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    The purpose of the work is to investigate the embodiment of aesthetic education of students with disabilities in higher educational institutions in Poznan. The research methodology is based on the comparative, resource and humanistic methods. Ideas and concepts of aesthetic education were considered as an important means of personality formation and integration of people with special needs into society. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the study of peculiarities of the use of art on the example of two universities in Poznan, the participation of students with disabilities in cultural projects organized by special centers – Office for people with disabilities. Conclusions. The aesthetic education of students with disabilities is revealed as a purposeful and planned process with the aim of forming aesthetic concepts, tastes and ideals, attitudes towards profession, nature, art, society, everyday life, communication, relationships etc.Мета роботи– дослідити, як відбувається естетичне виховання студентів з інвалідністю у вищих закладах освіти м. Познань. Методологія дослідження полягає в застосуванні компаративного, ресурсного та гуманістичного методів. Ідеї та концепції естетичного виховання як важливого засобу формування особистості та інтеграцію людей з особливими потребами в соціум. Наукова новизна роботи полягає в особливості використання мистецтва на прикладі двох університетів у Познані, участь студентів з обмеженими можливостями в культурних проектах, організованих через спеціальні центри – бюро до справ людей з інвалідністю. Висновки. Розкривається естетичне виховання студентів з інвалідністю як цілеспрямований і планомірний процес з метою формування естетичних понять, смаків та ідеалів, ставлення до професії, природи, мистецтва, суспільства, побуту, спілкування, взаємовідносин


