13 research outputs found


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    Durante el confinamiento decretado en el período de alarma sanitaria provocada por la COVID-19, en España se suspendieron todas las actividades educativas de carácter presencial forzando la utilización de vías de trabajo telemático. El objetivo de este estudio consistió en examinar la determinación y la autoeficacia creativa en estudiantes que tuvieron que afrontar los retos académicos de sus itinerarios educativos en dicho contexto. En el estudio participaron 1380 alumnos y alumnas pertenecientes a 18 centros educativos de bachillerato (n = 853), formación profesional (n = 243) y universidad (n = 284). El rango de edad osciló entre los 15 y los 51 años (M de edad = 18.34, DT = 4.37). El 58.70% eran mujeres y el 41.30% hombres. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que las y los estudiantes de formación profesional y de universidad mostraron un incremento de la consistencia de interés. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias en el alumnado de bachillerato. En contra de lo esperado, no se hallaron diferencias en la perseverancia del esfuerzo y en la autoeficacia creativa en ninguno de los niveles educativos, aunque sí se encontraron diferencias de género en las variables objeto de estudio. Se concluye que los y las estudiantes, como mecanismo adaptativo, principalmente desarrollaron el factor metacognitivo de consistencia de interés para hacer frente a un reto académico que les exigió altas dosis de autorregulación, motivación y trabajo autónomo durante un período prolongado de tiempo. Estos resultados apoyan los hallazgos de otros estudios en los que se ha observado que, en situaciones de adversidad, la determinación es útil para afrontar desafíos y mantener el nivel de esfuerzo suficiente para lograr los objetivos planteados

    Tratamiento de espectros FTIR con el programa PALME: una nueva herramienta para diagnosticar el estado de conservación de hierros arqueológicos

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    International audienceEl proceso que va del descubrimiento de una pieza arqueológica a su musealización pasa necesariamente por una fase de restauración. En el caso de piezas de naturaleza metálica la restauración puede comportar la eliminación mecánica de las costras de degradación más externas. Los fragmentos eliminados contienen una gran cantidad de información que, si es extrapolada, puede ayudar a los restauradores a elegir los tratamientos más adecuados de conservación. Por esta razón, con el presente trabajo se pretende desarrollar un nuevo método que permita semicuantificar de manera rápida y fiable las fases de corrosión contenidas en los residuos de limpieza de hierros arqueológicos. Para realizar el trabajo ha sido utilizado el software PALME para el tratamiento de los resultados obtenidos mediante espectroscopia infrarroja (FTIR) sobre mezclas de corrosiones puras a concentración conocida. Gracias a los resultados obtenidos se puede afirmar que el método desarrollado, una vez optimizado, representará una herramienta útil para la rápida semicuantificación de las corrosiones que normalmente afectan los hierros arqueológicos

    Ikasleen talentua sustatzeko gida: Batxilergorako, Lanbide Heziketarako eta unibertsitaterako hainbat aukera

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    Ikasleen talentuaren garapena hezkuntza erakundeen erronka nagusietako bat da. Ildo horretatik, ikerketek adierazten dute testuinguru aberatsa eskaintzea gakoa dela ikasleen talentuarekin lotutako gaitasunak garatzeko. Gida honek ikuspegi hori hartzen du oinarritzat, eta hezkuntza testuinguruak ikasleen talentua sustatzeko aproposagoak izateko bideak proposatu nahi ditu. Helburu horrekin, bi ataleko gida bat proposatzen da. Batetik, talentuaren definizioa jaso, eta talentua osatzen duten dimentsioak zehazten dira. Azpimarratzekoa da talentuaren kontzeptualizazio lan hori askotariko sektoreetako ordezkarien arteko eztabaidaren ondorio dela. Bestetik, talentuaren dimentsio horiek hezkuntza testuinguruetan sustatzeko bideak iradokitzen dira. Horretarako, aintzat hartu dira ikertzaileen ekarpenak eta talentuaren sustapenaren esparruko nazioarteko praktika esanguratsuak

