4,560 research outputs found

    Customer’s satisfaction and brand awareness : Case: Bulsho Cooperative, Finland

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    The aim of the research is to find out ways to create an awareness of Bulsho cooperative, its brand image and brand identity in order to strengthen the brand and develop a competitive advantage over other similar brands. To satisfy customers’ needs by providing quality goods and services, know how customers behave, make the decision to purchase goods or services, what factors influence those decisions and how do these factors change their purchasing patterns. Improve sales services and broadening customer base Determine what role do the factors influencing consumer’s behavior play in the sales of goods? Improve the brand value and image awareness The theoretical framework is based on literature about analysis of the target market, role of the consumer, Consumer behavior, Factors influencing consumers, Decision making process, Need Recognition, Brand awareness and customer satisfaction, Factors influencing branding, Brand identity, image and positioning, Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty and Internal and external customer satisfaction The empirical study was conducted in the form of a printed questionnaire, which was given to customers of Bulsho in Helsinki. 192 responses were returned and an interview with the marketing manager of Bulsho cooperative to draw comparisons between the opinion of the customers and those of the employer. The research methods were both qualitative and quantitative. The result indicates that the management needs to step up its publicity to increase the brand awareness and strengthen the brand identity and image to be competitive. Customers were satisfied with the variety of goods and service but not with the flow of information, support services and general customers’ services while receiving the goods and services Bulsho provides. To conclude Bulsho cooperative should increase its publicity via advertisement campaign to strengthen its brand awareness, image and identity amongst customers using all available means of communication, It should develop good flow of information and communication to and from customers and improve service quality and support services

    Thermal performance enhancement of a heat exchanger using metal chain as a novel turbulator

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    Enhancing heat transfer in a heat exchanger system is critical to many industrial applications. There are many problems that require in-depth studies to find solutions. One of the main problems is the poor heat transfer rate, due to the fluid flow behavior inside the tubes, and to increase the heat transfer rate, the flow behavior inside the heat exchanger tubes must be changed. This study presents an experimental and numerical approach to enhance heat transfer in a heat exchanger tube using new types of turbulator (metal chains) inserted in the heat exchanger tube to change the flow behavior. Fifteen (15) configurations of metal chains were tested; three ratios of the wire diameter/tube diameter, (t/D = 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2), with five lengths of the chainrings represented by the ring length/tube diameter, (P/D = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). The experimental system (test rig) consisted of a 2000 mm thermal insulated carbon steel tube exchanger test section, in which the inner and outer diameters were 20 mm and 26 mm respectively. The fluid used was heavy fuel oil, with a fully developed turbulent flow, Reynolds number, (Re = 5000 to 15000), and uniform heat flux on the external wall of 6000-Watt. A 3D computational fluid dynamics calculation was also made to study the effect of metal chains on the fluid flow behavior inside the tubes on the overall thermal performance. Both experimental and simulation results showed that the insertion of the metal chain into the heat exchanger tube increases the thermal performance factor (η), the Nusselt number (Nu), and the friction factor (f). The thermal performance factor (η) decreased with the increase in Reynolds number for all cases. The highest thermal performance factor (η) was found at t/D = 0.15 and P/D = 3, while both the highest Nusselt number (Nu) and friction factor (f) were found at t/D = 0.2 and t/D = 1. The numerical study unveiled that the use of metal chains inside the tube leads to path changes and splits in the fluid flow. It is crucial to generate large longitudinal and transverse vortices inside the tube. These vortices play a substantial role in enhancing heat transfer

    Development of safety health monitoring device to prevent and control risk in confined space

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    IoT (the Internet of Things) has become an interesting topic in the field of technology research. It is basically connected to each other through the Internet from the device. We usually think of IoT in terms of independent cars and smart homes, but some of the best applications of Internet technology stuff in a very practical area. The main contribution of this thesis is to introduce an approach and provide a supporting platform for the automated synthesis of interoperability software artifacts. Such artifacts enable the interconnection between mobile Things that employ heterogeneous middleware protocols. Our platform further supports evaluating the effectiveness of the interconnection in terms of end-to-end QoS. More specifically, we derive formal conditions for successful interactions, and we enable performance modeling and analysis as well as end-to-end system tuning, while considering several system parameters related to the mobile IoT