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    The areas of Zdzisław Jachimecki’s musicological work in the context of scientific issues of European musicology have been highlighted in this article. Besides the scientific and journalistic activities of Zdzisław Jachimecki, who was the head of the musicology department of the Jagiellonian University at once, also has been analyzed in this paragraph. The influence of Zdzisław Jachimecki’s scientific and journalistic activities on the establishment and development of the Polish school of musicology has been presented as well. Zdzisław Jachimecki – was the founder of the Krakow's school of musicology which was the first such school in whole Poland and one of the first Polish musicologists with an academic title as well. Besides there is not much detailed information about scientific and pedagogical activities of Zdzisław Jachimecki in printed sources. The issue of scientific activity of professor of musicology of the Jagiellonian University Zdzisław Jachimecki has been researched partially in recent studies of W. Poźniak "Zdzisław Jachimecki as a music and theater critic" [8], J. Parzyński "Promotional activity of Zdzisław Jachimecki",U. Hrab "Lviv's school of musicology of Adolf Chybiński" (1912- 1941)" [1], K. Duszyk "Composers' works of Zdzisław Jachimecki", L. Kyyanovska "Milestones of the Polish-Ukrainian musical relationships in Lviv in the XIX – first half of the XX century", Małgorzata Woźna-Stankiewicz "Zdzisław Jachimecki (1882 – 1953) : the founder of the musicology in the Jagiellonian University: catalog of the exhibition". Unfortunately, the coverage of this issue in the Ukrainian and foreign musicology is not enough and requires a more deeper understanding. Purpose of the article: to highlight the scientific and journalistic activities of Zdzisław Jachimecki in the context of cultural and educational traditions of the first half of the twentieth century. Zdzisław Jachimecki was a famous Polish musicologist, professor, doctor of musicology, music and theater critic, teacher and composer. Professor Zdzisław Jachimecki conducted his musicological studies at the University of Krakow since 1911 and till the end of his life. The institution directed by him, extended over a long period of time until it became a department of musicology. Educational work did not interfere to professor Zdzisław Jachimecki to wrote numerous and valuable scientific musicological works as well as a works of popular-scientific nature upon the same themes. All these works are known to musicologists of many European countries, besides they had been widely publicized and won the resonance not only in Poland but also abroad at once. Zdzisław Jachimecki was the author of over 100 publications, including such monograph as "The History of Polish Music", monograph about Richard Wagner, monograph about F. Chopin, monograph about S. Moniuszko [8]. Zdzisław Jachimecki combines the figure of the scientist-musicologist with the figure of promoter of music in all these works which have been mentioned above. He acquainted the readers with the life and works of different composers, gathered crowds of listeners and fans of music and served to music in such way. These books were not only welcomed by specialists-musicologists, but, above all, by music amateurs as well. Just because Zdzisław Jachimecki had customized the style of his literary expression for music amateurs, had used terms not only from musicological language, but also from the general humanistic language. That's why they are available for a wide range of people. Zdzisław Jachimecki had published also a series of smaller works, along with the large-scale research works mentioned above, which are also important for the Polish musicology. There are many bold concepts in the scientific contribution of professor Zdzisław Jachimecki, which had collected and meticulously decorated by him in his books, pamphlets and hundreds of articles. The content and the size of the scientific publications of Zdzisław Jachimecki shows us an unusual diligence of this author. The range of interests of professor Zdzisław Jachimecki had been reflected in all his writings. The phenomenon's associated with the musical and theatrical life, descriptions and impressions of travel and even articles upon a social-cultural issues were the main objects of his scientific works. Zdzisław Jachimecki had studied theater events from musicological point of view for many years. However, he became a prominent expert in the topic the theatrical scene with the passage of time. He was invited to take the post of theater speaker at "Illustrated Daily Courier" in 1938. The very first reviews by Zdzisław Jachimecki had proved his proficiency, they were the studies of the highest level, which combined his great erudition, insightful look of creative scientist with the temperament of the unusual writer and easiness of shape as well. Activity of Zdzisław Jachimecki as a critic and essayist is inseparable from promotion of music, and this explains the language which scholar had used: affordable, imaginative, devoid of scientific language. Unquestionable professionalism of journalistic heritage by Zdzisław Jachimecki evident not in unsung by him inaccessible terminology, but rather in meaningful of his judgments which was formulated by him. He preferred to genre of review, elements of report items were also available in that his texts. That is why the collection of his critical essays in periodicals – is infinitely valuable overview of musical events of that time. Form of journalistic style and the level of Deeping of the theme were caused in the works of Zdzisław Jachimecki by a carrier of information, and by "genre loading" of refereed event. Therefore, it is very important to focus on the objective of professor Zdzisław Jachimecki to combine a thorough job of the scientist with interest of the masses, to raise Polish national musical science at the European level at all educational levels, enhance the prestige of musicological sciences as required, basically for a professional musician, as well.В статье освещены основные направления музыковедческого труда Здислава Яхимецького в контексте научной проблематики европейской музыкологии. Проанализирована его научно-публицистическая деятельность как заведующего кафедрой музыкологии Ягеллонского университета. Освещена амплитуда научной проблемати- ки публицистических интересов.У статті висвітлено основні напрями музикознавчої діяльності Здіслава Яхімецького в кон- тексті наукової проблематики європейської музикології. Проаналізовано його науково-публіцистичну діяльність як завідувача кафедри музикології Ягелонського університету. Висвітлено амплітуду наукової проблематики публіцистичних зацікавлень


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    This work deals with the system research of the activities of the departments of musicology of the Jagiellonian and Lviv Universities in the context of the Jagiellonian tradition of Poland and Ukraine in the original refraction of principles of the European musical academic education since the time of their foundation in years 1911-1912 and till the beginning of the XXI century. Besides the educational orientation of the Jagiellonian tradition have been revealed. This tradition inextricably linked with the national-confessional polysyllabity within the teacher's and student's community. It has been established that the Neojagiellonian-Panslavic worldview of the XIX – first half of the XX century was historically significant corrective component of the existence of Krakow and Lviv Universities. "Equation on the European East" of the most prominent representatives of Polish culture and art in the twentieth century was a testimony of the influence of that worldview.Este trabalho trata da pesquisa do sistema das atividades dos departamentos de musicologia das Universidades Jagiellonian e Lviv no contexto da tradição Jagiellonian da Polônia e Ucrânia na refração original dos princípios da educação acadêmica musical europeia desde a época de sua fundação nos anos 1911-1912 e até o início do século XXI. Além disso, a orientação educacional da tradição jagielloniana foi revelada. Esta tradição está inextricavelmente ligada à polissilabidade nacional-confessional dentro da comunidade de professores e alunos. Foi estabelecido que a visão de mundo Neojagiellonian-Panslavic do século XIX – primeira metade do século XX foi um componente corretivo historicamente significativo da existência das universidades de Cracóvia e Lviv. A "Equação sobre o Leste Europeu" dos representantes mais proeminentes da cultura e arte polonesa no século XX foi um testemunho da influência dessa visão de mundo


