41 research outputs found

    Effects of time perspective and self-control on procrastination and Internet addiction

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    College students experiencing stress show tendencies to procrastinate and can develop Internet addiction problems. This study investigated the structural relationship between time perspective and self-control on procrastination and Internet addiction. Methods College students (N = 377) residing in South Korea completed the following questionnaires: the Pathological Internet Use Behavior Symptom Scale for Adults, the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, the Self-Control Rating Scale, and the Aitken Procrastination Inventory. The sample variance–covariance matrix was analyzed using AMOS 20.0. Results Time perspective had a direct effect on self-control and an indirect effect on Internet use and procrastination. In addition, self-control affected procrastination and Internet use. Conclusions Individuals with a present-oriented time perspective tend to evidence poorer self-control, increasing the likelihood of procrastination and Internet addiction. Individuals with a future-oriented time perspective, on the other hand, tend to have stronger self-control, decreasing their risk of procrastination and Internet addiction

    Role of extracellular matrix and microenvironment in regulation of tumor growth and LAR-mediated invasion in glioblastoma

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    The cellular dispersion and therapeutic control of glioblastoma, the most aggressive type of primary brain cancer, depends critically on the migration patterns after surgery and intracellular responses of the individual cancer cells in response to external biochemical cues in the microenvironment. Recent studies have shown that miR-451 regulates downstream molecules including AMPK/CAB39/MARK and mTOR to determine the balance between rapid proliferation and invasion in response to metabolic stress in the harsh tumor microenvironment. Surgical removal of the main tumor is inevitably followed by recurrence of the tumor due to inaccessibility of dispersed tumor cells in normal brain tissue. In order to address this complex process of cell proliferation and invasion and its response to conventional treatment, we propose a mathematical model that analyzes the intracellular dynamics of the miR-451-AMPK- mTOR-cell cycle signaling pathway within a cell. The model identifies a key mechanism underlying the molecular switches between proliferative phase and migratory phase in response to metabolic stress in response to fluctuating glucose levels. We show how up- or down-regulation of components in these pathways affects the key cellular decision to infiltrate or proliferate in a complex microenvironment in the absence and presence of time delays and stochastic noise. Glycosylated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs), a major component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the brain, contribute to the physical structure of the local brain microenvironment but also induce or inhibit glioma invasion by regulating the dynamics of the CSPG receptor LAR as well as the spatiotemporal activation status of resident astrocytes and tumor-associated microglia. Using a multi-scale mathematical model, we investigate a CSPG-induced switch between invasive and non-invasive tumors through the coordination of ECM-cell adhesion and dynamic changes in stromal cells. We show that the CSPG-rich microenvironment is associated with non-invasive tumor lesions through LAR-CSGAG binding while the absence of glycosylated CSPGs induce the critical glioma invasion. We illustrate how high molecular weight CSPGs can regulate the exodus of local reactive astrocytes from the main tumor lesion, leading to encapsulation of non-invasive tumor and inhibition of tumor invasion. These different CSPG conditions also change the spatial profiles of ramified and activated microglia. The complex distribution of CSPGs in the tumor microenvironment can determine the nonlinear invasion behaviors of glioma cells, which suggests the need for careful therapeutic strategies.<br/

    Nematicity dynamics in the charge-density-wave phase of a cuprate superconductor

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    Understanding the interplay between charge, nematic, and structural ordering tendencies in cuprate superconductors is critical to unraveling their complex phase diagram. Using pump-probe time-resolved resonant x-ray scattering on the (0 0 1) Bragg peak at the Cu L3 and oxygen K resonances, we investigate non-equilibrium dynamics of Qa = Qb = 0 nematic order and its association with both charge density wave (CDW) order and lattice dynamics in La1.65Eu0.2Sr0.15CuO4. In contrast to the slow lattice dynamics probed at the apical oxygen K resonance, fast nematicity dynamics are observed at the Cu L3 and planar oxygen K resonances. The temperature dependence of the nematicity dynamics is correlated with the onset of CDW order. These findings unambiguously indicate that the CDW phase, typically evidenced by translational symmetry breaking, includes a significant electronic nematic component.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Strategies of Eradicating Glioma Cells: A Multi-Scale Mathematical Model with MiR-451-AMPK-mTOR Control

