8 research outputs found

    Merging Wildlife and Environmental Monitoring Approaches with Forensic Principles: Application of Unconventional and Non-Invasive Sampling in Eco-Pharmacovigilance

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    Pharmaceutical residues in the environment have the potential to harm wildlife. A population’s fragility or an animal’s secretive nature may preclude capture and the use of invasive/destructive sampling techniques that are typically used in a risk assessment. Conventionally favoured matrices gathered opportunistically from carcasses have a finite lifespan, thereby limiting the detection window. This multidisciplinary paper aims to promote the use of non-invasive approaches and optimize use of even the most degraded carcasses. We highlight a selection of promising alternative, unconventional and underutilized sample types that could be applied in environmental monitoring efforts and wildlife forensic investigations. With a focus on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), now under increasing scrutiny in the freshwater and terrestrial environment, we first illustrate current sampling practices and gaps in knowledge by summarizing exposure of: 1) aquatic organisms to urban effluent discharged into waterways, and, 2) scavenging species to veterinary residues in livestock and other carrion. We then consider the merits and limitations of a range of alternative environmentally robust sample options that offer a broader detection interval for NSAIDs, with emphasis on hair, wool and feathers. The viability of eyes/ocular material, bone matter, fecal matter, injection sites, ingesta/pellets and scavenging/coprophagous insects are also discussed

    Mediterranean diet and quality of life: Baseline cross-sectional analysis of the PREDIMED-PLUS trial

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    We assessed if a 17-item score capturing adherence to a traditional Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) was associated with better health-related quality of life among older Spanish men and women with overweight or obesity harboring the metabolic syndrome. We analyzed baseline data from 6430 men and women (age 55–70 years) participating in the PREDIMED-Plus study. PREDIMED-Plus is a multi-centre randomized trial testing an energy-restricted MedDiet combined with promotion of physical activity and behavioral therapy for primary cardiovascular prevention compared to a MedDiet alone. Participants answered a 36-item questionnaire about health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and a 17-item questionnaire that assessed adherence to an MedDiet. We used ANCOVA and multivariable-adjusted linear regression models to compare baseline adjusted means of the quality of life scales according to categories of adherence to the MedDiet. Higher adherence to the MedDiet was independently associated with significantly better scores in the eight dimensions of HRQoL. Adjusted differences of > = 3 points between the highest and the lowest dietary adherence groups to the MedDiet were observed for vitality, emotional role, and mental health and of > = 2 points for the other dimensions. In conclusion, this study shows a positive association between adherence to a MedDiet and several dimensions of quality of life

