1,148 research outputs found

    Service Quality, Customersā€™ Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Study on Insurance Companies in Adama, Ethiopia

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    The aim of this research is to examine the level of customersā€™ satisfaction and loyalty with respect to the current service being delivered at the target insurance companies. The study examines the level of customer satisfaction through the application of two different customer satisfaction measurements namely; the servqual and overall customersā€™ satisfaction models. Moreover, the study investigates the significance relationship between the overall customerā€™s satisfaction and their loyalty. In order to address the aim of the research, both primary and secondary data were collected and employed. Related literatures were reviewed and descriptive research method was employed. The result from the servqual analysis revels that reliability is the most critical dimension followed by responsiveness, assurance, empathy while tangibility is found to be less critical dimension of service quality and customers satisfaction. Moreover, it is found that customersā€™ satisfaction is significantly and positively related with customersā€™ loyalty. Keywords: Insurance, service quality, customer satisfaction, loyalty, Adama, Ethiopia

    Peramalan Kemasukan Penagih Dadah Wanita Ke Pusat Serenti Kemumin, Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan

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    This study is a scientific analysis to forecast the inflow of female drug addict to Pusat Serenti Kemumin, Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan from year 2002 to 2006. The objective of the study is to identify a suitable model as well as to identify a suitable model as well as to study the expected number admission of female drug addict within the duration. The four selected and tested model in the study is the Moving Average. Weighted Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing and Linear Regression. The smallest value of the Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) will be chosen as most suitable method. The most suitable method is the Linear Regression. The study showed the inflow of female drug addict increase totally. Female drug addict admission that was classified as the new drug addict is also on an increase


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    The end of the Second World War brought a new kind of system and of stability in Europe that they never had experienced before. The war, occupation, and postwar European institutions transformed Germany profoundly both internally and externally by linking its foreign and security policy to multilateral frameworks. The new Germany is not a major military power like the old German empire, rather the most powerful civilian, economic and political actor that have the capability to influence policies in Europe and beyond without employing military power

    Assessment on Safety Status of Camel Raw Milk Marketed in Samara-Logia Town of Afar National Regional State, Northeast Ethiopia

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    A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine bacteriological quality of camel raw milk and to assess the risk factors associated with hygienic quality of camel milk marketed in Samara-Logia town, Afar, north-eastern Ethiopia from December 2013 to April 2014. One hundred thirty (130) milk samples were collected from randomly selected milk sellers andĀ  assessed by platingĀ  of total aerobic plate count (TAPC), psychrotrophic count (PC), aerobic mesophilic spore-former count (AMSC) and total coliforms count (TCC). Isolation and identification of S. aureus and E.coli was also done. The mean log10 counts per ml for TAPC, PC, AMSC and TCC were 6.37 log cfu/ml, 5.83 log cfu/ml, 4.69log cfu/ml and 4.87 log cfu/ml, respectively. From 130 examined milk samples, 88 (67.7 %) were found to be culture positive and yield at least one bacterium. S. aureus and E.coli were found in 56.2 % and 24.6 % milk samples, respectively. According to Kenya quality standards for whole unpasteurized milk more than 86.2 % of milk samples had TAPC at the final market exceeded the acceptable limit of 106 cfu/ml; (grade III or fair) quality of raw milk an indicator of poor quality and point out the potential health risk of consuming raw camel milk under the present production conditions. Result of the questionnaire survey show that milk was generally produced by the pastoral communities under unhygienic environmental conditions with the use of poor quality river water for cleaning. Hence, based on the bacteriological results coupled with the consumerā€™s habit of raw milk consumption and cultural taboo on boiling milk, it is concluded that this milk may pose a public health hazard with different milk-borne pathogens. Therefore, in order to safeguard consumer health and to strengthen the source of income through the sale of milk by producers and sellers, there should be initiatives to lower microbiological contamination of camel milk starting from milking level to final market. To ensues safety status of camel milk, training on hygienic handling of milk for herders, other interventions that focus on provision of clean water, milk cooling facilities at milking level and efficient or organized milk transportation and storage systems are necessary. Keywords: Bacteriological quality, Camel milk, local market, Samara-Logi

