11 research outputs found
Nonomuraea basaltis sp. nov., a siderophore-producing actinobacteria isolated from surface soil of basaltic parent material
A Gram-stain-positive, aerobic, spore-forming actinobacterial strain, designated 160415(T), was isolated from a surface soil sample, which was formed on basaltic parent material, collected from Samsun, Turkey. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain 160415(T) clustered closely with species of the genus Nonomuraea, and showed the highest sequence similarity to Nonomuraea zeae NEAU-ND5(T), Nonomuraea candida HMC10(T) and Nonomuraea turkmeniaca DSM 43926(T) with 99.1%, 98.9% and 98.7%, respectively. Chemotaxonomic properties including major menaquinones, diaminopimelic acid, sugar and phospholipid profiles also confirmed the affiliation of the strain to the genus Nonomuraea. The DNA G+C content of strain 160415(T) was 69.6 mol%. DNA-DNA hybridization and average nucleotide identity values between the strain and closely related type strains were less than the recommended cut-off values. On the basis of phylogenetic relationships, genotypic and phenotypic characterizations, strain 160415(T) represents a novel species of the genus Nonomuraea, for which the name Nonomuraea basaltis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is 160415(T) (= KCTC 39875(T) = DSM 104309(T))
Numerical and experimental investigation of the effect of flow type on performance and temperature distribution in solid oxide fuel cell
Bu yüksek lisans tezinde, katı oksit yakıt pilinde akış tipinin performans ve sıcaklık dağılımına olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Yakıt pilinin performansı açısından yakıt pili içerisindeki sıcaklık dağılımı çok önemlidir. Sıcaklık farkı termal gerilmelere sebep olmaktadır. Sıcaklık farkından kaynaklanan termal gerilmeler sebebi ile performans düşmekte ve yakıt pilinin ömrü kısalmaktadır. Sıcaklık dağılımını ve yakıt pili performansını görmek için önce iki farklı tasarım incelenmiştir. Bunlar standart düz kanallı tasarım ve ikincil tasarımdır. İlk olarak standart düz kanallı tasarımın performansının ikincil tasarıma göre daha iyi performans sağladığı görülmüştür. Daha sonrasında ise çalışmaya standart tasarım ile devam edilmiştir. Standart tasarımda paralel ve karşı akış tipi kullanılarak sıcaklık dağılımı ve akış tipinin performansa etkisi deneysel ve nümerik olarak incelenmiştir. Karşı akış tipi; paralel akış tipine göre bir miktar daha iyi performans göstermesine karşın, paralel akış tipinde sıcaklık dağılımı daha uniform olarak gözlenmiştir.In this master thesis, the effect of flow type on the temperature and performance of solid oxide fuel cells was investigated. For the performance of the fuel cell, the temperature distribution in the fuel cell is very important. The temperature difference causes thermal stresses. Due to thermal stresses caused by the temperature difference, performance decreases and the life of the fuel cell is shortened. Two different designs were first examined to see the temperature distribution and fuel cell performance. These are standard flat channel design and secondary design. First, the performance of the standard flat channel design has been shown to provide better performance than the secondary design. Then, the study was continued with the standard design. In the standard design, the effect of flow type on temperature distribution and the performance was numerically and experimentally investigated using parallel and counter flow type. Although the counter-flow type showed slightly better performance than the parallel flow type, the temperature distribution in parallel flow type was observed more uniformly
Effects of Complete Decongestive Therapy on Primary and Secondary Lymphedema of Lower Extremity
Amaç: Primer ve sekonder alt ekstremite lenfödeminde kompleks dekonjestif tedavinin (KDT) etkinliğini araştırmak. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 40 alt ekstremite lenfödemi tanılı hastanın verileri retrospektif olarak analiz edildi. Hastaların yaş, cinsiyet, tanı, ektremite volümü, lenfödem subtipleri ve kemoterapi/radyoterapi öyküleri kayıt edildi. Bacaklardaki ödem tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrasında volümetrik ölçümler ile hesaplandı. Ayak sırtından başlayarak 10'ar cm aralıklarla inguinal seviyeye kadar bilateral olarak çevresel ölçümler yapıldı. Ardından bilgisayar programı ile bu ölçümler volümetrik değerlere çevrildi. Bulgular: KDT'nin alt ekstremite lenfödem tedavisinde anlamlı gelişmeler sağladığı görüldü (p=0,01). Ancak istatiksel anlamlılığa yalnızca sekonder lenfödem grubunda ulaşıldı (p=0,008). Bununla birlikte yüzde değişim oranlarına bakıldığında iki grup arasında anlamlı farkın olmadığı saptandı (p>0,05). Tedavi öncesindeki volümlerin, volüm