52 research outputs found

    Twenty-first century skills for all:Adults and problem solving in technology rich environments

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    The current Information Society requires new skills for personal, labor and social inclusion. Among the so-called Twenty-First Century Skills (Care et al. (eds) in Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills, Springer, New York, 2018) is Problem Solving in Technology Rich Environments (PS-TRE) competence evaluated in PISA and PIAAC tests (OECD in Survey of adult skills (PIAAC). Retrieved from https://goo.gl/cpb3fQ (2016)). This skill, although currently receiving considerable attention in compulsory education, has not received the same level of thought in the case of adult education. In this article, the presence of the PS-TRE skill among adults of working age (25–65 years) in Europe is analysed in relation to the factors that potentially affect a higher score in this skill. This analysis is carried out using structural equations modelling, taking into account socio-personal and educational factors, as well as the use of different skills in work and daily life. The results indicate that educational level and the use of different skills (reading, numerical, related to ICT) at home and at work, as well as participation in non-formal education activities, decisively relate to a higher level of PS-TRE. This result is positively mediated through risk factors such as being older or being a woman. This study concludes that it is necessary to reinforce these skills, not only in children, but also in the adult population, in order to avoid social and labour exclusion

    Un análisis de las salidas de campo autogestionadas en el Grado en Turismo tras tres años de experiencia

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    Actualmente, el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) aboga por aplicar nuevas metodologías docentes que permitan un aprendizaje holístico de los estudiantes. En el presente documento se expone un estudio realizado durante tres cursos académicos que precisamente pone en práctica estas nuevas metodologías docentes que permiten que los estudiantes razonen, reflexionen y aprendan adoptando un papel protagonista durante el proceso de aprendizaje. Por ello, se ha planteado a los alumnos de la asignatura de Recursos Patrimoniales (1º de Grado en Trusimo) diseñar, organizar y llevar a cabo de forma real una ruta turística adquiriendo así muchas de las competencias con las que debe contar un guía turístico profesional, ya que es una de las salidas laborales más populares del Grado que nos ocupa. Los resultados de este análisis han sido muy positivos. Los estudiantes reconocen la utilidad de estas prácticas y nos confirman su grado de satisfacción. Nowadays, the EEES calls for the implementation of new teaching methodologies to allow a holistic approach on the part of the students. In this document we present a study conducted in a period of three academic years, putting into practice these new teaching methodologies to make the student reason, reflect and learn, adopting a major role during the learning process. Consequently, we proposed the students of “Heritage Resources” (Degree in Tourism-1st year) to design, organize and carry out an authentic tourist route so as to acquire some of the skills a professional tourist guide should have. The acquisition of these abilities constitutes an extremely valuable opportunity for future employment as the profession of tourist guide is one of the most popular within the Degree in Tourism. The results of this analysis have proved to be a success. Our students recognize its usefulness and confirm their satisfaction

    Overcoming Age Barriers. Motivation for Mature Adults’ Engagement in Education

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    Education is the main vehicle for empowering adults, and can contribute to community wellbeing. However, regarding mature adults (MAs) (over 45 years old), age has been identified in various studies as a significant barrier to accessing educational activities. This paper focuses on MAs’ motivations to learn through an exploratory survey undertaken in six European countries. A K-means cluster analysis based on 16 variables has been run on n = 846 valid cases. Four clusters describing distinctive beha- viours and attitudes of MAs towards learning activities were identified. The study confirms that MAs’ motivations to learn are very diverse, overcoming some of the so-called myths of global aging, such as the homogeneity of MAs or the correlation between age and a decline in motivation to learn. Furthermore, analysing the main motivations of MA learners can be useful for adapting education to cater to their specific needs, boosting a more inclusive education, and promoting MAs’ empowerment

    Place branding process: Analysis of population as consumers of destination image

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    In tourist marketing and branding strategies considering residents’ perceptionsis essential as promotional actions must convey an image that adequately represents the place and its inhabitants. This research considers that a destination brand cannot be successful if the residents’ perspective is not taken into account. Thanks to a quantitative study of the case of Zaragoza (Spain), a model of research is presented to analyse the residents’ brand attitude, perception of usefulness, and perceived image. The results confirm that the inhabitants’ attitude is the main variable to get a good destination image through a place branding strategy, which will depend on the brand’sperceived usefulness. Thus, the present paper verifies the importance of considering residents’ perspective in destination image managementdue to they are both the first producers and consumers of their own place image