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    Research on the origins and functioning of the Wroclaw School of Musicology in the first half of the 20th century. is relevant, since the development of new approaches in modern Ukraine requires the broadest historical generalizations, while the general indicator of the genesis and results of the development of the relevant links of educational institutions indicated in the special literature is not sufficiently covered in the scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign musicologists until our time. This is connected not only with the discovery and analysis of new documentary materials and facts, but also with the unfortunate lack of regular cooperation between the musicology centers of Wroclaw and Lviv at the scientific and educational and methodological levels in the modern period. University musicology of the Wrocław school in the forms of musicological embodiments of the concept of a higher school has become an important factor in the educational completeness of professional musical training, taking into account the organic interaction of the higher level of music schooling with primary and secondary levels, which is broken in the modern Western European music-educational system.Pesquisa sobre as origens e o funcionamento da Escola de Musicologia de Wroclaw na primeira metade do século XX. é relevante, uma vez que o desenvolvimento de novas abordagens na Ucrânia moderna requer as mais amplas generalizações históricas, enquanto o indicador geral da gênese e dos resultados do desenvolvimento dos vínculos relevantes das instituições de ensino indicados na literatura especial não é suficientemente abordado nos trabalhos científicos de musicólogos ucranianos e estrangeiros até aos nossos dias. Isto está relacionado não só com a descoberta e análise de novos materiais e factos documentais, mas também com a infeliz falta de cooperação regular entre os centros de musicologia de Wroclaw e Lviv a nível científico, educativo e metodológico no período moderno. A musicologia universitária da escola de Wrocław, nas formas de concretizações musicológicas do conceito de escola superior, tornou-se um factor importante na integralidade educativa da formação musical profissional, tendo em conta a interacção orgânica do nível superior de escolaridade musical com o ensino primário e secundário. níveis, que está quebrado no moderno sistema educacional musical da Europa Ocidental

    Olena Berehova, ‘Dialoh kul’tur: obraz inshoho v muzychnomu universumi’ [Dialogue of Cultures: The Image of the Other in the Musical Universe], Kyiv: Institute of Cultural Research, National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, 2020, pp. 304. ISBN 978-966-2241-60-0

