539 research outputs found

    The need for values education programs for both pre-service teachers and in-service teachers in Vietnam

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    This paper investigates the perceptions of pre-service teachers and in-service teachers regarding the concept of 'values education' and the preparation of values education in professional programs in Vietnam. Furthermore, the pedagogical strategies employed by teachers in addressing values education situations in their classrooms are explored. A qualitative research design was employed, involving interviews with forty-three pre-service teachers from a university. Additionally, eighteen teachers from two different high schools were interviewed, and their teaching sessions, along with school assemblies, were observed. The findings reveal that values education is primarily understood as the instruction of living skills and moral education. There is a lack of conceptualization and knowledge regarding values education among the participants. Both pre-service teachers and in-service teachers did not receive formal values education programs during their university education, and the support provided by schools in this regard was limited. Teachers tended to integrate values education into subjects randomly and subjectively, without employing advanced strategies. Inconsistencies in implementation and challenges associated with teaching values were observed. Highlighting an urgent necessity, this article emphasizes the imperative need for values education programs tailored for both pre-service and in-service teachers in Vietnam. It underscores the significance of adequately equipping teachers to effectively address values education in their classroom

    Neighborhood search for solving personal scheduling problem in available time windows with split-min and deadline constraints

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    The scheduling of individual jobs with certain constraints so that efficiency is a matter of concern. Jobs have deadlines to complete, can be broken down but not too small, and will be scheduled into some available time windows. The goal of the problem is to find a solution so that all jobs are completed as soon as possible. This problem is proved to be a strongly NPNP-hard problem. The implementation of the proposed MILP model using a CPLEX solver was also conducted to determine the optimal solution for the small-size dataset. For large-size dataset, heuristic algorithms are recommended such as First Come First Served (FCFS), Earliest Deadline (EDL), and neighborhood search including  Stochastic Hill Climbing (SHC), Random Restart Hill Climbing (RRHC), Simulated Annealing (SA) to determine a good solution in an acceptable time. Experimental results will present in detail the performance among the groups of exact, heuristic, and neighborhood search methods

    Minimizing makespan of Personal Scheduling problem in available time-windows with split-min and setup-time constraints

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    This paper deals with personal scheduling problem in available time-windows with split-min and setup-time constraints. The jobs are splitable into sub-jobs and a common lower bound on the size of each sub-job is imposed. The objective function aims to find a feasible schedule that minimizes the maximum completion time of all jobs. The proposed scheduling problem was proved to be strongly NP-hard by a reduction to 3-SAT problem in the preliminary results. We propose in this paper an exact method based on MILP model to find optimal solution, some heuristics to find feasible solution and a meta-heuristic based on tabu search algorithm to find good solution. The computational results show the performance of proposed exact method, some heuristics and tabu search algorithm

    An Exploration in Social and Emotional Health of Vietnamese High School Students

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    Social and emotional health (SEH) aims to promote academic success and create school well-being. SEH has not been studied in Vietnam. This article focused on exploring the SEH of Vietnamese high school students because of the high-risk level in mental health that appeared in this group. The study was carried out using a qualitative case study approach to interviewing 74 students, 12 teachers, 7 school administrators, and 4 school counselors. We interpreted four features of SEH\u27s expression of Vietnamese students: (1) Confident but lack of individual perspectives, (2) Respectful but lack of listening and empathy in school relationships, (3) Balanced but lack of authentic perception of emotions and effective emotional management, (4) Satisfied but lack of sustainability and action. This study has broadened our understanding of external behaviours and current limitations in the young people’s SEH from their perspectives in a developing Southeast Asian country to promote positive psychological development in school-based prevention programs

    Antibacterial activities of ethanolic extract of four species of Rutaceae family

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    In this study, the antibacterial activity of ethanolic extract from the leaves of four Rutaceae species, including Acronychia pedunculata, Clausena excavata, Glycosmis pentaphylla and Luvunga scandens, were performed using the agar disk diffusion method for the first time. The ethanolic extracts from the leaves of A. pedunculata and G. pentaphylla were able to resist against all six bacterial strains with zones of inhibition for Bacillus cereus (17.3±2.1 mm, 20.8±1.0 mm) Staphylococcus aureus (8.5±0.5 mm, 17.6±0.3 mm) Escherichia coli (16.7±2.1 mm, 15.3±1.2 mm), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (11.7±0.6 mm, 14.0±1.7 mm), Salmonella enteritidis (22.3±0.6 mm, 24.6±0.5 mm) and Salmonella typhimurium (9.5±0.9 mm, 8.3±0.6 mm). On the other hand, the ethanolic extract of C. excavata leaf was resistant to B. cereus (12.3±0.6 mm), S. aureus (11.6±0.5 mm), E. coli (11.5±2.1 mm), P. aeruginosa (10.6±0.3 mm) while B. cereus (8.2±0.3 mm), S. aureus (9.3±0.6 mm), E. coli (8.5±0.5 mm) and S. typhimurium (8.3±0.6 mm) were inhibited by the ethanolic extract of L. scandens leaf. This study could provide necessary information for further application of these species in medicine