    Ageing in southern Europe. Emerging perspectives and challenges for sociology

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    The process of transitioning to an ageing population has occurred later, but nevertheless more intensely, in Southern Europe than in other regions. Consequently, these countries have been forced to politically, socially and economically adapt to this significant challenge. Sociologists play an important role in identifying and understanding social trends and issues, as well as in contributing to the design of public policies across Europe. However, research has tended to explore issues of ageing populations in Northern Europe, in spite of the notable demographic shifts and contextual specificities of Southern Europe. In response, this study has a dual objective: first, to collect the theoretical and methodological contributions of authors from or focusing on Southern Europe, and second to explore the originality of studies that belong to Southern European sociological traditions. In order to systematise the study, the theoretical paradigm of Marshall’s classification of social science theories in the field of ageing is used. Specifically, the present study incorporates the topics of active ageing, adult education and ageing at work as the main foci of analysis. The results of this theoretical study show that the sociology of Southern Europe can contribute significantly both to the issue of ageing and to public policies for its management, in the process providing a more holistic and human-centred approach

    “No Somos una Pequeña Isla, Somos el Océano”. Convertirse en Estudiante en la Edad Madura. Un Análisis Exploratorio en Italia y España

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    The complexity underlying motivations and obstacles encountered by Mature Adults (MA; people over 45 years old) in their participation in educational activities, requires a thorough analysis to determine which factors are most salient for this social group. Under the project funded by the European Commission "IMAL: Innovations in Mature Adult Learning", a study through a questionnaire (n = 1.066) was conducted. From that sample, data for two of the participating countries, Spain (ns= 106) and Italy (ni= 460), have been drawn. The aim of the paper is to make an exploratory analysis of both samples in order to determine the most important motivational factors for MA in their educational participation, through descriptive and bivariate analysis (independent sample test), and to test how the sociodemographic variables influence these factors by an analysis through logistic regression. The results show great similarities between both samples. Lower levels of education and not being in working condition were found as risk factors for not undertaking learning activities. In both samples, the weight of “internal” motivations is very relevant. This evidence leads to interpret MA learning as a process addressed towards personal enrichment, thus claiming for a more holistic and learner centered vision in adult education.La complejidad que subyace en las motivaciones y obstáculos que encuentran los Adultos Maduros (AM; mayores de 45) en su participación en actividades educativas hace necesario un análisis en profundidad que determine qué factores son los más salientes para este grupo poblacional. En el marco del proyecto financiado por la Comisión Europea “IMAL: Innovations in Mature Adult Learning”, se llevó a cabo un estudio a través de un cuestionario (n=1.066), del cual se han extraído datos para dos de los países participantes, España (ns=106) e Italia (ni=460). El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis exploratorio de ambas muestras con el fin de determinar los factores motivacionales más importantes para los AM en su participación en la educación, mediante un análisis descriptivo y bivariante (test de muestras independientes), y probar si las variables sociodemográficas influyen en estos factores mediante regresión logística. Los resultados muestran grandes similitudes entre ambas muestras. Un bajo nivel educativo y no estar trabajando aparecen como factores de riesgo para no emprender actividades educativas. En ambas muestras el peso de las motivaciones "internas" es muy relevante. Ello lleva a interpretar el aprendizaje de los AM como un proceso dirigido hacia el enriquecimiento personal, reclamando así una visión más holística y centrada en el alumno

    Superando los mitos del envejecimiento en la inclusión educativa. Efectos de las variables sociodemográficas en las motivaciones de los adultos maduros para aprender

