133 research outputs found

    Mitigating the Bullwhip Effect and Enhancing Supply Chain Performance through Demand Information Sharing: An ARENA Simulation Study

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    The supply chain is a network of organizations that collaborate and leverage their resources to deliver products or services to end-customers. In today's globalized and competitive market, organizations must specialize and form partnerships to gain a competitive edge. To thrive in their respective industries, organizations need to prioritize supply chain coordination, as it is integral to their business processes.   Supply chain management focuses on the collaboration of organizations within the supply chain. However, when each echelon member optimizes their goals without considering the network's impact, it leads to suboptimal performance and inefficiencies. This phenomenon is known as the Bullwhip effect, where order variability increases as it moves upstream in the supply chain. The lack of coordination, unincorporated material and information flows, and absence of ordering rules contribute to poor supply chain dynamics. To improve supply chain performance, it is crucial to align organizational activities. Previous research has proposed solutions to mitigate the Bullwhip effect, which has been a topic of intense study for many decades. This research aims to investigate the causes and mitigations of the Bullwhip effect based on existing research. Additionally, the paper utilizes ARENA simulation to examine the impact of sharing end-customer demand information. As far as we are aware, no study has been conducted to deeply simulate the bullwhip effect using the ARENA simulation. Previous studies have investigated this phenomenon, but without delving into its intricacies. The simulation results offer potential strategies to mitigate the Bullwhip effect through demand information sharing. Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Bullwhip effect, Inventory management, ARENA simulation, Information sharing, forecasting technique, Demand variability. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-14-07 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Extended state observer based load frequency controller for three area interconnected power system

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    In this paper, we develop a new extended state variable observer based LFC scheme for three-area interconnected power systems. The extended state observerbased load frequency controllers are developed which utilize disturbance estimation techniques. The propose control approach assures that the fluctuating things of the load frequencies reaches to a safer range and the load frequencies can also be made at a very minimal not to have an effect on power quality and power flow in multi-area interconnected power system. The results of the simulations using MATLAB/SIMULINK done did not only address that the proposed newly control method works effectively but also change powerfully the parameter variations of the interconnected areas of the power system. Especially, it works very well to limit disturbances impact on interconnected areas in the system. Therefore, the performance of interconnected power system under different multi-conditions is simulated with the new control method to demonstrate the feasibility of the system

    Two-Phase Defect Detection Using Clustering and Classification Methods

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    Autonomous fault management of network and distributed systems is a challenging research problem and attracts many research activities. Solving this problem heavily depends on expertise knowledge and supporting tools for monitoring and detecting defects automatically. Recent research activities have focused on machine learning techniques that scrutinize system output data for mining abnormal events and detecting defects. This paper proposes a two-phase defect detection for network and distributed systems using log messages clustering and classification. The approach takes advantage of K-means clustering method to obtain abnormal messages and random forest method to detect the relationship of the abnormal messages and the existing defects. Several experiments have evaluated the performance of this approach using the log message data of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and the bug report data of Bug Tracking System (BTS). Evaluation results have disclosed some remarks with lessons learned

    Ecological Engineering and Restoration of Eroded Muddy Coasts in South East Asia: Knowledge Gaps and Recommendations

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    Ecological engineering (EE) was employed for developing strategies for stabilizing eroded muddy coasts (EMCs). However, there was a limited analysis of these EE strategies with respect to design, performance, and lessons learned. This study employed a critical review for addressing the limitations. There were four EE models designed with different restoration interventions for stabilizing EMCs. The models using active interventions have not been cost-effective in controlling erosion because the interventions failed to achieve their goals or were costly and unnecessary. Of the two passive intervention models, the one with structures constructed from onshore proved to be more cost-effective in terms of construction costs, the survival rate of transplanted seedlings, and levels of sea mud accumulation. Interventions with adequate consideration of the muddy coastal ecological processes and the ecological reasoning for the positioning of these interventions play a crucial role in stabilizing EMCs. A passive restoration model using gradually expanded interventions should be promoted in order to ensure sustainable management of EMCs in the future

    A fuzzy finite element algorithm based on response surface method for free vibration analysis of structure

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    This paper introduces an improved response surface-based fuzzy finite element analysis of structural dynamics. The free vibration of structure is established using superposition method, so that fuzzy displacement responses can be presented as functions of fuzzy mode shapes and fuzzy natural frequencies. Instead of direct determination of these fuzzy quantities by modal analysis which will involve the calculation of the whole finite element model, the paper proposes a felicitous approach to design the response surface as surrogate model for the problem. In the design of the surrogate model, complete quadratic polynomials are selected with all fuzzy variables are transformed to standardized fuzzy variables. This methodology allows accurate determination of the fuzzy dynamic outputs, which is the major issue in response surface based techniques. The effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy finite element algorithm is illustrated through a numerical analysis of a linear two-storey shear frame structure