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    Olena Berehova’s monograph Dialoh kul’tur: obraz inshoho v muzychnomu universumi [Dialogue of Cultures: The Image of the Other in the Musical Universe] was written within the theme of basic research of the Institute of Cultural Studies of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine 'Dialogue of Cultures in Postmodernity: Dynamics of Self-Organization and Globalization Challenges'. In the book, for the first time in Ukrainian culturology, an attempt is made to scientifically comprehend the dialogue of cultures through the prism of an imagological approach. The analytical material of the monograph was the latest Ukrainian composers’ creativity, as well as the best examples of contemporary world music, which are panoramic in the main musical genres (opera, ballet, symphony, vocal and choral, chamber music) and create a broad intertextual and dialogical context. In the monograph on the example of specific art cases it is proved that the imagological approach makes possible the study of artistic images objectified in works of art, revealing the specifics of figurative perception of 'Other' by different cultures, revealing the ideas of cultural dialogue about each other.Monografia Oleny Berehowej Dialoh kul’tur: obraz inshoho v muzychnomu universumi [Dialog kultur: obraz Innego w muzycznym wszechświecie] została napisana w ramach tematu badań podstawowych Instytutu Kulturoznawstwa Narodowej Akademii Sztuki Ukrainy „Dialog kultur w ponowoczesności: dynamika wyzwań samoorganizacji i globalizacji”. W książce, po raz pierwszy w kulturoznawstwie ukraińskim, podjęto próbę naukowego ujęcia dialogu kultur przez pryzmat podejścia imagologicznego. Materiałem analitycznym monografii była najnowsza twórczość kompozytorów ukraińskich, a także najlepsze przykłady zagranicznej muzyki współczesnej, które dają panoramę głównych gatunków  muzycznych (opera, balet, symfonia, śpiew i chór, muzyka kameralna) i tworzą szeroki kontekst intertekstualny. W monografii, na przykładzie konkretnych przypadków dzieł, wykazano, że podejście imagologiczne umożliwia badanie obrazów artystycznych zobiektywizowanych w dziełach sztuki, ujawniając specyfikę figuratywnego postrzegania „Innych” przez różne kultury, ujawniając idee dialogu kulturowego