azalma oranları ile anlamlı oranda korele olduğu da (r=0,670, p=0,000) saptandı. Sonuç: KDT, alt ekstremite lenfödem tedavisinde etkili, güvenilir ve iyi tolere edilebilen bir tedavidir. Ancak her nekadar istatiksel anlamlılığa sekonder lenfödem grubunda ulaşılmış olsa da yüzde değişim oranlarına bakıldığında gruplar arasında anlamlı farklılığın olmadığı görülmüştür. Bu nedenle KDT'nin volüm azaltıcı etkisinin lenfödem etyolojisi ile korele olduğunu söyleyememekteyiz. Değişik etyolojilere sahip bireylerle yapılacak daha çok sayıda hastayı içeren prospektif çalışmalara ihtiyaç olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.Objective: To investigate the outcome of complete decongestive therapy (CDT) on primary and secondary lymphedema of the lower limb (LL). Material and Methods: Included 40 patients with LL lymphedema were retrospectively analyzed. Age, gender, diagnosis, extremity volume, subtype of lymphedema, radiotherapy chemotherapy history of all the patients were noted. the amount of limb edema was calculated with volumetric measurements before and after the treatment for each patient. Bilateral circumferential measurements were carried out at the level of metatarsophalangeal joints, mid-dorsum of the feet, ankle and every 10 cm till the inguinal level. Afterwards, a computer program was used to convert these values into limb volumes in milliliters. Results: It is found out that CDT causes a significant improvement in the average volume of the LL p=0.01). Nonetheless, the statistics showed significance (p= 0.008) only in secondary group. Moreover, there were no significant difference in percentage changes betwen both groups showed no significance after treatment (p>0.05). We also determined that initial volumes were significantly correlated with volume reduction rates (r= 0.670, p= 0.000). Conclusion: CDT is an effective, safe and well tolerated treatment for lymphedema of lower extremity limb. There was significant improvement in clinical outcomes particularly in secondary lymphedema group; whereas, percentage change in limb volumes of both groups showed no significance. Hence, our results suggest that the volume reductive effects of CDT is not correlated with the lymphedema (ethiology). Future studies comprising greater population with various ethiology are needed
Meme Kanseri ile İlişkili Lenfödemde Ekstremite Hacmi Üzerine Dört Farklı Tedavi Protokolünün Karşılaştırılması
Aim: Since lymphedema is generally a chronic and persistive disorder, there is still need to determine the comparative benefits of different therapies for this condition. in this study, we aimed to retrospectively compare the efficacy of different therapy protocols on extremity volume in breast cancer patients with lymphedema (BCRL). Methods: A total of 117 patients with BCRL were selected for the study. the patients were classified in 4 groups. the patients were treated with complex decongestive therapy (CDT) (n:25) in Group 1, with CDT + pneumatic compression therapy (PCT) (n:25) in Group 2, with CDT + PCT+ low- intensity laser therapy (LLT) (n:45) in Group 3, and with PCT+ LLT (n:22) in Group 4. Results: Our analysis between groups suggested statistically significant reduction in the average volume of the upper limbs in all groups (Groups 1, 2, and 3) (p<0.001) except Group 4 (p:0.592). Besides, the results of post-hoc analysis between groups demonstrated a significant difference by means of delta limb volume (p<0.001). We noted that PCT+LLT group caused the statistical difference. the delta values in this group were significantly lower than the other groups. Conclusion: the rationale behind conducting this study was to determine the most effective therapy protocol, and we observed that both CDT alone and CDT combined with PCT and LLT were effective in lymphedema treatment. However, since the PCT and LLT could reduce the volume significantly only in combination with CDT, we cannot conclude that they are effective treatments when applied solely.Amaç: Lenfödem kronik ve genelde kalıcı olan bir hastalık olduğundan, bu durum için farklı tedavilerin karşılaştırmalı yararlarını belirlemeye halen ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, farklı tedavi protokollerinin meme kanseri ile ilişkili lenfödem (MKİL) hastalarında ekstremite volümü üzerine olan etkilerini retrospektif olarak karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: Çalışmaya MKİL’si olan toplam 117 hasta dahil edildi. Hastalar 4 grupta sınıflandırıldı. Grup 1’deki hastalara (n: 25) kompleks dekonjestif tedavi (KDT), Grup 2’deki hastalara (n: 25) KDT + pnömotik kompresyon tedavisi (PCT), Grup 3’deki hastalara (n: 45) KDT + PCT+ düşük güçlü lazer tedavisi (LLT) ve Grup 4’deki hastalara (n: 22) PCT+ LLT tedavisi verildi. Bulgular: Gruplar arasındaki