    Orthographic and competence errors in the Basque Web

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    En este trabajo se estima la calidad de los corpus en euskera obtenidos de la Web siguiendo una metodología similar a la propuesta por Ringlstetter et al. (2006) para el inglés y el alemán. Sin embargo nuestro trabajo difiere del mencionado en que al tratar un idioma de gran riqueza morfológica hemos optado por reutilizar verificadores ortográficos para reconocer los errores. Esto trae consigo, en nuestra opinión, una cobertura mayor de los errores que se estudian, además de la reutilización de recursos previamente desarrollados, lo que hace el método interesante para aplicarlo, sin prácticamente trabajo manual, a lenguas que tienen disponibles estos recursos. Los resultados van a ser de gran interés para detectar los distintos tipos de textos obtenidos de la Web en euskera según su corrección, y filtrar aquellos que pueden generar problemas o no tienen una calidad mínima.The objective of the work presented in this paper is to estimate the quality of corpora retrieved from the Basque Web. The methodology followed is similar to that used for English and Germany by Ringlstetter et al. (2006). The main difference lies in the fact that we reuse spelling checkers for detecting errors. We think that by this way we obtain a higher error coverage and that the method can be applied to other languages with practically no manual work provided such tools are available for them. The results obtained can be useful for improving the quality of corpora obtained from the web, eliminating documents containing errors over a given threshold.Proyecto parcialmente subvencionado por los proyectos OpenMT2 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, TIN2009-14675-C03-01) y Berbatek (Eusko Jaurlaritza, IE09-262)

    Corrosion of several components of the "in-situ" test performed in a deep geological granite disposal site

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    The corrosion damage experienced by different components in a deep geological disposal in a granite formation has been analysed. This "in-situ" test is part of the Full-scale Engineered Barriers EXperiment project (FEBEX) carried out in Grimsel (Switzerland). Two heaters, simulating the canister and the heat generated, were installed horizontally inside the guide tubes or liners and surrounded by highly compacted bentonite blocks. Coupons of several candidate metals for manufacturing HLW containers were introduced in these bentonite blocks, as well as sensors in order to monitor different physicochemical parameters during the test. The "in- situ" test began in July 1996 and in June 2002 one of the heaters, a section of the liner, several corrosion coupons and four sensors were extracted. The studied heater is a carbon steel cylinder with welded lids, with a wall thickness of 100 mm and 4.54 m long. The liner consists of a perforated carbon steel tube, 970 mm in diameter and 15 mm thick. Corrosion coupons were made of carbon steel, stainless steel, titanium, copper and cupro-nickel alloys. Two extensometer type sensors with an outer protection tube made of austenitic stainless steel were also analysed. Visual inspection of the above mentioned components, optical and scanning electron microscope study, together with EDS and XRD analyses of corrosion products, have been performed in order to analyse the corrosion suffered by these components. This has been complemented with the chemical and microbiological characterisation of bentonite samples. Results obtained in the study indicate a slight generalised corrosion for the heater, liner and corrosion coupons. The low humidity content of the bentonite surrounding the liner and the corrosion coupons, is the responsible of this practical absence of corrosion. The sensors studied show, however, an important corrosion damage. The sulphur rich corrosion products, the presence of Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) in the bentonite covering the sensors, as well as the morphology of the damage, indicate a corrosion phenomena induced by bacteria. This factor, together with the high humidity of the bentonite blocks housing the sensors, are responsible for the significant corrosion damage observed in these components.Peer reviewe

    Corrosion behaviour of container candidate materials for HLW disposal in granite-bentonite media

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    An extensive laboratory program is being carried out in order to evaluate the corrosion behavior of candidate container materials for the deep geological disposal of High Level Waste (HLW)(1-5). According to the Spanish multi-barrier concept for granite site, in which canisters are surrounded by compacted bentonite blocks, the corrosion behavior of various proposed container materials in saturated bentonite with granite water has been assessed. The studied materials have been S355 carbon steel, AISI 316L stainless steel, electrolytic copper and Cu30Ni alloy. Specimens from these alloys have been placed in saturated bentonite and tested at different temperatures and times. General corrosion rates and penetration data based on metallographic examinations have been obtained together with the analysis of the corrosion products generated during the test. S355 carbon steel shows the higher general corrosion attack, with average corrosion rates of 10 μm per year when tested at 100 °C. The main corrosion product for carbon steel has been siderite, FeCO3. At 25 and 50 °C, corrosion products with a high sulfur content are observed, thus indicating a microbiologically corrosion phenomena due to bacteria present in the bentonite. No corrosion attack has been observed in AISI 316L stainless steel samples. Good corrosion resistance have been shown by cooper and Cu30Ni, with general corrosion rates below 1 μm/year after being tested at 100 °C for 18 months.Peer reviewe