    Chemical composition and antibacterial activities of the ethanol extracts from the leaves and tubers of Amorphophallus pusillus

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    Amorphophallus pusillus is a rare species which is found only in Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve. In this study, we determined 7 flavonoid compounds in tuber and leaf of A. pusillus, including of vitexin, orientin, vitexin 2?-O-glucoside, cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside, pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside, schaftoside, and peonidin 3-O-rutinoside via liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Furthermore, we have proved the antibacterial activities of ethanol extracts obtained from A. pusillus leaves and tubers in the first time. The data revealed that ethanol extracts could inhibit the growth of 6 tested microorganisms, such as Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus. These data suggested the potential application of ethanol extracts isolated from this species as natural antimicrobial agents for treatment of infection caused by bacteria, especially in dermatologic and enteric infections

    El trauma de los niños vietnamitas que viven en familias incompletas

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    Children living in incomplete families have to suffer from more hardships than others including psychological trauma that could never be cured without safe approaches. In this paper, we used the Children Behavior Checklist (CBCL test) by Achenbach to initially filter the incidence of children in incomplete families with psychological trauma, the extent of childhood trauma, and the signs of trauma. Moreover, the Self-esteem scale of Toulouse was also utilized to investigate children's self-esteem and determine the impact of psychological trauma on the self-assessment of children. Based on these tools, the research conducted a correlation analysis of psychological trauma of children in incomplete families through indicators of awareness of, emotions with, and behaviors towards family and social life (self-evaluated by children). The results showed that there are differences in psychological trauma of children in terms of awareness, emotions, and behaviors. The differences allow for a better definition of children's causes, influences, and degrees of psychological trauma. This is the basis for proposing timely filtering solutions and effective psychological support measures for these children. Keywords: correlation analysis; signs of psychological trauma; children; incomplete family; Vietnam.Los niños que viven en familias incompletas tienen que sufrir más dificultades que otros, incluido el trauma psicológico que nunca podría curarse sin enfoques seguros. En este artículo, se utiliza la Lista de Verificación de Comportamiento Infantil (prueba CBCL) de Achenbach para filtrar inicialmente la incidencia de niños en familias incompletas con trauma psicológico, el alcance del trauma infantil y los signos de trauma. Además, la escala de autoestima de Toulouse también se utilizó para investigar la autoestima de los niños y determinar el impacto del trauma psicológico en la autoevaluación de los niños. Con base en estas herramientas, la investigación realizó un análisis de correlación del trauma psicológico de los niños en familias incompletas a través de indicadores de conciencia, emociones y comportamientos hacia la vida familiar y social (autoevaluados por los niños). Los resultados mostraron que existen diferencias en el trauma psicológico de los niños en términos de conciencia, emociones y comportamientos. Las diferencias permiten una mejor definición de las causas, influencias y grados de trauma psicológico de los niños. Esta es la base para proponer soluciones de filtrado oportunas y medidas de apoyo psicológico eficaces para estos niños. Palabras clave: análisis de correlación; signos de trauma psicológico; niños; familia incompleta; Vietnam

    Vocational Orientation and the Need for Establishing Career Counselling Office in Vietnamese Schools

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    School psychology is a field that has been receiving a lot of attention recently in Vietnam as it prepares to restructure the general education curriculum. In particular, vocational orientation and career counseling are most concerned due to the emergence of new subjects in the educational curriculum - Experimental and Vocational Orientation Activities. The objective of this study is to investigate the current situation of vocational orientation problems and the need for career counseling of Vietnamese high school students to provide evidence to develop the school counseling activities and the School Psychology in Vietnam. This is a quantitative study used a questionnaire to examine the current situation of vocational orientation problems and the need for career counseling of 1200 high school students in Vietnam to illustrate the importance of vocational orientation work. The results showed that Vietnamese high school students faced many vocational orientation problems and wanted support from school counselors. But the reality did not meet the needs of students: Vietnamese schools lacked a team of school counselors both in quality and quantity, also lack of school counseling offices in almost high schools. This result is expected to contribute to the development of the School Psychology in Vietnam, but firstly, to promote the establishment of counseling office at least one office per school

    Habenaria diphylla (Nimmo) Dalzell (Orchidaceae), new record for the flora of Vietnam

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    Habenaria diphylla (Nimmo) Dalzell is reported for the first time as a new discovery for the flora of Vietnam based on the specimens collected in Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province. The present study provided the detailed characteristics of the species including detailed photographs of the morphological characteristics, the cross section of the leaf, inflorescence axis and root. Furthermore, the information about the species, including distribution, habitat, ecology and conservation status were also provided