    Regional Flood Frequency Analysis for Abaya ā€“ Chamo Sub Basin, Rift Valley Basin, Ethiopia

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    The purpose of this study is to develop the regional flood frequency (growth) curve and index flood estimation equation (model) essential for computing flood quantiles for ungauged catchments in Abaya-Chamo sub basin by using an index flood method. Annual series model is used for the analysis. Identification of homogeneous region was performed initially on the basis of catchment characteristics like slope, elevation, soil type, soil texture and mean annual rainfall and flood statics are used for test of homogeneity of the proposed region. 17 rainfall stations were selected for analysis based on length and quality of the data they have. Concerning on the above procedure the Abaya-Chamo sub basin was divided in to three regions. Region one is located in the South-West part of the sub basin which covers the area of 4583sq. km, region two is located at the middle of the sub basin with an area of 5701sq. km and region three located at North-east and South-West part of the sub basin also covers an area of 7259sq. km. For the above regions selection of parent distribution was performed on the bases of the three common methods which are probability plot by using SPSS software, statistical method like Chi- square test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and moment diagram (both conventional and L- moment). From the candidate distribution from all methods best fit distribution is selected by using the software called Easy Fit test. For the selected distribution parameter estimation technique was selected by performing a Robustness Assessment. Accordingly, GEV with PWM selected for region one, LN (2P) with MOM is selected for region two, finally Gamma (2P) with PWM is selected for region three and the regional growth curve were developed for each regions by using the selected parameter estimation techniques. Accordingly the Abaya-Chamo sub basin was divided in to two regions and the index flood estimation equation were developed with a coefficient of determination (R2) 0.93 for upper region and 0.99 for lower region. Keywords: Abaya-Chamo sub basin, index flood method, SPSS software, Easy Fit software.

    Integrated Weed Management Technologies for the Control of Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds in Wheat in South Eastern Ethiopia

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    A study was conducted at Bekoji Negeso, Huruba Wolkite and Boru chilalo farmerā€™s field during 2016/17 and 2017/18 main cropping seasons to evaluate and validate effective and economical integrated weed management package for the control of annual grasses and broad leaf weeds in wheat. Pyroxsulam 0.5 lit/ha applied at 25-30 days after sowing, Pyroxsulam 0.5 lit/ha applied at 25-30 DAS followed by one hand weeding at 55-60 DAS, Clodinafop-propargyl 1 lit/ha + 2, 4-D 1 lit/ha applied at 25-30 DAS, Clodinafop-propargyl 1 lit/ha + 2, 4-D 1 lit/ha applied at 25-30 DAS followed by one hand weeding at 55-60 DAS, twice hand weeding at 30-35 and 55-60 DAS as standard check and weedy check for comparison purpose were treatments laid out in split plot design based on RCBD arrangement with three replications. The highest weed control efficiency of 86-100% was recorded in Pyroxulam + one hand weeding combined with four ploughing in controlling annual grasses(Snowdenia polystachya, Avena fatua, Bromus pectinatus) and broad leaf weeds (Gizotia scabra, Galinsoga parviflora and Polygonum nepalense) followed by Pyroxulam only(80-100%) and twice hand weeding(75-100%). The minimum weed control efficiency (0%) was recorded in weedy check treatment. Similarly, the highest grain yield of 4109 kg/ha was achieved by Pyroxulam + one hand weeding combined with four ploughings which was followed by Pyroxulam only (3841 kg/ha), twice hand weeding (3650 kg/ha), Clodinafop-propargyl + 2,4-D + one hand weeding ( 3590 kg/ha) and Clodinafop-propargyl + 2,4-D (3306 kg/ha) whereas weedy Check (1763 kg/ha) performed the least in yield. Hence, Pyroxulam as post-emergence application + one hand weeding combined with four ploughings was effective and the best integrated weed management package for controlling annual grasses and broad leaf weeds in wheat fields. Keywords: Clodinafop-propargyl, Evaluation, Integrated Weed Management, Pyroxsulam, Wheat fields DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/12-22-03 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) as Collective Action for Improved Urban Environment Governance in Ethiopia