analizimiz, grup 4 dışındaki hemen hemen tüm gruplarda (grup 1, 2, 3) (p<0,001) üst ekstremitelerin ortalama volümünde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı azalmayı gösterdi (p:0,592). Ayrıca, gruplar arasındaki post-hoc analiz sonuçları, delta ekstremite volümü (p<0,001) ile anlamlı bir farklılığı ortaya koymuştur. PCT + LLT grubunun istatistiksel farka neden olduğunu belirledik. Bu grupta delta değerleri diğer gruplara göre anlamlı olarak düşüktü. Sonuç: En etkili tedavi protokolünü belirlemeyi amaçladığımız bu çalışmada; KDT tek başına ve KDT ile birlikte PCT ve LLT’nin lenfödem tedavisinde etkili olduğunu gözlemledik. Bununla birlikte, PCT ve LLT, KDT ile kombinasyon halinde kullanıldıklarında önemli miktarda volüm azalması ile sonuçlandığından tek başına kullanıldıklarında etkili tedaviler oldukları sonucuna varılamaz
Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi'nin kuruluşu
Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2017.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Ünsal, Mehmet Süha
Streptomyces scabichelini sp. nov., isolated from soil
A novel actinomycete, designated strain HC44(T), was isolated from a soil sample collected from Hacibektas, Turkey, and characterized using a polyphasic approach. The strain had morphological characteristics and chemotaxonomic properties identical to those of members of the genus Streptomyces. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons revealed that HC44(T) clustered with members of the genus Streptomyces and the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity values were obtained with Streptomyces vastus NBRC 13094(T) (97.6%) and Streptomyces kalpinensis TRM 46509(T) (96.9%). Multi-locus sequence analysis (MLSA) based on five housekeeping genes (atpD, gyrB, recA, rpoB and trpB) showed that the MLSA evolutionary distance value was 0.043 between strain HC44(T) and S. vastus NBRC 13094(T). Whole-cell hydrolysates contained LL-diaminopimelic acid, glucose, mannose and ribose. The predominant menaquinones were MK-9(H-6) and MK-9(H-8). The major polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylinositol mannoside. The DNA G+C content of the draft genome sequence, consisting of 11.2 Mbp, was 69.8 mol%. On the basis of polyphasic taxonomic evidence, strain HC44(T) represents a novel species of the genus Streptomyces, for which the name Streptomyces scabichelini sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is HC44(T) (=DSM 106874(T)=KCTC 39872(T))
Exome-Wide Association Study of Competitive Performance in Elite Athletes
The aim of the study was to identify genetic variants associated with personal best scores in Turkish track and field athletes and to compare allelic frequencies between sprint/power and endurance athletes and controls using a whole-exome sequencing (WES) approach, followed by replication studies in independent cohorts. The discovery phase involved 60 elite Turkish athletes (31 sprint/power and 29 endurance) and 20 ethnically matched controls. The replication phase involved 1132 individuals (115 elite Russian sprinters, 373 elite Russian endurance athletes (of which 75 athletes were with VO2max measurements), 209 controls, 148 Russian and 287 Finnish individuals with muscle fiber composition and cross-sectional area (CSA) data). None of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) reached an exome-wide significance level (p 2.3 x 10(-7)) in genotype-phenotype and case-control studies of Turkish athletes. However, of the 53 nominally (p 0.05) associated SNPs, four functional variants were replicated. The SIRT1 rs41299232 G allele was significantly over-represented in Turkish (p = 0.047) and Russian (p = 0.018) endurance athletes compared to sprint/power athletes and was associated with increased VO2max (p = 0.037) and a greater proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers (p = 0.035). The NUP210 rs2280084 A allele was significantly over-represented in Turkish (p = 0.044) and Russian (p = 0.012) endurance athletes compared to sprint/power athletes. The TRPM2 rs1785440 G allele was significantly over-represented in Turkish endurance athletes compared to sprint/power athletes (p = 0.034) and was associated with increased VO2max (p = 0.008). The AGRN rs4074992 C allele was significantly over-represented in Turkish sprint/power athletes compared to endurance athletes (p = 0.037) and was associated with a greater CSA of fast-twitch muscle fibers (p = 0.024). In conclusion, we present the first WES study of athletes showing that this approach can be used to identify novel genetic markers associated with exercise- and sport-related phenotypes.Gazi University Rectorate (Scientific Research Projects Coordination's Unit) [TCD-2021-7116]This research received no external funding