269 research outputs found

    Biological data and model development for management of longfinned eels

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    Objectives: 1. Estimate population parameters required for a management model. These include survival, density, age structure, growth, age and size at maturity and at recruitment to the adult eel fishery. Estimate their variability among individuals in a range of habitats. 2. Develop a management population dynamics model and use it to investigate management options. 3. Establish baseline data and sustainability indicators for long-term monitoring. 4. Assess the applicability of the above techniques to other eel fisheries in Australia, in collaboration with NSW. Distribute developed tools via the Australia and New Zealand Eel Reference Group

    Biological data and model development for management of longfinned eels

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    Objectives: 1. Estimate population parameters required for a management model. These include survival, density, age structure, growth, age and size at maturity and at recruitment to the adult eel fishery. Estimate their variability among individuals in a range of habitats. 2. Develop a management population dynamics model and use it to investigate management options. 3. Establish baseline data and sustainability indicators for long-term monitoring. 4. Assess the applicability of the above techniques to other eel fisheries in Australia, in collaboration with NSW. Distribute developed tools via the Australia and New Zealand Eel Reference Group

    White matter during concussion recovery: Comparing diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI)

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    Concussion pathophysiology in humans remains incompletely understood. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has identified microstructural abnormalities in otherwise normal appearing brain tissue, using measures of fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD). The results of prior DTI studies suggest that acute alterations in microstructure persist beyond medical clearance to return to play (RTP), but these measures lack specificity. To better understand the observed effects, this study combined DTI with neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI), which employs a more sophisticated description of water diffusion in the brain. A total of 66 athletes were recruited, including 33 concussed athletes, scanned within 7 days after concussion and at RTP, along with 33 matched controls. Both univariate and multivariate methods identified DTI and NODDI parameters showing effects of concussion on white matter. Spatially extensive decreases in FA and increases in AD and RD were associated with reduced intra-neurite water volume, at both the symptomatic phase of injury and RTP, indicating that effects persist beyond medical clearance. Subsequent analyses also demonstrated that concussed athletes with higher symptom burden and a longer recovery time had greater reductions in FA and increased AD, RD, along with increased neurite dispersion. This study provides the first longitudinal evaluation of concussion from acute injury to RTP using combined DTI and NODDI, significantly enhancing our understanding of the effects of concussion on white matter microstructure

    High-Intensity Interval Training Is Associated With Alterations in Blood Biomarkers Related to Brain Injury

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    Purpose: Blood biomarkers are a useful tool to study concussion. However, their interpretation is complicated by a number of potential biological confounds, including exercise. This is particularly relevant in military and athletic settings where injury commonly occurs during physical exertion. The impact of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on putative brain injury biomarkers remains under-examined. The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of HIIT on a panel of blood biomarkers associated with brain injury.Methods: Eleven healthy, recreationally active males (median age = 29.0, interquartile range = 26.0–31.5) performed HIIT on a bicycle ergometer (8-12 × 60-s intervals at 100% of peak power output, interspersed by 75-s recovery at 50 W) three times/week for 2 weeks. Peripheral blood samples were collected before and immediately after HIIT during the first and last training sessions. Plasma concentrations of s100 calcium-binding protein beta (S100B), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), neuron-specific enolase (NSE), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurogranin (NRGN), peroxiredoxin (PRDX)-6, creatine kinase-BB isoenzyme (CKBB), visinin-like protein (VILIP)-1, von Willebrand factor (vWF), monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9, and total tau (T-tau) were quantitated by high-sensitivity MULTI-SPOT® immunoassay, on the MesoScale Diagnostics electrochemiluminescence detection platform. Differences in biomarker concentrations in response to HIIT were evaluated by partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA) within a repeated-measures bootstrapped framework.Results: Ten of 12 biomarkers were increased pre-to-post HIIT; VILIP-1 remained unchanged, and GFAP was not statistically evaluated due to insufficient detectability. After 2 weeks of HIIT, T-tau was no longer significantly elevated pre-to-post HIIT, and significant attenuation was noted in the acute responses of NRGN, PRDX-6, MMP-9, and vWF. In addition, compared to session 1, session 6 pre-exercise concentrations of NSE and VILIP-1 were significantly lower and higher, respectively.Conclusion: Blood biomarkers commonly associated with brain injury are significantly elevated in response to a single bout of HIIT. After a 2-week, six-session training protocol, this response was attenuated for some, but not all markers. While biomarkers continue to provide promise to concussion research, future studies are necessary to disentangle the common biological sequelae to both exercise and brain injury

    Continental threat: How many common carp (Cyprinus carpio) are there in Australia?

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    Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) are one of the world's most destructive vertebrate pests. In Australia, they dominate many aquatic ecosystems causing a severe threat to aquatic plants, invertebrates, water quality, native fish and social amenity. The Australian Government is considering release of cyprinid herpesvirus-3 (CyHV-3) as a control measure and consequently a robust, continental-scale estimate of the carp population and biomass is essential to inform planning and risk management. Here, we pioneer a novel model-based approach to provide the first estimate of carp density (no/ha) and biomass density (kg/ha) at river reach/waterbody, basin and continental scales. We built a spatial layer of rivers and waterbodies, classified aquatic habitats and calculated the area of each throughout the range of carp in Australia. We then developed a database of fishery-independent electrofishing catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) for habitat types, containing catch information for 574,145 carp caught at 4831 sites. Eastern Australia accounted for 96% of carp biomass and 92% of the total available wetted habitat area (16,686 km2) was occupied. To correct these data for variable detection efficiencies, we used existing electrofishing data and undertook additional field experiments to establish relationships between relative and absolute abundances. We then scaled-up site-based estimates to habitat types to generate continental estimates. The number of carp was estimated at 199.2 M (95%Crl: 106 M to 357.6 M) for an ‘average’ hydrological scenario and 357.5 M (95%Crl: 178.9 M to 685.1 M) for a ‘wet’ hydrological scenario. In eastern Australia, these numbers correspond with biomasses of 205,774 t (95%Crl: 117,532–356,482 t) (average scenario) and 368,357 t (95%Crl: 184,234–705,630 t) (wet scenario). At a continental scale the total biomass was estimated at 215,456 t for an ‘average’ hydrological scenario. Perennial lowland rivers had the highest CPUE and greatest biomass density (up to 826 kg/ha) and the modelled biomass exceeded a density-impact threshold of 80–100 kg/ha in 54% of wetlands and 97% of stream area in large lowland rivers. The continental-scale biomass estimates provide a baseline for focusing national conservation strategies to reduce carp populations below thresholds needed to restore aquatic ecosystems at a range of spatial scales