    Alteraciones y efectos del sueño durante el embarazo

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    Introduction. Pregnancy is a physiologic stage of the women that modifies sleep patterns. Sleep deprivation  is associated with pathologies namely hypertensive disorders, coronary artery disease, diabetes and  depression. Amongst pregnant women sleep disorders are more frequent being its prevalence higher during the third trimester of gestation. Furthermore, sleep deprivation worsens previous conditions such as low  degree of physical activity, productivity and increases stress-related symptoms. Sleep disorders could be  associated with comorbidities in the newborn as well as pregnancy/perinatal adverse outcomes. Objectives. To determine which sleep disorders are associated with pregnancy, their causes and the potential effects that sleep deprivation could exert on pregnancy outcomes and the newborn. Methodology. We conducted a systematic review following the PRISMA statement. Observational, interventional and systematic reviews/meta-analyses were included and a critical analysis of the results was  performed. Results and discussion. 19 papers about sleep disorders and pregnancy/perinatal outcomes were finally included. Mains causes of sleep disorders during pregnancy consisted of hormonal changes and weight gain  which are more prevalent as gestation progresses. Maternal outcomes associated to sleep disorders comprised respiratory, cardiovascular and inflammatory disorders along with pregnancy adverse outcomes namely caesarean section. Main perinatal adverse outcomes were preterm delivery and small for gestational  age. Conclusion. We observed an association between sleep disorders during gestation, pregnancy and perinatal  adverse outcomes. However, studies conducted to date are heterogeneous and they tend to use subjective  tools to assess sleep patterns being results occasionally inconclusive or contradictory.  Introducción. El embarazo es un proceso fisiológico que produce alteraciones en los patrones del sueño. A  nivel fisiológico la falta de sueño se relaciona con problemas de salud tales como hipertensión, enfermedad  coronaria, diabetes y depresión. En el embarazo, las alteraciones del sueño son más frecuentes siendo su  prevalencia mayor durante el tercer trimestre. La deprivación del mismo durante el embarazo empeora  significantemente las condiciones preexistentes de la mujer disminuyendo la actividad física diaria, la  productividad y aumentando los síntomas relacionados con el estrés. Las alteraciones del sueño en el  embarazo se pueden relacionar con comorbilidad en el recién nacido y resultados adversos materno-fetales. Objetivos. Determinar qué alteraciones del sueño ocurren durante el embarazo, cuáles son sus causas y qué posibles consecuencias podría tener el déficit de sueño durante la gestación a nivel materno-fetal y neonatal. Metodología. Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática siguiendo los principios de la declaración PRISMA. Se  recogieron tanto estudios observacionales como de intervención así como revisiones sistemáticas y meta- análisis y se llevó a cabo un análisis crítico de los resultados. Resultados y discusión. Se incluyeron finalmente un total de 19 artículos que trataban sobre los efectos de  las alteraciones del sueño en los resultados materno-fetales y neonatales y sus causas. Las principales causas de las alteraciones del sueño son los cambios hormonales y fisiológicos propios del embarazo como es el  aumento de peso que se hacen más prevalentes conforme progresa la gestación. Las consecuencias  maternas engloban principalmente trastornos respiratorios, alteraciones cardiovasculares e inflamatorias y  resultados adversos del embarazo como es la cesárea. Los resultados adversos en el recién nacido más  estudiados son partos prematuros y recién nacidos con bajo peso para la edad gestacional. Conclusión. Con este trabajo se observa que existe una relación entre los trastornos del sueño durante el  embarazo y los problemas materno –fetales. Sin embargo, los estudios llevados a cabo hasta la fecha son  heterogéneos, emplean herramientas subjetivas y sus conclusiones resultan en ocasiones contradictorias.

    The rate and spectrum of mosaic mutations during embryogenesis revealed by RNA sequencing of 49 tissues

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    Background: Mosaic mutations acquired during early embryogenesis can lead to severe early-onset genetic disorders and cancer predisposition, but are often undetectable in blood samples. The rate and mutational spectrum of embryonic mosaic mutations (EMMs) have only been studied in few tissues, and their contribution to genetic disorders is unknown. Therefore, we investigated how frequent mosaic mutations occur during embryogenesis across all germ layers and tissues. Methods: Mosaic mutation detection in 49 normal tissues from 570 individuals (Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) cohort) was performed using a newly developed multi-tissue, multi-individual variant calling approach for RNA-seq data. Our method allows for reliable identification of EMMs and the developmental stage during which they appeared. Results: The analysis of EMMs in 570 individuals revealed that newborns on average harbor 0.5-1 EMMs in the exome affecting multiple organs (1.3230 × 10-8 per nucleotide per individual), a similar frequency as reported for germline de novo mutations. Our multi-tissue, multi-individual study design allowed us to distinguish mosaic mutations acquired during different stages of embryogenesis and adult life, as well as to provide insights into the rate and spectrum of mosaic mutations. We observed that EMMs are dominated by a mutational signature associated with spontaneous deamination of methylated cytosines and the number of cell divisions. After birth, cells continue to accumulate somatic mutations, which can lead to the development of cancer. Investigation of the mutational spectrum of the gastrointestinal tract revealed a mutational pattern associated with the food-borne carcinogen aflatoxin, a signature that has so far only been reported in liver cancer. Conclusions: In summary, our multi-tissue, multi-individual study reveals a surprisingly high number of embryonic mosaic mutations in coding regions, implying novel hypotheses and diagnostic procedures for investigating genetic causes of disease and cancer predisposition.This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 635290 (PanCanRisk). We acknowledge support by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tübingen, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2013-2017,” SEV-2012-0208, and the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. LZ is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellowship scheme (846614)

    Pezuela de las Torres. Propuestas bioclimáticas en el espacio público

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    Publicación de los trabajos elaborados por los estudiantes del curso 2019/20 de la asignatura 1602 - La Ciudad y el Medio de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Muestra una serie de propuestas elaboradas en la asignatura para mejorar bioclimáticamente diferentes espacios públicos municipales en el marco del acuerdo de colaboración académica realizado entre el Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio y el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Pezuela de Las Torres (Madrid)

    La experiencia del imperio. Méritos y saber de los oficiales imperiales españoles

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