    Human Ecosystem Approach to The Dynamics of Sustainable Development in Komodo National Park, Indonesia

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    This article aims to present the dynamics of sustainable development in Komodo National Park (KNP) using a human ecosystem model. The Human Ecosystem model is a coherent system of biophysical and social factors capable of adaptation and sustainability over time. A rural village in Komodo island, Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia can be considered a human ecosystem because it has identifiable boundaries, essential ecosystem functions, resource flows, social structures, social processes (including adaptive responses to changed conditions), and dynamic continuity over a period. In 2020, the “Jurassic Park” tourism project in Komodo National Park has become a hot topic on social media after a photo of a Komodo dragon blocking a truck popped up. The project’s rejection became the most popular topic on Twitter with the hashtag #savekomodo. Various groups believe that the project will destroy the Komodo dragon’s natural habitat, evict the local population, and be carried out solely for financial gain. As a result, it is critical to understand the current situation there. The HEM helps us identify the critical resources and the social systems, as well as the key flows that contribute to the dynamic of the human ecosystem in KNP. This article yields three important findings that should be considered in the future management of KNP. First and foremost, the Komodo dragon population is still stable, but it has the potential to decline in the long term due to changes in spatial planning, an increase in tourists, a decrease in food, and poaching. Second, expanding large-capital corporations that can replace local businesses such as boat rentals, car rentals, homestay businesses, restaurants, souvenirs, and tour guides/rangers will reduce local people’s income from tourism. Third, kinship relationships between Komodo dragons and the clan of Ota Moda are eroding because of fewer encounters between Komodo dragons and the island’s indigenous tribal communities. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan dinamika pembangunan berkelanjutan di Taman Nasional Komodo (TNK) dengan menggunakan model human ekosistem. Model human ekosistem adalah system koheren dari faktor biofisik dan sosial yang mampu beradaptasi dan berkelanjutan dari waktu ke waktu. Sebuah desa di pulau Komodo, Labuan Bajo, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia dapat dianggap sebagai human ekosistem karena memiliki batas-batas yang dapat diidentifikasi, fungsi ekosistem esensial, aliran sumber daya, struktur sosial, proses sosial (termasuk respons adaptif terhadap kondisi yang berubah), dan kontinuitas dinamis selama suatu periode. Pada tahun 2020, proyek wisata “Jurassic Park” di Taman Nasional Komodo menjadi topik hangat di media sosial setelah muncul foto Komodo yang menghalangi truk. Penolakan proyek tersebut menjadi topik paling populer di Twitter dengan tagar #savekomodo. Berbagai kalangan percaya bahwa proyek tersebut akan menghancurkan habitat alami komodo, menggusur penduduk setempat, dan dilakukan semata-mata untuk keuntungan finansial. Akibatnya, sangat penting untuk memahami situasi saat ini di sana. HEM membantu untuk mengidentifikasi sumber daya penting dan sistem sosial, serta arus utama yang berkontribusi pada dinamika human ekosistem di TNK. Artikel ini menghasilkan tiga temuan penting yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam pengelolaan TNK di masa mendatang. Pertama dan terpenting, populasi komodo masih stabil, tetapi berpotensi menurun dalam jangka panjang karena perubahan tata ruang, peningkatan wisatawan, penurunan makanan, dan perburuan liar. Kedua, ekspansi perusahaan modal besar yang dapat menggantikan usaha lokal seperti persewaan kapal, persewaan mobil, usaha homestay, restoran, cinderamata, dan pemandu wisata/ranger akan mengurangi pendapatan masyarakat lokal dari pariwisata. Ketiga, hubungan kekerabatan antara komodo dan klan Ota Moda terkikis karena lebih sedikit pertemuan antara komodo dan komunitas suku asli pulau itu

    Vietnam geographical exploitation under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982 (UNCLOS 1982)

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    As an active member of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea - UNCLOS, Vietnam has completed 3 Reports on the Limits of the Continental Shelf and has submitted two of them to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf - CLCS, before the deadline 13-5-2009. Those are: (1) Outer Limits of the Vietnam’s Extended Continental Shelf: North Area (VNM-N); (2) Outer Limits of the Vietnam’s Extended Continental Shelf: Middle Area (VNM-M) and (3) Vietnam - Malaysia Joint Continental Shelf Submission. The VNM-M has not yet been submitted but it was mentioned to the CLCS and will be submitted in the appropriate time.Vietnam’s submissions were highly appreciated by CLCS; although the CLCS has not yet organized a special sub-committee to look at our reports, the secretariat of CLCS has already posted the executive reports of our submissions, with our principle claims on the continental shelf, on the website of the CLCS since May 2009. This paper presents shortly the UNCLOS and its application in Vietnam case
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