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    En el Año Europeo de la Educación de Personas Adultas (European Commission, 2017) la inclusión en actividades de aprendizaje de la población mayor de 45 años (Adultos Maduros, en adelante AM) todavía continúa en niveles muy inferiores que en el resto de grupos de edad. En este sentido, numerosas publicaciones aducen el factor edad como elemento homogeneizador de la población y exclusor fundamental en cuanto a la participación educativa de los AM. Sin embargo, el presente trabajo, alineado con teorías alternativas que superan los llamados Myths of Global Aging (Merrian y Kee, 2014) [mitos del envejecimiento global], pretende analizarse a este grupo poblacional como una realidad más allá de criterios homogeneizadores, atendiendo a la diversidad de su participación en el Lifelong Learning, atendiendo específicamente a sus motivaciones y obstáculos, y cómo sus distintas características sociodemográficas pueden predecir la presencia de cualquiera de esos factores. Para la realización de este análisis se emplea un estudio descriptivo y una regresión logística binaria a partir de una muestra de 1066 cuestionarios distribuidos en Grecia, España, Italia, Dinamarca, Polonia y Turquía entre este grupo social. Los resultados demuestran que los AM no deben ser considerados como un grupo homogéneo simplemente caracterizado por la variable “edad”, como tradicionalmente parte de la literatura científica ha venido realizando, dada la gran variedad de factores motivacionales que les influyen a la hora de participar en actividades educativas, y su relación con elementos más allá del factor edad. El artículo concluye que la superación del edismo en el ámbito educativo es esencial para lograr una mayor inclusión de todos los grupos sociales. In the European Year of Adult Education (European Commission, 2017) the inclusion in learning activities of the population over 45 (Mature Adults, hereinafter AM) is still at much lower levels than in the other groups of age. In this sense, many publications adduce the age factor as homogenizing element of the population and fundamental exclusion in the educational participation of MAs. However, the present work, aligned with alternative theories that surpass the so-called Myths of Global Aging (Merrian y Kee, 2014), aims to analyze this population group as a reality beyond homogenizing criteria, according to the diversity of their participation in Lifelong Learning, paying particular attention to their motivations and obstacles, and how their different sociodemographic characteristics can predict the presence of any of these factors. To carry out this analysis, a descriptive study and binary logistic regression are used from a sample of 1066 questionnaires distributed in Greece, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Poland and Turkey among this social group. The results show that MAs should not be considered as a homogeneous group simply characterized by the variable "age", as traditionally part of the scientific literature has been doing, given the great variety of motivational factors that influence them when participating in Educational activities, and their relationship with elements beyond the age factor. The article concludes that overcoming ageism in the educational field is essential to achieve a greater inclusion of all social groups

    Immigrant students with limited or interrupted formal education: the influence of high expectations and adult role models on educational inclusion

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    This exploratory study examines non-refugee immigrant students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) from Latin America pursuing their secondary education. The education system and the language (English) used differ from the system and language (Spanish) used in their home countries, leading to the educational exclusion of this group. Therefore, we focus on analysing the positive role of high expectations and adult role models concerning the educational inclusion of SLIFE in the host country. To this end, we conducted an empirical research using the communicative approach, interviewing 36 Latin American SLIFE between 15 and 20 years and 14 of their families

    Relevancia de la socialización en las percepciones ante el deporte en función del género

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    Actualmente se está consiguiendo un progreso del rol de la mujer en la sociedad favoreciéndose la igualdad de género, pero uno de los ambientes donde la mujer ha tenido una menor visibilidad a nivel histórico es el deporte. Por el presente trabajo se busca analizar qué causas -estereotipos, apoyo familiar, escuela, motivos culturales…- afectan a las diferencias de género en la socialización en el deporte y qué influencia tienen los diferentes agentes en dicho proceso. A través de más de 400 encuestas a entrenadores y árbitros, se busca obtener información también acerca de si el comportamiento y actitudes de los padres, así como la importancia que dan a los resultados, son iguales en competiciones masculinas que en las femeninas. Un agente fundamental en la socialización en el deporte es la escuela ya que es donde se desarrollan la mayoría de las actividades deportivas. En el ámbito de la Educación Física existen dificultades para llevar una coeducación sin discriminar, por ello también se han realizado una serie de propuestas a diferentes niveles para aumentar la participación femenina en los centros educativos y la implicación de los padres y madres con el deporte de sus hijas. <br /