    И. Г. Верхратский (1846-1919): у истоков украинского естествознания

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    Among the scientists of European greatness, who at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries showed interest to the folklore of Galicia (Halychyna) and Galician Ukrainians, contributed to their national and cultural revival, one of the leading places is occupied by the outstanding Ukrainian scientist Ivan Verkhratskyi (in some other sources – Verkhratsky). He was both naturalist and philologist, as well as folklorist and ethnographer, organizer of scientific work, publisher and popularizer of Ukrainian literature, translator, publicist and famous public figure. I. H. Verkhratskyi was also an outstanding researcher of plants and animals of Eastern Galicia, a connoisseur of insects, especially butterflies, the author of the first school textbooks on natural science written in Ukrainian. The scientist also wrote poetry and translated from foreign languages. The article covers the life and scientific and pedagogical activities of I. H. Verkhratskyi – one of the founders of Ukrainian natural science, who made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian natural terminology and nomenclature, the author of the first textbooks on botany, zoology, mineralogy. The authors believe that I. H. Verkhratskyi can be considered one of the founders of Ukrainian scientific terminology in Natural Science, and today his works in this area remain relevant. These works are also valuable from the historical and cognitive points of view as one of the sources for studying the process of formation of the Ukrainian literary language and scientific and natural terminology. I. H. Verkhratskyi devoted himself to the establishment of the Ukrainian literary language, its scientific and journalistic backgrounds, and made a significant contribution to lexicography, dialectology, and schooling. Based on the scientific publications and memoirs of his colleagues and students, the authors have recreated the main stages of his biography and considered his professional career. His activity in the field of formation of natural science terminology have been considered in detail. Dialectological materials of the scientist and researcher I. H. Verkhratskyi are still actively used to study the Galician and Transcarpathian dialects. His achievements as a scientist, teacher and popularizer of science has been summarized.Серед вчених європейської величини, які на межі XIX ї XX століть почали цікавитися фольклором Галичини і галицькими українцями, сприяли їх національному і культурному відродженню, одне з перших місць посідає видатний український вчений Іван Григорович Верхратський. Він був природознавцем і філологом, фольклористом і етнографом, організатором наукової праці, видавцем і популяризатором української літератури, перекладачем, публіцистом і відомим громадським діячем. І. Верхратський є також визначним дослідником рослин і тварин Східної Галичини, знавцем комах, особливо метеликів, автор перших шкільних підручників українською мовою з природничих наук. Вчений також писав вірші і робив переклади з іноземних мов. У статті висвітлюється життєвий шлях та науково-педагогічна діяльність І. Г. Верхратського – одного із засновників українського природознавства, який зробив вагомий внесок у розвиток української природничої термінології та номенклатури, автора перших підручників з ботаніки, зоології, мінералогії. Автори вважають, що І. Г.  Верхратського можна вважати одним з основоположників української наукової термінології з природознавства, і в наш час його роботи в цій царині залишаються актуальними. Ці праці цінні й з історико-пізнавального боку як одне з джерел для дослідження процесу формування української літературної мови та науково-природничої термінології. І. Г. Верхратський віддано служив справі утвердження української літературної мови, її наукового та публіцистичного тилів, зробив вагомий внесок у лексикографію, діалектологію, шкільну справу. На основі наукових публікацій та спогадів його колег та учнів нами відтворено основні етапи його біографії та розглянуто його професійну кар’єру. Детально розглянуто його діяльність на ниві формування природничо-наукової термінології. Діалектологічні матеріали вченого і дослідника І. Г. Верхратського й досі активно використовують для вивчення галицьких і закарпатських діалектів. Підсумовано його досягнення як науковця, педагога та популяризатора науки.Среди ученых европейской величины, которые на рубеже XIX и XX веков начали интересоваться фольклором Галичины и галицкими украинцами, способствовали их национальному и культурному возрождению, одно из первых мест занимает выдающийся украинский ученый Иван Григорьевич Верхратский. Он был натуралистом и филологом, фольклористом и этнографом, организатором научной работы, издателем и популяризатором украинской литературы, переводчиком, публицистом и известным общественным деятелем. И. Г. Верхратский был также выдающимся исследователем растений и животных Восточной Галиции, знатоком насекомых, особенно бабочек и автором первых школьных учебников на украинском языке по естественным наукам. Ученый также писал стихи и делал переводы с иностранных языков. В статье освещается жизненный путь и научно-педагогическая деятельность И. Г. Верхратского – одного из основателей украинской естествознания, который внес весомый вклад в развитие украинской естественной терминологии и номенклатуры, автора первых учебников по ботанике, зоологии, минералогии. Авторы считают, что И. Г. Верхратского можно считать одним из основоположников украинской научной терминологии по естествознанию, и в наше время его работы в этой области остаются актуальными. Эти работы ценны и с историко-познавательной стороны, как один из источников для исследования процесса формирования украинского литературного языка и научно-естественной терминологии. И. Г. Верхратский преданно служил делу утверждения украинского литературного языка, его научного и публицистического тылов, внес весомый вклад в лексикографию, диалектологию, школьное дело. На основе научных публикаций и воспоминаний его коллег и учеников нами воспроизведены основные этапы его биографии и рассмотрена его профессиональная карьера. Подробно рассмотрены его деятельность на ниве формирования естественно-научной терминологии. Диалектологические материалы ученого и исследователя И. Г. Верхратского до сих пор активно используют для изучения галицких и закарпатских диалектов. Подитожены его достижения как ученого, педагога и популяризатора науки

    Jagiellonianism in Poland and Ukraine as A Factor of University Education and A Cultural and Historical Phenomenon

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    The relevance of the research topic consists in the necessity of a comprehensive study of the educational and scientific activities of the departments of musicology of Krakow and Lviv universities during the first half of the twentieth century in the context of coverage of the interaction experience between Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions so to determine in such way the features and values of the Ukrainian music science in the European scientific and educational space. The purpose of the research is to discover and to analyze the creative activity of the departments of musicology at the Krakow and Lviv Universities in the context of Jagellonism through the consideration of the principles of European musical academic education since the establishment of these institutions in 1911-1912 and till the beginning of the XXI century. The scientific novelty of the research consists in finding out the leading role of Z. Jachimecky and A. Chybi?ski in the formation and development of national musicological schools in Poland and Ukraine as inheritors of the cultural genetic code of Jagiellonism. That cultural genetic code consisted of special attention to the inter-Slavic relations within the Western-Eastern cultural heritage.&nbsp