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    Rapid rates of urbanization and unplanned expansion of cities have resulted in dramatic environmental deterioration, severely affecting the growing numbers of urban poor and acute shortage of basic urban service delivery. These problems have been exacerbated by squatter settlement and migration among other things. Empirical literatures provides compelling evidence that various attempts has been made by the government to solve urban environmental governance problems and to provide better services in urban areas including clean water supply, sanitation, drainage facilities, green parks and deforestation. However, the situation is likely to remain unchanged in the future despite the government efforts to improve the infrastructure and service delivery as well as urban environment governance. Although significant effort have been made to improve and cope up with the increasing demand from the public on various services from urban areas, due to complexity of the services as a result of rapid and unplanned urbanization; massive squatter settlement, and increasing number of urban dwellers, has become very challenging for the government alone to deliver the services for its dwellers. Moreover, in most urban areas in developing countries like Ethiopia, the problem is more complicated due to typical characteristics of public sector: inefficiency and lack of effectiveness and due to inadequate and unsustainable nature of service; and overall poor performance. It is thus important to fill the gap by partnerships with private sectors seems plausible options to efficiently and effectively improve urban service delivery for its dwellers. Empirical literatureĀ  showed that to date, government efforts directed at solving serious urban environmental problems in developing countries have not mobilized the private sector, non-governmental organizations and community initiatives at the planning and management levels. Because of this, the project on urban governance did not bring significant change in protecting natural environment and improving urban services to dwellers. Though theĀ  Public-Private partnerships(PPPs) inĀ  urban environment governance has been practiced in other parts of the world, the empirical review on Ethiopia urban environment showed thatĀ  there is huge gap in mobilizing collective action in form of PPPs to overcome the natural resource degradation and enhance urban environment governance in the country. Hence, coordinating and mobilizing the private sector to address the increasing demand for urban environment governance by urban dwellers is important for sustainable development activities of the countries. This is because, institutional structure like PPPs can fill the gap that cannot be filled by the public sector and improve urban environment governance services to its dwellers. This article reviewed PPPs initiatives in other countries which involve mutual cooperation of the private and public institutions to deliver reliable, affordable, profitable, eco-efficient urban infrastructure services, and indicated possibility for adapting to developing countries like Ethiopia. The article reveals that the arrangement is preferable because it is a pool of two sectors: the dynamism, access to finance, knowledge of technologies, managerial efficiency, and entrepreneurism of the private sector with the social responsibility, environmental awareness, local knowledge, and job creation concerns of the public. It is business solutions to urban environment governance. Thus, findings show that Ethiopia also can adapt the model to improve the urban environment services. Therefore, a significant lesson can be drawn for Ethiopian urban environment taking into account the experiences, successes and challenges faced by other countries in the process of adopting the PPPs model as collective action to enhance urban environment governance issues in the country. Keywords: Urban Environment Governance, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), Collective Actio

    Loan Provision by Micro Financing Institutions for Poverty Reduction and Its Linkages with Local Economic Development Strategies in Ethiopia