    Experimental Study to Design and Manufacturing of NACA 0012 Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade

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    في هذا البحث تم تصميم وتحليل وتحسين وتصنيع ريشة توربين رياح افقي المحور ذات مقطع متنـاظر نـوع NACA) (0012. للحصول على اداء وسلوك أفضل من الضروري تثبيت بعض العوامل والتحكم في عوامل اخرى للوصول الى أفضل أداء لريشة توربين الرياح. تم استخدام برنامج فولرتران 90 لتحليل وحساب بيانات التصميم وكذلك مقارنة هذه البيانات مع نتائج CFD Code. كذلك تم استخدام طرق التحسين (Scmitz, betz and lift/drag optimization) لتحسين وتر وزاوية الملعب لريشة توربين الرياح. من ثم رسم ريش التوربين بواسطة برنامج solidwork بعد ذلك ارسال هذه البيانات الى 3D printer ليتم تصنيـع الريـش. علما ان الريـش صنعت من مـادة الاليـاف الزجاجية. النتائج كانت كالتالي، حيث كانت قبل التحسين Cp =0.481 عند TSR=7، وبعد التحسين اصبحت   Cp = 0.556 .عند استخدام نظرية Schmitz لتحسين الوتر وطريقة lift/drag optimization لتحسين زاوية الملعب, وكانت الـ Cp = 0.53 عند استخدام نظرية Betz لتحسين الوتر وطريقة lift/drag optimization لتحسين زاوية الملعب.In this research, the design, analysis, improvement, and manufacturing of a horizontal axis wind turbine with symmetrical blade section type (NACA 0012) airfoil have been achieved. For better performance and behavior, it is necessary to install some parameters and controlled the others to achieve the best wind turbine performance. Fortran 90 computer programs are used to analyze and calculate the design data as well as compare these data with the results of CFD code. Then the optimization methods Scmitz, betz and lift/drag optimization were used to improve chord and pitch angle for a wind turbine. Turbine blades were drawn by solidwork program, and then this data was transferred to the 3D printer to manufacture the blades. Note that the blades were made of fiberglass material. The results were as follows, where the Cp =0.481 at TSR=7 before optimization and after optimization, the best results were as follows Cp = 0.556 at Schmitz chord optimization and lift/drag twist optimization, Also Cp = 0.53 at Betz chord optimization and lift/drag twist optimization at same TSR

    Evaluation of the Energy Efficiency Gained by (Motion and Stability) of the Solar Cell Interface According to the Specific Angles of the Location of the Sun Disk in Diwaniyah City (Applied Climate Study)