    Performance feedback: An exploratory study to examine the acceptability and impact for interdisciplinary primary care teams

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    Background - This mixed methods study was designed to explore the acceptability and impact of feedback of team performance data to primary care interdisciplinary teams. // Methods - Seven interdisciplinary teams were offered a one-hour, facilitated performance feedback session presenting data from a comprehensive, previously-conducted evaluation, selecting highlights such as performance on chronic disease management, access, patient satisfaction and team function. // Results - Several recurrent themes emerged from participants' surveys and two rounds of interviews within three months of the feedback session. Team performance measurement and feedback was welcomed across teams and disciplines. This feedback could build the team, the culture, and the capacity for quality improvement. However, existing performance indicators do not equally reflect the role of different disciplines within an interdisciplinary team. Finally, the effect of team performance feedback on intentions to improve performance was hindered by a poor understanding of how the team could use the data. // Conclusions - The findings further our understanding of how performance feedback may engage interdisciplinary team members in improving the quality of primary care and the unique challenges specific to these settings. There is a need to develop a shared sense of responsibility and agenda for quality improvement. Therefore, more efforts to develop flexible and interactive performance-reporting structures (that better reflect contributions from all team members) in which teams could specify the information and audience may assist in promoting quality improvement

    Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote Mammosphere Formation and Decrease E-Cadherin in Normal and Malignant Breast Cells

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    Normal and malignant breast tissue contains a rare population of multi-potent cells with the capacity to self-renew, referred to as stem cells, or tumor initiating cells (TIC). These cells can be enriched by growth as "mammospheres" in three-dimensional cultures.We tested the hypothesis that human bone-marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), which are known to support tumor growth and metastasis, increase mammosphere formation.We found that MSC increased human mammary epithelial cell (HMEC) mammosphere formation in a dose-dependent manner. A similar increase in sphere formation was seen in human inflammatory (SUM149) and non-inflammatory breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7) but not in primary inflammatory breast cancer cells (MDA-IBC-3). We determined that increased mammosphere formation can be mediated by secreted factors as MSC conditioned media from MSC spheroids significantly increased HMEC, MCF-7 and SUM149 mammosphere formation by 6.4 to 21-fold. Mammospheres grown in MSC conditioned media had lower levels of the cell adhesion protein, E-cadherin, and increased expression of N-cadherin in SUM149 and HMEC cells, characteristic of a pro-invasive mesenchymal phenotype. Co-injection with MSC in vivo resulted in a reduced latency time to develop detectable MCF-7 and MDA-IBC-3 tumors and increased the growth of MDA-IBC-3 tumors. Furthermore, E-cadherin expression was decreased in MDA-IBC-3 xenografts with co-injection of MSC.MSC increase the efficiency of primary mammosphere formation in normal and malignant breast cells and decrease E-cadherin expression, a biologic event associated with breast cancer progression and resistance to therapy

    Continuum Reverberation Mapping of the Accretion Disks in Two Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    We present optical continuum lags for two Seyfert 1 galaxies, MCG+08-11-011 and NGC 2617, using monitoring data from a reverberation mapping campaign carried out in 2014. Our light curves span the ugriz filters over four months, with median cadences of 1.0 and 0.6 days for MCG+08-11-011 and NGC 2617, respectively, combined with roughly daily X-ray and near-UV data from Swift for NGC 2617. We find lags consistent with geometrically thin accretion-disk models that predict a lag-wavelength relation of τ ∝ λ 4/3. However, the observed lags are larger than predictions based on standard thin-disk theory by factors of 3.3 for MCG+08-11-011 and 2.3 for NGC 2617. These differences can be explained if the mass accretion rates are larger than inferred from the optical luminosity by a factor of 4.3 in MCG+08-11-011 and a factor of 1.3 in NGC 2617, although uncertainty in the SMBH masses determines the significance of this result. While the X-ray variability in NGC 2617 precedes the UV/optical variability, the long (2.6 day) lag is problematic for coronal reprocessing models

    Reverberation Mapping of Optical Emission Lines in Five Active Galaxies

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    We present the first results from an optical reverberation mapping campaign executed in 2014 targeting the active galactic nuclei (AGNs) MCG+08-11-011, NGC 2617, NGC 4051, 3C 382, and Mrk 374. Our targets have diverse and interesting observational properties, including a changing look AGN and a broad-line radio galaxy. Based on continuum-Hβ lags, we measure black hole masses for all five targets. We also obtain Hγ and He ii λ4686 lags for all objects except 3C 382. The He ii λ4686 lags indicate radial stratification of the BLR, and the masses derived from different emission lines are in general agreement. The relative responsivities of these lines are also in qualitative agreement with photoionization models. These spectra have extremely high signal-to-noise ratios (100-300 per pixel) and there are excellent prospects for obtaining velocity-resolved reverberation signatures