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    The cellular dispersion and therapeutic control of glioblastoma, the most aggressive type of primary brain cancer, depends critically on the migration patterns after surgery and intracellular responses of the individual cancer cells in response to external biochemical and biomechanical cues in the microenvironment. Recent studies have shown that a particular microRNA, miR-451, regulates downstream molecules including AMPK and mTOR to determine the balance between rapid proliferation and invasion in response to metabolic stress in the harsh tumor microenvironment. Surgical removal of main tumor is inevitably followed by recurrence of the tumor due to inaccessibility of dispersed tumor cells in normal brain tissue. In order to address this multi-scale nature of glioblastoma proliferation and invasion and its response to conventional treatment, we propose a hybrid model of glioblastoma that analyses spatio-temporal dynamics at the cellular level, linking individual tumor cells with the macroscopic behaviour of cell organization and the microenvironment, and with the intracellular dynamics of miR-451-AMPK-mTOR signaling within a tumour cell. The model identifies a key mechanism underlying the molecular switches between proliferative phase and migratory phase in response to metabolic stress and biophysical interaction between cells in response to fluctuating glucose levels in the presence of blood vessels (BVs). The model predicts that cell migration, therefore efficacy of the treatment, not only depends on oxygen and glucose availability but also on the relative balance between random motility and strength of chemoattractants. Effective control of growing cells near BV sites in addition to relocalization of invisible migratory cells back to the resection site was suggested as a way of eradicating these migratory cells.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Ultrafast X-ray imaging of the light-induced phase transition in VO2

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    Using light to control transient phases in quantum materials is an emerging route to engineer new properties and functionality, with both thermal and non-thermal phases observed out of equilibrium. Transient phases are expected to be heterogeneous, either through photo-generated domain growth or by generating topological defects, and this impacts the dynamics of the system. However, this nanoscale heterogeneity has not been directly observed. Here we use time- and spectrally resolved coherent X-ray imaging to track the prototypical light-induced insulator-to-metal phase transition in vanadium dioxide on the nanoscale with femtosecond time resolution. We show that the early-time dynamics are independent of the initial spatial heterogeneity and observe a 200 fs switch to the metallic phase. A heterogeneous response emerges only after hundreds of picoseconds. Through spectroscopic imaging, we reveal that the transient metallic phase is a highly orthorhombically strained rutile metallic phase, an interpretation that is in contrast to those based on spatially averaged probes. Our results demonstrate the critical importance of spatially and spectrally resolved measurements for understanding and interpreting the transient phases of quantum materials

    Genetic analysis of a novel antioxidant multi-target iron chelator, M30 protecting against chemotherapy-induced alopecia in mice

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    Abstract Background Chemotherapy-induced alopecia has been well documented as a cause of distress to patients undergoing cancer treatment. Almost all traditional chemotherapeutic agents cause severe alopecia. Despite advances in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced alopecia, there is no effective treatment for preventing chemotherapy-induced alopecia. Methods In the present study, we investigated the potential role of a multi-target iron chelator, M30 in protecting against cyclophosphamide-induced alopecia in C57BL/6 mice implanted with an osmotic pump. M30 enhanced hair growth and prevented cyclophosphamide-induced abnormal hair in the mice. Furthermore, we examined the gene expression profiles derived from skin biopsy specimens of normal mice, cyclophosphamide-treated mice, and cyclophosphamide treated mice with M30 supplement. Results The top genes namely Tnfrsf19, Ercc2, Lama5, Ctsl, and Per1 were identified by microarray analysis. These genes were found to be involved in the biological processes of hair cycle, hair cycle phase, hair cycle process, hair follicle development, hair follicle maturation, hair follicle morphogenesis, regulation of hair cycle. Conclusion Our study demonstrates that M30 treatment is a promising therapy for cyclophosphamide-induced alopecia and suggests that the top five genes have unique preventive effects in cyclophosphamide-induced transformation