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    يسلط البحث الضوء على أهمية توجيه ألواح الخلايا الشمسية فصليا وضمن ساعات النهار خلال الفصل ألواحد  في تحقيق أعلى كسب للطاقة الشمسية التي يمكن تحويلها الى طاقة كهربائية،اشتملت الدراسة على  أربعة فصول (الصيف، والشتاء، والاعتدالين الربيعي والخريفي)، تم اعتماد الدرجة المعيارية بوصفها وسيلة احصائية لبيان الفارق في الطاقة الواصلة لسطح ألواح الخلايا الشمسية في حالتي ثبات وحركة لألواح الخلايا الشمسية وفقا لزاويتي سمت الرأس وزاوية البعد الافقي، وتم بناء قاعدة للبيانات للمدة المحصورة بين (830-1230)ولكل فصل. وتم تحديد الزوايا المحددة لموقع قرص الشمس في مدينة الديوانية بدلالة موقعها الفلكي وذلك باستعمال برنامج  ( Energy 3D  programme)، وتم قياس شدة الاشعاع الشمسي المباشر والمنتشر بأستعمال جهاز(Solar power meter SPM – 1116 SD) وقد تم إعتماد موقع للرصد الميداني للإشعاع الشمسي بعيدا عن الابنية لتفادي تاثيرها على شدة الاشعاع الواصل.       توصلت الدراسة الى مجموعة من النتائج يمكن ايجازها على النحو الاتي: 1-يتحقق أعلى كسب للطاقة عندما تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية ثابتة باتجاه موقع قرص الشمس المحدد بزاوية  سمت الرأس (صفر⁰) في فصل الصيف في الساعة( 830)، ويتحقق أعلى كسب للطاقة عندما تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية باتجاه موقع قرص الشمس المحدد بزاوية  سمت الرأس (صفر⁰) في الساعة( 1030)، اما في الساعة (1230) فقد تحقق أعلى كسب للطاقة عندما تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية ثابتة باتجاه موقع قرص الشمس المحدد بزاوية سمت الرأس (صفر⁰) (1230). 2--يتحقق أعلى كسب للطاقة عندما تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية متحركة باتجاه قرص الشمس المحدد بزاوية سمت الرأس (⁰45)، وزاوية البعد الافقي(135⁰) جنوب الشرقي في وقت (830) في فصل الشتاء، أما في الساعة(1030) فأن أعلى كسب للطاقة يتحقق عندما  تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية متحركة باتجاه قرص الشمس المحدد بزاوية سمت الرأس (⁰30)، وزاوية البعد الافقي (180⁰) جنوبا، أما في الساعة(1230) فقد تحقق أعلى كسب للطاقة عندما تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية متحركة باتجاه قرص الشمس المحددة بزاوية سمت الرأس (45⁰)، وزاوية البعد الافقي(180⁰) جنوبا. 3- تصدر الاعتدال الخريفي بقية الفصول في نسبة الوقت الذي يشهد فرقاً(عالياً جدا) في الطاقة في حال حركة ألواح الخلايا الشمسية تزامنا مع حركة قرص الشمس بالمقارنة مكتسب الطاقة في حال ثباتها لتبلغ (22,44%)ضمن رقعة الزمن الممتد من الساعة(830-1230) بمعدل فرقاً بلغ (326,3واط /م2/ الساعة)وبزوايا البعد افقي التي تراوحت بين(112-129,08⁰)، في حين تقلصت نسبة الوقت الذي يشهد فرقاً( عالياً جدا) في فصل الصيف بلغ (14,28%) بمعدل فرق في كسب الطاقة بلغ (273,9 واط /م2/الساعة) وبزوايا بعد افقي تراوحت بين( 143,08-160,2 ⁰). The research highlights the importance of directing solar panels quarterly and within daylight hours within each single season - in achieving the highest solar gain that can be converted into electrical energy. The study included four seasons (summer, winter, and spring and autumn equinoxes). The standard score was applied as a statistical method to classify the difference in the energy reaching the surface of the solar cell panels. The specific angles of the location of the sun disk in Diwaniyah city were determined by its astronomical location using (Energy 3D program), and the intensity of direct and diffuse solar radiation was measured using a device ( Solar power meter (SPM-1116 SD) has been observed site monitoring The field of solar radiation away from buildings to avoid the impact on the radiation intensity of connecting.       The study reached a set of results that can be summarized as follows 1-The highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are stationary towards the position of the sun disk specified at the head azimuth angle (zero⁰) in the summer at 830, and the highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are towards the sun disk position at the angle specified The azimuth of the head (zero⁰) at (1030), but at (1230) the highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are fixed towards the position of the sun disk specified at the angle of the head azimuth (zero⁰) (1230) 2-The highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are moving towards the sun disk specified at the angle of the head azimuth (⁰45), and the angle of the horizontal dimension (135⁰) southeast at 830 in winter, and at 1030 The highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are moving towards the sun's disc set at the angle of the head azimuth (⁰30), the angle of the horizontal dimension (180⁰) south, and at 1230 the highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are moving towards The sun disk is determined by the angle of the azimuth of the head (45⁰), and the angle of the horizontal dimension (180⁰) southward. 3-Autumnal equinox presided the rest of the seasons in the proportion of time, which sees a (very high) difference in energy in the case of the movement of solar cells coinciding with the movement of the solar disk compared to gain energy in the case of stability to reach (22.44%) within the time span of the hour ( The difference in power gain was (326.3 W / m2 / hour) and the horizontal dimension angles ranged from (112-129.08), while the percentage of time witnessed (very high) difference in Summer to reach (14.28%) rate of difference in energy gain of (273.9 W / m2 / hour) and angles of horizontal dimension ranged between (143.08 to 160.2 ⁰)

