigate the effect of ZnO-NPs exposure on the nutritional composition and depuration potential of large African catfish (Heterobranchus longifilis). The nutritional composition evaluated include, proximate composition, mineral content, fatty acids and amino acids profiles after exposing to varying (0.0, 6.00, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00 mg/l) concentrations of ZnO-NPs to juveniles’ catfish (H. longifilis) for 60 days and depurating for 30 days to evaluate recovery using standard methods. The results revealed that proximate composition and amino acid profiles decreased significantly (P < 0.05) after 60 days of exposure to ZnO-NPs, but gradually improved after 30 days of depuration. This implies that ZnO-NPs has a great influence on the nutrient values of H. longifilis, but the fish were able to regain the lost nutrients, however, the ability of H. longifilis to recover from adverse condition is time dependent


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    Slack bus is a bus with generating unit and used to balance the real power (P) and reactive power (Q) in the power system while performing load flow studies. This study therefore, investigated the best slack bus suitable to be used in the load flow study of the Nigerian 330-kVtransmission network with nine (9) generating stations. The method involve the load flow analysis of the existing network with Egbin, Shiroro and Kanji generating stations chosen as a slack bus at different instances and simulated using Newton-Rapson method and Gauss Seidel. This study revealed that the use of Egbin power station as a slack bus brought about the lowest power mismatch in the network. The result also indicated violation of voltages in some of the network and high reactive power los

    An Undergraduate Control Tutorial on Root Locus-Based Magnetic Levitation System Stabilization

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    The subject of control system design has evolved considerably over the years. Although several design techniques and strategies have been adopted to realize control systems that meet a predetermined set of performance criteria, the fundamental problem remains that of developing controllers to adjust the performance characteristics of a dynamic system in order to obtain a desired output behavior. The dynamic behavior of a magnetic levitation system (MLS) of a ferromagnetic ball is compensated in this paper. Consolidating the exposure of undergraduate students to the rudiments of control system design, the paper employs the classical root locus technique to stabilize the system. A combination of analytical and software-based methods is used to design proportional-derivative and phase-lead compensators based on the linearized model of the system. Complete details of the design approach, from modeling and analysis of the plant to computing the values of the controller parameters, are shown. MATLAB scripts for plotting root loci and simulating the system are provided

    Evaluation of Parking Demand and Future Requirement in the Urban Area

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    Whatever vehicle is traveling, it needs to stop in order to arrive road users their different goals. In most universities, parking becomes an important campus resource, for being as a place to come frequently and to spend long period. Now days parking problems increase with repaid growth of car ownership. So traffic and parking impact can be consider as a major source of contention within any community and can raise additional costs for universities, as well as urban areas facilities. The study aims to evaluate the current parking situation on the university campus in terms of the available supply and required demand of parking spaces in order to recommend future parking spaces need for the next five years. Data has had been collected according to field traffic and engineering survey, Videography method was used for this purpose. Inventories, Interviews and questionnaires included. Data analysis conducted with the aided of AASHTO and equation methods. The study concluded future parking required is 140 vehicle- spaces for the year 2026, according to population rate of growth also illegal parking leads to interference with the movements of pedestrians and their crossing, as well as reducing the capacity of the roads in the study area. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091767 Full Text: PD

    Contingency Analysis for Assessing Line Losses in Nigeria 330-kV Power lines

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    Line losses ill transmission lilies constitute one of the llllljor problt!llls affecting power generation and distribution systems. Losses luwe beelt foulld to affect the overall ejJidency of a system. Therefore, to illcretUe the efficiency of any system, losses must be minimized, This paper carried out a comprehensive study alld analym of line losses associated with Nigeritz 330-kV power transmission lines. The work includes the power-flow analysis carrid out on the existilfg Mtwork using both the Newton-Rapltson (N-R)wrltten in code-btlsed MATLAB a1ld the model-based N-R ill Power World Simulator (PWS) environment. The power-flow analysis HillS further subjected to contingency analysis and silllukdion using the N-R in PWS. Two 101111-flows were performed to reveal voltage violated buses.The resulb showed that the bus voltages outsith the statutory limit of 0.95- 1.05p.u(i.e 313.5 - 346.5kV) occurred at buses2-Bimi1JKebbi (0.9183pu), bus 9 Akangba (0.937pu), bus 18-0nitslul (0.935pu), bus 20-New-Htn~e~~ (0.920pu), bus 25- Kaduna (0.9233pu), bus 26-Kano (0.776pu), bus 22-Jos (0.8192pu) and bus 28-Gombe (0. 7247pu) under normal uncompensated conditio11. CfiiHICitive shunt compensation was applkd on these buses and the results recorded appreciable loss rethlction (about 111.35%). The result of the 11ingk line contiiJgency analyllis for uncompeMated and compen~~ated indicates a total of 335 alld 25 voltage bus violl.ltions respectivel
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