    Testing of materials for natural gas/hydrogen grid

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    The current natural gas grid could be used for hydrogen transport in a future Hydrogen Society. Before that scenario, it is planned to be used to transport natural gas/hydrogen mixtures. As hydrogen is a gas with high diffussivity special attention has to be paid on the study of materials used in natural gas grid. Two groups of tubes have been disposed to perform material testing with natural gas/hydrogen mixtures. At the moment several trials are being performed with three different materials used in natural gas transport: carbon steel, used for high pressure natural gas grid, polyethylene, for medium pressure grid and Copper, used at the consumer point. Both new and used pipe are being used in the trials. Besides tubes themselves, several components used in natural gas grids are also being tested: valves, pressure regulators, filters, flow meters, etc. The aim of this project is to measure possible hydrogen losses from a natural gas/hydrogen mixture in a pipeline and pressure of the gas in the pipe is recorded along the time. Trials are being performed at open atmosphere (outside a building) and temperature is also recorded in order to take into account its effect on pressure. Another objective of the project is to study the behaviour of materials in contact with gas in order to check potential sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement. Several gas natural/hydrogen mixtures will be tested. First of all, pipelines are being filled only with pure hydrogen in order to perform the test at the hardest conditions. Mixtures with 30% hydrogen and also up to 50% hydrogen will also be tested. Materials will also be tested under stress (flexure stress) and under natural gas/hydrogen atmosphere. Samples will be visually inspected (possible cracks) and also metallographic techniques will be used. Mechanical testing (Charpy test, tensile strength test) will be performed before and after exposing materials to natural gas/hydrogen mixtures.Peer reviewe

    Selection of metallic materials for deep geological disposal of HLW

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    Deep geological disposal is the internationally accepted technique for definitive isolation of nuclear spent fuel and other HLW from the biosphere. This technique is based on the multibarrier concept, some natural, others man-made. The geosphere is the main natural barrier, and among the man-made ones the metallic container is the most important. The container has to provide the required mechanical resistance for transportation and confinement capacity during the required service time. The most foreseen container failure mechanism is due to corrosion phenomena; so the material in which the container is going to be constructed and its behavior against corrosion is of prime importance in order to ensure the required lifetime for the radioactive decay of the waste.Peer reviewe

    La arqueología hoy

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    Se recogen, en la primera parte de la ponencia, algunas de las transformaciones que ha conocido la arqueología en los últimos decenios: la ampliación de los límites cronológicos hasta umbrales contemporáneos, la caída del enfoque tradicional que concebía la arqueología como una disciplina ocupada básicamente en trabajar bajo cota 0 y la ampliación de escala del objeto de estudio desde la cultura material mueble y el yacimiento hacia el territorio. En una segunda parte se hace un esfuerzo por redefinir el perfil de la arqueología en la actualidad llevando a cabo una reflexión fundamentalmente ontológica y axiológica, sin renunciar sin embargo a algunas consideraciones de carácter epistemológico. Para terminar, se presenta la “cadena de valor” como herramienta metodológica que sirve mejor que ninguna otra al tratamiento del Patrimonio desde una perspectiva integral e interdisciplinaria.The first part of the paper refers to a number of changes that have affected archaeology over recent decades: the extension of chronological limits to contemporary thresholds, the fall of the traditional approach that conceived archaeology as a discipline basically dedicated to working below ground and the extension of the scope of study from material items and the archaeological site to the territory. In the second part, an attempt is made to redefine the profile of archaeology today based on a fundamentally ontological and axiologic reflection, without overlooking, however, certain considerations of an espistemologic nature. To finish, the “value chain” is presented as the best possible methodological tool to treat Heritage from an overall and interdisciplinary perspective

    Figure S1 from Study of corrosion in archaeological gilded irons by Raman imaging and coupled scanning electron microscope-Raman system

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    Figure S1: Middle Age gilded spur proceeding from the Ereño necropolis before (a) and after (b) restoration. The conservation treatments applied by restorers include desalination, consolidation and removal of the outer corrosion layers