    A user preference modelling method for the assessment of visual complexity in building façade

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    This work aims to provide a method to assess the perceptual impact of visual complexity of building facades. The research identifies three variables that incorporate the effect of visual complexity. These variables are the number of design elements and the variation in their position and colour. It introduces the concepts of vertices and corners as atomic indicators on which the physical measurement of the three variables is built. The study designs an experiment, which involves measuring visual complexity and its variables in images of building facades using image-processing techniques, collecting participant's' characteristics and reactions towards the images through an online questionnaire and statistically analysing the relationships between these measures and the reactions and characteristics of participants. The research offers a quantitative lens on the effect of visual complexity as a comprehensive phenomenon on preferences. The study demonstrates that the three variables can be systematically measured, and shows that participants have common visual reactions toward the aspects of visual complexity in images of building facades. This uniformity is confirmed by a regression model, which provides an adequate fit of the three variables as independent variables and preference as a dependent variable. It offers an objective method to assess visual complexity in images of building facades according to common optimal values of the three variables as guidelines to evaluate the design of building facades. These optimal values correspond to the average of the highest rates of the preferences of residents. Planning authorities and design firms can use this method as an objective way to evaluate design alternatives based on the preferences of residents

    The Issue of Urban Character in the Suez Canal Region: A Proposed Matrix for Developing the Area’s Urban Character in Light of the Egyptian State’s Development Plans

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    Because of its environmental, social and humanitarian dimensions, the problem of urban character and absence of identity and authenticity is one of the issues of greatest concern in urban planning. There are thus several justifications for this research, including the importance of urban character for Suez Canal cities and the significance of place-identity and local character in Arab cities at large. This paper aims to observe and report on actual urban conditions in some of the districts in the Suez Canal governorates and to propose recommendations to support the process of development and urban conservation in an effort to ensure the continuity of the distinctive urban character of built-up areas of value. The methodology adopted in the first section of this paper to observe and assess existing urban conditions involves making use of earlier research and field studies dealing with the cities of Port Said, Ismailia and Suez where built-up areas developed in a natural, planned manner according to the needs and limitations of the cities. The Suez Canal Company traversed the Suez Canal water barrier and built the district of Port Fouad on the east bank of the Canal, thus dividing the city’s built-up area into two districts or quarters: the eastern quarter (Al Sharq) and the western quarter (Al Gharb). (1)This paper also sheds light on the stages of growth and development of urban masses at different periods and examines the three growth axes in the cities concerned as well as the different types of land use. (2)The type of urban fabric, the characteristic attributes and the visual aspects of cities in the Suez Canal region are explored towards the end of the paper. Mixed residential land use is widespread while touristic, commercial and touristic / residential uses are concentrated mainly along the Mediterranean coast and (mixed with commercial land uses) eastward along the banks of the Suez Canal. Land use along the main streets of the cities is primarily residential / commercial – an attribute that has a visual and functional impact on city planning and that must therefore be taken into consideration by development plans and by all the parties involved in the planning process. (3) Keywords: Suez Canal Region – Urban Character – Port Said – Suez – Ismailia – Al Arab Quarter – Western Quarter – Architectural Characte