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    Micro Financing Institutions (MFIs) loan provision to poor is proving as a key strategy for poverty alleviation and inadequate access to credit by the poor has been identified as one of the contributing factors to poverty. To this end, this studies aims at assessing linkages between MF loans Provision in line with local economic development and provide basis for policy formulation at regional and national level in regard to MFIs and LED. To attain this objective, studies from Ethiopia and other countries have been reviewed. Empirical reviews showed that these institutions provided opportunities for self-employment; improved women's security; autonomy, self confidence and status within the society and household; helped in improving childrenā€™s Education. Above all, as pro-poor program; they targeted the most vulnerable groups in society, particularly women, who remain confined to households with little or almost no assets. In Ethiopia, great efforts are being made since last two decades by expanding MFIs loan provision services to the various groups of the people specifically the poor to facilitate poverty reduction effort. Despite the increasing reliance on MFIs as one of the instrument to reduce poverty in Ethiopia; very little work has been undertaken to examine the linkage of the microfinance expansion with local economic development (LED) strategy of the particular region. The studies reviewed revealed that there has been duplication of business undertaken in various parts of the region. This is due to lack of linkage and synergy of the loan provision by MFIs to the LED strategy of a given local area in particular and regions in general. The reviewed literature indicated that on account of decentralization of the development plan to optimize the potential of each region and mobilize resources; the local governments have been empowered to undertake social and economic development endeavor. It has also been found that, the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) (2010/11-2014/15) and LED were closely aligned. The interconnection between GTP and LED existed directly through the micro-small scale enterprises (MSE), cooperatives and other associations. Since LED aims to create efficient and functioning local economies as a consequence it has a direct alignment with growth and transformation efforts. Therefore, linking the microfinance loan provision to the local development priority appeared is very critical for the sustainability of the MSE businesses to benefit from local available potential resources for poverty alleviation program. Empirical evidences reflected that the current urban policy, the MSE strategy and the regional development framework provided additional opportunities for the implementation of LED and creating synergy between MFIs & MSE in Ethiopia. In light of the above view, the current MFIs loan provisions and local development priority of various regions as very important point of emphasis unseen in Ethiopia. Moreover, the findings of the study revealed that there is clearly identified lack of synergy between MFIs, MSE, Cooperatives Agency, Local administrative apparatus and LED in various regions in Ethiopia. This necessitatesĀ  the stakeholders have to set policy that fills upĀ  the gap and create strong linkage between MFIs loan provisions to LED priority of particular regions to assure the sustainability of MSE businesses; and enhances the contributions of MFIs for poverty alleviation in Ethiopia. All in all, the researcher recommends that both Federal, regional government and other concerned stakeholders to work towards digging deeper to find keys to success. Key words: MFIs Loan Provision, Linkages, LED strateg

    The Influence of Knowledge Management Practices on Organizational Performance: The Case of Public Service and Human Resource Development Bureau SNNPR, Ethiopia

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    The use and management of organizational knowledge has become a commercial obligation to gain competitive advantage. Knowledge is one of the major strategic resources in addition to the traditional factor of production such as labor and capital. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the influence of knowledge management practice on organizational performance. The data used for this study was collected from employees of Public Service and Human Resource Development Bureau in Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR) with the total sample size of 118, and employees were selected by applying systematic random sampling technique. The study used Pearson correlation and simple regression to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that, all knowledge management practices significantly and positively influences organizational performance. Keywords: Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Organizational Performance, SNNPR DOI: 10.7176/IKM/10-6-01 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Effect of Blending, Soaking and Roasting of Fava bean, Fenugreek and Lentil on Physicochemical and Sensory Acceptability of ā€˜Hilbetā€™

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    Hilbet` is a special type of traditional fasting fava bean sauce food particularly well known and used in the northern Ethiopian. It is foam prepared from lightly roasted and soaked fava bean, fenugreek lentil grains, milled and sifted into fine flour called Hilbet flourā€Ÿ. The aim of this study to evaluate the effect of blending, soaking and roasting of fava bean, fenugreek and lentil on physicochemical and sensory acceptability of ā€œHilbetā€ products were evaluated. The processing methods were soaking and roasting (S and R) of fava bean, fenugreek and lentil. The proportions are SB1 (73FB:14LE:13FG), SB2 (80FB:7LE:13FG), SB3 (87FB:13FG), RB1 (73FB:14LE:13FG), RB2 (80FB:7LE:13FG) and RB3 (87FB:13FG) for this 2x3 factorial design was used. The products were analyzed for their major nutrient contents such as moisture, ash, crude fiber, protein, fat, carbohydrate, gross energy and minerals. Sensory evaluation was conducted for evaluating of colour, taste, flavour, texture and overall acceptability. The moisture content of SB3 was the highest observed. The SB1 showed the highest in fiber and carbohydrate, whereas the RB3 was the highest in fat and gross energy. The RB1 showed the highest in protein content, ash, Ca, Mg, Fe and Cu, whereas Zn was the highest in SB2. The soaked Hilbet product showed best overall acceptability than roasted product. Keywords: Blending, Soaking, Roasting, Fava bean, Fenugreek, Lentil, Physicochemical and Hilbet . DOI: 10.7176/FSQM/121-02 Publication date: January 31st 202
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